Read The Battle Within Online

Authors: LaShawn Vasser

Tags: #contemporary romance

The Battle Within (7 page)

BOOK: The Battle Within
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Troy was hesitant. He rubbed his chin, “I don’t know. You know April and me are like oil and water. That might not be such a good idea.”

“Nonsense. I won’t take no for an answer. April doesn’t live with me. She has her place. However, she is out of town at some medical conference. She won’t be back until next week.”

Troy couldn’t help but think about the last time she went
out of town
because that was also the last time he and Franklin had seen each other. He’d dropped into town for a visit and she’d broken off their engagement. Franklin was devastated.

He couldn’t understand for the life of him what Franklin saw in her beyond the obvious. She was somewhat attractive…kind of. And, she was very petite. The very opposite of the type of women Franklin dated in the past. April couldn’t have been much more than a couple of inches over five feet.

She wasn’t curvy enough for his taste. She wasn’t really curvy at all. Nothing stood out about her except maybe her eyes. They were an interesting color…hazel maybe. And, they always looked as if they were hiding something. April reminded him of one of those stern librarians on television, even down to the blunt cut of her brunette hair. It wouldn’t hurt for her to spend a little time in the sun either. She was way too pale.

Yes, he’d seen more attractive women. And…in Franklin’s circles he was surrounded by them. Not to mention, April could be really bitchy when Franklin wasn’t around. Hell, she was bitchy when Franklin was around.

How she was able to wrap him around her fingers was beyond him. Who knows…maybe he was a little hard on her because he just didn’t like her.

“Alright, I haven’t booked anything yet. But, I’m only agreeing if you promise not to spend all of your time working while I’m here.”

“I was packing up to leave for the weekend. I’ve just got to stop by Jason’s to drop off a report. But, other than that…my weekend is pretty free.”

“Don’t they have e-mail for that?”

“Cyber security is just not what it should be. Some things we need to hand deliver.” Franklin was happy to have an opportunity to spend some quality time with Troy. It had been way too long.

“They just had another baby right?”

Franklin smiled proudly, “Yeah…a couple of weeks ago. He’s my godson.”

“If they’re looking for a brooding, much too serious for his age type of guy…I must say…you are a good choice.” Troy chuckled, “Just kidding. You’re an excellent choice.”

He folded his arms across his chest, “You know…speaking of parents…” Troy hesitated, but Franklin seemed to be in a good spirit, so he went ahead, “I was asked to ask you…”

The mood in the room instantly changed. The jubilance was quickly replaced with a frigidness unlike any other, “No.”

Frustrated, Troy ran his fingers through his hair, “Come on Franklin, you should really call her. How long are you going to punish mom?”

He gritted his teeth, “Troy, I love you, but there are a lot of things you just don’t understand.”

“Try me.” He paused, “I know every day she wishes that she’d never left you behind, and I know that she loves you, man. There’s not a day that goes by that she doesn’t mention you.”

Franklin’s eyes flashed with pent up rage, “She left me. She left
when I was eight years old and never looked back. I had to deal with the fall-out…alone. She stopped being my mother the day she walked out of that door. Samantha Erickson is your mother…not mine.”

He hated the way he was barely able to contain his anger at just the mention of Samantha’s name. Franklin prided himself on being able to maintain self-control. He took a couple of deep calming breaths.

Thank god for the Rutherford’s and Camille. Several years after his mother left, his father met and married her. That was also right around the time his father began to change for the better.

It was a losing battle trying to get Franklin to reconcile with their mother. Troy understood the anger and why Franklin would feel abandoned but if he’d just talk to her…he would find out there was another side. Matthew Roth had been a world-class bastard back then. He’d abused his wife and child until Samantha couldn’t take it anymore and left. She’d left with just the clothes on her back and a broken arm.

If it weren’t for spending some of their summers with his mother’s sister, Aunt Lyra, he and Franklin wouldn’t have had any relationship at all. But, over those summers, they grew very close.

Troy threw up his hands, “I surrender…for now. But, you have to know…I’m always going to try. I love you both.”

