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Authors: Judith Harkness

The Admiral's Daughter (33 page)

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The sound may not have been a gurgle—it might have been a growl, or even a gargle, but nonetheless, it made the curate jump up in the air and spin about, thinking they must have crossed the path of some wild beast.

But the figure which now emerged from the clump of trees just behind Mr. Wayland bore more resemblance to a thunder cloud than an animal. Admiral Trevor, his cheeks puffed up with indignation, his great hammy fist lambasting the very air, came lumbering out from his hiding place with such a roar that Mr. Wayland almost fell down in terror.

“Here, here, you young pup!” roared he now, advancing upon the pair with his jowls wagging, “what d'you think you're doing?”

“What—what?” cried Mr. Wayland, positively shaking in his boots.

Admiral Trevor did not deign to repeat himself. He stood his ground, as if he were holding off a fleet of brigadoons, with his fist still raised in the air. He seemed to be on the point of shouting something else, when a mild voice from behind him said:

“Why, Admiral—do not you see? Wayland here is just rehearsing what he is going to say at the pulpit, on the day your daughter and I are made man and wife!”

Lord Ramblay took a step or two forward and secured the hand of his betrothed, who was smiling up at him in delight.

“Just so, Papa,” she said with a twinkle. “Mr. Wayland has very kindly offered to do our honors at the wedding ceremony. He is just deciding what he ought to say on the points of love and marriage for our edification.”

Mr. Wayland blinked back and forth between them. “At your wedding?” he stammered.

“Right-o, Mr. Wayland. Only do try to keep it short and crisp, if you will,” Lord Ramblay suggested mildly, “for we shall be in something of a rush to suit our actions to your words.”

Admiral Trevor nodded gravely at this, regarding the bewildered curate with a keen look. “Excellent advice, my dear fellow, excellent advice—I pray you will take it to heart, Wayland.”


Judith Harkness is the author of five classic Regency Romances:
The Montague Scandal
The Admiral's Daughter
The Determined Bachelor
Contrary Cousins
, and
Lady Charlotte's Ruse
, all originally published by Signet. She is the co-author of a screenplay, EMMA in New York, an updated version of the classic Jane Austen novel set in contemporary Manhattan. As J.H. Richardson, she writes non-fiction on subjects ranging from children with learning and developmental issues to profiles of notable creative artists. She lives in Rhode Island with her husband, Will Taft.

BOOK: The Admiral's Daughter
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