Read The Baller's Baby Online

Authors: Cristina Grenier

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

The Baller's Baby (6 page)

BOOK: The Baller's Baby
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“Hi Stacey, it's mom,” Sandra Patterson said cheerfully into the phone. “Your father's throwing a before Thanksgiving party. We thought it'd be nice if you could make it out. Your siblings are coming with their families and it'd be great to have all my kids under the same roof this year. Anyway doll I'm gonna go start supper, hope you're doing well. Love you, Mom.”

Huffing out a breath, Stacey hit the dial button and waited, listening for the ring tone. Just when it picked up, Stacey saw Cole in the kitchen heading toward her. “Hey mom,” Stacey said into the receiver, holding up a finger to let Cole know she couldn't talk at the moment. “Ugh, no it's just...I know,” Stacey sighed, rolling her eyes. Talking to her mother was almost always a one sided conversation. Stepping away from Cole for a minute Stacey tried again to get her mother's attention. “Mom!”

“You watch that tone with me, young lady,” Sandra warned sternly. “I raised you with better manners than that.”

“I know mom, it's just sometimes you forget to listen to what I'm saying. I feel shoved aside.”

Stacey could hear her mother's frustration in her sigh. “I'm sorry Stacey,” Sandra apologized. “You know how it is when your father decides to throw a party. He invites half the neighborhood, gives me a three day notice, and expects me to put on a show and feast for the entire community.”

“Remember when eating good was grilled cheese
tomato soup?” Stacey smiled.

“Those were some dire times weren't they?” her mother replied, probably reminiscing about the times when she'd gone hungry to feed her children. “I still can't believe how far we've all come.”

“Crazy huh?”

“Sure is,” Sandra agreed. “So how's work? Any new clients?”

“Um yeah, I've let go of some to agents under me and picked up other ones. I have a pretty promising NBA drafter if he can keep his head in the game.”

“Ah,” Sandra said, her tone giving her away.

“What mother?”

“Nothing,” Sandra tried to wiggle out of it before lamenting. “You get this way of talking when you're interested in someone is all. Does this new NBA drafter know that you like him?”

“Um, yeah, I'm pretty sure he knows how I feel.”

“Well sweet lord, it's about time,” Sandra announced, a laugh bubbling out. “You've been with him.”

“Of course I've been with him. He's a client. I spend time with all my clients, especially the ones on the road.”

“That's not what I meant and you know it.”

“I have no idea what you're talking about mom,” Stacey replied adamantly, even as she could feel the blush creeping into her face.

“You're full of crap, daughter of mine,” Sandra stated, calling Stacey's bluff.

“Seriously, I'm clueless.”

“Tell me that man hasn't had his hands on you and I'll tell your father you couldn't make it for the cook out.”

“Fine,” Stacey huffed. “Yes, Cole and I have been more than just client and agent, which is completely unprofessional, but holy hell, Mom. Why didn't you tell me it'd feel so huge?”

“He's that well endowed huh?” Sandra asked, intrigued.

,” Stacey scoffed with a roll of her eyes. “I mean the experience, the enormity of it. It completely changes the way the world looks and feels and smells and tastes. Everything is different now.”

“Oh, well,” Sandra paused, choosing her words carefully. “Making love can certainly do that to you. Was he good to you?”

Stacey looked at Cole now, watching him as he put together what looked like two sandwiches, she supposed were for them to eat on the way to see her grandparents. “He was wonderful.”

“I'm so glad, honey. The first time can sometimes be less than the daydreams of our youth,” Sandra told her, worrying as any mother would. “Listen sweetheart, I've got to get to town before the market closes. You give grandma and granddad a kiss and hug from me, alright? Tell them I'll be by to get them for Thanksgiving in two weeks.”

“I will, Mom, and thanks,” Stacey said. “For calling and...caring.”

“Always sweet girl,” Sandra replied. “I love you Stacey.”

“Love you, too, Mom. Bye.”

Stacey hung up and went to see how Cole was doing with the sandwiches. “You were busy, so I took the liberty of making sandwiches and bags of chips for the drive.”

“Thank you,” Stacey leaned up on her toes to kiss Cole's cheek. “So my dad's throwing a before Thanksgiving bash and my mom wants all her kids to be home. I don't suppose you have the weekend off?”

“This weekend?” Cole asked, thinking. “We have a game tomorrow night and then two more this week. I'm pretty sure my weekend's free.”

