Texas Fandango: Texas Montgomery Mavericks, Book 3 (8 page)

BOOK: Texas Fandango: Texas Montgomery Mavericks, Book 3
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They went to bed early, about nine, and had another round of mind-bending sex, but afterward, Drake was still a little too keyed up to sleep. On some nights, he found it almost impossible to drop off until well after midnight. Thoughts and problems and memories shoved sleepiness right out of his head.

Restless and unable to sleep, he waited until KC’s breathing became slow and regular before he slipped from the bed, pulled his shorts back on and walked outside. Once he found the steps off the patio, he walked to the beach, enjoying the crunch of sand under his feet and between his toes. The ocean waves licked his ankles as he walked along. The full moon provided more than adequate light to see he was alone on the beach, or at least as far as he could see.

Today with KC had been exciting and exhilarating but had also left him confused. Last week, he’d believed there was a spark between Magda Hobbs and him, only to be shocked when she told him that he would always be a friend but it’d never go beyond that. Before Magda, he’d been seeing Stella Adams. A nice woman he thought he might have a future with, only to have her leave him for another man. And of course Olivia Montgomery, who’d made the correct decision to go back to Mitch Landry.

Was it him? Did he have the problem? Was he lacking something that made women leave him? Or was he trying so hard to find the right woman that he was battling to make relationships work when he should know when they were destined for the trash heap?

He was thirty-seven. He was ready to settle down, have a family, plan a future, which he feared was the reason he’d tried to reconcile with his ex-wife earlier this year. Not for love, but for the stability he thought it would bring him. Certainly not a good reason for marriage.

He picked up a shell and threw it into the ocean as he would a rock into a lake at home. Inside, his emotions were a scrambled egg…no way to separate the various factions. Emotionally, he was exhausted. This vacation was long overdue and he didn’t regret KC coming with him, but he wouldn’t let himself make more of it than it was. She’d been pretty open about what she wanted from him…sex and fun. He could do that. He wouldn’t look to KC for more than that. He would just lock emotions away and not let them out for now.

Mollified by his decision, he turned back toward their suite. The night air was cooler and the humidity lower. Floral scents were dampened by the fresh salt air blowing in with the tide. Night stars surfed the waves as the moon stood in judgment of their performance.

A wide yawn overtook him as he climbed the stairs back to his room. After rinsing his feet in the outdoor shower, he climbed back into bed. KC scooted over until she was next to him.

“You okay?” she said, laying her head on his shoulder and her arm across his chest.

He rocked his head to the side until it rested on top of hers. He slipped an arm under her head and snuggled her close. “I’m fine. Just took a little walk.”

She yawned, wiggling her hips to get closer, not that a piece of dental floss could have gotten between them before. “Good.” She kissed the underside of his chin. “Night.”




Bright sun reflected off the ocean and the water in their pool, shooting intense light directly into their bedroom. Drake groaned and rolled away from the light. Then he realized he hadn’t rolled over or touched KC. Through squinted eyes, he looked around the room. Empty. Then he heard singing. It was soft and quiet as though not to disturb him. He smiled and rolled toward the bright beams of light.

He threw his legs over the edge of the bed and sat there for a minute enjoying the vision.

KC sat in one of the lime-green striped lounges, the strong morning sun reflecting off her blonde hair. A carafe sat on the table beside her, a coffee mug in her hand, the aroma of fresh-brewed coffee in the air. A plate of Danish pastries sat beside the carafe. A woman who had coffee waiting for him. Now he could love a woman like that.

The thought jarred him and he reined himself in.
Not going there.

He stood and pulled on the pair of shorts he’d left on the floor. “Hey.”

When she turned to look at him, her smile stole his breath. How could he have not noticed that smile for so many years? Oh yeah. He had. Between Travis’s warning him off and fate throwing up road blocks to any relationship with KC, he’d just trained himself to ignore the staggering effect to his system. But no more. He allowed the light inside to flare in response to the brightness of her smile.

