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Authors: Jordan Silver


BOOK: Tease
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Jordan Silver

Copyright © 2013
Alison Jordan

All Rights Reserved

Chapter 1

“Come here Dominique.”


I flexed the strap in my hand
and advanced towards her, in her haste to escape me she’d backed herself into a
corner, one from which she couldn’t escape.

“What did I
tell you?”

She didn’t
answer me just kept her eyes trained on the thick length of leather in my hand.

“I asked you a
fucking question.”

The harshness
of my voice made her jump and she tried inching her way out of her trap.

I reached out
easily and grabbed her by the front of her shirt pulling her to me.

“You want to
fuck around huh? Did I not tell you about that shit?” The belt came down across
her ass hard; it was the hardest I’d ever hit her, always before she’d been
spanked with the flat of my hand but this time she’d gone too far.

“You can’t do
this you have no right.”

“I can and I
will.” I didn’t let her tears stop me as I rained lashes down on her little ass
as she squirmed and pleaded with me to stop.

“Now take your
ass in the shower and get to bed I don’t want to see you again until morning
and if you pull that shit again it’ll be worse.”

“I hate you.”

“Yeah well
right now I’m not too fond of you either.”

She stomped
off with her arms folded and not for the first time I wondered what the hell I
was going to do with her. This whole situation is fucked; I’m not cut out for
this shit, who in their right mind would think it made sense to leave me in
charge of a teenager? Two more weeks that’s all it will take, two more weeks
and she’ll be nineteen and I can feel a little bit better about letting her go
her way. I was about that age when I headed out on my own and I’ve made out

She’s been
with me for three years, three long years since my buddy wrapped his car around
a tree doing a hundred and ten on the anniversary of his wife’s death. Asshole;
he’d taken the east way out, couldn’t face life without her so he’d left his
little girl alone in the world right on the cusp of becoming a woman. When the
lawyers had told me I needed to be there for the reading of the will I’d had no
reason to suspect. Greg and I had been childhood friends but we’d grown apart
and gone our separate ways when we left high school. I’d gone out into the
world to make a name for myself and I hadn’t done too bad travelling the globe
as an investigative reporter, no formal training, just a knack for getting in
and out of places that the average citizen wouldn’t dare trespass upon.

Greg had
gotten his high school sweetheart pregnant when we were sixteen but his parents
had picked up the slack giving them the opportunity to finish their education
and they’d both done well for themselves, he in law and she as a social worker.
Until she’d been diagnosed with a terminal illness and died within a few short
months. I’d been at his wedding and her funeral having received missives from
my mother about both occurrences. I’d only met Dominique a handful of times and
had no real interest in kids so all I noticed was that she was a beautiful little
girl with her mother’s smile and her dad’s winning personality.

One year after
Anna’s death my father and mom passed within months of each other leaving me
the ranch. A ranch that I wanted no part of, I’d gone halfway around the world
to get away from this place out in the middle of nowhere, no one else around
for miles, I hated cattle, hated hay hated the smell of the place, but suddenly
it was mine. Land that has been in the Durant family for over three hundred
years, a legacy, how could I sell it? Fuck. So I’d said goodbye to my life and
came home to oversee the place as I knew my parents would’ve wanted me to.

Just as I was
getting back into the groove of things Greg went and fucked himself and fucked
me in the bargain.

When the
lawyer told me he’d named me as guardian my first reaction had been denial.
There was no way in hell I was going to take responsibility for a sixteen year
old girl, but then I’d taken one look at her sitting in that room all alone
looking so lost and alone, no mother no father and my heart broke for her.

She’d come
down with mono not long after that and I’d been deathly afraid that we would
lose her too, a whole family wiped out in less than five years, but she’d pulled
through. She’d missed a year of school, that’s why she was now graduating at
nineteen. That whole year I’d nursed her back to health when she didn’t want to
live, she’d wanted to go with her parents poor little thing, but then she’d
gotten better and all hell broke loose. It started with my girlfriend at the
time, no matter what Lisa did Dominique found fault, granted Lisa was a bit
much to take with her big city ways and always looking down on others. But
maybe I shouldn’t have gone so far that day I’d overheard her putting Dominique
down. I’d ordered her off my place and had soothed the crying Dominique by
telling her that she was way more beautiful than the other woman; big mistake.
It’s as if I’d opened up a can of worms. From that day on she’d done everything
in her power to run off every interested female, I shudder to think about some
of the things she’d told them to run them off. I knew what she was about, but
at first I’d thought it was just hero worship; then I’d made myself believe
that it was just abandonment issues, that is until she climbed into my bed
three months ago and I realized I had a serious problem on my hands. I’d
rebuffed her of course, not because she was too young, by then she was eighteen
but because she was my best friend’s daughter, a daughter he’d trusted me to
look after after he was gone. I wont lie and say I hadn’t grown to find her
attractive that would be an outright lie. She was beautiful with a head full of
dark brown curls and the brightest blue eyes I’d ever seen, her oval shaped
face with beautifully sculpted high cheekbones and those lips that looked like
hot sin, not to mention her body, she had a body made for fucking just not by

