Read Tameable (Warrior Masters) Online

Authors: Arabella Kingsley

Tameable (Warrior Masters) (7 page)

BOOK: Tameable (Warrior Masters)
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He slipped his lubricated finger up my channel and curved it.  He stroked at my G-spot sparking some pleasurable contractions.  My vagina began to swim.

“She moistens so easily and responds to manipulation very well.  I can feel her muscles contracting deeply.
  Good healthy responses.  Let’s open her up and check the uterus.”

Roman held my legs open wider as Julian eased the speculum
skilfully inside of me.  I felt my sex open wide.  Doctor Price peered in to it.

“Everything looks good in here.” 

He inserted another finger and wiggled it around.  I found myself panting with the beginnings of arousal once more.  It made me pliant and relaxed for my examination.

“Her reproductiv
e organs are beginning to reshape.  Her uterus is enlarging as it should.  She is going to start feeling some hard pain with the reshaping very soon.  Take a look.”

The brothers changed places a
nd now Roman peered in to me.  There was nothing I could hide from them.

The speculum was removed and Julian turned his attention to my breasts, curving his han
d around the fleshy mounds, pulling and stretching at the nipples as he checked for lumps.  His touch was gentle yet seductive.  But his harsh treatment of my nipples built my desire.  My examination finished with Julian listening to my heart with his stethoscope, lifting my breast up so he could place the cool steel bottom of it against my heart.

“Everything is looking good,” he told
his brother and me.

“Let’s take a water sample and then we should get you in to bed and fed.”



Before any of protests could even make it out of my mouth, Roman was raising me from the bed.  Julian took a pink potty out of the baby bag clearly large enough to take a grown up and gestured for Roman to sit me down on top of it.

“Right baby, wee in to the potty so daddy can get a sample of your water to check,” Julian instructed in
a deep caressing voice in front of me.

“I can’t.  I just can’t,” tears gathered.  “I don’t need to go,” I lied.  My bladder was actually filling again but I would resist.

Julian pressed his hand low down on my abdomen.

“Are you sure baby?  You have been very nervous and that usually makes you want to pee,” he smiled gently continuing to press.  I felt the desire to pee grow with each time his hand
bared down on my stomach.  I pouted at him knowing fine well he was deliberately building the need inside me.

“I think she needs some help to pee,” Roman grinned and knelt down behind me.

“Open her legs, Julian.”

I struggled to keep them closed but Julian was stronger.
  He looked down at my ripe pink vulva and clit hanging over the potty expectantly.  My whole body flushed red with embarrassment.  They were going to watch their baby pee in to a potty.

Roman cupp
ed one of my breasts possessively.

“Let’s help you pee, baby.”

He pressed on my stomach heavily and I felt my water rise and demand to be released.  He repeated the action making me gasp.

“I won’t, I won’t,” I said like a naughty child.

“You will be made to, little girl.”

He squeezed my breast and pulled the nipple hard making me cry out.
  My sex pooled with desire at being so robustly handled.  He fondled my breast then moved his hand from my stomach to insert his fingers inside my pussy.

“Good girl, nice and wet for papa.”

I moaned loudly when he caressed the inside of my vaginal lips and caressed the sensitive bud between my thighs.  His lips moved to my neck and began to caress me with kisses.  My skin flared.  I forgot where I was.  Desire built as Roman coaxed it from me, stroking, teasing, and sucking gently on my neck.  Intermittently he pressed his wrist in to my stomach as if to squeeze the water from me.  My discomfort to wee grew with my need to come.  He pulsed his two fingers in and out of me and turned my head to kiss me deeply.  His penetration of my mouth was deep, unforgiving male and dominant.  It sent me over the edge.

  As I came, Roman pressed hard on my stomach and my water released.  I gasped against Roman’s lips with horror as I heard my water dribble
noisily in to the potty fully aware Julian was watching with interest.  I tried to pull away as I rode my satisfaction.  My body was heavy as it pressed down on Roman’s fingers, a cascade of water flowing over them.  Roman held me fast, determined I would finish my pleasure and that he could gather enough of a sample for his doctor brother to test.

When my pleasure ended and my water finished releasing, Roman reluctantly let go of my mouth.  He did not seem to w
ant to stop kissing me and I did not want him to.  I felt Julian’s hands on my thighs rubbing gently, flickering the switch of seemingly insatiable desire once more.

