Read Taken by Storm Online

Authors: Jezelle

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

Taken by Storm (2 page)

BOOK: Taken by Storm
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Thank you, Sam.

Seizing the moment, and Cait with it, he swung her off her feet and carried her inside. Was that so wrong? For years they’d driven each other crazy, lust simmering always below the surface. He knew she felt the burn as bad as he did. The only way to douse the flames was to give in, get it all out of their systems once and for all. Who knew if they’d ever get this chance again? A huge house stood ready for their pleasure, no one home but them.

And Sam.

Full of fun, the dog followed him, romping around his legs as he kicked shut two doors behind them, strode from the vestibule to the foyer, and hurried up the wide sweep of a burgundy carpeted front staircase.

“Sam, down,” Jackson ordered. “I’m not playing.”

Nope. Not anymore. The adolescent games were over. Finally. It was time for some good solid

On the second floor, he entered the first open door he came to, one of the guestrooms, but it offered what he needed—the nearest bed. Without ceremony he dropped Cait onto it, then quick-marched Sam, who’d trotted in on his heels, out again.

“Thanks, pal, but you’ve done your part. I can take it from here.”

Yanking off his T-shirt en route, he raced back to the bed. But Cait no longer lay on it. That fast she’d scrambled off and darted past him. Apparently she’d decided the dog was the lesser of the current evils. He squeezed shut his eyes and waited for the bang of the door slamming after her.

Shit. So close.

A soft click sounded.

The lock? She wasn’t running, just locking them in?

In wonder, he turned to stare. Speech deserted him as she moved to a vanity table, pulled out the padded bench seat nestled under it, and started removing her clothes—slowly—folding each item and laying it on the bench before moving on to the next.

Good God, she looked as horny as he felt. Unbelievable. For the first time in their lives they were on the same track. What had he done right?

Lord have mercy.

There she stood in high heels, stockings, and red lace garter belt, bra and panties. The mirror of the vanity table let him ogle her back along with her front. His breathing went ragged. He didn’t remember her as one who wore sexy undies. Of course, he hadn’t seen her undies since they were four years old, so that might account for the difference. It took all his self-control to keep from drooling.

She paused a moment to rake fingers through her shoulder-length hair, then stepped out of her shoes, unhooked the garters, and stripped off her stockings. First the right, then the left. Mesmerized, he followed the descent of each one from thigh to knee to ankle to toe. Such long, shapely legs. Creamy smooth. Already he could feel them wrapped around his waist.

Hey, let me out of here!

No, not his conscience. That was his cock roaring for release.

Because he’d gone commando this morning, a harsh metal zipper now chafed taut, sensitive flesh. Glistening with pearls of pre-cum, an engorged head poked up over the top of his low-slung jeans, like a periscope checking the view. He didn’t blame it. The view was spectacular.

His heart pounded as she popped open the front closure of her bra, shrugged it off her shoulders, and let it drop to the bench behind her. Jackson’s jaw dropped with it. How could tits that big be that firm? They oughta be licensed as lethal weapons. God knew they were killing him.

She shimmied out of her panties, and he almost went into cardiac arrest.

Holy fucking shit…
Except for the lacy scrap of garter belt, she was naked!

Really naked.

Wow, a bare pussy, soft and pink and juicy as a peach—only without the fuzz. A deep-chested guttural growl rumbled out of him. Lord, how he wanted to suck that peach into his mouth. He just knew it would taste as sweet as it looked.

A hungry man on a hot mission, he closed the gap between them in three quick strides and fell to his knees.

“Wait!” Cait’s open hand landed on his brow, stopping him scant inches short of his mark and tilting back his head to meet her gaze.

“If we are going to proceed,” she enunciated with care, “we must have rules.”

“Like what?” Jackson almost panted the way Sam did. In agony he stared up at her beautiful face—even though it was a little difficult to focus on it with her equally beautiful boobs in the line of vision. His nostrils flared at her tantalizing scent…so close, yet still so far.

