Read Tallstar's Revenge Online

Authors: Erin Hunter

Tallstar's Revenge (9 page)

BOOK: Tallstar's Revenge
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Tallpaw glanced up as a buzzard swooped high overhead. Ryepaw's gaze remained trained on the land stretching below her. “How come they don't get distracted?” he asked.

“Training,” Dawnstripe breathed.

Larksplash padded from the rock. “Nice work,” she told Ryepaw. “Let's test your hunting skills.”

Tallpaw felt Dawnstripe press against him. “This is where you help out.”

Tallpaw gulped. “How?”

Cloudrunner paced around the older apprentices as they assembled on the grass, their eyes wide with anticipation. “We need to test your tracking skills.” His gaze flashed toward Tallpaw. “You'll be the rabbit, Tallpaw. Stagpaw, Ryepaw, and Doepaw will hunt you.”

“They'll catch Tallpaw easily,” Shrewpaw snorted. “I should be the rabbit.”

Hareflight narrowed his eyes. “You're good at open-running, Shrewpaw. But in the heather, I think Tallpaw will have the advantage.”

Shrewpaw bristled. “Why?”

“He's smaller,” Hareflight explained. “And more nimble.”

Tallpaw's heart was speeding. His denmates were going to
him? He leaned closer to Dawnstripe. “What will they do when they catch me?” he asked in a nervous whisper.

Dawnstripe purred. “Don't worry. They're being tested on how they pursue you,” she whispered. “They need to work together to track you down. Aspenfall and Cloudrunner will be watching to see how they manage to stay out of sight while still giving one another tail signals.”

“So I just need to keep running.” Tallpaw's pelt tingled. He knew how to run!

Cloudrunner flicked his tail. “Head for that boulder,” he told Tallpaw.

Tallpaw narrowed his eyes. Beyond a vast stretch of heather and gorse he could just make out a tall stone standing against the sky.

“Try to reach it without being caught.” Cloudrunner crossed the grass and whispered into Tallpaw's ear. “Switch course a couple of times. Include a double-back. Make it as hard as you can for them to run you down.”

Tallpaw nodded, dazed. At the last sunrise, he had been a kit, living with his mother in the nursery. This was his first ever taste of warrior training, and he was already being lined up as prey for bigger, stronger, faster cats.

It's my second day. How am I going to outwit three trained apprentices?


Tallpaw felt Dawnstripe's tail sweep his
spine. “You'll do fine,” she murmured. “Just keep moving, and think like a fox.”

“A fox?” Tallpaw had no idea how a fox thought. He'd never even seen one.

“Be smart.” Dawnstripe nosed him away.

Tallpaw slid into the nearest bank of heather. Quiet as he could, he darted between two stems, hoping he'd find a rabbit trail that would lead closer to the rock. The gap opened for a few tail-lengths but ended in a thick gorse stump. Tallpaw's heart quickened. The apprentices would find him straight away. Shrewpaw would laugh at him for the rest of the day—for the rest of their
, probably. Tallpaw turned and pushed through the thick heather branches, wincing as he forced his way past. He struggled onward until finally he burst out into a gap between the bushes.

A sharp tang touched his nose. Tiny dirt-berries! He'd found a rabbit track. The trail led among the stems. Tallpaw raced along it. Instinctively he kept low, crouching down so that his spine didn't set the heather quivering and give his position away.

Am I going the right way?
Where's the rock?

He couldn't see it through the heather, but if he stretched up his head to get his bearings, the others would spot him. He tasted the air, hoping for a clue.
Peat and heather.
And the familiar scent of Stagpaw. Was the young tom close?

Tallpaw pushed on harder, twisting his ears back for sounds of pursuit. Paw steps thrummed behind him.
Switch course.
Cloudrunner's instruction echoed in his ears as the path forked ahead. Tallpaw swerved, taking the trail that sloped upward. He could feel the ground trembling. More paw steps pounded behind. The apprentices were on his tail.

The path sloped steeply, growing rocky, which forced Tallpaw to slow down so he didn't trap his paw and break his leg. He told himself that his pursuers would have to slow down too. After a frantic scramble over the stones, the trail emerged from the heather onto a grassy hillside. Tallpaw flattened his ears and ran faster. Remembering his practice earlier, he lengthened his stride. The grass blurred beneath him. Snatching a breath, he glanced over his shoulder.

Stagpaw exploded from the heather. Ryepaw and Doepaw fanned out behind. Tallpaw saw Stagpaw's tail flick one way, then the other. They were planning to surround him! He swerved sideways, his paws skidding on the grass as he switched direction. Cutting across the apprentices' path, he blocked their attempt to trap him from on both sides.