“Good girl.  Now I have a sample.  Roman get her cleaned up and diape
red.  There’s a very short nightdress you need to put her in.  It will help us when we have to keep changing her, no hindrances.”

Roman removed his fingers and took a wipe from Julian to clean the water from them.  He leaned over the potty and wiped my pussy with a wipe.  He took my hand and helped me to stand and then quickly lifted me in to his arms. 

Roman deposited me on top of the baby mat whilst Julian took the potty outside.  I closed my eyes mortified.  Roman chuckled and lifted my legs up and back increasing my humiliation.  He cleaned my pussy, thighs and the crease in my bottom to remove the lubricant and then opened one of the diapers.  He raised my bottom and slipped it underneath and quickly fastened it around me.

“Now don
’t try to remove it or papa will have to tie your hands.”

I nodded.  He left the bed and pulled the short baby shift dress from the bag.  He sat me up and helped me put it on.  I was grateful to be covered again but it barely covered th
e diaper.  I felt like a child.  Pain started to throb in my head and in my stomach.  I told Roman when tears slipped unchecked from my eyes.  The humiliation of being dressed like a baby conspired to overwhelm me when I was in pain.  But there was also something comforting about it, especially when Roman pulled me on to his lap and cuddled me like a baby.  He was so warm and he smelled so good I couldn’t help but snuggle in to him and accept his warm loving protection.  He reached down to his side on the bed and found one of the two dummies Hadyn had given the brothers.

“This will help you with the pain, something to suck on, baby,” he said, inserting the dummy in my mouth.

I took it willingly and sucked on it every time a painful contraction shuddered through my body.  Roman held me tighter and rocked me.  He carried me to the chair by the fire and wrapped me in the silver runner off the bed.

“It won’t be long now, darling.”

Julian returned quickly carrying a bottle of milk, only I knew there was more to it than milk.  I didn’t like the look of it at all or the way it was packaged in a baby bottle.  I shook my head when he came towards me.  He handed it to Roman.

“Her water is exhibiting some protein.  The conversion is definitely well on the way.  Make h
er drink every last drop.  Then she will need a change.”

Roman removed my dummy making me cry for it and slipped the rubber teat of the bottle between my lips.

“Come on, baby. Drink for Papa.”

It was disgusting and I coughed and spluttered but Roman was determined I would take it and I was made to gulp it down.  The moment I finished I felt as though my waters were breaking just as they did when I was pregnant.  Water flooded from me, drenching the diaper.  I cried again
.  Both men soothed me with caresses and then lifted me back to the mat on the bed for changing, replacing the bottle with the dummy to pacify me.


Julian turned down the bed and fluffed up the pillows.  Roman put me in to the bed. My body felt hot and clammy.

I feel a bit weak and dizzy.  Why do I feel so weak and hot all of a sudden? And the pain.  I can stand a lot of pain but I feel like someone is ripping my insides out.  I keep seeing images of some fair-haired man.  He keeps calling my name.  He scares me.  He is so violent and I know he wants to be with me.”

Gently Julian
placed the back of his hand across my brow.  His touch was cool and soothing against my fevered brow.

“I know, I can feel your condition,” he answered softly.  “I will help to ease it once I have you in bed.  You are weak because your mind is taking all of your strength to fight the intruder’s invasion and I believe the experience has shoc
ked your body.  You are burning up.  We need to stay with you and prevent him from gaining a foothold in your mind.  He is the Saipiean.”

“He is more than determined to get in to my mind.  What happens if he does?” I asked nervously.

“It won’t come to that,” Julian reassured, although he avoided looking at me head on.

“All you have to know, Amanda is that both Roman and myself will protect you a
t all costs.  Make no mistake we are committed in this resolve,” Julian told me firmly.  “Now it is time for you to rest.  Julian and I are in your mind now.  We will keep him at bay while you get some sleep.”

Julian cupped my face and raised it up to him.

“You are a very beautiful woman.  Softly curved, petite with those emerald eyes and pale skin.  Your eyes sparkle and dance like jewels.” One of his hands cupped my breast through the flimsy short shift.  “Your breasts are plentiful, firm and round and your bottom is ample and plump, perfect for spanking.”  He caught my mouth hard as if unable to stop himself.  I moaned against him.  “We both want you,” he whispered huskily as Roman tugged him away from me.  “It is a pity we cannot share you,” he finished his speech with a smile.

