The Baby He Wants: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance (3 page)

BOOK: The Baby He Wants: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance
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wanna spend the night?” Tristan asked suddenly. Ava lifted her
eyebrows at him. “Not in the same bed obviously. I have some
bunk beds.”

have a bed,” Ava said.

it as comfortable as

opened her mouth to say, “Yeah it is,” but then found she
couldn’t quite lie. She shared a tiny trailer with two other
women. The bed was small and the mattress thin. Also the food was

she asked instead.

you make me laugh. And I need to laugh this weekend,” he said,
not pretending to misunderstand.

thought about it. She had no problem being a distraction; it was why
people came to these events after all.

I’ll stay,” she said.

Tristan said fist pumping the air.

I still have to work tomorrow,” she warned.


Chapter 2

a moment after she woke up, Ava didn’t know where she was. She
sat up quickly and almost fell out of the bunk before she realised
she was way up high. Tristan had offered his queen sized bed for her
to sleep on; while he slept on a bunk but Ava'd had just about all
the chivalry she could take for one night. So she turned him down.
She got up now and jumped out of bed, eager to get in the steamy
shower again before Tristan awoke. She tiptoed to the bath and pushed
open the door stepped in and then stopped dead. Tristan had beat her
to it. He was already in the shower, eyes cast down, hand on
his…penis. Ava’s eyes traveled down from his strong
looking broad shoulders, tapering down to his waist. His compact well
muscled butt jutted out, just right for her fingers to curve around,
if she wanted to; if he wanted her to. His long muscled legs were
akimbo as his hand moved between them. It took a moment for him to
look up from what he was doing. Clearly he was distracted. Ava knew
she should step out of the room but it was like her feet were frozen
to the spot. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen a naked
man. But this
the first time she’d seen the male form quite so up close and

willed her legs to move but he was already turning around to look at
her. It was as if it was happening in slow motion. His green eyes
widened in shock and then narrowed again. Then he smiled.

to join?” he asked.

Ava was
literally frozen to the spot. She couldn’t move, think or talk.
She just stared at him as he took his dick in his hand again, eyes
not leaving hers and began to stroke himself. Ava could see Tristan’s
hand moving up and down, as he continued speaking, Tristan’s
hand moved quicker. His eyes were closed and his leg gradually
widened until he was standing with them splayed wide open. Ava
couldn’t help herself, she watched Tristan as he jerked his
fist in rhythm. She saw Tristan bite down on his lip hard then thrust
into his fist as he bit back a moan and then seemed to realize he was
getting way too into it and sucked in a breath, slowing his hand

looked over at Ava, knowing that she had been watching him, he felt
his face getting warmer. He slid his tongue across his lips and let
out a long slow breath.

wh-what were you saying? How do you…mmm.”

paused, wondering if he should stop touching himself but he could see
that Ava was fascinated. That only made it worse because just the
thought of Ava watching him jerk off made him horny as hell but
actually seeing her do it was driving Tristan insane.

what you see?” he asked recovering coherency.

eyes were on Tristan. The more Ava looked the faster Tristan seemed
to be moving his hand. Ava cleared her throat but her voice was
strained, "It’s a good show. Are
enjoying yourself?”

enjoy it a lot more if it was your hand on my dick,” he said
with a naughty grin.

well…I should go make some coffee,” Ava said as if
waking from a dream. Her feet were finally able to move again and she
hastened to the kitchen to get some caffeine down her throat.

was that?” she asked herself as she poured coffee beans into
the coffee maker. Ava had managed to go twenty three years without
getting this close to a guy and his junk. It wasn’t for lack of
trying; it was just that her mother had been very strict about
curfews, deadlines and knowing where Ava was at all times. Also she
just hadn’t managed to meet a guy who swept her off her feet.
It could have had something to do with being molested by her uncle
when she was fourteen. He’d sat her on his lap and rubbed
himself on her back until she felt something wet spreading on her
skirt. Then he’d turned her face toward him, thrust his tongue
in her mouth, and moved it around. he’d then pushed her off his
mouth and made her swear not to tell a soul. She’d almost told
her mother anyway but she didn’t see what good it would do.
Soon after that he’d been hit by a car and left paralyzed from
the waist down. Karma was a bitch.

it meant that Ava was left wary of men and all too aware of their
dark side. She tried not to let it influence her life but it was hard
going sometimes. That was why she was so surprised at her reaction to
Tristan; so out of character. Ava didn’t know what to make of

the universe trying to tell me something?” she asked the coffee

likely,” a voice said from behind her startling her quite
badly. She turned quickly, almost spilling coffee on herself to see
Tristan leaning on the kitchen doorway hands folded, grin in place.

Warn a girl,” she growled.

Tristan said coming forward to stand beside her. “How is the
coffee making going?”

Ava said turning away toward the fridge. “What do you have for
breakfast?” she asked opening it. There was a tray of eggs that
she could see, some cheese, tomatoes, and milk. Tristan was removing
some bread from the basket in the corner.

and toast?” Ava asked turning toward him.

sounds good. I’ll make the omelet, you butter the toast,”
he replied surprising her again. She almost asked the obvious ‘you
can cook?’ question but decided she was through being surprised
at him. Clearly he wasn’t your run of the mill trust fund kid.
Instead, she reached for the bread and began to butter it.