“Are we moving too fast?” Stacey asked, her brown eyes full of worry. “I just...I feel like everything's been zooming past me since we-”

“Started sleeping together?”



Cole looked at her then. She was so easy to read, so honest and full of integrity. “I'm not going to lie and pretend like I've got a grip on things, because in all honesty I'm still reeling from last night and this morning,” Cole said, bring her into a loose hug, his arms wrapped comfortably around her slender waist. “I don't claim to know everything, or even a lot of things. I can tell you though, that I've never in my life been as comfortable in someone's home as I was in yours. Normally I get it and get out, even if I've been there before. Even if we're great friends. I just don't like being in other people's homes. But when I'm with you I feel free in a way I never have, except when I'm here or on the court. That scares the hell out of me. The way I feel about you scares the hell out of me. I like being with you and that's big for me, because I don't even like being with my best friend all that often. Now I'm going to have to listen to him break my balls about bros before hoes, no offense.”

“None taken,” Stacey smiled. “I'm scared too. I don't take relationships lightly and to know that I feel the way I do about you is a little daunting, to say the least.”

“Yeah, I get that.”

“Okay, so now that I've put a downer on the entire afternoon-”

“You didn't put a downer on anything,” Cole laughed, giving into the tenderness that she easily drew from him, he bent and gave her an Eskimo kiss, rubbing his nose very, very gently against hers. “Why don't we go meet these grandparents you've told me almost nothing about. Then we'll pick up dinner on the way home and get me back to the Bixby Center in time to puke all over the court.”

“You're funny,” Stacey said, punching him not-so-lightly in the arm.

“Hey, I have to use that arm tonight.”

“Oh, you poor baby,” Stacey teased, animating Cole with a sore arm, trying to play basketball.



Chapter 4: Greetings and Resentment


It took forty-five minutes, just like Stacey had said, to reach the Pavilion Health and Rehabilitation Center. Cole couldn't say he was extremely comfortable when they started walking toward the entrance, but it was a beautiful campus, for a retirement home. “So tell me a little bit about your grandparents. Maybe they won't know that we haven't been dating long.”

“I didn't know we were dating,” Stacey said bluntly. Instantly upset, Cole snagged Stacey's hand, tugging her none-too-gently toward a space in the architecture of the largest building.

“What do you feel when I touch you like this?” Cole asked, his voice deep, needy. Running a hand up Stacey's ribcage, Cole softly kneaded her breast, pinning her against the wall and take her mouth in a desperate, hungry kiss that left her dizzy with need.


“What do you feel, Stacey?” Looking up, she could see the storm behind those dark blue eyes. A storm she was already caught up in, even if her rationale brain wanted to deny it.

“Too much and not enough,” Stacey finally told him. Resting her head against Cole's chest, Stacey sighed. “I've never let anyone effect me the way you do and it scares the hell out of me.”

“Well, finally, some honesty,” Cole started, ignoring the way her head jerked up and the light of argument in her beautiful brown eyes. “Don't you think I'm scared? I've never lost myself so completely in anyone before, never wanted to, to be honest. With you, I can't seem to get my footing. One minute I want to tear your clothes off and bury myself in you, the next I'm worried that saying the wrong thing will incur your wrath. I want so much to do this right all the while worrying that I'm screwing it all up.”


Oh, Stacey could certainly understand him now. She didn't just worry about screwing it all up, she knew she was. What sort of athletic agent slept with their client? What sort of professional did she delude herself she was being? “Cole, I don't know if it's just wishful thinking on my part or if there really is something more here, but I do know that I don't want to turn away from this, from you. I've learned more about myself in the last week. I want to keep learning,” Stacey said, holding a hand out to him.

Looking up at her Cole saw the woman who'd in a single night captured more of his heart than he even knew he had to give. He took her hand, interlacing their fingers. “So, about these grandparents.”

“My grandfather,” Stacey started, “Is Grandpa Bud. We never call him anything else and you shouldn't either. Knowing that will tell them that we're more than just acquaintances. I won't be mentioning that you're under contract with my agency and I would refrain from mentioning how we met.”

“So what do I say if they ask?”

“We can say we met at a basketball game,” Stacey shrugged. “We did, sort of. Then if they mention what I do for a living you can easily say that you know.”

“You're sneaky, Miss Patterson.”

“You have no idea, Mr. Winslow,” Stacey replied and smiled. “We're here, and just in time for lunch.”

