Read The Alpha Male Romance Boxed Set Online

Authors: Terry Towers

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Collections & Anthologies

The Alpha Male Romance Boxed Set (25 page)

BOOK: The Alpha Male Romance Boxed Set
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"You know, my cousin Jessie who used to work at the coffee shop is engaged to Senator Morrow, maybe we could..."

He cut her off with a kiss. "I know what you're thinking, but this is something I need to take care of on my own."

"But if we could..."

Scott let out a loud breath of air and peered up at the ceiling. "You know what the authorities do to people like me?"

Lily frowned and shook her head.

He raised his hand for her to see, palm facing her. "See anything unusual?"

She shook her head. It looked like an average hand to her.

"I have no prints."

Her frown deepened and she looked closer, the coming night was taking over the daylight, leaving only minimal light in the room to see so she had to grab his wrist and pull his hand to within a couple of inches of her eyes to see he had no fingerprints.


"I'm a ghost, Lily. I haven't been the man I was born for so many years that I don't know who that person is anymore." The lonely, haunted look was reflected in his eyes once more and her heart ached for him, but she said nothing only waited for him to continue, scared that if she interrupted it would break the magic of the moment. "You see, people like us - people with no identities - we get taken to places, bad places. And at these bad places men do things too horrible to people like me in an attempt to find out what we know. Things so horrible that you beg for death."

A cold chill ran through Lily and she clung tighter to him. She didn't want to imagine it. She didn't want to think about the bad places or the bad men. Or assassins, or killing. She just wanted to stay there, with him, wrapped in his protective embrace.

"So you understand why we can't involve the police or anyone else for that matter? I need to take care of this myself."

Lily nodded and buried her face in his neck for fear he might see the tears welling up in her eyes. It was going to be alright. She knew she had to keep telling herself that. Scott would make it all okay again, she had faith in that.



Chapter 6



Scott couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so 'normal', as he strolled through the woods walking hand in hand with Lily while they checked on the security system. He liked the feeling, the closeness to someone else, both physical and emotional. There were times when what he was becoming scared him. Emotionless. He could kill a man at point blank range and not flinch. That wasn't normal. He knew this and it terrified the shit out of him.

She'd asked him why he was always calm, even in the face of danger.

He'd told her that it was his training, but that was only partially it. Another part was the fact he had nothing to live for, other than the assignments he acquired and the money in his bank account. But then again what good was money if he had no one to share it with? There had been no real joy in his life, until now.

He sighed, as he looked down at her. She caught his eye and smiled, that sweet, serene smile that made his heart beat just a little bit faster.

Damn it. He barely knew Lily; he couldn't feel this way about her. He couldn't feel this way about anyone. He knew what his future held; men who did his job didn't have long life spans. Even if he wanted to try to establish a relationship with her, how could he leave her for months on end worrying if he'd ever come back to her?

"Scott?" Lily's voice jolted him from his thoughts and he gave her hand a light squeeze.

"What? Want a quickie against a tree?" he wiggled his eyebrows at her and got an elbow to the ribs as a reply.

"Hey," he pretended to rub his 'sore' ribs. "That almost hurt."

Her grin widened and she rolled her eyes at him. "Why do you
have to be
an ass?"

He gave her a mischievous smile and a wink. "Guess you just bring out the best in me, honey."

She huffed and turned her eyes away from him. "So you think I'm getting better, huh?"

His brows furrowed. "What?"

For the second time in five minutes she rolled her eyes at him. "My aim."

Laughing he gave her hand another light squeeze. "You're doing remarkably well. I'm officially impressed." Giving her a sly grin, he added, "It's surprising what you can do when you keep your eyes open."


He chuckled in response. "Keep up the sauciness and I will be pinning you to a tree and fucking you senseless." His dick did a little dance in his jeans at the idea and he groaned inwardly.

She stopped suddenly, gave his hand a yank and pulled him back to her. Grabbing the front of his black t-shirt in her fist she backed up a couple of feet until her back was wedged between his hard body and a massive maple tree.

His cock immediately sprang to attention, realizing that she was about to bring to fruition what he'd been joking about minutes before. Caressing the satiny soft skin of her cheek with the back of his hand and tracing the length of the wound on her cheek, Scott lowered his lips to hers.

