Read The Anniversary Party Online

Authors: Sommer Marsden

The Anniversary Party (8 page)

BOOK: The Anniversary Party
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"And why didn't you ask your parents? Why not ask them? About the baby? They could have told you it was all a lie. It's a pretty small town, Wade.” Kylie looked as if she wanted to scream but it just wouldn't come.

"I didn't want my parents to know. It's part of why I left. They had such high hopes for us. That we would have what they have. What your folks have. So did I.” He raked his hands through his hair and winced. Kylie just watched him. “I figured if they didn't mention it, Jolene hadn't told them. I was grateful for that. Once I knew the truth, obviously, I wished like hell I had asked."

"So once you knew,” Kylie sighed, “why didn't you call? Tell me?"

Wade shut his eyes tightly and took another deep breath. It still felt like he was sucking oxygen through a swizzle stick. “Every time I talked to my mom, she'd tell me how wonderful you were doing. How you had bounced back. How successful you were ... and happy."

Kylie frowned, obviously recalling a much different scenario.

"She was so angry with me, Kylie. I wouldn't tell my parents what had happened. I had just up and run off on you. I especially couldn't tell her after I knew. Because then it was clear that my being a coward was based on a lie. A lie that cost me everything. I think my mother was just trying to protect you. Sadly enough,” he whispered, “from me. I made a decision
to tell you. Jolene had stolen nearly two years of my life. But I figured if you were okay without me, you deserved the life you were building. Not some man who would run off on you when things got sticky. I threw myself into my work, signed up to learn photography, started a life when my time in the Army ended. That's why I'm so successful. I did nothing but work. I worked and worked and worked until I was exhausted—looking at everything through a lens instead of at my own life. Trying to get perfect shots instead of mending mistakes. Most of all, trying to get you out of my head. Trying to forget what I had given up because I was too chicken to come clean. Kylie, it didn't matter what I wanted. It was you who deserved to be happy."

Kylie rose suddenly and he let her go. Put his hands on his knees and sat on his haunches.

"But I wasn't happy,” she sobbed. And then ran into her bathroom. Wade felt helpless as he watched her go.

* * * *

Kylie stared at her tear-streaked face in the mirror. Wonderful. She couldn't go back to the party looking like this. Plus, she couldn't leave the bathroom because Wade was on the other side of the door. Waiting. Looking hopeful and pain-stricken. She was torn between wanting to slap him and wanting to burrow against him for comfort. She attempted to fix her hair but her shaking hands fumbled with the clip.
Eight years! Eight years wasted because of a juvenile mistake.
Something she could have gotten past. Something she most likely could have forgiven.

Very few people were sacred to her. Her family and Wade. There were only a handful of people with whom she could put her love above her pride and Wade was one of them. But his trust in her could not possibly equal her trust in him or he would have told her. He would have had faith in her to carry on with him. To go on and build their life and not waste what they had. She didn't know what hurt worse, his mistake or his lack of faith in her love.

The door swung open and Kylie jumped. “Sweet Jesus! How did you do that?” she stammered, backing up against the vanity.

Wade grinned sheepishly. “Lots of photo shoots in war zones. A tag-along assignment with a mobster. Joey Nine Fingers could sure pick a mean lock when he wasn't under surveillance. I did a whole spread on the mob underground. They do love their notoriety. You learn lots of nifty tricks when you work with that caliber of people."

"Well,” she snapped, “you could have just knocked."

"Would you have let me in?” he asked, raising a single eyebrow. Kylie did her best to ignore how sexy the gesture was.


"There's your answer,” he said with half a smile.

"Wade, just leave. Let me get myself together. I have a party going on down there and I'm up here with swollen eyes and the hairdo from hell."

"Forget the party for just a moment,” he said. Wade turned her to face him, stroked her arms with his hands. The contact felt wonderful and Kylie closed her eyes to steady the flood of images that blossomed in her mind. “I'm sorry, Kylie. I know that I had no right to come back here and do the things I've done. I regret my decisions every day. Every day that I spend without you I wonder what could have been. What
have been,” he added, staring at her with eyes the color of strong coffee.

