The Billionaire's Bet #2: A Hot Call (BDSM Erotic)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Bet #2: A Hot Call (BDSM Erotic)
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The Billionaire’s Bet: A Hot Call

Copyright 2013 Clarissa Wild


After a steamy night with hot billionaire Dominic Fury, author Julie Valentine wants more from him. The sexy experience has left a mark on her she cannot ignore. She can finally write some heavy romance again and agrees to a contract with Dominic.

What she doesn’t know, is that Dominic has some dark secrets of his own and he’s not eager to spill. Soon she discovers his dominant side might be more than just a playful show and she has to decide whether she wants to stay with him or not. Both of them have a past that controls their growing relationship, forcing them to choose. Is their will to be loved stronger than their will to survive?


This is part 2 of The Billionaire’s Bet and contains about 17.000 words.

This story contains hot, explicit sex and BDSM play, M/F. For 18+ adults only.


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Links to Clarissa Wild’s books


The Billionaire’s Bet #1: A Seductive Deal

~ ~ ~

Enflamed (Boxed Set)

Which includes:

Raveled By You (Enflamed, #1)

Hooked By You (Enflamed, #2)

Cling To You (Enflamed, #3)

Cherished By You (Enflamed, #4)

~ ~ ~

Doing It (Boxed Set)

Which includes:

Doing It Wild (Doing It, #1)

Doing It Risqué (Doing It, #2)

Doing It Free (Doing It, #3)

~ ~ ~

Short Stories:

First Dance With You


Visit Clarissa Wild on Amazon
for current titles.



Kindle Edition, License Notes

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6



Chapter 1


“Are you sure
you want to do this? It’ll mean giving up your home and your freedom. Not to mention the fact that you’ll have to endure the things I’ll do to you,” Dominic said and he took my hand and squeezed it.

“Yes, I’m sure. I like the things you do to me. I never knew there was something so … powerful I could experience. Besides, I didn’t exactly have a home anymore?”

“You didn’t?”

No, I left my ex and I was definitely never going back there. Besides, I hated the town anyway. That’s why I decided to take a little trip to your casino, get my head straight, drink and enjoy a little. Tried to get my career going again, but that wasn’t really working out.” I chuckled.

“Well, you can write about our little adventures if you like, as long as you keep my identity secret,” Dominic said with a wink.

We laughed and then were quiet for some time. He brought my hand to his lips and kissed the back. “We have to celebrate our new contract. Join me for dinner tonight,” he said. He stood up and got the contract from the table next to the bed. “Now, I hope you’ve read this two times as I said?”

I nodded and he sat back down on the bed again.

“I have very specific rules if you’re going to be my sub. First rule is that you only leave the house if you have my permission. The permissions are on case-by-case basis. The second rule is that you have to do everything I say, which can include cleaning the house, wearing whatever I choose and giving me whatever I demand. That includes pleasure.”

The word pleasure made heat pool in my belly again. His gruff voice and demanding bright, blue
eyes only added to that desire.

“The rest of it is pretty self-explanatory as stated in the contract, which you signed. Should you disrespect these rules, there will be punishment and it can be whatever I want, provided that
I will not put you in danger.”

I nodded along with his statements, but I couldn’t help think about one of the things put into the contract. I’d read he could put a mark on me, like a branding or an item, but he didn’t mention this right now. Why not? Did he forget about it or did he simply not want to do that right now?

“Because you’ll be giving your life to me, I’ll be supporting you in every need. I’ll make funds available for you for when you need it and also to make sure you can continue your life should our contract be cancelled. The funds are now in my hands, but if the contract is cancelled, it’ll be yours.”

“What? You’re still going to pay me?” I said, frowning. I didn’t want to be paid for love.

“No, this is just to make sure you can survive and start anew if we stop being dom and sub. The funds itself will be mostly untouched, unless it’s something important.”

“Oh,” I said, flushing.

“Since you agreed to the contract, our dom and sub relationship will begin now. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” I said.

He grabbed my wrist harshly. “Yes what?”

“Yes, master.” I’d remembered he wanted me to call him that.

“Now that we’re in this full-time you will always call me by that name unless I say otherwise.”

“Yes, master.”

“Good.” He released my wrist again and stood up from the bed.

“I’ve put your clothes here. Put them on. I’ll have my assistants pack up your belongings in the hotel and bring them here. I’ll also need your measurements
so I can get you some new clothes, so you’ll need to put them down on paper this afternoon. You can do that when I’m at work.”

looked around and saw my clothes lying on a cabinet just beside the red bed. The toys and spanking devices that were lying right next to it got my heart jumping again. I’d fallen asleep in the playroom and hadn’t even left this room since Dominic had ruled over me with his floggers.

Dominic grabbed the blanket and pulled it away, exposing my naked body. I held my breath as he gazed at me from top to bottom. It was rather embarrassing, but I knew I couldn’t protest. That part
actually excited me.

He pointed at the clothes. I carefully stepped out of bed and held my hands across my body as I walked toward the cabinet. I put on the clothes that smelled like fresh flowers, making me think he’d had them washed during the night.

“I will show you around the house now. Come,” Dominic said and he held out his hand insistently.

I took it and he held on tight as he practically dragged me out of the dark playroom. The light coming from the windows in the hallway
almost blinded me, so I held my hand in front of my eyes as we walked further into the loft.

