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Authors: E. Davies

Swish (4 page)

BOOK: Swish
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As Alex's body settled on his own and blanketed him, Thomas's skin burned in every spot where they touched. Their chests, their stomachs, their thighs, even their ankles and arms and hands tingled...

Alex's fingers laced between his own again. Alex pinned his hands above his head to kiss him nice and slowly again.

This time, with his own cock free and pressed between their stomachs, it was less of a tease. Thomas thrust his hips up in a few short, sharp thrusts, grinding against Alex to tease him into action.

“Got condoms and stuff?” Alex murmured.

“All my
is in a box in the bedside table. Top drawer.”

“Clever. Good place for stuff.”

Thomas snorted. “Thanks. Choose whatever stuff you want.” Alex pulled open the drawer, then fished around until he found the little box. That was where Thomas kept condoms, lube, tissues, and a couple other odds and ends.

“Really? Going Better Homes and Gardens with your condoms? Fancy-ass.”

“It's fuckin' navy blue.” With floral print, yes, but navy blue nonetheless.

“How adorable.”

“Fuck off,” Thomas groaned.

Alex set the box on the bedside table and pulled the lid open, then grabbed a condom and lube. He was still laughing as he set everything down next to Thomas and scooted back down to lie against him again.

Thomas ground against him and grabbed the lube. “God, you're insufferable.”

“Sorry,” Alex grinned. He plucked the bottle out of Thomas's hand. “I wanna do that.”

Thomas hadn't expected that. “Really?”

“Yeah. It's half the fun, watching you get more and more desperate...” Alex rubbed his wet fingers together and put the bottle aside. He leaned down to kiss the corner of Thomas's lips. “Besides,” he breathed against them. Cool fingers circled the opening to warm up first and Thomas caught his breath. “I wanna make you feel good.”

Thomas didn't object. He breathed out slowly as Alex's thick fingers pushed inside. He twitched involuntarily once or twice, then groaned. Alex pushed past the tightness and inside.

God, this already felt incredible, but Thomas couldn't wait to feel
. He moved his hips in slow circles, working them with Alex's fingers to let Alex thrust inside in a slow, steady rhythm. Each firm brush of fingers across the sensitive spot inside made his body jolt just a little harder.

By the time Alex pulled his fingers out, Thomas squirmed against the bed with need. His cock throbbed and his head spun. His eyes were closed tightly with pleasure as he dug his fingers into the bed and tried to catch his breath. A packet crinkled, and then there was muffled gasp and slick sound of a man stroking himself with a little more lube.

Only the feeling of a warm, thick tip pressing between his legs broke his momentary reverie. Thomas snapped his eyes open to get a good look at Alex's cock as it pushed into him.

“Hnnh,” Thomas groaned quietly, running a hand down his own stomach until he circled his fingers around Alex's shaft. He teasingly stroked down to the latex-covered base and squeezed lightly. Alex still pushed inside, and he finally had to pull his hand away and grab Alex's ass instead.

“You're a little tease,” Alex breathed into his ear. His own breathing came in quick, harsh pants already. “I forgot.”

“I have my – nnh – moments,” Thomas moaned. “Come on. Fuck me.”

Alex laughed breathlessly and braced himself on his knees. He laced their hands together once more and thrust in short, sharp movements.

Each time Alex's thick cock sank a little further into him, Thomas groaned his approval. He wasn't quiet in bed; at least, not when he was being pleased this thoroughly.

When Alex's lips met his again, Thomas was glad to kiss back. He lost himself in the moment, pushing up into Alex with each thrust as his head spun with pleasure. His whole body was already tight and hot, but he didn't want to come right away.

He'd waited fucking long enough for this. He had to make it last.

Alex's thrusts into him were quick and deep. Each time he buried himself inside Thomas, Thomas was satiated for a brief moment. How hot and filling and
Alex felt...

The bed creaked under them. Seconds or minutes passed with shared quick breaths and kisses. They brushed their lips along each other's neck, shoulders, face, and most of all, lips. And Alex's touches... Only one of Alex's hands curled tightly against his, their fingers laced together so hard his hands tingled.

The other wandered across Thomas's body, tweaking his nipple and rubbing along his ribs. Alex explored every inch of skin. “I'm gonna come soon,” Thomas laughed breathlessly. “Especially if you keep--”

That palm cupped his erection and squeezed hard.


“Oh?” Alex grinned. “If you're gonna come, I'd better get to work...” He was breathless and his cheeks were flushed, his eyes a little too hazy. He was so on edge too.

Thomas wrested one hand free to dig his nails into Alex's back. He groaned loudly when a tight ring of fingers slid down his cock and back up. Alex twisted his hand with each upstroke... His body was tensing, shuddering involuntarily. “Jesus, Alex, I... yes...!”

“Come for me, baby,” Alex breathed out. His thumb ran across the head and around before he pumped his hand up and down again.