“She needs to sleep.  We will sort out who gets to claim her, later,” he challenged his brother.

I opened my mouth to speak, to tell them of what I had felt about wanting them both to share me but Roman was to talk first.

“Unfortunately, that is out of the question.  Only one male can establish a bond with a female hybrid.  It is the way of our people.”

There was a sternness to his tone, leaving no room for argument. 

“You are wrong,” my body began trembling as I spoke.  Heat coursed through my body in a sudden unexpected wave leaving me
startled.  The pain surged but a pulsing arousal appeared in my sex and I had the strange sudden urge to request that one of them bite and claim me.

My confusion at my thoughts made the pain in my head throb harder.

I watched the brothers exchange a glance.  Roman frowned.  His brother held my face and wiped my tears away gently with his thumb.  Of the two men he appeared to be more amenable to hearing my comments.

“There is no way
...  ” Roman continued.

“Let her finish, Roman.  I am interested in what
she has to say and then I will let her sleep.  She is getting warm and her pupils are dilating.  The conversion is here.”

“I do feel hot and strange, very strange.  I
want to have you both bite me.  Do you lose your mind with this change?” I was suddenly breathless.  My eyes rolled. 

Julian’s hand swept around to the back of my head to steady me as my head began to fall backwards in a faint onto the pillows. 
He bent over me, stroking his fingers along my cheek.

“Did you really feel that?” he asked me in a caressing whisper.  “I have never heard of a female hybrid joining with two men and establishing a strong soul mate bond with both of them.  I know it works
for some humans but as Trians...  but then we are hybrids and half human.  We are also close identical twins.  Perhaps it is evolution,” he tried to smile but there was a deepening concern for me on his face.

I just wanted them both close.  The need became overbearing.

Roman was unconvinced.

“I have never heard of it.  It wouldn’t work.  I want to deal with the
challenge in the normal Trian way and possess Amanda for my own.  If that means fighting you to the death, Julian then I am up for it,” he said fiercely pulling Julian away from me.

Julian pushed him back hard against the wall.

“You will get her over my dead body,” he growled.  “Maybe we should challenge each other now.  Get your sword, Roman and let’s get this settled.”

They started to fight.  Julian swung the first punch quickly followed by Roman.  Roman pushed Julian in
to the door to the bathroom.  He fell back against it hard pulling it clean off its hinges.  He recovered with speed charging at Roman to knock him in to the wardrobes on the same wall breaking them apart.  Thankfully, the mirrors did not break.

I sat up shivering afraid for them.  I needed them both.  Holding my aching body I got up from the bed and made my way towards them desperate to make them understand.  If I didn’t, I felt as though I wouldn’t make it through this change they talked about.  Something was definitely happening to me.  I was gaining knowledge and cravings I didn’t understand.  My body was beginning to ache and yet arousal still pumped thro
ugh my hot veins.  I wanted Roman and Julian equally.  I wanted them deep inside me claiming me in a primitive way.  I belonged to them both.  Why couldn’t they see that?

“Stop it, stop it, plea
se,” I begged placing my diapered body between them bringing their fight to an abrupt end.  No man would strike the other for fear of hurting me.  I was the greatest weapon to end their argument and to fuel it should I wish.  It was a potent power.

“Amanda, please, we must settle this.  I will not give you up, honey.  Go back to the bed where you are safe,” Julian urged slipping his arm around my waist to remove me from harm’s way.

I stood firm cupping both men’s chins, eyeing them with a pleading look.

“I don’t know how I know this but I do and I believe it without question.  I belong to you both.  If you do not accept this I might not make the conversion and you will lose me forever.  I have a child to care for and I do not wish to lose my life nor do I want to be parted from either of you.  Please, we need to make this work for all of our sakes.  Please
...  ”

I stroked their faces.  My life hung in the balance.  I depended on them both.  I would not live without either of them either by chance or wish.

Roman and Julian were silent.  Luck was on my side, it seemed they were thinking about it.  I could feel their strong, hard and vibrant male muscled bodies pressing hard against my own soft body making me feel deliciously small and vulnerable between them.  They could have easily tossed me out of the way to continue their disagreement but they were pressing closer, trapping me between them, crushing my breasts and bottom.  Suddenly Julian stroked the tips of his fingers along my shoulder.

BOOK: Tameable (Warrior Masters)
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