“Come on, Stagpaw! Think!” Aspenfall called from higher up the slope.

Wind streamed through Tallpaw's whiskers. Exhilaration pulsed in his belly. He was running fast as a bird. But the apprentices were gaining on him.

Double back.
He was smaller than his pursuers, and that made him nimble. He slowed, gradually at first.
They'll think they've outrun me.
Tallpaw glanced over his shoulder, pleased to see triumph flash in Ryepaw's eyes. She was in the lead now, Stagpaw racing just behind, matching her stride step for step. Beside him, Doepaw veered away.

Tallpaw saw the she-cat narrow her eyes.
She's going to try to overtake me and block my path.
Suddenly he slammed his paws hard into the grass. He spun around, leaving deep scars in the turf, and charged straight back toward the apprentices. Their eyes stretched wide in astonishment.

Surprised, huh?
Ears flat, tail streaking behind, Tallpaw raced down the slope through the gap between Stagpaw and Doepaw.

“Don't let a kit outpace you!” Cloudrunner yowled from above them.

Kit? I'm an apprentice!
Tallpaw sprinted down the hillside. The rock flashed at the edge of his vision. He'd have to change course to reach it. Stagpaw, Ryepaw, and Doepaw were still trying to turn, slithering clumsily on the grass behind him. Tallpaw needed to make a break for the rock before they found their footing. He darted sideways, his hind paws slipping out from under him. His belly hit the ground but he scrambled up and kept running. Stagpaw was pulling closer. He could hear the young tom's breath. Ryepaw and Doepaw pounded at his tail. He was closing in on the rock. If he could just keep running, he'd make it. Excitement thrilled through him.

Then paws grasped his flanks. A swift push sent him sideways. The world spun as Tallpaw tumbled over the grass and skidded to a halt.

“Great chase!” Stagpaw leaned over him.

“Are you okay?” Doepaw pushed past her brother and looked anxiously at Tallpaw. Ryepaw was just behind, panting too hard to speak.

“Yeah, I'm fine.” Tallpaw scrambled to his paws, struggling to catch his breath.

“Good work!” Cloudrunner ran across the grass toward them, Dawnstripe at his heels.

“You nearly made it!” Tallpaw's mentor skidded to a halt in front of him, her eyes shining.

Stagpaw nudged him with a shoulder. “I thought you'd outrun us for a moment,” he panted.

Aspenfall, Larksplash, and Hareflight pounded across the grass with Shrewpaw trotting behind much less eagerly.

Hareflight reached them first. “That was impressive.”

Shrewpaw glared at Tallpaw. “
would have made it to the rock.”

Doepaw swished her tail. “I don't think so, small-paws.”

Tallpaw wanted to purr, but he was still trying to get enough air inside him.

Cloudrunner jerked his nose toward Fourtrees. “Let's test your hunting skills.”

Ears pricked, looking as if he'd done nothing more strenuous than chase a leaf, Stagpaw led the way down the slope. As the apprentices disappeared into the heather with their mentors, Dawnstripe tasted the air. “It smells like they'll find good hunting there.”

Tallpaw stuck out his tongue. He couldn't taste anything but the wind.

Dawnstripe shook out her golden pelt. “Don't worry, Tallpaw. Before long you'll be able to scent prey halfway across the moor.”

“I'm hungry.” Shrewpaw glanced hopefully at the thick line of trees running along the bottom of the moor. “Can we hunt too?”

“Battle moves first,” Hareflight told him.

?” Shrewpaw's tail drooped. “He won't know any.”

Hareflight glared at his apprentice. “Then teach him some.”

Shrewpaw stomped across the grass and stood a tail-length away. His brown pelt looked like a stray piece of wood against the windswept moor.

Dawnstripe swept Tallpaw forward with her tail. “He'll need to learn defensive moves first,” she called to Shrewpaw. “Attack him, but don't forget that it's his first session.” She nodded to Tallpaw. “The simplest defense is to raise your forepaws. Don't jab out wildly. Focus on protecting your muzzle and pushing your attacker away.”

Tallpaw nodded, trying to remember everything Dawnstripe was saying. He could still feel his heart pounding from the chase. He curled his hind claws into the grass to steady himself, then fixed his gaze on Shrewpaw.

Shrewpaw's eyes glittered. “Ready?”

Tallpaw nodded. Letting out a ferocious yowl, Shrewpaw flew toward him. Tallpaw gasped and lifted his paws. He was too slow. Claws raked his nose. With a yelp, Tallpaw tripped over his own tail and rolled onto the grass.

“Shrewpaw!” Hareflight's mew was sharp. “Dawnstripe warned you that it's Tallpaw's first time.”