While Alex's dick drove into him, his firm and gentle guiding hand pulled Thomas along. His body was already burning with heat at Alex's closeness and the intimacy between them...

Thomas came hard, losing all awareness of anything but the insistent throbbing, spurting pleasure. It started deep in his belly and shuddered through his whole body. Alex kept stroking him with each squirt to coax out the last of his pleasure, and Thomas blushed hard.

His fingers and toes tingled, his muscles clenching and releasing as his mind spun. He couldn't remember the last time it had been this good. When he finally collapsed on the bed again, Thomas pulled his other hand away from Alex's. He cupped the back of his head to kiss him hard in a silent thanks.

“Gorgeous,” Alex breathed out, and only now was Thomas aware of how rough and tight his voice was. He must have been barely holding back himself.

Thomas slapped Alex's ass and moaned. “Yes... You're almost there. C'mon, Alex...”

“Thom--” Alex bit back his cry but a strangled groan slipped out regardless. His skin beaded with sweat, cheeks red with exertion. His eyes were hazy, yet fixed entirely on Thomas. Like Thomas was the most beautiful, sexy sight Alex dreamt up to push him over the edge of climax.

Thomas smiled as Alex's hips shuddered and stuttered. Alex buried his face in Thomas's neck with each irregular, deep thrust of his hips. He wrapped his arms around Alex to pull him close, rubbing his hand up and down his back and kissing at his neck. “That's it,” Thomas whispered. “Mm, fuck, you feel incredible...”

“S-So do you. Christ,” Alex whispered as he gave one or two last little jerky thrusts, then tried desperately to catch his breath. He pushed himself up on an elbow and gazed off, then shook his head as he looked down at Thomas again.

Thomas grinned, letting him pull back and clean up the condom. He just stretched out on the bed, pulling Alex closer again to cuddle into his side.

Alex wrapped one strong arm around Thomas's side to rub his back while he pecked his lips. He was the one to break the silence a few moments later. “Glad you texted me.”

“Yeah,” Thomas whispered. His body was warm and satisfied, the urge to sleep tickling at the edges of his mind. He ignored that for now. “Things were pretty hectic. They're quieter now.”

It was bizarre how comfortable he felt telling Alex all his worries, filling him in on family news. If he was gonna be pissed at Alex, he should've been properly distant. But no – he wanted to be close, and it just felt right to talk to him.

“Mmhmm?” Alex murmured. “Your brother doing better? Family all right?”

“Yeah, and yeah. Surgery went great for Cam. Jackson's business is good. Noah's doing a couple shows a season, and Chase has a great portfolio going. Everyone's doing good...”

“And you?”

Thomas gazed into Alex's eyes, resisting the urge to ask why Alex cared that much. It was enough that he did. “Not bad. Going for a promotion at work, when I can.”

“To what?”

“Whatever I can get,” Thomas smiled. “I didn't get a degree for nothing.”

“You went to college in Halifax?”

“Mmhmm. Two years in finance.”

Alex smiled, and it was easy to tell he was feeling a bit proud. “You'll get a promotion sooner or later then. You're more than qualified.”

“Other than that, not a lot going on with me since we last talked,” Thomas admitted. “Things have been... quiet.”


Thomas furrowed his brow. That made it sound like Alex was interested, but that goddamn face of his was so hard to read. Probably harder now that he was an investigator and a professional liar. “Yeah, there's nobody right now. If you weren't such a dick, I'd consider dating you.”

Alex's face cracked in a smile, and then he snorted with laughter and rolled onto his back. Thomas glowered at how easily he took the accusation, like he didn't care... or like it was true. “For the record, there's not much going on with me either. Just... work and seeing family now and then.”

“Sounds boring,” Thomas commented.

“Work's exciting enough. I don't mind boring now and then,” Alex smiled. He sat up and Thomas eased himself up on his elbow, then pushed himself upright, too. “Speaking of which, I should get going. One or two more things to clear up.”

This was it, then. The moment they had to figure out what the fuck they'd do next. Thomas pulled on his jeans, zipping them up with extra care. He watched Alex get dressed in a flash, his hands almost flying up the buttons. It wasn't like he was rushing it; he was just good at this. How many other one-night stands had he had in Ontario? Probably more men than Thomas had taken home in Halifax.

They were quiet while he led Alex downstairs. When they got to the door, Thomas paused to lean in the foyer while Alex put his coat and shoes on.

Thomas's heart drummed when Alex straightened up again slowly. It was hard to tell if it was anxiety, excitement, or both making his heart flutter again. Thomas's eyes fell to Alex's lips.

Alex leaned in slowly, cupping Thomas's cheek and giving him a moment to pull back. When he didn't, Alex kissed him tenderly.

