Sweetwater: The Kihn (The Sweet Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Sweetwater: The Kihn (The Sweet Series)
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“It’ll be okay. We’re going to eat in Marshfield and then go to a new bar somewhere in Lebanon.” I open my mouth to offer further caution, but she quickly adds, “Taylor’s going with us to the bar.”

“Well, I guess that’s... good,” I mutter, still unsure. We haven’t known Taylor long either, but I feel relieved he’ll be with them. Odd.

“Sofe, he was a total gentleman last night. He even asked if he could kiss me. See how my hair’s curled?” She turns her head back and forth, letting her hair swing about her shoulders.

“He did that?” I laugh. “With a kiss?”

“He did, and my toes curled too. That man can kiss!” She smiles broadly.

“Well... he’s just a curlin’ kind of guy, huh?”

“Mmmhmm. Imagine what else... I mean, did you notice the size of his hands?”

“Emma Rae!” I laugh again.

“What time is Nick picking you up?”


“What are you wearing?” she asks. I show her my dress and shoes. “That dress is too cute. How easy is it to get off?”

“Hah! It won’t be coming off.” I shake my head.

“You never know...”

“Oh yes, I do.” I laugh.

“I’d better get out of here so you can get ready. Andy’s picking me up at five. We’re going to the bar early; Taylor knows the owner, and we’re gonna have drinks with him.”

“Have fun and be careful,” I tell her.

“You too. Call me tomorrow.”

I walk with her to her car, and as she backs out of the driveway, she rolls down her window. “Sofie, be sure to wear some sexy underwear, so when your dress comes off...”

“Bye, Emma Rae!” I wave her off. “Have a good time tonight.” I turn toward the house.


I’m ready by five thirty. My little black number is short, showing plenty of leg. My strappy new heels make my legs look long. The dress is made of a slinky type of knit and clings in all the right places, before flaring below my hips. The neckline comes down into a deep V and shows a little cleavage, but not too much, I hope. My gram, as she would put it, had an ample bosom that she’d passed along to Jordanna and me. All in all, it’s attractive without being too dressy, and I look good in black. The dress is a good confidence booster.

I decide to leave my hair down, but I use styling gel and scrunch it while I blow-dry with a diffuser. It turns out nice. I apply minimal makeup, and I’m ready. I don’t hear Nick drive up, so he surprises me when he knocks. I take a deep breath, letting it out slowly. I haven’t dated much. My date with Nick is my first grown-up date. I open the door, gratified by his expression.

“Wow, you look...”

“Nice?” I supply with a smile.

“Sofie, I don’t think
describes how you look.”

Feeling a blush start, I get my bag and wrap. As I turn back, I discover he’s stepped closer. I look up as he cups my face. He leans down, brushing my lips with his. His breath is warm against my mouth. Pulling me close, he deepens the kiss and I relax, my hand on his chest. He raises his head, chuckling under his breath as he continues to hold me. “I think we’d better go before I get into trouble,” he murmurs against my ear.

I pull away. “That might be a good idea. I wouldn’t want to have to hurt you,” I warn, stepping out the door. Nick pulls it closed behind us. When he realizes what I’ve said, he laughs out loud.

I hope he doesn’t think I’m kidding. He might be surprised at some of the things my menfolk have taught me.


Nick merges the Corvette into the heavy Saturday night traffic as he pulls on to I-44. We’ve been sharing idle chitchat, but I’m ready for some answers. “I’ve been saving up a lot of questions for you tonight,” I confide, looking at him.

After a quick glance in the rearview mirror, he changes lanes. I can see his smile by the brightness of the dash lights. “What do you want to know?”

I study his face. “What was that all about the other night?”

When he doesn’t say anything, I decide he’s going to make me work for my answers. “You came over in the middle of the night because you
things were wrong. I was having a doozy of a dream—and you sensed it?”


“You told me you’d answer my questions.” I don’t remember if he said that or not, but it’s worth a shot.

He glances at me. “I don’t want you to think I’m a freak.”

I’m surprised he thinks I’d be so critical or judgmental. “I told you I don’t see you that way. If anything, I think maybe you’re... blessed. Weird or freak never even occurred to me.”

He gives me a longer glance. I wait. “I...” He hesitates. “Sometimes, I can sense things that are happening or are going to happen.”

“You have visions?”

Nick smiles. “No, it’s more... a feeling. I don’t see anything, but I... sense. That’s the only way I know to describe it.” He glances at me again before changing lanes. “Have you ever had an unpleasant feeling about something? You get a niggling something’s just not right?” He pauses. “Most people experience those types of perceptions.” Nick takes my hand and squeezes. “The difference,” he continues, “is mine are strong, hard to ignore. Call it a premonition, if you will.”

“Well, as my grandpa used to say, that could be handier than a pocket on a shirt.”