With a soft moan, she parted her lips, inviting his tongue in. He eagerly accepted the invitation, while undoing his pants and pulling out his cock. Pulling back from her, he grabbed her shoulders and twirled her around so her back was to him and pushed her up against the tree, her palms flat against the trunk.

She'd borrowed a pair of his jogging pants which hung off her. The only thing holding them up was the drawstring. He reached inside the front of her pants gave the string a tug and the pants slid down to her ankles.

His cock throbbed, begging him to thrust it hard up into her sweet, tight core.

"Are you wet for me Lily?" he asked, brushing her hair to one shoulder and then kissing and nipping his way down her neck to her collarbone.

Lily moaned. "I'm always wet for you," she gasped.

Oh, sweet lord!
Scott, stepped between her legs and kicked her feet apart. "I want you to spread wide for me Lily," he growled in her ear.

She thrust her ass back against him, taunting him with her wet pussy and tight rear. "If you want it, take it," she challenged.

Reaching between her legs, he slipped two fingers between her pussy lips and groaned. So fucking wet. He brought his two fingers to her lips which she eagerly took into her mouth, sucking hard and licking her juices from them.

Watching her suck his fingers reminded him of how good her lips looked around his dick and he was suddenly torn. Did he want her on her knees in front of him, sucking him off, or did he want to fuck her against the tree? He slipped his fingers from her mouth and thrust them back into her tight pussy.

He pumped his fingers in and out rapidly, stroking her inner wall until she was bucking and moaning against him, begging for him to enter her. Removing his fingers from her, he grabbed his cock and pressed it against her tight entrance.

"How much do you want me fucking you Lily?"

"Please, give it to me. I
it." She bucked against his dick, trying to impale herself on his shaft.

That was all the encouragement he needed. With one fast, hard thrust he was up and into her, balls deep and groaning loudly. So tight. Her pretty pink pussy gripped him, begging him to fuck it. As much as he wanted to make her come and hear those soft little noises she made when she hit her climax, he needed to get off more.
I'll make it up to her later
, he promised himself as he jack-hammered into her from behind.

With one hand on the trunk of the tree over her head to brace him, and the other wrapped around her, pinching and rolling her clit between his fingers, he pounded hard into her, over and over. Her pussy was so tight and so wet it was the closest thing to heaven that he'd experienced in his life.

"So tight. Such a beautiful, tight pussy."

He was quickly cresting the summit. Too soon, for his liking, but oh
it felt too damned good. The soft noises she was making, the cool air tickling his balls and ass as he pumped into her, and the moist heat that begged him to come, it was simply too much.

"I have to come, but I don't want to come alone," he told her, nipping at the sensitive flesh of her neck.

His words seemed to be all that she needed. "Oh-my-God Scott!" she cried out as her body trembled against him, and her pussy quivered around his dick. The feeling of her pussy muscles contracting around his dick was the final straw. He thrust one last time, burying himself to the hilt into her and unloaded his cum, squirting it deep into her.

With a satisfied sigh, he collapsed against her body, taking care not to lean too heavily against her slighter frame and hurt her. He took in several deep breaths and released them, before kissing her shoulder tenderly.

Taking a step back, he crouched down, kissed her lower back, grabbed the waistband of her jogging pants and pulled them back up, tying them securely for her. Once done with her pants, he pulled his jeans back up and tucked himself away again.

When finished, he pulled her tightly into his arms, stroking her long golden hair. "I could get used to this." He told her for the second time.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she clung tightly to him. "So could I."

Beep, beep beep.

A feeling of dread mixed with a shot of adrenaline rushed through him at the sound of the security beeper in his pocket going off, warning that the perimeter of the cabin had just been breached.

"What's that?" Lily pulled away from him looking around for the source of the beeping sound.

Oh, fuck me!

"We need to get back to the cabin now!" He grabbed her hand and began jogging back to the cabin, tugging her behind him.

"Wh...What? B…but why?" She asked as she fought to keep up with him.

"They're here."


"Yes, it's okay, we just have to hurry and I need you to do what I say without question." He let out a sigh of relief at the sight of the cabin. He'd get her safe then deal with the men coming for him. If they were coming by car - which he assumed they were - then he had not quite ten minutes before they arrived.

