Read Sugar Dust Online

Authors: Raven ShadowHawk

Tags: #erotic romance

Sugar Dust (7 page)

BOOK: Sugar Dust
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Pulling her knees more comfortably beneath her, Karen widened her mouth and put out her tongue. Dan eased himself in. A welcome tingle began between her legs and she dropped one hand past her jogging bottoms and into the front of her panties. Slick moisture met her questing fingers.

Dan rolled his hips, initiating a gentle thrusting that Karen met with bobs of her head. A quick glance through her lashes showed her his closed eyes and sweaty forehead. She saw the pink tip of his tongue protrude from the side of his mouth and the quick rise and fall of his chest. The sight intensified the tingle across her pussy lips and brought more moisture. She swirled her fingers through it and listened to the hitches in his breathing. The low whimpers, trailing off into moans. His fingers tightened in her hair, just shy of painful. She flicked the tiny nub of sensitive flesh at the front of her opening and felt a thrill of pleasure shiver down her spine, through her legs and into her toes.

“You come first,” Dan whispered.

Karen lifted her head. “What?”

“Don’t stop.” His fingers tightened on her hair, yanking her back into place. He pushed deep into her throat and held her steady. “Just listen. You come first. It’s a present. Thank me later.”

As her pleasure-addled mind tried to take it in, Karen relaxed her throat. His firm cock slid farther back and she concentrated on suppressing her gag reflex. When comfortable, she put out her tongue and let him slide back and forth across it. The penetration made her struggle for breath, bringing in a rush of lightheadedness that sparked stars before her eyes. She put her hand on Dan’s knee, with her middle fingers pressed down against her palm. He pulled back slightly, but didn’t release her hair. In fact, his grip tightened, twisting the curly strands at their roots. The sharp pain mingled with pleasure until Karen lost all sense of which was which.

“Are you okay?” His voice was gruff. Unsteady. Hard. “Do you need a break?”

Just hearing him speak in such a way soothed her jangled nerves. It brought a feeling of safety and security to her mind that simultaneously confused and excited her. How could he be so perfect in one moment and so utterly infuriating in the next? Stinging pain lanced through her scalp.

“Well?” Dan insisted.

Karen extended her index finger, the silent signal for “no.”

“You sure?”

In answer, she lunged forward, impaling herself on his cock again. She tasted a tiny drop of precum and swallowed, working her throat muscles until Dan began to tremble beneath her.

“Okay, Kaz.” He twisted his hips slightly. “You first, remember. Hurry up.”

But Karen didn’t hurry up. She took her hand from her panties and used the dampness on her fingers to massage the skin beneath Dan’s cock. The slippery skin tightened and pulled upward, bringing his testicles with them. Loud groans slid from his mouth, chased by a rough, animal panting.

“Kaz, please.” The mask of Dan “The Dom” slipped to reveal the man beneath. The one who, despite all her assurances, still expressed guilt over his need to control.

Karen worked hard to send that man away, humming around her mouthful of cock. A surge of delight fizzed through her limbs from neck to toes as Dan moaned and tilted his head back once more. His eyes rolled back in his head. A pitch change; high to low and he cried out, pulling on her hair again.
Not enough,
she thought.
More. He needs more.

Ignoring her own discomfort, Karen sank down until dark curls of pubic hair tickled the space beneath her eyelids. The hot, thick length of him stretched her wide, but she swallowed anyway, massaging him with her throat muscles. She tucked her hands beneath her chin to grip his tightening balls and squeeze.

“Fuck...” he whimpered.

The frantic jerking of Dan’s hips told Karen to hold back. She slowed the motions of her mouth and released his cock from the depths of her throat to lick and kiss the hot, stiff length. The free hand went back to her panties. Two fingers slid into her slippery folds while her thumb lingered on the sensitive skin of her clit. She became aware of her own breathing, quick, irregular and shallow. Sweat pasted the vest to her back and stung the sensitive skin where flog marks remained.
Still not enough.
A third finger slipped past her pussy lips to join the first two. Her thumb maintained constant pressure where she needed it most.

“Damn it, Karen,” Dan choked. “Hurry up.”

The wet squelch of her thrusting fingers drowned out his voice. Eyes closed, lips once more forming a tight seal around Dan’s rod, she concentrated on the feeling of tight, tingling warmth oozing out from her belly. It flushed every inch of skin. Made her limbs tremble like a guttering candle flame. Numb warmth started at the tips of her toes and crawled forward through her feet and up her legs.

