Read STUNG (Dark Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Alana Marlowe

Tags: #D/s Dark Erotic Romance

STUNG (Dark Erotic Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: STUNG (Dark Erotic Romance)
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Country Hospitality


As she looked in the mirror, she frowned a bit, looking at the tiny wrinkles on her face while trying to get her body to fit into the sundress the way she wanted. No matter how many chicken cutlets she stuffed into her bra, gravity would always win.


She decided not to overdo it, since after all, this was just a barbeque. She decided to wear her hair long, with a couple of braids just at the temples pulled back to create a bit of a wreath around her head.


Her white gauze sundress was modest but accentuated her in the right places. It was long and flowing with a ruffled top that she pulled down off the shoulders, leaving her shoulders bare. She wore a light sweater over the top and a strand of pearls with matching pearl earrings.


Sandals would work well for this occasion and thank goodness she had just painted her toenails.


Sara had no idea what kind of people would be there. Her anxiety was building, but so was her excitement. She had a hard time getting to know new people and letting them close to her. So many friends in the past were never truly friends. She learned that the hard way.


But her hopes were high as she sprayed her favorite perfume in the air and walked through it, just giving her enough of the scent to be subtle and soft.


“There! I think I am ready!” she said to herself and to Sam, one of her kitties that was lying on the bed watching her primp. She leaned over and gave Sam a snuggle. “You keep an eye on things for me today, Sam. I may be gone a while. At least, I hope so.” Sara said as she scratched Sam behind the ears. He acknowledged her with his soft purr, rolling over to expose his belly.


She grabbed her purse and keys and locked the door behind her. The day was glorious and warm. She probably wouldn’t need her sweater, but brought it anyway in case it got cold later in the evening.


Her German Shepherd, Gus, was out on the porch taking a nap and rose to greet her as she closed the door behind her. “Gus ‘ol buddy, wish me luck tonight!” She said as she patted him on the head and took off out of the screened porch and down to her beat up truck.


She looked at the truck and paused. These were the times when she wished she had a nicer car. Here she was in an old beat up truck that was as clean as she could get it, but always looked dirty. Sara sighed, but she didn’t care. Her evening was just beginning. Spring was here and in full bloom. She had met someone that seemingly liked her and everything else just didn’t matter at the moment.


She shrugged off the truck and figured that the guys would probably appreciate her old truck anyway. After all, keeping something running that is 25 years old is a feat in itself.


Sara made her way down the main road the couple of miles to the River Road and turned into the ranch. As she drove, the trees opened up and she saw miles and miles of hills, covered with cattle and bright green fertile grass that made you want to run barefoot through it.


Dotted in between the black cattle were trees randomly placed where a few cows were gathered underneath finding the shade. On the edge of the fields along the drive were Black-eyed Susan’s all along the ditch.


Sara wished she had brought her camera, and knew it wouldn’t take long to drive back and get it. But she didn’t want to waste anymore time getting to see this new man in her life.


She didn’t realize she was that close to a cattle ranch. Along the main road it was heavily treed and you really couldn’t see the cows grazing in the fields.


The road was long and curved through a few hills before coming to a clearing where the land flattened out a little. There was a large hill right in front of her, and the road split and went around each side. A wooden sign was painted with two arrows. One arrow went left and said River Road, and one arrow pointed right and said Ranch Road.


GREAT! Sara didn’t think to get a phone number in case she got lost because she actually didn’t think she WOULD get lost. She sat there for a moment and looked around, trying to decide which way to take.


Both roads went around a hill that was directly in front of her so she couldn’t tell what was behind the hill. She figured she would try one and if it was the wrong one she would backtrack until she got to the right place. She decided to take the road to the right and just as she was beginning to head down it, she heard the sound of a 4-wheeler approaching.


It was Alex. He stopped the bike and turned off the engine. As he dismounted the bike, she couldn’t help admiring his long lean stature. His arms were strong in his white sleeveless t-shirt with a farmers tan. He carried a sidearm pistol, which gave him a distinct cowboy appeal.
…she thought.
I got me a real cowboy here


He smiled as he walked up to the truck. Sara saw his pupils dilate as he took her in. “I didn’t think to get a cell number in case I got lost. I guess I didn’t think I would need it!” she said laughingly trying not to sound retarded. His smile put her at ease as she tried not to show her nervousness.


“I’m sorry, Miss Sara. I should have told you to go left. Actually, you would have eventually gotten to the barbeque because the roads eventually meet up and makes a big circle, but going this way is quite a bit longer than going the other way. If you want, follow me and I will lead the way.”


As Alex walked back over to his bike, Sara managed to really get a good look at his backside. Something about a man’s butt in a nice fitting pair of jeans always made her moist. She tried to envision him without pants before shaking herself back into her current reality.


Sara put the truck in reverse and backed it up to the fork in the road. She waited until he passed her then followed him down the River Road.


As they made the long curve around the hill, they were greeted with trees lining the drive that canopied the road. Sara could see the water glistening through the trees on her left from the river that flowed through the property. Eventually, they came to an area where there was a cabin that sat up on the hillside, opposite of the river. It was rustic and homey and quite large. When she thought of a cabin, she usually thought of a one room shelter that was more like a camping cabin than a livable cabin. This was much better.