He opened a door to the left. “This is the bathroom,” he said, and flicked on the light. It had yellowish walls and dimmed lighting, making it look old, but I could see from the material it was brand new. Nothing seemed touched. Everything was placed neatly on a stack or in line with each other. The towels rolled up into buns, gels and creams aligned from small to large and there wasn’t a speck visible. There was a big, wooden bath in the middle and a shower that looked more like a
steam cabin was to the right. Two giant mirrors lined the walls facing the bathtub and in front were two deep sinks with stools in front of them. On the walls next to the mirrors hung a list of commands.

“You’ll wash every morning and every evening before I come home. Don’t make a mess, I don’t like it,” he said. “And if you do, clean up afterwards.”

Dominic never struck me as a neat-freak, but this surprises me!

“Can we do it together sometimes?” I blurted out.

He had a stern look in his eyes as he eyed me from the side.

“Maybe. Depends on how you behave, but consider this
another lesson, Julie. Always address me as master, even if it’s a question.”

“Okay, sorry, master.”

He smiled and placed his warm, strong hand on my shoulder, squeezing it softly. “Great. You learn quickly. See, I told you, you’d make a fantastic sub.”

I smiled back and felt my cheeks heat up.

We walked back through the hallway and he showed me the bedroom again with the floating bed that suspended from the ceiling.

“You’ll sleep with me here every night from now on. You’ll go to bed at the same time as me or earlier, but never later.
One thing I demand is that you always sleep naked.”

“Naked?” The words had already slipped out before I realized it. I slapped my hand in front of my mouth.

“Yes, Julie, naked.” He let my shoulder go, but instead fiercely grabbed my chin and forced me to face him. “You’re mine now and I want to be able to do anything I desire. You’ll be available 24/7 and I’ll expect as much. I also hate sleeping next to someone who’s clothed.”

“But master, I thought only the
playroom was for that purpose?”

He chortled and his lips curled up into a devious smile. “I never said that it was. You are mine to play with whenever and wherever I desire. I’ll keep your boundaries in mind, but I will push you to your limits
. Being my sub means doing whatever I want whenever and wherever I want when I demand it.”

I swallowed and gasped in some air as the realization hit me. He could very well ask me to strip publicly.

“Don’t worry, Julie. I won’t ask anything that’s revolting, against the contract or puts you in danger. If you want to stop, you know the stop word. You do remember it, right?”

“Yes, master.”

Still, I didn’t know what he had planned for me. It was thrilling, but scary as well.

We walked down the stairs and he showed me the kitchen, which was
huge. The brick walls were lined with perfect black and white counter tops, a fridge, a stove, all from the same supplier. The view was marvelous as well, with windows in the back. In the middle was a large cooking island and at the end stood a tiny table just big enough for two people. There was nothing out of place, everything was in order.

“Amazing …” I muttered to myself.

Dominic muffled a laugh. “I’m glad you like it. You’ll be spending a lot of your time here in my home from now on. Since you haven’t had any breakfast yet, you can go make some, but I have to get to work.”

I turned around to face h
im. “I assume the casino then.”

“Yes, Julie. It has to be run by someone, you know. I’ll schedule a time at the restaurant for tonight. I also have a special request for you. Wait here.” He walked out of the kitchen and I heard him run up the stairs. A few seconds later he came jolting back down again with something in his hand.

“I want you to wear this today. Put it in after you’ve had your meal and don’t take it out unless I say so.” My eyes widened. He held up an egg shaped toy that looked like a vibrator. In his other hand he had a remote control.

I gaped and wanted to say something, but he squinted and the look in his eyes told me he’d punish me if I refused.

“Yes, master, I will,” I said, and he placed the vibrator into the palm of my hand.

He smirked. “Good.
I’ll be going then.”

“Wait,” I said when he turned ar
ound, ready to walk downstairs.

His eyebrows furrowed and he scrunched his lips. “Turn around and bend over,” he said, jaws clenched.

I didn’t know what was going on, but did what he asked anyway. The smack that followed made me jolt straight up. “Ouch!” I yelped as the stinging pain sizzled on my butt.

“I told you to call me master. You didn’t, so I had to punish you.”

I kept my eyes on the floor, feeling embarrassed for my mistake. I should’ve remembered it, though he was kind of harsh.
I guess that’s what punishment really means.

“I’m sorry, master,” I said. “I just wanted to ask for a goodbye kiss.” I didn’t dare face him when I said this.

His fingers were suddenly slithering around my arms and my breath faltered. It felt dangerous, not knowing what he’d do next, but I wanted his touch more than anything. He turned me around and lifted my chin.

“Alright. If you wish, but only because I assu
me you’ve learned your lesson.”

“I have master.”

His lip curled up. “Good.” And then he pressed his lips firmly on top of mine. It was fiery and full of passion, as if he told me I was his just by kissing me.

When he took his mouth off mine again, he brushed my lips with his thumb. “I’ll pick you up tonight. And remember to put that in.”
He pointed at the vibrator and immediately my cheeks flushed.

He said goodbye and went out, leaving me in the bathroom with a toy in my hands. I had trouble not bursting into a nervous laughter. What a strange yet hot way to say goodbye. Dominic was so demanding and, to my surprise, it
aroused me.

BOOK: The Billionaire's Bet #2: A Hot Call (BDSM Erotic)
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