Read Sweet Obsession Online

Authors: Theodora Koulouris

Sweet Obsession (28 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession
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I pushed away her hands that were about to hug me. I started to walk away from her, angry now. I felt betrayed. She followed silently behind me. I could tell she was crying, but at this moment, I knew not what to say to her.

I climbed the stairs two at a time as rage consumed my mind. I opened the glass doors, walked in the palace, and marched through the hallways, thinking that, if they wanted me to marry the princess, I would. But I would make her life a living hell. I would make all their lives a living hell. I heard my mother running after me as she called out my name. I did not want to talk to her anymore tonight. I felt betrayed by her. I marched to my room, opened the door, and slammed it behind me with a force that shook the walls of the palace.

The princess was still sitting in the same chair as before. She looked at me as I raced past her to the bathroom. I slammed the door shut and fell against the wall. I knew not what to do. My life had been one heartache after another. When I was younger, I had been so sure of myself that I had never cried. I had not cared about anyone but myself. But for the past fifteen years, I had cried every day. I played with myself. I loved a woman more than I loved myself. I had lost my firstborn, and now I was being forced to marry a woman I despised. My hands trembled as I pulled my hair away from my face. I pulled the ring out from my pocket and cried. This ring was my symbol of love to Loula. I had not seen her today, and my heart hurt from missing her.

Jealousy ate at me as the thought of Billal and Loula together ripped my heart to pieces. I panicked at the thought of Loula finding out about the ball and the marriage. I had to find a way to tell her immediately before she found out from someone else and assumed the worst. I put the ring on the sink and washed my face. I was going to sleep early today. I was going to get a good night’s sleep and wake up early tomorrow so I could find Loula and explain everything to her.

I walked out of the bathroom, already feeling a little better. Shaeena had gotten herself in bed, and I spread my blankets on the floor and blew out the candles. It was pitch dark in the room, but I could tell Shaeena was still awake from the way she was breathing. I wondered why she wanted to marry me.
Has she no pride at all? She knows I don’t love her. Why would she want to spend the rest of her life with a man who does not care for her?

I got down on my uncomfortable bed. Thoughts of Loula came to mind. I missed her terribly. I wondered what she was doing at this moment. I was tortured with the thought of her in bed with Billal. I wondered if his paws ever reached out in the night and touched her. My heart tugged with pain at the thought of that. I could not bear the thought of anyone touching her. She was mine, and only I had the right to touch her.

I awoke in the morning with the sun directly on my face. I turned and looked up at the bed. I saw the princess looking down at me with a smile on her face. She had many reasons to be happy today, or so she thought! There was nothing for me to be excited about. My heart was bleeding. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep again. A few minutes later, Shaeena got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

Minutes later, Shaeena opened the bathroom door and walked to the window. Her stomach was huge. She was due to have the baby soon. My father wanted me to marry her before she gave birth. I had to quickly find a way to avoid marriage to her at all costs. But right now, I needed to find Loula and have a talk with her. I needed to explain everything right away. Things had gotten complicated, and I would have a hard time explaining the truth to her. I quickly got up, raced to the bathroom, and cleaned up. I dressed and ran out of the room. Shaeena was left behind in her misery. She was quickly forgotten and replaced with the image of Loula.

Excitement was everywhere in the palace. Everyone was bustling about preparing for the ball tonight. I raced up the stairs two at a time, heading straight for Loula’s room. I did not care if Billal were still there. I needed to talk to her, and nothing and no one was going to stop me. I reached the door to their chamber and opened it without knocking. I stepped inside and saw only the servants. They were busy tidying up the room. Startled, they looked at me puzzled. I asked them where Loula was, and they said that she and Billal had gone to the village.

I was too late. She knew of the ball and who knew exactly what Billal told her. She was probably angry with me. Not knowing what to do, I went flying down the stairs, through the hallway, and to my chambers. I slammed the door closed and walked up to Shaeena, still sitting in exactly the same spot I had left her in. I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up from her sitting position.

“Why do you insist on marring me when you know that I am in love with Loula?” I yelled.

