Read Sugar Rush Online

Authors: Leigh Ellwood

Sugar Rush (6 page)

BOOK: Sugar Rush
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Judy gave a nervous laugh but didn’t say anything. The poor
thing; Neve needed to let her off the hook. “It’s okay, talk up the bakery all
you want. Word of mouth works.”

“I’ll always put in a good word, don’t worry,” said Judy.
“So anyway, that’s Rachael the birthday girl. We’ve been friends forever,
almost sisters.”

“She’s nice.”

“A huge flirt too. I don’t think she’ll ever settle down
with just one person.”

“Well, maybe the right one hasn’t come along yet.” Neve
cocked a smile at Judy. “It never occurred to you to be more than friends with

Judy looked momentarily horrified at the suggestion, so much
that Neve began to regret asking. The other woman then shook her head and
replied, “No, definitely not. Rachael’s great and all, but we’ve only been

Neve winked. “Gotcha.” Judy clearly wanted to assure her she
had no romantic interest in Rachael. Neve thought it was sweet. She studied her
companion’s expression. She looked as if she wanted to say more. “What is it,

Judy shook her head. “You know what,
I was thinking about how I’d like to kiss you.”

Under the table, a hand brushed Neve’s leg and palmed her
knee. Neve remained still, neither encouraging nor dismissing the young woman.
She savored the heat and the tingling sensation snaking up her thigh. Her pussy
squeezed with want and she waited for Judy’s next move.

She didn’t, however, expect Judy to hastily excuse herself
and bolt from her chair.


Heart pumping in her throat so hard she almost choked, Judy
stormed toward the bar to the closest gap between customers and flagged down
Rachael. “I need your help,” she said as she grabbed a paper napkin and twisted
it into rope.

Rachael wiped away some stray sugar crystals from the bar
counter and glanced at Judy’s table with a sly grin. “What?” She drew out the
word in a teasing manner.

Judy blew out a frustrated breath that fluttered her bangs.
“You are so much better at this,” she muttered. Then she added in tone only for
Rachael, “I really like Neve, and I am
frickin’ horny right now. I
want to be with her, but I’m afraid if I come out and say it she might freak

“What? So you want me to ask her for you? Be your

Judy chuckled. “You make it look so easy. You want sex and
you get it.”

“Hey, you had your chance last night at Jimmie’s,” Rachael
scolded. “How many times have I told you to go out and get some?”

“Yeah, well, now I’m ready, and why are you scowling at me?”

Rachel picked up the scraps of twisted napkin shreds that
escaped Judy’s grasp. “Dunno. Just seems like you’ve spurned my help in getting
laid, and now that you want it, I’m not sure I want to participate.” Rachael
cast her a wounded expression and pushed out her lower lip.

“Rach,” Judy warned in a low voice, “I’ve paid for catering
service for thirty people, and I’ll likely buy every one of your drinks Sunday.
The least you can do—”

Rachael had her fun stringing Judy headlong into
frustration. “Jude, relax, I’m messing with you. The baker lady is hot. You
should totally tap that.”

I’d like to.
Judy glanced over at her shoulder. Neve
remained at the table, her attention on the guitarist now preparing to begin
his next set. “What do I say? I’m not a smooth operator.”

“Jude, it’s not cold fusion. Talk to her. Tell her what you
want. Jeez.” Rachael rolled her eyes. “Look, I got customers. You’ll know what
to do. Just wait ’til morning to tell me how it went. Chaz and I are hooking up

“Have fun.” Judy slapped the remainder of the napkin down on
the bar and eased away.

“Do everything I would—twice,” Rachael called. “In fact, if
you want company…”

Judy said nothing, but rushed back to the table and dropped
a ten-dollar bill. “Come with me?” she asked Neve, who looked momentarily
confused but complied. Neve’s hand warmed hers as they wove around wooden
tables and fit through a small crowd clustered at the door. The night cold
hardly affected Judy; Neve set her senses on fire.

“Where are we going?” Neve asked at the corner.

“Somewhere private so I can kiss your lips.”


The word numbed Judy. Had she read Neve incorrectly? Some
might perceive her statement as swift, but why not act on strong feelings? She
thought Neve so beautiful, especially underneath the lamplight. She couldn’t
wait to show Neve just how much she wanted her.

“No reason to hide,” Neve said with a smile. Before Judy
could respond, Neve closed in and pecked her on the mouth.