Despite his best efforts, Thomas slumped a little against the wall, letting Alex step closer and kiss him again, pinning him there. They kissed a third time as their thighs nestled and Alex's thumb rubbed his cheek. He could honest-to-God lose himself in this man, the way he kissed him... all gentle lips, warm breaths, teases of teeth and tongue...

Then Alex pulled back. Thomas hastily straightened up again, blinking away the momentary haze. “See you around,” Alex murmured.

Thomas cleared his throat. “See you.” He stepped back while Alex pulled open the door.

Their eyes met for a moment and Alex nodded. Then he was gone, the door closed, and Thomas leaned his head on the wall with a quiet thump.

He hadn't dated a lot of men – just a handful of serious relationships, none of which had lasted more than a few months. Even so, Thomas knew damn well that kiss hadn't been a “goodbye, have a good life” kiss on either of their parts.

What was he supposed to do with this?

Chapter 8

Of course Darren's car wasn't in the apartment parking lot.

Alex thumped his forehead against the wheel. He'd just done a third circuit of the lot to check for the cheating bastard's red Volvo. Well, he co-owned it with his wife, but he'd probably get it in the divorce when it went to court.

There was a fresh dump of a few inches of snow, but it couldn't possibly be one of the cars buried under the whole night's accumulation. Darren couldn't have gotten home before ten. He wasn't in his usual spot, and he hadn't chosen any other spot either. So where was he?

Just as Alex was worrying, he spotted movement from the parking lot entrance and went still. The red car pulled into the lot and into Darren's usual spot while Alex sat in the guest parking space. Alex raised his camera, his heart jolting with anticipation that
was going on.

He wasn't wrong. Rather than a late-night grocery run or pizza craving, Darren apparently hadn't been satisfied with Anna. A young redhead was on his arm, dressed like she'd been out at a club – stilettos, short dress, neon paper wristband. To Alex, that band identified which club she'd been at.

“Oh, honey,” Alex whispered, shaking his head as he zoomed in. This one definitely didn't know he was married with the way her arm was wrapped around his. Alex rolled down the window just enough to slip the mic out, then caught a giggle and a snippet of voices.

“I live on the sixth floor... apartment nine...”

Liar. He was on the third floor in apartment one, right over the guest parking spot. From this spot, there was a perfect view up into the bedroom window. The same bedroom Darren shared with his wife when she wasn't away.

“No, I'm just joking. I wanted to see if you'd blush.”

They disappeared inside the building.

Christ, what an idiot. It wasn't just a slip-up or an affair with someone better-suited to him – a mistake, but
understandable. That was, if Anna was some horrible controlling woman, which she didn't seem to be.

No, to Darren, this was sex for the sake of getting his dick wet. Alex almost bared his teeth. He set down the microphone, stopped recording, and refocused on the bedroom window. He hated these guys, and he hated having to show their wives the evidence later.

Not that Alex had always been a shining star of morality, but Christ, he'd never knowingly cheated. As a honeytrap, it had always been a job done
the partner, with limits set by his client. Darren was just playing these women, including his own wife.
was an asshole move, and he deserved to lose the Volvo.

Darren didn't even close the damn blinds before pushing his fling's dress up. The bedroom lamp was on, so the silhouettes against the sheer curtains showed everything. Alex recorded visual, though the windows were closed against the January cold. He wasn't going to get any audio. Not that he needed it with video this good.

When they went out of sight, presumably for the bed, he still waited in case there was any more evidence. Now, he had time for his mind to wander.

Thomas had been so good. Way better than he remembered – not that he'd ever let Alex get
far before. And suddenly he wanted it now? Alex wasn't complaining. Better late than never. And maybe he'd call him again...

Alex realized that something in his heart was... he didn't want to say
, but it was.

He didn't believe in love, really, or even long-term happiness. He'd seen too many couples dissolve. Yet as he waited for more evidence of this woman he hadn't connected with Darren before, he wondered. Maybe he just saw the worst side of things – people sneaking around behind their spouses' backs. Even when he found no evidence of cheating, there was some underlying trust issue. Something always made the client call him in the first place.

He never got hired to spy on
marriages or relationships between couples who finished one another's sentences.

Alex was smiling.

“Christ,” he muttered, rubbing his face. “It was just a... hookup.”

With his ex. The one he'd always had in the back of his mind, whenever he'd dated a man for more than two or three months... The one who'd rejected him when he came back to town. Who had made it clear he could fuck off. Until tonight, when he'd flat-out wanted Alex to fuck him.

And it wasn't just sex. Anyone could see that from a mile off. The chemistry before they'd even touched, the way they'd held each other afterwards...

Alex wanted more than Thomas could give him.

Not even an hour later, Alex recorded the other woman getting in a taxi and leaving. He called it quits and headed to bed. He had to talk to Lexy, Darren's poor wife, tomorrow and show her this bullshit.

One thought wouldn't leave his head the whole time. As he walked through the stinging cold to his front door, he wondered: was Thomas the one that got away?

BOOK: Swish
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