As they reached the front porch, he pulled the key to the hatch from his pocket as his other hand opened the front door and ushered her inside, closing the door behind them.

Grabbing the pistol from the holster under his left arm he passed it to her. "It's loaded; take it, just in case."

Her blue eyes were wide with fear and her mouth dropped, but she nodded her head in acknowledgement. She took the gun from him, ensured the safety was on, and thrust it under the waistband of her pants at her back, muzzle down.

Pulling the hatch open, he grabbed the handles of the duffle bag inside and pulled it out. He unzipped the bag, pulled out another pistol and put it into his holster. He then grabbed a third pistol and what Lily had learned was a sound suppresser. He attached the silencer to the pistol before setting the gun on the floor next to him. Grabbing the handles of the bag once more he thrust it into the hatch and closed it back up. Not bothering to lock it, he just slid the 'home sweet home' mat back into place.

"Come on." He grabbed her elbow, ushering her into the bathroom.

"What do you need me to do?" she had no idea what she was offering to 'help' with. She doubted that she could ever actually kill someone, but she found the words tumbling from her mouth anyhow.

He opened a narrow, six foot tall empty linen closet, pressed on the back wall of the cabinet and a trapdoor sprang open. "I need you to live." Grabbing her shoulders he thrust her into the closet. "Get to the back and don't come out. No matter what, do you understand?"

"What? No." She tried to break free from his grasp, but was too easily overpowered.

Scott cupped her chin in his hand and brought her eyes to his. "Listen to me. Do not come out, unless I tell you.
Do you understand?

She felt tears welling up, but choked them back down. "But…"

His green eyes narrowed at her and his jaw clenched. "If I have to knock you out cold to keep you safe, I will. Don't make it come to that, Lily."

She recoiled at the cold tone his voice had taken on, and knew immediately it wasn't a hollow threat. When she nodded, a soft smile touched his lips and he captured her lips with his in a kiss so intense she felt it through every nerve in her body.

"Trust your instincts Lily, and don't make a sound, not even to clear your throat." With those final words he gave her a shove into the narrow hole in the wall and closed the closet door on her, plunging her into complete darkness.

She could hear his movement in the bathroom and felt slightly relieved that she could at least hear him, if not see him. The little cubbyhole he'd thrown her into was small, just large enough to fit one person and as she touched her fingertips to the walls, she realized it had been plated in steel.

She leaned back against the wall behind her, pulled the pistol from her pants and held it tight to her chest. She allowed the tears to freely slide down her cheeks for the first time since the whole ordeal began. Several minutes, which felt like hours went by with not a sound coming from the cabin, finally she heard movement.

The footsteps were light, but she could hear them, just faintly in what she thought to be the kitchen. She wondered where Scott was, she hadn't heard him leave the bathroom, but he was so light on his feet it would have been hard for her to tell.

Silence again. It was so quiet that she could hear her own accelerated heartbeat in her ears.

She was just starting to lull herself into a false sense of security when a soft 'whoosh' sounded from the bathroom. She heard a couple of normal, loud shots and then a thud came from the kitchen. She gasped, and then put her hand to her mouth. Feeling for the safely on the gun, she found it and clicked it off. He'd told her to stay in the closet until he gave word, but she couldn't. What if he'd been hurt and was lying on the floor bleeding?

He told her to follow her instincts and her instinct was telling her to find out.

Holding the gun tightly in front of her, its muzzle pointed to the ground like he'd instructed her, she crept from the closet. Crouching low, to make herself less of a target, she slowly opened the closet and peeped out. The bathroom was vacant so she silently eased herself out from her hiding spot and crept to the doorway of the bathroom with her back planted tight against the wall.

Peeping out of the bathroom, her eyes immediately jumped to Scott, crouched over the body of a blonde man of average build. Something caught his attention then; a figure suddenly appeared in the doorway with a gun raised to Scott's head. Luckily, Scott was quick drawing his weapon and exchanging shots with the man.

A slight movement caught the corner of her eye as she watched them exchange shots, a figure in the window. Instinct took over, rushing from the bathroom she raised her gun to the head of the figure in the window and pulled the trigger, sending three rounds into the surprised man, who hadn't seen or expected her.

BOOK: The Alpha Male Romance Boxed Set
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