That simple spark inflamed Judy—she reached for the back of
Neve’s head to keep their lip-lock intact. Lips parted and tongues mated slowly
and the world surrounding them faded into the cold. Hands slid around Judy’s
waist, then trailed up her spine. Pressed against Neve’s body, Judy wanted to

The kiss eventually tapered off, but Judy remained close to
her face, breathing in the scrumptious perfume of vanilla and sweet cream.
“That was nice,” she said, “and I had hoped for that…but I wasn’t initially
thinking about

“Oh?” Neve smiled, and her gaze panned Judy’s body. Neve
seemed to linger a moment on Judy’s hips before meeting her eyes again. At
least she didn’t slap Judy or tell her to get lost—good signs.

Going for broke…
“Neve, this may sound weird and
sudden, but I think you’re
sexy. I want to take you back to my place
and make love to you.”

Neve shook with quiet laughter. “Well then, we’d better get

Holy crap.
“Uh, right.”

* * * * *

The last thing Neve wanted was to spoil this moment with
thoughts of Gianna. She honestly liked Judy, found her very attractive, and
their kiss had awakened in her a desire she’d once believed permanently
dormant. The ache in her pussy made it a challenge to walk to Judy’s car—with
every wide step, her clit tingled. She didn’t want to climax before she got her
pants off, either. Thankfully Judy didn’t live far.

“Let me warn you now,” Judy said, unlocking the door to an
apartment situated in a building a few blocks away, above a row of shops, “I’m
not the neatest of people. I have my knitting everywhere.” She laughed
nervously. “It’s been a while since I’ve, uh, had anybody over…”

“What about Rachael?” Neve asked. “As a friend, of course,”
she added when Judy flushed.

“Yeah, but that’s different.”

“Yes.” Neve smiled. A few weeks ago she might have balked at
a spontaneous tryst, but that kiss lingered on her lips and spread over her
senses. She wanted to feel that kind of closeness again.

Judy’s apartment was decorated with eclectic furniture and
framed posters of vintage advertisements. A plastic bag filled with yarn sagged
next to a chair in the living room, and on the seat rested a work in progress.
It looked like a striped scarf a Hobbit or wizard might wear. Geek chic.

In the bedroom, they tumbled into a passionate embrace and
kissed with feverish longing. Neve’s heart pounded, and the thrum of her
partner’s excitement vibrated through her. They grasped at buttons, zippers and
hems until Neve’s clothes slowly puddled on the floor. When she’d stripped down
to her simple white bra and boy shorts, Neve eased back on the bed and propped
herself on her elbows to watch Judy undress. She studied the young woman’s
creamy skin and lean frame, emboldened by her confident smile. She obviously
felt comfortable with her nudity, and grinned widely when Neve admired her bare

Judy wasn’t very well-endowed—Neve guessed somewhere around
a B-cup—but she looked no less tempting. Neve pursed her lips and imagined the
silky touch of a large, dusky nipple against her skin.

She sat up and bunched her arms closer, letting her bra
straps fall unaided from her shoulders. The move added a touch of fullness to
her chest, the one place where Neve felt she lacked. Not that any previous
lovers remarked on this shortcoming, but Neve wanted to look her best at any
sexual opportunity.

The look on Judy’s face when she unhooked the back strap and
bared her breasts warmed Neve’s blood, and her nipples stiffened.
I wonder
she thought, and toyed with them, rolling them between her fingers to taunt

“Jesus, you are incredible,” Judy whispered, and lunged forward.

They fell together in a tangle of limbs, rolling Judy onto
her back and kissing and nipping hungrily at each other. Neve’s lips landed on
a nipple and sucked hard—she swiped the tender bud and teased it with her
teeth, while she massaged the other breast with her hand. Judy’s head rocked
side to side as she moaned her approval of each gentle touch. She smelled of
the tantalizing roast of the coffeehouse and tasted as sweet as anything Neve
baked at Sugar Rush.

Neve shifted so her free hand could move to parts farther
south. She hadn’t touched a woman in forever…not since—

She shook the thought away.
Don’t think about her now!
wanted to lose herself in Judy and stroke every private place. The other woman
still wore her bikini panties, and Neve slipped her fingers under the waistband
and grazed the bare cleft hiding that tiny jewel.