Franklin visibly relaxed. The tension radiating from his body eased just a bit. Samantha Erickson was dead to him. The woman who raised him and protected him had been Camille Roth. In his mind, she would always be his real mother.

Troy could see Franklin still wasn’t ready to forgive their mother. He just hoped that they would reconcile before it was too late.


Chapter 7


Loudly, the timer on the oven buzzed and not a moment too soon since Roman was on his way over for dinner. Sandy picked up an oven mitt off of the counter and put it on. The smell of Italian bread, butter, and garlic permeated the air. It made her mouth water. Bending low, she opened the oven to find the bread was ready. Smiling to herself, she whispered, “perfect” as she pulled it out.

Her kitchen wasn’t new, or incredibly large like Roman’s, but it was efficient. On most days, all she needed was the microwave anyway. It got a full workout heating up take-out food. And, since she ate almost all of her meals in front of the television, who cared that it was only big enough to fit comfortably her two-seater café table set. Not her since she was the only one living in the refurbished apartment at least for now. However, the stainless steel appliances and mahogany wood cabinets did add a nice little modern touch to it.

Sandy placed the bread on the counter as she turned both the oven and stove off. She wasn’t much of a cook, but she was proud of the shrimp scampi and linguine she’d prepared. Checking her watch, if she hurried, she’d have just enough time to touch up her makeup before Roman arrived.

However, before leaving the kitchen, Sandy took one more look around to make sure everything was in place. The wine was in the refrigerator chilling, and dinner was ready.

She snapped her fingers, “Almost forgot” as she picked up the vase of long-stemmed red roses from off the table. Roman sent them to the boutique earlier, and they were gorgeous. He was always doing sweet little things like that for no apparent reason, just because. It brought a smile to her face as the scent of the buds floated up to her.

Speaking out loud to herself, “This would be perfect out on the coffee table.” Quickly, Sandy left the kitchen with the flowers and put them on the table before rushing to her bedroom.

She stood in front of the mirror and lightly applied some barely there colored lip gloss. She’d already changed out of her work clothes into a white V-neck t-shirt and a pair of black designer jeans that hugged her curves while accentuating her long legs and slim waist. It had been a long week, and she was more than ready to unwind.

Like clockwork, the doorbell rang just as she sprayed on Roman’s favorite fragrance. “Coming” she yelled. Sandy pulled the pink scrunchie from her hair and shook it out as she ran to open the door.

Not wanting to look anxious, she stopped and took a couple of deep breaths before opening it. Slowly, she pulled the door open then leaned against the frame, preventing Roman from entering. In her most sultry voice she spoke, “Hey handsome.”

Roman moved in close real close. Even though his hands were itching to touch her, somehow he managed to remain just a hairsbreadth away. “What does a man have to do to gain entry?”

Sandy shrugged, “If a man has to ask, should he even be granted entry?”

His deep voice responded, “Good point.” Then, he pulled her body into his and brought his lips down to hers kissing her deeply.

After standing in the doorway for god only knew how long, they finally pulled away from each other.

“I love the way you kiss me.”

“And, I love kissing you.” Sandy pulled Roman by his necktie, “However, we’d better take this party inside before my neighbors call the police on us.”

“True. I can’t have the future Mrs. Benton all over the blogs for indecent exposure.”

“If I’m going to go jail for indecent exposure, then we should really do something

Sandy went to lift the bottom of her t-shirt in an effort to take it off. However, Roman stopped her by covering her hands with his and placing them on her waist as he walked her backward into the condo.

“I can’t wait for you to show me what’s underneath this shirt. However, I don’t want anyone else to see it but me.”

Sensuously, Sandy bit her bottom lip, “You mean, I can’t flash the sexy neighbor next door?”

“Hell no! As a matter of fact, when are you moving in with me?”

Sandy eased out of his grasp and turned around to walk over toward the sofa. “I’m working on it. I’ve already packed up a lot of my things.”

Roman took off his suit coat as he followed her toward the sofa. He threw it on one of the chairs, “You could be finished with all of this packing if you’d let me hire movers.”