She looked into my eyes and said calmly without batting an eyelash, “I am pregnant with your child. You are the father, and it is your responsibility as the father to ensure that he is not born a bastard!” she said coldly. “It is time you forgot about Loula. She is a commoner, and I am a princess! I carry your child, not her!” she hissed. She placed her hands on my chest and said in a softer tone, “Please, darling, give us a chance, and you may be surprised to find that I am the better choice.”

I slapped her hands off me and took a step backward. “You crazy bitch! You can never replace the woman I love! If I am forced to marry you, I will make sure that your life will be a living hell! Every night, I will be in Loula’s bed, enjoying her pleasures, while you sleep all alone in your cold bed! I will never yield to you. Never!” I yelled at her, trying to make her see that it would be a mistake marrying me.

But to my dismay, she smiled coldly. “We shall see about that, Nidal. Two can play this game. You will not succeed in getting rid of me. I was born a princess and promised marriage to you from birth. I was trained from an early age to prepare for our wedding. I stood by you all these years. I gave you my loyalty and my love. You gave me nothing but disrespect! I will not allow a commoner, a whore, to steal you away!” she spat.

I didn’t know what I was thinking. It just happened, a reflex of my arm when I heard her call Loula a whore. I slapped her so hard that I thought I heard her head snap. I did not regret slapping her.

She stumbled backward and bumped into the wall. Fuming, she straightened up and took a step toward me. “You will pay for this, Nidal. I will bring you to your knees, begging me for mercy!” She stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her.

She was a drama queen. I would hate to turn my back on her. Shaeena was not to be trusted.

Everyone was getting ready for the big night. I was desperately trying to figure out what I was going to do. A servant came in the room and announced that the king and queen asked for my audience for lunch, but I declined the invitation, saying I was not hungry. As the servant walked away and closed the door behind her, I heard commotion outside, and I ran quickly to the window and saw Billal helping Loula step down from the royal carriage. They were engaged in conversation as they walked up the stairs and into the palace. I heard Loula’s laughter, and my heart sank.
What is she trying to do? Kill me little by little with her actions?
I opened the door slightly, just in time to see her run up the stairs as Billal playfully chased after her, pulling on the folds of her gown.

I was beside myself with jealousy. The knife twisted in my heart as I doubled up in pain. I leaned against the wall for support.

At that moment, Shaeena entered the room. She walked up to me and smiled coldly. “What’s the matter, dear? Are you feeling sick at the pit of your stomach? Did Loula crush all your hopes and dreams?” she said sarcastically as she walked to the bed and sat on it.

I could not bear the sight of her. I would not give her what she craved. My heart belonged to Loula. She was the only one for me. I didn’t even know if Loula would still have me. She was really mad at me now, but I would find a way to show her that she was my whole world. If I couldn’t talk to her before the ball, then I would talk to her during the ball. I would dance with her and whisper my love for her in her ear. In a few hours, I would see her and make her mine once again. I let out a big sigh. Shaeena looked at me suspiciously

The princess waddled over to me. She stuck her finger in my face. “I am going to take a bath, and then I am going to get all dolled up for the ball because, whether you like it or not, your father is going to announce our wedding today. You, my dear, are going to take me as your wife in two weeks.” She pushed past me briskly and laughed all the way to the bathroom as she stepped inside, leaving the door open while she bathed. I did everything in my power to resist the urge to strangle her.

Shaeena took her time bathing. She taunted me by singing a love song. The servants came and helped her out of the tub, wrapping her in a huge towel. The other servants emptied out the old water and filled it up with fresh water for me to take my bath.

As I dipped into the hot water, the last servant walked out of the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Alone at last, I closed my eyes, hoping I could release all the tension I was feeling, but heartache consumed me once again. My life was a mess, and I didn’t know if I could ever fix it. If my father didn’t stop this nonsense, then I might just kidnap Loula and run away with her. I would live my life my way, not the king’s way. I would not yield to him.