“Neve,” Judy begged. “Yes. Just like that.” Judy opened
herself to her, and Neve released her nipple. She loved foreplay, missed the
hell out of it, but damn if she didn’t need to taste her now. Torn between the
desire to satisfy Judy and to prolong these mutual caresses, Neve finally
huffed out her frustration and reached for Judy’s panties. They came down as
she slid over Judy’s belly and thighs—her lover thankfully gave no resistance.

So beautiful…
Neve settled between Judy’s raised
knees and stroked the bare pussy before her. She rubbed her fingers together,
slick with Judy’s passion, and eased them slowly into her wet, waiting channel.
Judy writhed and moaned above her, and Neve felt her pussy twitch and contract
with every gentle, deep thrust. Hidden within her mound, Judy’s pink clit soon
popped into view, and Neve eased upward to kiss it. She worried the nub between
her lips slowly, in a circular motion synchronized with her fingers massaging
inside Judy’s pussy. Neve savored the scent of her—like salted caramel, only
lighter and more addictive.

She lost track of how long she licked and sucked on Judy.
After a while, Neve stopped pumping into her in order to better grasp Judy’s
hips. From there she devoured Judy in earnest, alternating from tasting her
with broad strokes to tonguing her pussy’s core and back again. Fingers
threaded through Neve’s hair and pressed her head close to keep her in place,
and Neve rocked right along with the orgasm that nearly knocked them off the

“God! Yes!” Judy fisted the sheets and bucked her hips but
didn’t disrupt Neve from loving her. Neve couldn’t stop—she craved more of
Judy’s unique flavor, more so than anything she could concoct in her kitchen.
This night threatened to ruin her for sweet things, definitely.

“Please, Neve,” Judy said, breathing deeply as she floated
down from the high, “let me take care of you.”

Neve wouldn’t have required it, she was happy to give the
girl pleasure, but she glanced up the smooth planes of Judy’s body and met her
gaze. Judy’s breasts, flattened in this supine position, rose with each inhale,
thick nipples like dark cherries taunting Neve to take a bite. She wanted to
crawl over Judy and kiss her hard, but two hands pushed her away, guiding her
to lie back.

Good thing she complied too. Neve rested against a pillow
and watched Judy, slim and beautiful, crawl down to her parted legs. Neve’s
pussy lips ached, swollen with need. The mere hint of Judy’s breath on her skin
left her anxious for more, and seeing Judy just pause there to look at her
caused her to moan.

To her relief, Judy touched a finger to the top of her cleft
and slowly dragged it down to her wet opening. Neve moaned again when two more
digits joined the first in her cunt. She rarely used toys for
self-gratification but had enjoyed the occasional dildo with past lovers. Neve
never expected to find satisfaction this way, but Judy seemed to know what she
was doing.

Judy’s lips parted on Neve’s pussy, with her tongue tracing
the inner labia and around the clitoral hood. Her eyes closed and her face
softened as she ate Neve, a concentrated body worship that teased Neve’s senses
and drove her to the edge of madness. The spark of orgasm burned low in her
pussy and Judy stoked the fire slowly. Every few seconds she’d meet Neve’s
eyes, and Neve read the message in them.

Let go.

“So close,” she whispered, and Judy must have heard her,
since she sped up her efforts. The pressure against her clit increased the
sensations, and it wasn’t long before Neve cried out in ecstasy, pinching Judy
between her thighs.

Judy didn’t stop, however. She continued to lick and tease
Neve’s clit until Neve twisted away. She’d crossed the fine line dividing
pleasure and pain, and wanted nothing more now than to hold Judy and cuddle in
the afterglow.

“Come here,” Neve said, helping Judy to lie at her side. She
spooned her lover’s body, arms circling her waist. Their skin gave off the
heady tang of sex and Neve wanted to revel in it. “That was amazing. Thank

Judy shook with quiet laughter. “I should thank
I wouldn’t want you thinking I’m into flings.”

Neve raised an eyebrow and leaned in to kiss Judy’s cheek.
“Yeah, I suppose I’m the same way. When something feels right, though, why
fight it?” Neve could count her lovers on one hand, and in the other cases it
had taken more than a few dates to get her into bed. With Judy, though, she met
the connection wholeheartedly. She
the young woman, and enjoyed
her company. It didn’t matter if Judy never shopped at Sugar Rush again or
didn’t share her passion for baking—she stirred Neve’s desire.

BOOK: Sugar Rush
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