Kylie hung her head. She didn't know what to do. Give in to her feelings? Walk away and try to forget this whole thing? She'd gone that route and it hadn't worked. Eight years had passed in a blink with no love and no passion. No love that swept her off her feet. Nothing but a parade of nice men who just weren't
the one
and a pervading sense of sadness.

"Wade.” She tried to sound strong but her voice came out in a shaky whisper.

"Look at me, Kylie,” he said and tilted her chin up so she had to meet his gaze. “The only thing I can ask of you is your forgiveness. I made an asinine mistake. I was a kid but I don't fall back on that as an excuse. I can do the interview, leave town, let you get on with your life. I can do all that if that's what you want. But I need your forgiveness. I have no damn right to ask it of you but I need you to give that to me. Please."

Kylie stared at his worry-drawn face. Something loosened deep in her chest, chasing her anger and uncertainty away. She wanted to say yes and forgive all. She wanted to throw her arms around his tanned neck and tell him it was all okay. Fine. All of it. Forever and ever, amen. They could go back to the life they had before. They could continue on with their plans and make it what it should be. Hell, they could make it better than they had ever dreamed.

A tiny spark of fear quickly turned to a fire when she let herself remember how sad she had been. Inside her, the need to make everything right and the fear of being hurt again twisted her gut. And then there was the issue of his warm breath on her face and his kind eyes staring at her.

Not letting herself think, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

Wade's lips stayed pressed together for a moment, his hands fluttering along her upper arms like tentative wings. Then his mouth softened, and Kylie forced her tongue between his lips, deepening the kiss. She felt him gasp a little and almost laughed. She felt like gasping a little herself.

He moved as if he might pull away to say something, so she threw her arms around his neck and held him tight. Sweeping her tongue over his, claiming his mouth with her own. She felt her anger and her hurt drain away with each dancing caress. The fear and anxiety that she would never be happy again drifted away like dust. This is what she wanted to do, so she would do it.

"I don't know what that means,” he muttered against her lips and then scooped her up in his arms, “but it's doing funny things to me. Do you? Do you forgive me, Kylie?"

"I shouldn't,” she said between kisses, “but I do. I have to."

Wade pushed the door back with his foot, and never stopping their kiss, he carried her to her messy bed. He planted her at the top, swept the bedding to the floor and knelt between her thighs. Taking Kylie's hands in his, he kissed each finger, her palms.

"I love you,” he stated simply and unbuttoned her pants after a moment's hesitation, “and unless you have an objection, I might actually die if I don't make love to you right now."

The fine hairs along her nape pricked with excitement. She watched, mesmerized, as his broad fingers worked the delicate button on her jeans, claimed the zipper. The zipper hissed and Kylie arched her hips without thinking. He made quick work of the jeans and her shred of silk panties as she unbuttoned her blouse. She felt as if she would burst into flames if she didn't get it off that instant.

"You are stunning.” Wade sighed. His hands smoothed the skin of her thighs, feathered over her hips, dipped for one delicious second into her belly button. Kylie shivered, followed by a groan as he hefted her breasts in his palms. Playing his fingers along the sides, thumbing the hard pink nipples. He sucked one into his mouth and her sex became liquid velvet. Clenching. Anticipating the moment when he would slide into her and fill her.

Wade slipped his fingers into the neatly trimmed curls on her mound. Kylie sank back on her elbows, watching him, trying to breathe. He dipped his head to place kisses on her knees, her calves. He began kissing a trail up her inner thigh and her heart stuttered in her chest like an engine losing life. “I'm so sorry,” he muttered against the baby soft skin, “so sorry I ruined everything. Wasted time. Stole our future.” Each word vibrated through her skin, building her pleasure and need. His tongue swirled delicate patterns over her, reaching higher with each stroke. “All I ask is that you let me make it right. Let me win it back.” He sighed, finally reaching his destination. Kylie wanted to say yes, but could say nothing as the silky humidity of his mouth claimed her clit.

She let him do it for a moment. Tickle, swirl, suck and lave. Her breasts ached for more of his touch, nipples painfully yet pleasurably hard. She sank into the sensation of his lips, his teeth, his tongue and the wonders they performed. Then she sank her fingers into the hard expanse of his shoulders and growled, “Not this time, Sinclair. Don't get me wrong. I adore what you're doing, but I need more."