Alex pulled the bike up the drive to the front of the cabin. Several of his buddies were there already and the smell of smoked chicken filled the air. There were a couple of picnic tables in front of the cabin along with a few folding chairs surrounding a small bonfire pit.


Alex motioned for Sara to pull into a spot next to another truck. He waited for her to stop and went to open her door for her, reaching out his hand to help her out of the truck. She loved a gentleman. As she placed her hand in his, the electricity that she felt before made her tingle and twitch in places that should be behaving but that she had no control over.


“You look mighty nice today Miss Sara” he said softly as he leaned into her personal space closer to her ear.


“Thank you.” Sara blushed. She didn’t hear many compliments from handsome men these days. “Something smells really good.”


“That’s Bud. He is the best chicken smoker around. He knows just how to get the right amount of smoke and perfect tenderness and juiciness out of a bird.”


She looked over at Bud and he nodded and tipped his hat to her and smiled. “Howdy ma’am” Bud said with a smile.


As she looked around, she suddenly felt over dressed. Everyone else was in cutoffs and blue jeans with T-shirts.


Most of the barbeques she had been to in the city were much different than here. In the city she may actually be underdressed, but here it was just the opposite.


Alex took her around and introduced her to the handful of folks that were chatting and enjoying the company. It was peaceful and she just looked around at how beautiful the location was. The cabin sat up on the hill as the hill continued to rise up behind it. There was a level area in the front where everyone was at, then the ground slowly tapered towards the road and then down towards the river.


“This is a great place out here. I didn’t realize the river was so close.” Sara stated.


“Would you like to walk down and take a look?” Alex asked.


Sara smiled and nodded yes. They both took off down the hill towards the river.


There was a path that had been cleared wide enough for the 4-wheeler. As they stepped off the road, Alex extended his hand to Sara’s. “This area can be a little slippery.” He said, taking Sara’s hand in his. “I wouldn’t want you to fall and get that pretty dress dirty.”


Sara smiled and blushed. How thoughtful he was to be considerate of her clothing. Although, she wondered if he really just wanted to hold her hand.


As his fingers wrapped around her hand, that electricity seemed to ignite all the things she remembered about finding a man attractive and falling in love.


She knew it was much too soon to be thinking that way, but she couldn’t help herself. This guy seemed almost too perfect, and everything was falling into place. She reciprocated by holding onto his hand as he led her down the path to the river.


It was a gentle slope that opened up to an area where the river gently lapped against the rocks. Once they reached the bottom, Alex let go of her hand. Sara almost felt disappointed, but figured he really was just trying to keep her from slipping.


As they stood on the bank, Sara took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. The sun felt good on her face and there was a cool breeze that the river seemed to give them.


Feeling at peace and happy, Sara thought it was a feeling that she wanted to bottle so she could feel it any time she was feeling blue. The serenity carried her away briefly as she listened to the sound of the water trickling against the rocks.


There were birds chirping, enjoying the spring weather. She started to drift in her mind, wondering about the man who lived in this rustic cabin. Could he be as sweet as he seemed? Or was this the way he played with women?


She was unsure and a bit afraid. But figured at this point in her life, she couldn’t let her past dictate her future.


“You almost look like you belong here.” Alex said, breaking the silence.


Puzzled, she asked him “What do you mean?”


“I sense that you appreciate nature and what nature has given to us. That you love its peacefulness and how fulfilling it can be to live amongst the trees and the river.”


“Yes, I suppose you are right. I have spent so long in the city and I never want to go back. The city makes you numb. It makes you less appreciative of what is out here. I guess I have always been a country girl at heart. I am glad I am here now.”


Alex smiled big and Sara noticed he had very small dimples in his cheeks. She hadn’t noticed them before. Probably because she was too worried about what she looked like to him. Now that she had a little more time and he was cleaned up, she had an intense desire to taste his lips.


She shook herself because she didn’t really know him just yet. How could she think about kissing him already! She felt her face get hot as she blushed. She looked down and then spun around taking in the scenery.


“So when do you guys usually start eating?” she asked, hoping she wasn’t sounding like a pig as she started to walk back up the path towards the cabin. She had waited to eat and she was starving. She stopped at a big tree and turned her back to it, leaning up against it.


“Bud has those chickens just about ready. It shouldn’t be long now. I know smelling it makes me hungry. We try to do this about once a month, me and the guys and their gals. All these guys are the ranch hands that work with me.”


Alex moved closer to Sara, leaning up against the tree next to her on his shoulder. She could feel him looking her over and could smell the soft scent of soap as the breeze blew across his skin towards her.


“Oh, I see. Sounds like a good plan. So…where is YOUR gal?” Sara asked coyly as she leaned her head back against a tree, looking upwards towards his face. Alex leaned a little closer forward, just inches away from her face. He moved his body around to the front of her, placing his hand up on the tree right at the level of her head.


“Well…I am currently without one. I was hoping that maybe you might consider being my gal for the day.” Alex asked sweetly. As her eyes met his she noticed just how crystal blue they were and her whole body flushed with excitement. It felt as though he was looking into her soul. Her stomach felt like it was full of jumping beans as she tried to hide her stressed breathing. “Would you Miss Sara? Would you be my girl for the day?” Alex asked confidently, but with a little boy look on his face as if he was asking mommy for a cookie.

BOOK: STUNG (Dark Erotic Romance)
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