Nick looks my way again and laughs. “Yes, yes it can.” We arrive at the restaurant, and
Nick parks. I’ve been so preoccupied I didn’t notice we were even in Springfield.

“I hope you like Italian.” He flashes me a smile.

“I love Italian food.”

The restaurant is busy, but Nick has reservations, and after the hostess seats us at a booth in a secluded corner, I excuse myself to freshen up. When I return, I notice Nick watching me. Nick smiles as I sit, my face warm with color, and chuckles as I hide my face behind the menu.

After we place our order, I say, “Can I ask you some more questions?”


“Do you have the same... ability every time—” I lean forward to say in a lowered voice, “—every lifetime?”

He clears his throat and draws his eyes back up to mine. Apparently, my neckline shifts when I lean forward. I sit up straighter, now self-conscious.

“Uh... yes, since the first time.”

“Is it helpful, your ability I mean?”

He hesitates. “I find it quite beneficial.”

“How’s that?” He’s looking at my chest again, and I squirm a little.

“Uh... when I play the stock market, bet on horses.”

I look somewhat surprised. “It helps you that way?”

“Sure, if I bet on the wrong horse or investment... I get a feeling.” He smiles at me.

“Remind me never to play poker with you,” I choke.

The waiter brings our salads, and we spend the rest of the meal enjoying our food and discussing what music we listen to, our favorite movies, and funny things about Jake.

Nick orders me a cup of coffee when I decline dessert. As the waiter leaves, I encourage him to continue the story he’d been telling me.

“So, the girl Jake brought with him to Aspen, on the ski trip, what was her name? I don’t think I know her.”

Nick laughs. I look at him in confusion. “She was a hooker.”

“What?” I exclaim.

“He brought a hooker and paid her to come on to me with me thinking she was his girlfriend.” I gaze into his sparkling eyes. “Can you imagine my reaction when she crawled into my bed—naked?”

I can’t help it. I giggle and have a hard time controlling it. Nick laughs at my reaction. “So, that was the beginning of your long struggle to one up each other?”

“Yes, but I don’t think I’ve ever been able to pull off one as good as the Aspen trip.”

As we leave the restaurant, I realize neither of us brought up the Kihn or our disagreement. Nick suggests a couple of movies. “Or we can go to my house. Jake mentioned he and Diane might stop by, and I know Taylor will be there.”

“Didn’t Emma Rae and his friend Andy go to some bar with him?”

“They went to Impulse, but Taylor believed they’d return around midnight.”

“That sounds fun.”

As Nick opens the car door for me, he replies, “Sweetwater it is.”

We meet Jake and Diane as they are leaving Nick’s house. They turn around and come back while Nick parks the Corvette in the garage.

Nick leads me into a beautiful kitchen. The far wall consists of French doors. We step from the kitchen into a sunken great room and the French doors continue. Nick steps to the doors and hits a switch, turning on outside lights that illuminate a large deck. He flips another switch, and soft lights come on around the great room. One wall holds a large fireplace with more French doors on either side. These doors have curtains drawn, shutting out the view, and a telescope in front of them. At the far end of the room, steps lead up to a foyer and the front door. The wall across from the fireplace has a built-in bar, and Nick fixes us all a drink. Diane excuses herself to freshen up.

“Oh Jake, we ran into a friend of yours at the restaurant.” I glance at Nick. “What was her name?” I ask as I lean against the bar.

For a moment, I don’t think he’ll catch on in time to pull it off, but he smoothly answers, “Evette.”

“Yes, Evette. Nick invited her to come over tonight.”

Jake looks at Nick. “You are kidding—right?”

“She was awful nice and can’t wait to see you and meet Diane,” I continue, innocently.

“Oh man! What are you doing?” Jake’s voice sounds strained as he glares at his friend.

“What are
doing messing around with a woman like that?” I demand. “You’re going to pick up something awful you’ll have a hard time explaining to Diane, Jordy, and me.”

He looks at me with surprise before turning his scowl to Nick and then back to me. Raising a finger in front of my face, he says in a low growl, “First of all, I won’t be explaining anything to you
Jordy. Second, I don’t need to explain anything to Diane since I’m not seeing anyone but her.” Jake turns back to Nick. “You son of a bitch, why did you tell my niece about that?”

“Gotcha!” is all Nick has to say.

Diane returns and glances at each of us. “What?”

Nick’s amused, and Jake—not so much. I’m pleased as punch knowing Jake isn’t seeing anyone but Diane. This lets me know just how much he cares about my best friend.

Emma Rae, Andy, and Taylor arrive soon after, and we all sit around listening to music and drinking a little. Emma Rae tells Diane and me how much fun she had with Andy at the bar, and I’m trying to eavesdrop on the guys’ conversation. They’ve moved to the bar area, and I hear someone speak of Santiago. On purpose, I stayed away from any topic that might have led back to our meeting the other night. I don’t want to get mad all over again at Jake and Nick, but I do want to know what’s going on.