Stacey showed Cole to the table with her grandparents, leaning over to whisper that his grandmother always went by Miss Eunice.”

“Well isn't it nice for you to bring company,” Eunice Patterson said, smiling. Stacey didn't miss the surprise in her eyes when she looked at Cole. It wasn't everyday that Stacey brought someone with her to visit, certainly someone with white skin. “It's awfully nice to meet you Mr. Winslow.”

“I feel the same Miss Eunice, and please, call me Cole.”

“Cole Winslow,” the older woman said, “That's a nice name.”

“Thank you.” Cole smiled like a proud little kid. It was easier than he'd imagined talking to this charming woman. Cole could see the family resemblance in Stacey and where she got her stunning personality.

“So tell me about your family Cole,” Grandpa Bud prompted, his deep voice a little rough around the edges, like Stacey's personality.

“My parents divorced when I was eight and my sister twelve. My mother didn't really know how to care for us, but did the best she could. I haven't seen or heard from my father since he left and the only person I really keep in touch with is my older sister and her family. She's married and lives relatively close with her husband and two children.”

“Did you practice that little speech boy?”

“No sir, it sort of just rambles out of me, especially since I don't exactly like talking about my family.”

“Good, nerves I can handle.” Cole stood when the senior Patterson did. “Take a walk with me Cole.”


“So darling, tell me about your man,” Eunice cooed, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes.

“He's not my man, grandma.”

“Huh, huh, and I'm not black,” Eunice bravely joked and chuckled. “Honey, if he was any more your man he'd be tattooed on that cute booty you got.”

“Grandma!” Stacey squealed. “Alright, alright. He's sort of my man, we're still working out all the details.”

“Mm, hmm.”

“Look, it's difficult enough with the situation we're in, let alone the fact that daddy's going to flip when I bring a white guy to dinner.”

“Ah, give your father more credit than that,” her grandma told her. “He's flexible about those sorts of things. It's your mother who'll need the paramedics honey.”

“Nah, she's already bursting at the seams to know every detail of our relationship. And I do mean every detail.”

“That's a mother's prerogative, dear. What you share, however, is yours.”

“I never knew it'd be so crazy,” Stacey said, finally confiding in a woman as she'd longed to do since Cole had first kissed her.

“Love usually is honey,” Eunice replied, giving a full laugh when she saw the miserable look on Stacey's face. “Oh now, it can't be that bad. He's not bad looking for a white guy, nice manners too.”

“No one said anything about love, grandma.”

“No, neither of you said it, but then again, neither of you need to say what I can see on your faces.” Eunice patted Stacey's arm and moved ahead to drag her husband away from Cole.

“Hey gorgeous,” Cole said, hanging back until Stacey caught up to him.

“Stop it.”

“What?” Cole asked, irritated at Stacey's frustrated tone. “A guy's not allowed to compliment the woman in his life all of a sudden?”

Stacey looked up at him, anger and a good bit of fear burning in those molten eyes. Cole stared deep into them until he saw the raw hurt underneath her attitude. “Sorry, I just-”

“Stacey,” Cole cut, stopping her from going further by gently tugging her hands. “I know what it's like to feel as if everything you knew is spinning out of control. I know what it's like to be so deeply hurt by someone that your heart beats a little off rhythm, to wonder if it'll ever be right again.” Cole paused when he saw tears fall onto Stacey's beautiful face. “I can't promise not to disappoint you or hurt you. I wish I could, but the truth is, I'm just as human as every other person on this planet. I will screw shit up, I'll forget something that was important to you and have to beg you to let me make it up somehow. I'll drive you crazy and irritate you and probably piss you off a lot. All I'm asking is for the chance to do things right. I've been through a lot of feelings for quite a few women, none of which come close to what I feel for you.”

“How can you say that?” Stacey stammered, her frustration only growing. “We barely know each other. You hit me in the nose with a basketball, seduced me, came here and now you think we belong together?” When she turned to walk away, Cole reached out, snagging her arm and practically dragging her back to him.

“Look, I don't know where all this shit is coming from, but you're either going to tell me or we might as well call this quits now. I care for you, but you're going to be honest with both of us, or there's no point in all of this.”

Steely anger fired from her eyes when she looked up at him. Cole didn't believe for a minute, though, that she'd end it. He could practically feel the heat, the sexual tension vibrating between them. “Fine. I'll see that you have a ride back to town. I'll terminate your contract at my expense and we can both move on.”