Today at the ball, I would tell Loula my plans, and I hoped she would agree with me. I jumped out of the tub, hyped up now. I was excited about the thought of running away with her. It was my turn to sing a love song. I walked over to the door and tried to listen to what was happening on the other side. I heard the servants say that her gown was down the hall in the pink dressing room and they would dress her and do her hair in there.

It was time for me also to get dressed. I put on my attire with all its trimmings and looked in the mirror, feeling pleased with what I saw. I would try to swoon Loula off her feet tonight. When she took one look at me, she would come running back into my arms.

I combed my hair, tucked my shirt in my pantaloons, and put on my jacket, and as I leaned over to put on my boots, my medals that were pinned on my jacket swung back and forth as if they were announcing proudly that I was a worthy prince.

I could hear the music down the hall. It was time for me to go to the ball. I walked swiftly to the door and opened it. I saw in the distance the guests arriving as they walked into the palace and the servants guided them to the ballroom. I took a deep breath, and I too walked to the ballroom. I wanted to be there when Loula walked in. I wanted to be the first one to greet her. She was mine, and this evening, I was going to take her back.

The orchestra was playing a famous tune, and some guests were already dancing. The ladies sparkled in their gowns as the gentlemen twirled them around on the dance floor. As I entered, everyone turned and looked at me. I threw them my famous smile, even though I was hurting deep in my heart.

The king spotted me and was making his way to me with a stern expression on his face. I braced myself as my father approached me.

“Where is Princess Shaeena?” he asked gruffly.

Like I care about her whereabouts!

“She’s getting ready, and she will be here shortly. She told me she needed some alone time,” I lied.

That answer seemed to please my father, and he strode away with a half smile on his old face.

As the evening wore on, I searched everywhere and could not find Loula or my cousin anywhere, but just at this moment, a very pregnant Princess Shaeena stood at the doorway. Everyone turned and acknowledged her appearance with a curtsy, and she bowed back and walked elegantly through the crowd and made her way to me.

When she got close to me, her smile faded, and she whispered for my ears alone, “One day, Nidal,” her lips trembled as she continued, “you will love me as I love you, and you shall regret everything you have done to me, and I will forgive you.” She hooked her arm inside mine and stood proudly next to me.

I quickly pulled out of her grip and hurriedly walked to the other side of the room, engaging in conversation with some men who were arguing about politics, but my eyes never left the doorway where I was expecting Loula to walk in at any moment.

She was fashionably late as she entered through the doorway on Billal’s arm. My heart raced at a rate of one hundred and fifty times faster than its normal rate. She looked glamorous. She captivated every man who looked her way. I feasted my eyes on her. A whirl of emotions flared inside me. I inhaled sharply.

She was wearing a beautiful, strapless, white satin gazer gown. It had silver diamante embellishment at the waist. It was like a second skin on her body, and I had never known that gowns like this existed. She clearly had her own style, and the skirt was circled with the same silver diamante at the bottom of it. Only she could wear such a daring dress and get away with it.

Her hair was let down. Her long brunette locks cascaded down her back with soft curls and gave it a more relaxed look. She was the only one tonight at the ball who dared to wear her hair down. This time tomorrow, her look would be the next style of the century. She looked beautiful. She took my breath away.

I saw her scan the room quickly until she found where I was and rested her eyes on me. The chemistry was powerful between the two of us. Automatically, we walked slowly toward each other, not once taking our eyes off the other. It was an electrifying moment. She threw me a dazzling smile. Immediately, I got a huge hard-on. She had a powerful effect on me, as if she had cast a spell on me. I was mesmerized. Billal walked tensely besides her, clearly not pleased with the direction that she was headed. His eyes were blazing fire.

As Loula walked to me, everyone in the room had his or her eyes on us. The music stopped, and there was dead silence. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Shaeena push people aside as she tried to make her way to us. My beautiful Loula came to a stop right in front of me and bowed elegantly. I bowed back, took her hand, and brought it to my lips, and I kissed it. I saw my cousin’s hands turn to fists at his sides as he stood there witnessing the exchange between Loula and I.

BOOK: Sweet Obsession
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