“Sofe?” Emma Rae pulls my attention back to her and Diane. “Are you hearing anything good?”

I lean forward. “They’re talking about that guy Santiago.” I answer in a low voice.

“They were talking about him at the bar tonight.”

“What did they say?” Diane murmurs and leans in close.

“Who are
” I’m mighty interested in this Santiago.

“Well, the guy who owns the bar—oh! He came by the table, and he’s hot! Of course, not as hot as Andy.” She glances across the room to gaze upon her
object of hotness.

“Emma Rae!” Diane and I both hiss.

“Sorry.” She turns back, shrugging.

“What about the bar owner?” I demand.

“He’s an old friend of Santiago’s, and I got the impression he’s some kind of big shot or something. Santiago, that is,” she clarifies.

“Well, if he hunts these Kihn, he may be considered a big shot for a good reason,” I acknowledge.

“I bet he’s mean,” Diane says with conviction.

“He’d have to be. What else did they say?” I ask.

“Andy told me Santiago and the rest of the Guard will be here in a few weeks. Andy apparently respects Santiago a lot. He says Santiago has been hunting Kihn for years.”

So Santiago is older. I wish I’d asked Nick what kind of supernatural Santiago is. Maybe he isn’t one. I don’t want to ask Nick now. I don’t want to bring the subject up at all.

“What are you ladies talking about?” Taylor sits beside me.

Diane and I both say, “Nothing,” but Emma Rae confesses, “I was telling Sofie and Diane about Impulse and how much fun we had.”

Taylor studies us with speculation. “You ladies cannot go without an invite, and you
have an escort.”

“Really?” I turn so I can look fully at him. My voice is heavy with the sarcasm when I say, “A private bar that only admits the chosen few... in Lebanon, Missouri?”

“It’s not
Lebanon,” Emma Rae clarifies. “It’s more in the country, this side of Lebanon.” Taylor gives Emma Rae a long look that makes her squirm.

“Well, it doesn’t matter anyway,” I insist. When they all look at me, I say, “We have no invite.” Taylor is watching me now. “What?” I ask when he continues to stare.

“It wouldn’t be safe for you to go without an escort,” he says, quietly.

“I believe you,” I whisper. Taylor gives me a meaningful look. My “Oh!” comes out in a soft, little gasp as I sit up straighter. It’s not that it would be unsafe to go to the bar unescorted; it would be unsafe to go escorted by anything other than a supernatural.

Taylor gives me a little smile.
What the hell
is a supernatural bar doing in the Ozarks anyway? This whole otherworldly…
is making me question what else I don’t know.

A phone rings somewhere in the house, and Nick heads down the hallway. He returns quickly and calls to Taylor. They exchange a few words before they both walk down the hallway. I wonder who would be calling so late. Are Florida and Missouri in different time zones? Is Taylor even from Florida?

Emma Rae and Diane have wandered over to the bar and are laughing with Jake and Andy. Why did Taylor go with Emma Rae and Andy on their date? Did he go along so they could get into Impulse? Nick told me Taylor is not a witch, and I’m assuming he’s not a Reborn. Something else comes to mind as I glance over at Emma Rae and Andy. Maybe Andy’s the supernatural.

Nick and Taylor return to the room, speaking quietly as they both move to the bar area. I decide to perform a little test. I concentrate,
Taylor, can you hear me?
No response. I then speak in the softest, lowest whisper, “Taylor, can you hear me?” He turns, smiles at me, and winks. I quickly turn away, feeling my face burn. So he heard us talking about Impulse and everything else. I can’t say for sure if his hearing makes him a—

“Sofie.” I start guiltily. Nick is standing behind me. “Taylor says you’re… experimenting on him.”

I snort. “I... I was just curious... if he could hear me...”

“While you whispered?” His eyes twinkle. “From across the room?”


He takes my hand. “I think I need to show you my house.”

I’m only too happy to escape Taylor’s knowing grin. The hall from the foyer splits, one side leading to a large bedroom with an en suite bath and the other to a set of stairs. Down the stairs are two more bedrooms, an office, and a TV room with a large flat screen. One whole wall of the TV room is glass doors that open out to a patio. Beyond the patio is an in-ground swimming pool with a pool cover stretched over the top.

“You have a beautiful home,” I tell Nick after the tour.

“Thank you.” Taking me in his arms, he kisses me with more passion than his previous kisses, and I’m breathless when he releases me. His lips move to the base of my throat. “I want you to like it here. Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?”

“I don’t think so,” I whisper and hide my face in his chest. I’ve never been able to take compliments; I always feel embarrassed.

BOOK: Sweetwater: The Kihn (The Sweet Series)
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