The job
of a Roadie involved setting up the equipment that artists need for
the show. They can cover every aspect of the live performance, aside
from the actual performing itself. The main responsibility out of all
this is to make sure that the equipment needed for each event is
transported safely and correctly from one venue to the next, and
daily grunt work may include; driving, loading and unloading vans;
lifting and carrying audio equipment, sets and lighting, rigging of
electrical equipment; checking sound levels; tuning instruments;
taking down the set after the show.

The day
was warm and Ava was busy. There was equipment to be moved around and
stages to be set. Sound equipment to be checked and costume changes
to organize. As she went about her tasks, she passed Tristan now and
then, hanging out at the Black Bar. She’d told him that was
where the roadies took their breaks and he’d been there all day
except when he was watching shows. Ava kept expecting him to get
bored, disappear or otherwise lose interest, but his eyes lit up
every time she stepped in the door of the Black Bar regardless of
what he was doing. Conversing with other patrons, or drinking his
scotch on the rocks, playing darts with Jose the bartender or sitting
in the corner, reading the paper.

She came
by to check on him at least once an hour until she was through for
the day. There were some night shows that she’d have to prepare
for but between three and seven pm she was free.

Let’s go back to your trailer and watch TV,” she
suggested to him as she slid into the booth opposite him.

he said folding his paper and standing up. He drained his glass and
held out a hand to her. He tucked her hand into his elbow as he led
her out of the bar. Jose waved at them with an indulgent smile which
Tristan returned. It seemed a bit conspiratorial to Ava but maybe she
was just being paranoid. They walked slowly to Tristan’s
trailer, taking in the sights and sound, noise and madness of the
festival on its most busy day.

you having fun?” Ava asked him.

of my life,” Tristan replied green eyes twinkling at her.

Coz all of you’ve been doing is waiting on me all day.”

also been drinking, playing darts and getting to know some new guys.”

okay. I felt a little bad seeing you sit there by yourself,”
Ava said.

I was enjoying myself; it was just what I needed,” Tristan


They got
to the trailer and went in, Ava flopped on the couch and put her legs
up. She really was very tired. Tristan got the remote and dropped
down next to her, flicking the TV on as he did so.

you want a drink?” he asked as a movie came on.

I’d have thought you were all drank out,” she said with a

am but I thought you could use something,” he said. She gave
him an affectionate smile.

you for your concern.”

welcome,” he said glancing at her and then back at the TV.

continued to look at him though, studying his face and wondering at
the strange butterflies she had in her stomach. Pretty soon, Tristan
couldn’t pretend that he didn’t know she was staring at
him for much longer. He turned his head to look at her, eyebrows
raised. Brown eyes caught green and they just looked at each other
for a long moment. Then Tristan’s eyes dropped down to her lush
lips. She licked them unconsciously, looking at his lips too. Their
eyes rose simultaneously to lock into a stare again and somehow, the
space between them got less and less.

Ava felt
the cool pressure of Tristan’s lips on hers as his eyes were so
close to hers she couldn’t really see anything but a green
blur. Her hands came up and her fingers threaded through his brown
hair, pulling him closer. Her mouth opened a bit and his tongue
snaked in, tasting the length of her lips and then exploring the
inside of her mouth before tangling with her tongue. There was a
ringing in Ava’s ears and she felt like the room might be
moving really fast around her. Tristan’s hands were exploring
as well, moving restlessly all over Ava’s back. His hands
drifted downwards to land on her butt where he squeezed her cheeks as
he pulled her closer.

His leg
lifted and came to rest atop her lap as he pulled her even deeper
into his embrace. His hand lifted up her black vest to rest on her
stomach, caressing her abdomen sensuously. She groaned into his mouth
arching her back to be closer to him. Their lips fused together in a
dance of joy and sensation and time stood still.

softly kissed her neck, sucking a love bite into the skin before
nuzzling her. Ava melted. She cuddled closer and hugged Tristan,
kissed him tenderly, palming his stubble cheek as she tasted the
sweetness of his lips. Tristan lightly grasped Ava’s chin and
held her so he could kiss her again. Ava nibbled Tristan’s
lips, licked them to savor the sweet taste as Tristan palmed her
cheeks, stroking his thumb tenderly over her cheekbones.

Tristan hushed, “Stay with me.”


that was pretty awesome." They were following the crowd that was
leaving the makeshift performance area and Tristan had his arm around
Ava's waist. As soon as she’d finished up her roadie duties,
she’d come to find him.

I told you! And they even covered some classic rock."

spent the entire show absorbed in each other with Tristan holding Ava
from behind.

um do you want to come out to my trailer? I have some really good rum
or if you're tired I can walk you to your trailer."

I'll go with you. I'll drink your rum, s’long as you have coke.
It's getting kind of cool so it'll help with the chill."

can help with that too." He gave Ava his best leer and couldn't
help but laugh at the way Ava's face twisted.

I'll lead the way." He took Ava's hand and began to lead her
through the trees, away from the crowds and towards where he had
parked his trailer.

truth was Tristan was more nervous than he was letting on. He had
barely been able to keep himself from dragging Ava off to a quiet
spot while they were watching the show and he wasn't sure he could
keep himself in check when they were alone. Tristan was never shy
about sex or letting his partners know that was all he wanted from
them. No strings no morning after. With Ava it was different. He
didn't want Ava to feel rushed or used. Tristan wasn't sure how to
handle this. He couldn't stick around for longer than the weekend. He
had an almost fiancé he had to contend with. His mother was
expecting an announcement; after they’d dealt with the
potentially explosive idea of him never being able to conceive. He
wanted to spend as much time with Ava as possible but he didn’t
want to mislead her.

BOOK: The Baby He Wants: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance
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