“Damn you, Kaz, what did I say?”

Karen had just time to recognize the command in his voice before Dan grabbed her by the chin and heaved her mouth away from his cock. Dizzy, breathless, Karen went limp as he pulled her across his lap with her face turned to the ceiling, legs dangling. She felt the rigid length of his cock press into her ribs and moaned through clenched teeth. That’s what she wanted. Craved. Needed as surely as air.

Her body arched when Dan grabbed her breasts. He squeezed them through the vest then pinched each nipple until her moans turned into yelps of pain.

Karen kept thrusting with her fingers. She closed her eyes, though not before she saw him lean forward. Then his teeth fastened on the exposed line of flesh between her neck and shoulder. He bit down and Karen screamed a low, quivering note. Pain met pleasure and the pair crashed together with an impact that left spots of white dancing behind her closed eyelids. Her fingers spasmed inside her body and wave after wave of delicious release rolled through her body and flattened her sense of reason.

“That’s better,” Dan spoke through teeth still clenched on a mouthful of flesh. “When I say you first, I mean it. Understand?” The word ended on a growl.

Karen jerked her hand from her underwear and stuffed the sticky fingers into her mouth one by one. Ecstasy flowed through her body from her pussy outward across every inch of skin. Tremors shot through her limbs and made her pull against Dan’s teeth. Still unsteady, she offered no complaint as he released his grip. The room spun as he turned her over. His cock pressed into her stomach, but before that fresh pleasure had time to register, Dan pulled her jogging pants down. Then her underwear. He spanked her bare cheek. She winced. Cool air caressed her ass.

“Do. You. Un. Der. Stand?” He marked each syllable with a firm slap to her butt.

“Yes, Sir,” she moaned, grinding her clit against his jeans.

“Good. Now finish me off.” He kissed the sore patches on each cheek and let her roll off his lap.

As her mind and body wandered back toward each other over the abyss of pleasure, Karen sank to her knees. She smiled, conscious of the damp dribbles running down her thigh. Still fuzzy and jelly-legged, she dragged her sluggish body into position between Dan’s legs.

The head of his cock pointed at her face, wet and quivering. She slurped it back into her mouth and immediately felt Dan respond by twitching against her tongue. Again he tangled his fingers in her hair and this time he kept control, using his grip to jerk her face up and down while thrusting with his hips.

“Yes,” he hissed. “God yes. Fucking suck me. Finish it.”

The filthy expression on Dan’s face, coupled with his guttural breathing dragged Karen back to the brink. She put a hand back between her legs and caressed the hypersensitive skin. The other massaged Dan’s tightening balls.

He tensed and bit his lip. “Yes, don’t move. I’m nearly there...”

A phone rang. The clanging bells and grating voice of the Crazy Frog ringtone filled the room and Karen bolted upright, leaving several hairs wrapped around Dan’s clutching fingers.

“No!” he shouted.

Dan’s hips rocked forward, his backside rearing off the sofa as he finally gave in. His own orgasm clawed keening groans from the depths of his throat and long strings of sticky, white semen arced through the air. Some struck his stomach and slid down his shirt like sexually charged snail trails. The rest splattered the lid of his laptop.

“Damn it, Kaz!” He growled through a series of labored pants. “It’s not funny.”

She stared at his laptop and the creamy trails oozing into the housing. “I’m so sorry.”

“Then stop laughing.”

“I can’t!” Snickering, Karen crawled across the room and snatched her cell phone from the coffee table. She held it to her ear. “Hi, Cindy.”

“Everything is shit and everyone sucks!” said the hysterical voice at the other end.

“What happened?”

“Sam dumped me.”

The laughter died as though it had never been. Still tingling and breathless from the powerful orgasm, Karen took a second to steady herself. She wiped the sticky hand on her vest and pushed her hair from her eyes. She pulled her underwear and jogging bottoms up to rest on her hips.

“When?” She waved aside Dan’s questioning look and perched on the single armchair.

“Just now. An hour ago. I don’t know. I started the rum when I got off the phone. It’s gone now.”

“I’m sorry, honey.”

“Come home, Kaz. I need you.”

Karen looked at Dan. Smirked at the sight of him gingerly scoping spunk off his laptop. “I can’t.”