Rules? Fuck.

After the show she’d just performed how the hell did she expect him to act?

Her lower lip pushed out in a sexy pout and her eyes narrowed, a woman without mercy. Also a woman who was playing with fire and in danger of being roasted alive, because he wasn’t playing. He’d never taken well to teasing, at least not on the receiving end. If she didn’t watch it, she’d end up on that end herself, end up tied to the bed while he gave her a strong dose of her own medicine.

Something in his expression must have warned her. In a sudden breathy rush she fired off the list, as though fearing if she didn’t get it out quickly, she’d lose the chance. And she was right.

“First, I want to make sure you understand this doesn’t change anything between us. I still hate you. This is a one-time deal, and purely physical.”

physical. So let’s get on with it.”

Her fingers dug into his scalp.

“Second, save for this reciting of the rules, there is to be no talking. One more word out of you, and I walk. Got it?” She tugged his forelock. “Just nod your head yes, Storm.”

Jackson saw her point. Talking always got them in trouble. Okay, okay, anything to move the action forward. He nodded.

“Third—and this is a biggie—we will be
. Your dick comes nowhere near my pussy unless it’s wearing a condom. I hope to God you have some.”

He liked the way she said “some” as opposed to one, and as it happened, he had a pocketful—always did. He’d never been anything even remotely resembling a Boy Scout, but he still believed in being prepared. He nodded again.

“And fourth”—a little tremor passed through her, and her voice went hoarse—“if you want to eat me, do it in bed, for chrissakes, where I can lie down. It’s too goddamned uncomfortable to come standing up!”

“Not the way I do it.” He flashed her a wicked grin.

Cait stamped her foot. “You just broke rule number two. Can’t keep your mouth shut for five friggin’ seconds, can you?”

All huffy indignation, she swung her back on him and bent over to collect her clothes from the velvet-covered bench.

Jackson winced. The sight hurt, but it hurt good. A cock-throbbing close display of lush, round ass and rosy slit shining with feminine dew. She couldn’t have presented herself more perfectly for his desire if she’d done it on purpose. And for all he knew, she had.

Another tease?

His patience snapped.

“That does it. If you want rules,
make them.” Grabbing her hips, he pulled her back to meet his mouth.

“Ack!” Surprise collapsed her, belly-down, over the bench, which positioned her buns beautifully up in the air.

Even better.
In all honesty, she didn’t look like she planned on going anywhere. Now. Her upturned ass wiggled in what looked a lot like an invitation.


Ravenous, he licked her from stem to stern and back again—sampled it all—tasted clit, slit, and anus. A juicy smorgasbord of female delicacies, drenched in hot cream, smelling like a fresh fuck.

He stopped snacking and dug in for a solid meal, slipped a hand under her and fingered her swollen nub while he speared his tongue into her cunt.

…you bastard…”

In a low moan she cursed him, but made no move to struggle free. Being Cait, she had to offer a token protest, just for show. He’d expected it. Expected her to melt in his mouth, too. She didn’t disappoint him. Her breaths turned to gasps. Her body quivered, teetering on the brink of orgasm. A few more seconds and he’d send her over the edge…


* * *



Cait’s eyes crossed. She spasmed and quaked and almost passed out as a climax flattened her like a steamroller. Heavy hands on her thighs anchored her in place.

“You came too fast. That means I have to start all over. Take two, from the top,” Jackson announced as if he were a film director.

Except from his vantage point, the “top” was her bottom.

A shuddering breath rasped out of her as his hands swept up the backs of her thighs, squeezed her fanny, and spread her cheeks apart. With a husky “
,” he buried his face between her legs, nibbled and licked his way up her crease, then settled into the merciless business of tongue-fucking her ass.

He was very good at it. So good one might have thought he’d invented the activity, or at least owned the patent on it.