Cole just stood there for a second, shock sucking the air from his lungs. When it rushed back in with his next breath, anger wasn't the only emotion coursing through him. He had a good mind to tan Stacey's ass for being a petulant child. “Stacey Patterson, get your ass back here.”

“Go away, Cole.” Easily catching her, he didn't think before he simply picked her up by the waist. Turning to the left, he saw a solid wall that would serve his needs. Pressing her against it, Cole pinned Stacey there, all the while smirking at the anger written all over her face. “Put me down, you idiot.”

“You can call me names all day long, darling, but there's one thing you forgot to be extremely sure of.”

“What's that?” Stacey asked, her smart ass remark only fueling Cole's motives.

“You forgot to be doubly sure that I don't still affect you on every level,” Cole grinned, his dimples flashing with the split of his lips. “You see, when someone breaks things off, it's usually because, at least on the fundamental ways, they've moved on. You haven't and I can prove it, right now.”

Before Stacey could get a word in edge wise, Cole took her mouth in the hot, angry kiss that would teach her to be sure of what came out of her lovely lips. The heat plunged them down into fiery lust before shooting them high into tenderness. Cole absorbed all the frustration she poured into the kiss and gave her only understanding in return. Furious, she opened to him, nipping his bottom lip for the trouble, before she gave up the fight and clung to him. Cole was aware that people noticed them. Their murmurs were loud enough that neither of them could mistake them for anything but approval or disdain. Still, Cole pressed her further, seeing how far she'd give him before pulling back. When she met him fully, seeking everything he had, Cole knew her frustrations weren't relationship killers. She'd open up to him soon.

“I hate you,” Stacey wheezed as her lungs took in air.

“Huh, huh,” Cole said, still grinning. “That's why your whole body is set to vibrate. How soon can we say goodbye and make it back home?”

“I think goodbye can be saved for another time. It seems my grandparents have disappeared.”

“Then come on,” Cole said eagerly, grabbing her hand and walking quickly toward the parking lot.

“Why are you in such a hurry, and could you please take into consideration that you're a foot taller than me?” Stacey huffed, getting nowhere with him.

“Fine.” Cole stopped and bent down to scoop her off her feet.

“Cole Winslow,!”

“Not on your life. If you want to talk me to death, you can do it on the way home,” Cole breathed. “Then I can strip those clothes off and convince you to let me live.”


Despite the afternoon, need and desire shot straight to Stacey's toes as Cole carried her toward her car. Turning she took in the lines and planes of his face. He had an angular nose that showed signs of having been hit and bruised, if not broken, a few times. His dark blue eyes were lined by thick, dark lashes that gave expression to eyes that could be stormy like the sea, or crystal clear as a summer day. His mouth, god that mouth, was well formed for his face, easy to smile and deadly when pressed passionately against hers. Framing it rather well was the mop of shaggy brown hair that suited both his personality and the look of him. He might not be model material, but with a matching set of dimples, he sure as hell was sexy as shit in Stacey's book. Needing him, she took his mouth in a kiss that had him stopping in his tracks to get a better taste of her. Running a hand quickly through the tight mass of hair, Cole drew her closer with a palm to the back of her neck. Passion, unlike anything Stacey had ever felt, sizzled between them.

“Stacey...” Cole breathed, trembling both with exertion and need.

“I know...” Stacey sighed, equally hungry. She held onto Cole's neck as he sat her gently on her feet. Then he was there again, tasting her, pressing her against the fender of her Mazda when she opened for him. “Oh, god Cole. We can't do this, not here.”

“Then drive fast, baby,” Cole pleaded. He gave her hands a quick squeeze and waited for her to sit in the driver's seat before gently shutting her door and practically skipping over the hood to reach the passenger side. They were on the road in five minutes, but Stacey set the cruise so she wouldn't get stopped for speeding.


Cole could see her body shake as her system tried to control the way they were both feeling. Smiling with thought, Cole reached over, slowly running a hand between her legs.

“What the hell are you doing?” Stacey asked, her body answering for her.

“I'm going to show you just how much fun we can have outside the bedroom,” Cole told her, deftly unsnapping the jeans Stacey wore.

“Cole...” Stacey whispered as his seeking fingers found the fringed lace of her pastel pink panties.

“Your mind might be rational sweetie but this molten body is screaming for release,” Cole argued. “Let me show you just how good it can be.”

BOOK: The Baller's Baby
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