“Morning, Sleeping Beauty,” she said.

“Coffee,” he growled, holding out his hand.

She shrugged. “The pot is empty. Sorry. I’ll call for some more.” She reached for the phone and placed the order as he stood there in stunned silence. She didn’t save him any coffee?

He must have looked so desperate that she laughed. “Here. Take mine.” When she held out the mug, he snatched it from her hands and took a big swallow.

“Cream and sugar. Perfect.” He took the cushioned chair on the other side of the table. “Let’s get the Jeep and do some exploring around the island. What do you say?”

“Fantastic idea. I’m driving.”

He rolled his eyes. “Of course you are.”

They spent the entire day driving around the island, exploring every shell-crushed road and every dirt path that might be a road. Late in the afternoon, they drove down a pothole-strewn path that Drake insisted wasn’t a road and KC insisted was. The prize at the end of the trail was a secluded oceanfront cove.

KC ripped her T-shirt over her head. “Last one in buys dinner.” After jumping from the cart, she dragged her shorts down, kicked them onto the driver’s seat and ran for the beach.

But Drake was faster. He’d stripped off his T-shirt in the same amount of time but he wore surfer board shorts meant for the ocean. With his long legs churning, he ate up the distance from cart to water’s edge a few seconds before her. He plunged into the warm tropical water with a shallow dive that just skimmed the top of the waves. As he stood, he realized how shallow the area was.

“Walk. Don’t dive,” he called to KC whose toes were just under the tide edge.

She nodded and waded in far enough that she could launch herself at him. He caught her with a
and fell backward, taking them both under. They came up laughing and pushing hair off their faces.

Her blue eyes matched the cloud-free sky above them. They sparkled when she looked at him. He leaned in and kissed her. The kiss was wet and salty and sent his heart clambering into his throat.

As soon as he broke the contact, KC pushed off his chest and floated away. “C’mon. Let’s explore,” she said before turning and swimming away. “Look. A cave.” She pointed to an opening that’d been exposed by the withdrawing tide. Leaning down, she put her face in the opening.

He jerked her back. “Don’t go putting your head in places you aren’t familiar with.”

“Ha. And this from the man who’ll dig and go down into holes for old bones.”

“Yes, but I always know where I’m going.”

A devious grin curled her lips. “Know where I like to see your head best? Between my legs.” She laughed and pushed off his chest again. She swam about one foot before he reached out and grabbed her ankle and pulled her back to him. Her head went below the surface and she came up sputtering but giggling.

“I think I’d like to see how your head looks between my legs,” he said, holding his breath for her reply.

While he’d found his way down on her, she’d yet to reciprocate. Maybe she didn’t do oral. Maybe she wasn’t really attracted to him enough to want to do oral.

Her grin widened. “Really? Now?”

His gaze flicked around. “Well, I’m, um…”

She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward an outcropping over a small inlet. “Your throne,” she said, indicating the ledge with a tilt of her head.

After a second of hesitation, he jumped then levered himself onto the wet stone. He sat, letting his legs dangle in the water.

“I’ll let you in on a little secret.” She rubbed her hand over his rapidly engorging shaft. “I love giving head. Turns me on.”

Heat flared in his gut, liquefying his insides. Blood rushed from every organ down to the one growing long and hard as the beautiful, sexy woman who stood between his thighs stroked it with long, firm caresses. Even all the moisture in his mouth seemed to flow south to his cock. And certainly no blood was left for his brain.

KC untied the interior string on his surfer shorts and tugged at the waistband. Using his hands, he lifted his butt off the rock so that she could drag them down and off. Reclining totally naked in public was both a new and nervous situation for him, but he found it strangely stimulating.

A low purr came from her throat as she ran the tips of her fingers from the head of his penis down to his balls.

“Yum,” she said in a low, guttural tone. “Very nice.”