“Roman, I don’t need movers. I can’t imagine strangers touching my things.” A feeling of uneasiness crept over her at the thought of moving and not for the first time. Had she been single for so long that sharing her space wasn’t very appealing? That had to be it. However, she was going to have to get over that and soon.

He looked around the small apartment, “It looks like you still have a lot to do. I can take off a couple of days early next week and together…we can get this done. Play dates are good, but I want to come home to you in my bed every night.”

Sandy couldn’t keep putting it off. But, she didn’t really want to discuss it anymore either, “Mmm…maybe. It’s something to think about. I’ll let you know.”

By the look on Roman’s face; he wasn’t about to leave well enough alone. So, Sandy decided to change the subject. She wrapped her arms around his neck, “Thank you again for the flowers. They are beautiful. And, as a thank you, I made you dinner.”

He pulled her closer while doing his best not to get annoyed with the abrupt change of subject. Sandy was holding back. Before, he thought it might have been something time would fix. He understood she’d been in some bad relationships. But, after overhearing her conversation with Franklin that night at the hospital, he wasn’t so sure.

For now, he decided to drop the issue, “You made me dinner, huh?” Sandy had many qualities, but cooking wasn’t one of them. “Who’d you order?”

“I didn’t order out. I actually

Roman looked skeptically, “I smell Italian and it smells good. You…
cooked it

Sandy rolled her eyes and pushed him down on the couch, “Sit down and relax. Let me make you a plate.”

He watched her go into the kitchen. Once she was out of sight, he rested his head on the back of the sofa and expelled a breath. Sandy made him feel so alive when they were together. He wanted it all with her…a home…a family…everything. And, he was anxious to make it happen. He’d never been an insecure man but…the sooner she was his wife the better.

Sandy came out of the kitchen with a twinkle in her eye wearing an enormous smile as she placed his plate on the table along with a glass of wine, “Dinner’s ready!
Bon Appétit.”


Was it possible for the human body to explode on impact? If Sandy ate another bite, she would soon find out. She pulled her feet up on the sofa and snuggled into the crook of Roman’s arms. He seemed more relaxed and to have really enjoyed dinner. Now would probably be a good time to ask him something that had been on her mind thanks to Andrea and her nosiness.


He gazed into her eyes, “Hmm…”

“You know most couples meet their prospective in-laws before they get engaged. You’ve met my family. Am I going to get a chance to meet yours before the wedding?”

She felt his body tense, “You know it’s just my mother and sister. And, you’ve already met my aunt. Of course, I’d love for you to meet them but it’s hard getting everyone’s schedule together since they live out of state.”

Sandy raised up to look him in the eye. Her hard stare spoke volumes. “Seriously, Roman? That’s your response? Would you like for me to give you a minute to try another excuse because that one is ridiculous? Considering, you’ve met most of my family, and they live in another state.”

“Come on Sandy. My family is different than yours.”

“If you don’t want me to meet them then just say so. Tell me anything but don’t lie.”

Roman pinched the bridge of his nose, “Sandy…you’ll get to meet them.”

She narrowed her eyes, “When? Before or after the wedding?”

“When I can arrange it.”

“What does that even mean? We’ve been dating for a while now. I’m getting a strong suspicion that you don’t want me to meet them. Otherwise, why is it every time they are in town, there is always some excuse as to why we can’t get together? So, is it me or them that you’re ashamed of?”

“Neither! I’m not ashamed of anybody. Just give me a little more time. I promise’ll get to meet them.”

“Time…for what? Roman, getting married is a big deal, and we’re getting married in a matter of weeks. Whatever it is just tell me. I can handle things better when I know what I’m dealing with.”

Roman rubbed his hand across his face as he debated telling her the truth. Decision made, he thought, screw it. “Let’s just say my mother and sister are very over protective when it comes to me.”

“Most mothers are when it comes to their sons. You can tell them I already signed the prenup, and I don’t plan on eating you alive. Scratch that last part.” Half-jokingly she spoke, “I mean what…do they think I’m a blue-eyed devil or something?”

BOOK: The Battle Within
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