After that
night she’d declared war on my peace and quiet, if there was something to get
up to she’d find it. She started breaking curfew, disobeying me outright and
being rude. But this last stunt takes the cake. She’d snuck out the house and
gone joy riding with some kid from school, drinking and driving after what had
happened to her dad.

I heard the
shower turn off and listened for her footsteps overhead going to her room.

Chapter 2

The next
morning I was up bright and early as usual, it was a Saturday so there was no
school the queen of the manor could sleep in; good, I didn’t feel like dealing
with her shit now anyway.

I headed out
to the barn to see about the livestock, Zeke the foreman that helped me run
things was already there getting the milking machines fired up so I headed back
to the stalls with the horses. I have twenty men working for me and needed
every last one of them to run an outfit this size. As much as I’d grown up on
this place I didn’t have the first clue, it’s always been a working ranch with
hired hands to do the work and it was my choice whether I wanted to get my
hands dirty or not, I never wanted to not this way anyway. Now I find it to be
a satisfying way to work off some steam especially after dealing with an
infuriating female for the better part of two years. This hard work had saved
that little girl from a whole heap of trouble.

Back up at the
house she had still not stirred as I took my first sip of java for the day.
Twenty minutes later I heard her stomping down the stairs which meant she was
still in a pissy mood. She came into the kitchen and ignored me, which was fine
by me.

“How many
times must I tell you not to walk around here like that?”

“What’s the
matter you can’t handle a little skin?”

don’t start now go back upstairs and put something on.”


“For fuck sake
will you give me a break?”

She was
wearing or not wearing some short see through thing that barely topped her
thighs and what looked like bikini panties underneath. Her hair was wild and
sexy as fuck down around her shoulders, and her breasts, breasts that no
eighteen almost nineteen year old should have were barley contained inside. If
she was trying to drive me mad she was doing a good fucking job.

“Get upstairs
now young lady.” She defiantly looked me in the eye and didn’t move an inch. I
wonder what she’d do if I took her up on her offer? Maybe that’s what I should
do scare her a little so she’d outgrow this insane idea that she was in love
with me. Yeah, maybe if I came on strong it would scare her enough into
realizing that what she thought was love was just plain old fashion hero
worship. She was grateful to me for taking care of her that’s all; maybe I
should do just that and put an end to this nonsense once and for all. When it
was over I’ll just tell her that I was doing it to prove that very point.

Here goes
nothing. I studied her over my coffee cup as she stared back at me boldly, that
just out of bed look she wore made my cock weep but I told myself I could
control it, I’m a thirty five year old man after all I can control myself.

“Come here.” I
made my voice as soft and seductive as I knew how and saw the surprise in her
eyes and the hint of fear, good she should be afraid the little cock tease. She
placed her cup in the sink and walked over to me, I pushed back my chair and
let her sit on my lap.

“Give me your
mouth sweetheart.” Her eyes held mine as she brought her lips to mine. The
first taste went straight to my head and places south, the feel of her body
through the softness of the nightie she wore made me burn. What started out as
a lesson in humility was fast becoming something more. She ground her softness
into my hardening cock and I thought to tell her to stop but the words wouldn’t
form. Instead I deepened the kiss taking her tongue deeper into my mouth. I
could feel the heat of her pussy through my jeans and it made me want more. I
folded her body closer into mine as she played with my tongue and before I knew
it she was straddling me her cunt pressing down hard on my cock that was now
leaking pre cum freely into my jeans. She pressed her tits into my chest her
nipples hard her breathing accelerated as my hands roamed over her back and
sides. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I was in over my head but I
couldn’t stop. I pulled my mouth away from hers and she protested a little.

“Shh…” I
searched out her nipple through the opening of the skimpy bit of nothing she
wore and sucked it into my mouth. “Ohhhh…” Her long drawn out sigh was music to
my ears as I leaned her back against the table and ravished her with my teeth
and tongue. The tearing of material was loud in the room as I tore it from her
body so I could get at her; my eyes feasted.

“Beautiful, so
fucking beautiful.”

I dove back
into her chest sucking first one plump nipple and then the other until she
squirmed and her body writhed in my lap.