She lowered her head and flicked out her cute, pink tongue and licked over the slit at the end before sliding her tongue around the rim of the head and gently nibbling.

Drake hissed in a breath. Jesus, Joseph and Mary. She was killing him. Strands of long blonde hair covered his knee and obstructed his view, and that would never do. He fisted her hair, drawing it off to the side, giving him a clear view of a gorgeous woman licking his dick as though it was the most delicious ice-cream cone on the hottest day of the year. Impossibly, his cock got harder and longer with each trip of her tongue down and up.

Running the tip of her tongue in circles around and around, she worked from the base of his throbbing member to the head, where she wrapped her lips around him and sucked.

He moaned, fighting the urge to close his eyes in ecstasy. He wanted to watch. Wanted to see her take him deep in her mouth. Wanted to see her cheeks hollow as she sucked him off.

As though reading his mind, her cheeks indented with a strong pull of pressure, and then she began to slowly slide his length into her mouth. At the same time, she wrapped both hands around his base. She drew back her head, exposing his penis covered with her shiny saliva. She twisted her hands back and forth, trailing them after her mouth up his length.

His breathing was ragged and strained. Of their own accord, his hips moved in a piston motion, shoving his cock in and out of her luscious mouth. She closed her lips around the cockhead when he nearly pulled completely out and dragged her tongue across the slit.

Her sigh and moan almost made him come. He had to shut his eyes and concentrate to hold off his climax.

He wanted to protest when he felt her hot, soft lips lift from his penis, but he only managed a groan when she licked her way down to his testicles. Using the pointed tip of her tongue, she touched the sac carefully, reassuring him she recognized the sensitivity of the area. Then using the flat plane of her tongue, she lapped his balls, moving them inside their pouches, rolling them gently into her mouth, between her lips.

He no longer heard the ocean sounds or the birds or the wind. The pounding of his blood in his ears drowned out everything else. The vision of KC between his legs, licking his balls and sucking his cock blinded him to everything else around them. They could be on Sugar Island or the moon. He didn’t know and didn’t care.

“Don’t stop,” he was able to grunt out. “Feels so good.”

Her gaze rolled up to his face and met his. She released his ball sac and licked under it. The tissue there was thin and sensitive and no woman had ever used her tongue on him there. The hand holding her hair fisted harder. He knew he was pulling, but the intense pressure inside was building to an exquisitely painful level. In a minute, he was going to explode, much like a bottle rocket.

She made her way back up, stroking him with her tongue and mouth while jacking him with her hands.

“That’s it, KC. I can’t take anymore,” he said with a groan.

Damn woman didn’t stop. She sucked him deep. He thought he was going to die when he reached the back of her throat and he was able to go a small distance down into it.

His back arched. His hips flexed as he tried to push deeper.

She moaned, the sound producing a vibration against his cockhead.

The pleasure was too much, the pressure too great. He rocked his hips.

“I’m going to come, KC. Pull away if you don’t want me to come in your mouth.”

Instead of drawing her head back, she sucked harder, her cheeks indented in a sexy hollow.

He shoved his cock as deep as it would go and exploded.

“Fuck,” he said.

She released his cock and grinned. “Nope. Blow job.”

Chapter Seven

For the rest of that week, the days were filled with various activities offered by the resort. Tennis. Snorkeling. Sunbathing.

KC tried her hand at surfing, but after a few solid wipeouts she decided the spa was more her speed. However, she loved sitting in the sand on the beach and watching Drake’s moves as he rode the waves. If her stealthy glances around were any indication, the other women there were also feasting their eyes on his scrumptious ripped muscles as he twisted and adjusted to the toss of the waves.

If possible, his stunning blond hair was getting lighter every day in the sun and his tan was getting darker. Other women at the resort watched him with lust and longing and her with undisguised envy.

BOOK: Texas Fandango: Texas Montgomery Mavericks, Book 3
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