As Tallpaw scrambled to his paws, he saw Shrewpaw roll his eyes. “Why do I get stuck training with a kit?”

Tallpaw faced him, nose stinging. “I'm not a kit,” he hissed. “Try again.”

Shrewpaw crouched, wiggling his hindquarters. Tallpaw watched him. As Shrewpaw leaped, he reared and lifted his forepaws, quicker this time. Shrewpaw hit him more slowly and Tallpaw found it easy to flip him away with a sharp shove. As Shrewpaw rolled dramatically onto the grass beside him, Tallpaw felt a twinge of satisfaction.

Then claws jabbed his ribs. Tallpaw gasped. Shrewpaw had thrust out a hind leg as he rolled and caught him in the side.

“Sorry!” Shrewpaw jumped up. “It was an accident.”

Yeah, right.
Tallpaw narrowed his eyes.
I bet we're supposed to keep our claws sheathed in practice!

“Try it again,” Dawnstripe encouraged. “This time, move as you push him away, Tallpaw. You need to land ready for the next attack.”

Tallpaw nodded and faced Shrewpaw once more. Shrewpaw's tail-tip was flicking.
You still think I'm a tunneler.
Tallpaw flexed his claws, fighting the urge to unsheathe them.
I'll show you.

Shrewpaw sprang into the air. Tallpaw froze for moment, then, seeing daylight beneath the young tom's belly, he ducked beneath it and bucked like a rabbit. He felt Shrewpaw's weight on his back, and pushed his spine into his denmate's belly. Shrewpaw yelped as Tallpaw tossed him backward. Tallpaw turned on his hind paws. Shrewpaw was writhing on the grass. Tallpaw reared over him and Shrewpaw stared up, his eyes wide with shock.

Forepaws raised, Tallpaw showed his teeth for a moment before dropping onto all fours and padding away. “How was that?” he asked Dawnstripe.

Dawnstripe blinked at him. “Not exactly what I expected.”

“It was excellent,” Hareflight purred. “Great work, Tallpaw.”

Shrewpaw clambered to his paws, scowling. “He was supposed to be practicing defense moves, not attack.”

Tallpaw prickled. Everything he did seemed to annoy Shrewpaw. He lifted his chin. “I was defending myself. It's not my fault if you can't keep your balance.”

“You cheated, Wormpaw.” Shrewpaw stalked past him and pushed into the heather. “Can we get something to eat now?”

Dawnstripe and Hareflight exchanged glances before Hareflight hurried to catch up with his apprentice.

“Well done, Tallpaw.” Dawnstripe fell in beside him as they followed the others along a narrow trail.

“Thanks.” Satisfaction warmed Tallpaw's pelt.

“Don't worry about Shrewpaw,” Dawnstripe reassured him. “He's used to training with older apprentices. Hareflight will have a word with him about his attitude.”

“A tabby can't change his stripes.” Tallpaw sniffed. “Shrewpaw was born with a burr in his fur. I'll just have to put up with it.”


“Come and share this rabbit!” Barkpaw called from beside the Hunting Stones as Tallpaw ducked into camp. The scent of fresh prey reached Tallpaw's tongue. He bounded over the tussocks and stopped in the patch of sunshine where Barkpaw was tearing flesh from a rabbit carcass. Suddenly realizing how tired he was, Tallpaw flopped down beside his friend.

“Here.” Barkpaw shoved the rabbit toward Tallpaw.

“Thanks.” Tallpaw leaned forward and took a bite.

“How was training?” Barkpaw asked.

Tallpaw glanced at Shrewpaw, who was sniffing disdainfully at a vole on the prey-heap. He wished he could tell Barkpaw what a pain in the tail Shrewpaw had been. But they were littermates. And a true warrior didn't complain about his Clanmates. “It was great.” The memory of chasing across the grass with the apprentices at his heels thrilled Tallpaw once more. He felt a stab of delight as he remembered flipping Shrewpaw onto his back. “I learned a lot.”

Barkpaw took another bite of rabbit. “I learned how to make a dressing for scratches today,” he told Tallpaw with his mouth full. “It draws infection out of rotten wounds.”

Tallpaw's belly tightened. “That sounds . . .” He searched for words while he fought back queasiness. “. . . interesting.”
I'm glad I'm training as a warrior.

“I made it for Whiteberry's ear.” Barkpaw kept on chewing. “He's got an infected tick bite. I added juniper sap. That'll loosen the tick. It was so swollen I thought its skin would burst.”

Tallpaw stared at him, the scent of rabbit suddenly making him feel sick. “How's Hawkheart?” he asked, changing the subject.

BOOK: Tallstar's Revenge
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