Summer at the Star and Sixpence (11 page)

BOOK: Summer at the Star and Sixpence
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The other woman nodded. ‘And if he doesn’t, I’ll send my Henry round to have a little word.’

Halfway through the afternoon, Franny plugged a microphone into the sound system and asked for the music to be turned down. With Henry’s help, she climbed onto a chair
and an unexpected hush fell over the crowd. Sam held her breath, wondering what Franny was up to now: surely she wasn’t about to rally the villagers to march on London?

‘Friends,’ she began. ‘You know why we’re here today. A scurrilous lie has been spread about a Little Monkham resident. And when one of our own is attacked, we close
ranks to protect them.’ She fixed an imperious gaze on Sam. ‘The days to come will be difficult, Sam, but I can assure you that every single one of us is with you. You are not

Her eyes met Sam’s and a flash of understanding passed between them. Then a burst of applause rang out, swelling into cheers, and Sam found herself pulled into one supportive hug after
another. Finally, she ended up face to face with her sister.

‘Who’d have thought Franny would come out fighting for us?’ Nessie said, wrapping her arms around Sam.

Laughing, Sam returned the hug. ‘I know! Remember how against us she was when we first arrived?’

‘I never thought I’d be grateful to Dad for anything but I’m glad he left us the Star and Sixpence,’ Nessie said. ‘I’m glad we came here.’

Sam closed her eyes against the sudden rush of tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. She swallowed to dislodge the lump in her throat and managed a watery smile. ‘Me too,’ she
replied. ‘Best decision we ever made.’


Tisses and tuddles to T and E, my wonderful children, and a large glass of something fizzy and chilled for Jo Williamson, of Antony Harwood Ltd, for being my gladiator. An
enormous, well-deserved jug of Pimm’s to Clare Hey, SJ Virtue and Emma Capron, plus everyone at Simon & Schuster, for pulling out all the stops to ensure the Star and Sixpence opens on
time and serves up the best cocktails.

Thank you to Kate Harrison, Miranda Dickinson, Rowan Coleman, Julie Cohen and Cally Taylor – this book would not have been written without you. And as always, I’m blown away by the
continuing love for the Star and Sixpence – thanks to all the reviewers and readers who’ve taken the time to get in touch. Now, whose round is it?

BOOK: Summer at the Star and Sixpence
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