She never had a chance. The new climax fried nerve-endings and crackled her hair. Cait jerked like an electrocution victim, then collapsed like a quivering mound of tapioca pudding. He’d just discovered one of her naughtiest little secrets.

And he wasted no time taking advantage of it. “You like it that way, huh?” While she hung limp and panting, he unzipped his jeans and rolled on a condom. “They’re lubricated,” he said, as though that explained the action. Which it did.

“Much appreciated.” The thanks came out on a dry croak. Resistance was futile. He was gonna shove it where the sun don’t shine, whether she was amenable to the idea or not.

Fortunately, she was. She wiggled against his hand as he stroked through her wetness and worked first one finger, then two into her rear passage—stretching her, spreading her juices, readying her for him.

“Mmm, you’re so tight.” He slid his fingers in and out, while warning her what he’d do next. “I’m going to enter you slow—real slow—so you can feel every inch of me as I stuff it into you. And you’re going to take every inch, too. You’ll love it. I’m going to fill you with fire.”

Cait groaned. Damn, if she didn’t almost pop her cork again, just from the sexy timbre of his voice, a sound like burnt sugar, hot and sweet. Smoke filled her head. Her breath turned to steam. She wanted more.

She got it.

With infinite care, he drew her backward and pushed into her—inch by inch as promised—till he was sitting on the floor, and she was snug on his lap with his cock buried to the hilt between her cheeks. He kissed her neck and let his touch rove over her bared breasts, down to her pussy, and back up again, fondling her front while he fucked her behind.

“Maybe I’ll keep you here naked all day, just to see how many times I can make you come, and in how many different ways,” he whispered.

The words alone might have done it, but coupled with those roving hands and that steel rod shoving into her, orgasm was inescapable. She melted into slag on the spot. White-hot molten waves coursed through her.

Jackson’s chuckle vibrated against her spine. “Aw c’mon, sweetheart, you’re making it almost too easy.”

Was that a challenge?

Cait blinked a red haze out of her eyes as her pulse slowed from a gallop to a trot. He might have just thrown down a gauntlet before her. Quickly, she raked her wits together.

Laugh it up, pal. Dems fightin’ words.

If the man wanted a sexual duel, he’d get one. He was good—damn good—but so was she. And she had the advantage on him now. She had three climaxes behind her, while he hadn’t come once yet. Showoff. Flaunting his iron control to better toy with hers? Yeah, she’d enjoyed the toying. This game was a ton of fun the way he played it. But she didn’t want to be selfish. Poor Jacky must be ready to burst by now.

And if he wasn’t, he soon would be.

Full of evil intent, she slid off him onto the floor, twisted around to kneel between his knees, and grinned at him, like a cat ready to lick some cream.

Jackson gulped. He knew he was in trouble, she could tell. Beads of sweat appeared on his brow. “Um…what do you think you’re doing?”

“Either admiring the carpeting, or getting ready to give you a blowjob. You choose.”

“Well, it is nice carpeting… Oh, shit—” He grabbed her wrists, but too late.

She’d already rolled the condom off him, cupped his testicles with her left hand, and fisted her right around the base of his erection. Her grip tightened in proportion to his attempt to break her hold. “Careful, Storm, if you pull me away, something you value may go with me.”

“Hey now, wait a minute.” He shot her a frown, trying so hard to look stern. And failing so delightfully. “Have I given you permission for this?”

“I need permission?” Her brows arched up. “You didn’t ask for mine.”

“Oh sure, throw that in my face.” He suppressed a moan as she traced the tip of her tongue up the underside of his shaft. The hand-lock on her wrists clenched convulsively. “So I got carried away. So sue me.”

“Nope, I’d rather suck your brains out.” She nuzzled the firm flesh in her grasp and inhaled. Mmm, he smelled delicious—all male. Cait nibbled a hot path back down to his balls.

BOOK: Taken by Storm
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