"More?” he said, looking happy and dazed.

"Yes,” Kylie said, taking her toes and running them over the bulging fly of his slacks. “And if I remember correctly, I couldn't handle much more than what you have to give.” She giggled. Kylie felt free for the first time in years. To laugh with him again. To joke with him as they used to. The fear was still there, lurking to the sides of her emotions, but it would fade. With Wade, the fear never stood a chance. She took a deep breath, laughing a little harder. Her heart was light with the happiness she felt.

"Right,” he said, eagerly, stripping in mere minutes. “I don't—” He frowned, glancing around.

"I'm on the pill.” Kylie laughed again at his look of befuddlement. “Now hurry up and get over here.” She eyed his cock and licked her lips. “I've waited long enough. I think I may have set a record in waiting."

Kylie moaned at the warm smoothness of his skin. She grasped his hard cock, stroking its silky length, running her thumb over the swollen head. It was Wade's turn to moan.

"Sweet Jesus,” he hissed.

"Let's leave him out of this,” she murmured. “You feel so good."

"Yes. Yes I do.” He grinned. “Better than ever when you do that thing you're doing."

"You mean this?” Kylie asked coyly, increasing her tempo. Giving him a little squeeze.

"Ooh, now I remember."


"How good you are at pushing me over the edge,” he hissed and pulled his erection from her soothing fingers.

His hardness traced her labia, ran over her clit, and finally started a maddening circling pattern around her opening.

"Not fair!"


"Definitely not,” Kylie said, thrusting with desperation toward his cock. He was teasing her.

"I give,” Wade said and slid into her with a sigh. The length of him filled her, stretching her for just a moment. Kylie sucked in a breath and felt her body adjust to accommodate him. And then he was liquid steel, thrusting into her. His face a mask of seriousness, his eyes dark and intent. “I missed this,” he said, his eyes rolling back just a touch.

Kylie couldn't answer around the lump that had magically filled her throat. Tears pricked her eyes and she closed them to steady herself. It seemed like ages since they had been this close. Since their bodies had mingled and danced and arched. She remembered the feeling now. The feeling of being one with Wade. She took in a deep breath and steadied her beating heart. Part of her almost felt as if she were dreaming. It couldn't possibly be them together again. But it was and that made her throat close up even more. She had him back. Finally, he was back where he belonged.

"You okay?” he said against her ear, kissing her neck as he drove into her. Pushing her higher and farther with each stroke. She felt her willing flesh clamp around him, mold to him, hug him with each thrust.

Kylie nodded because she didn't trust her voice. The lump in her throat had doubled in size and she felt a single tear escape no matter how hard she squinted. Wade became still, his heat hovering over her. She opened her eyes.

"You're crying. Did I hurt you?"

"No.” Still he remained unmoving, staring at her with worried eyes. Kylie put her hands to his hips and pulled him forward, pushing her pelvis up and against him. Forcing him to move deep inside of her.

Wade bit his lip. Closed his eyes. Shook his head. It was clear he was trying to control his urge to move with her, into her.

"I'm just happy.” She sighed, pushing up a little harder. Her movements became aggressive and desperate. She could feel the velvety head of his cock brushing the hidden source of her pleasure. Heat coursed through her lips, burning in the pit of her stomach as her pussy started a tentative flutter of orgasm.

"You always cry when you're happy?” he asked, giving up the fight and meeting her thrust for thrust. He bent and licked first one hard nipple, then the other. Kylie cried out quietly and pumped her hips, opened her thighs wider. Anything to allow him to push into her as far as he could. Anything to let him fill her up to her very center.

"Only if I'm very, very happy,” she stammered as another soft echo of pleasure resonated through her body. “Oh, Wade. I'm so close. I'm right there. I need—"

Before she could finish the sentence, thick muscled forearms slid under her knees, hiking her legs high. Wade gripped her ankles, taking a moment to nibble on one hard enough to provoke a gasping laugh from Kylie. Then he settled her ankles on his wide shoulders, thrust his hands under her hips. Kylie stared into his eyes and his intent was clear. He was right there with her, teetering on the edge of orgasm. “Come with me, Miss Kylie. I've waited for this for what seems like an eternity."

BOOK: The Anniversary Party
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