“Don’t leave me here alone.”

“I’m supposed to spend tonight with Dan.”

“He’s more important than me?”

Karen rolled her eyes and walked open-eyed into the guilt-trap. “You know he’s not.”

“Then come home. Help me finish the other bottle.”

“Give me half an hour.” Sighing, she hung up.

Dan glared at her. “We need to talk about your blowjob technique. And your bloody ringtone.”

“I only use it for Cindy; it guarantees I’ll answer.”

“It’s annoying as hell. What did she want?”

“It’s Sam.”

“Again?” Dan stopped wiping. “What set them off this time?”

“Don’t know, but I need to help her.”

“Right. You can run off to help your friend, but I can’t pick up my parents?”

Karen pressed her fingers against her eyelids. Red spots danced across her vision when she let go. “Don’t be a dick. You know this is different.”


“You’re not in a cage. You got to come. Cindy isn’t a complete bitch who hates your guts.” She counted each point on her fingers. “We’ve finished playing as far as I can tell. I could keep going.”

Dan opened his mouth again. When she pinned him with a firm look, he pressed his lips together and returned to wiping the laptop.


Karen raised her key to the door but it opened before she could insert it. Instead of the hallway, she saw a tumbler of pale amber liquid, held at eye height. Several ice cubes clinked against in the bottom.

“Here.” Cindy stood on the other side of the glass, tall, skinny and bald but for a crest of ice-white hair flowing down the center of her head to the small of her back. She wore nothing but tattoos, a cropped vest over tiny white panties, and an expression like that of a kicked puppy. “Take it then.”

Karen blinked at the glass before plucking it from Cindy’s shaking hand. When her friend fixed her with an expectant stare, she tilted her head and downed the liquid in one gulp. The sting of alcohol and a tiny chip of ice made her cough. “Can I come in now?”

“I guess.” Cindy spun on her heel and marched into the flat.

Karen followed her over the threshold and shut the door. In the living room, Cindy flopped cross-legged on to the floor beside a small tin of weed. She formed a fat, lumpy roll from a wide piece of sticky paper and a pinch from the tin. Sucking hard, she held a flickering match to one end. “Want some?”

Karen wrinkled her nose. “No and neither should you. It stinks in here.”

“I don’t care. It makes me feel better.”

A flick of her wrist tossed her bag beneath the coffee table. Next, Karen sank into the rustling embrace of a tatty purple beanbag. She placed the empty tumbler on the floor. “Well?”

“If I can’t be honest with my family then this relationship has nowhere to go.” Cindy made air quotes with her fingers.

“Sam said that? Really?” When Cindy nodded a second time, Karen reached out to hold her.

She swayed out of reach and sucked harder on the joint. “It’s not fair. I’ve tried, but it’s not that easy.”

“What happened?”

“We had dinner at Mum’s house. She asked about Sam and I just froze. My brain jammed. In the end I said we were work colleagues.”

Karen winced. “I bet that went over well.”

“You think?”

Karen slid off the beanbag and put her arm around Cindy’s shoulders in what she hoped was a comforting way. “This is your first serious relationship in forever. It’s a big deal. And I know it’s hard, but you have to tell them eventually. You can’t hide it forever.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“It’s not fair to Sam.”

Cindy’s expression crumpled. “You think I don’t know that? Every time we meet it’s the same. ‘When are you going to tell them?’ ‘Have you told them yet?’ ‘What are you waiting for?’”

“That sounds like a lot of pressure.”

“It is! You know I don’t deal well with pressure.” Cindy sucked her blunt and spat a cloud of smoke into the air. Her shoulders slumped. “I end up smoking these.”

“Does Sam know?”

“Probably. You’re right, it stinks. Can’t really hide it.” After flapping her hand at the smoke a few times, she crossed to the window and yanked it open. A breath of air billowed through, laced with the scent of car exhaust and grease from the fast food chicken place three doors down.

Sensing refuge, Karen scrambled up and crossed to the window. A few coughs later she spoke again. “What now?”

“No idea. Get drunk or get laid, I guess.”

“You don’t mean that.”

“Oh yeah?” Cindy paced around the room until she reached the bottle of rum. She refilled her glass, gulped it down, and then repeated the motion before topping up Karen’s. “If she can’t understand what a big deal this is, then why should I keep chasing her?”

BOOK: Sugar Dust
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