“Take me out.”
Her small hands fought with the buttons of my jeans until she had them all
undone I never stopped kissing and sucking her body leaving little telltale
marks all over her skin. She was hot and keening like a cat as my hands found
the sides of the bikini underwear and tore those too from her body.

I was way
gone, pass the point of no return I knew I wasn’t going to stop, all caution
flew out the window as the need for her overtook everything else. That quickly
she had ignited me, months of pent up lust came unleashed as I stood placing
her on top of the table, my cock long and hard seeking fulfillment. I rubbed it
up and down her slit getting her nice and ready. Looking down between us I
eased my cock head inside, watching as her pussy stretched to take me in. With
eyes held I took both her hands in mine pulling them above her head as I leaned
into her pushing my cock in inch by torturous inch.

“Fuck.” I’ve
never felt anything like it she was like a furnace, hot and so fucking tight I
wanted to plunge, to plunder, to own.

She opened up
for me making room between her thighs as I pulled out and eased back in giving
her more of me each time. She had her head back her bottom lip caught between
her teeth as she moved her hips trying to draw me in, to hurry me along, but I
won’t be rushed I wanted to savor every moment of this magnificent coupling. I
wasn’t too surprised when I felt the barrier deep inside her, I’d suspected but
wasn’t sure. It did something to me, the overwhelming feeling of power that came
over me in that moment I’ve never felt before.

“Hold on
sweetheart.” I pulled back almost all the way before plunging back in, tearing
through her resistance slamming home as I caught her scream in my mouth.

“It’s over now
sweetie, it won’t hurt any more I promise.”

There were
tears in her eyes that I kissed away while I held still, buried deep inside
giving her body time to adjust to my girth.

When she
started moving beneath me I reminded myself to go slow, not to fuck her the way
my mind was screaming at me to. I started nice and slow, in, out, in, out, but
then she lifted her legs and placed her feet on the table opening herself even
more and I lost it. I rammed into her like an automaton; a whole year of pent
up lust raged to come out. I cautioned myself not to tear her even as I forced
the last three inches of my ten and a half inch cock into her tight wet pussy.
She screamed again but not in pain, my sweet girl had cum on my cock. I felt
the heated rush of her juices as they coated me.

“Does it feel good

“Uh huh.” I
looked down at her beautiful face I’d never seen a woman so lost in pleasure.
She pulled on her nipples as her hips moved wildly her soft cries sending
tingles down my spine.

She moved so
sensually beneath me I thought she would pull off my cock. She was wild and
uninhibited as she held me locked inside her heat. When my little virgin
reached between her legs and fingered her clit I thought I would lose my mind.
My hips on their own humped faster, I needed to cum, that was the only thing on
my mind. I needed to offload everything I had inside of her there was nothing
else, nothing else mattered but cumming and cumming hard inside her.

“Cum for me
baby I need you to cum.”

almost…” She stopped speaking as I took one last thrust and ground my cock deep
inside her pressing my groin into the hand on her clit and setting her off.

“Mine, mine,
mine, mine, mine.” I pounded away at her as I felt my cock spew and spit into
her as she twitched and clenched around me. When our breathing had settled a
bit I pulled her up into my arms still joined and headed up the stairs to the
bathroom. She was still moving on my cock as I turned on the shower.

“Are you
hurting baby?”

“No it only
hurt a little bit at first.” I couldn’t resist kissing her again her lips were
already swollen and soft as I leaned her against the wall the water rushing
over us as I started stroking again. This time I would go slow if it kills me,
that’s what I told myself until she lifted her legs around my waist and I sunk
deeper. I almost killed her against that wall as I went wild plunging and
swearing with each thrust of my cock. She didn’t help with her loud screams and
her sharp nails scraping down my back.

That day
before the guilt set in I took her over and over again, after the shower I took
her out wrapped her in a towel to dry her off and couldn’t resist sucking on
her nipples again. That led to me taking her down to the tiled floor and
impaling her once more. In the bedroom where I finally had her on a soft surface
I really went at her, she swore she wasn’t sore and I’m ashamed to say that I
couldn’t have stopped even if she’d begged me to. Once she’d cried, she was so
tired her newly awakened pussy finally having had enough but my cock wasn’t
ready to relent, he’d found the honeypot the greedy fuck and he was in no way
ready to stop. I didn’t even know I could fuck for this long, didn’t know it
was possible.

“Shh, shh baby
it’s okay, I’ll go slow.” I couldn’t stop moving, my body was covered in sweat,
my poor body was about to give out but my cock refused to
down and give up the fight.

I dropped my head beside hers on the pillow as I came for the last time
completely drained. I was too tired to bathe her again so I just pulled her
beneath me to sleep.

“Go to sleep
love.” One last kiss to her brow and I was out for the night.

BOOK: Tease
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