The Billionaire's Bet #4: A Final Game (Erotic Romance with alpha male)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Bet #4: A Final Game (Erotic Romance with alpha male)
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The Billionaire’s Bet: A
Final Game

Copyright 2013
Clarissa Wild


Julie Valentine has barely escaped from the hands of death, and billionaire Dominic Fury confessed his dark secrets to her. She finally understands the magnitude of his problems, and doesn’t know what to do. She takes some time off to be on her own, but she can’t get Dominic off her mind. Trying to make things work with him is harder than she could’ve imagined, but their connection is too strong to ignore.

But the past haunting Dominic isn’t going to let him go easily. This time, it’s his life that’s on the line. Determined to save Dominic, Julie sets out to destroy what’s hurting him, risking her own life in the process. Pain is around every corner, but she’ll fight until the very end. The game has only just begun …


This is part
4 of The Billionaire’s Bet and contains about 18.000 words.

This story contains hot, explicit sex and BDSM play, M/F. For 18+ adults only.


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Links to Clarissa Wild’s books

The Billionaire’s Bet Series

The Billionaire’s Bet #1: A Seductive Deal

The Billionaire’s Bet #2: A Hot Call

The Billionaire’s Bet #3: A Risky Raise

~ ~

Enflamed (Boxed Set)

Which includes:

Raveled By You (Enflamed, #1)

Hooked By You (Enflamed, #2)

Cling To You (Enflamed, #3)

Cherished By You (Enflamed, #4)

~ ~ ~

Doing It (Boxed Set)

Which includes:

Doing It Wild (Doing It, #1)

Doing It Risqué (Doing It, #2)

Doing It Free (Doing It, #3)

~ ~ ~

Short Stories:

First Dance With You


Visit Clarissa Wild on Amazon
for current titles.


Kindle Edition,
License Notes

ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


Chapter 1


His lips were
on mine, but I still didn’t feel safe. I was trembling in the couch, unable to comprehend that I’d just been kidnapped and saved by Dominic. All because of some stupid drug deal. I couldn’t believe I got sucked into this.

I took my lips off his and looked him straight in the eye. He seemed scared when I was about to talk.

“Dominic I …”

“Please, don’t. I can’t …”

“I’m sorry,” I said. “But I just can’t handle this right now.”

He swallowed and looked down at the couch, avoiding my gaze.

“It’s too much. Someone died right in front of me. I need time to process this, and I can’t do it here. I need some time alone.”

I knew I said I loved him and I did. I still did. I just couldn’t say what was wrong. My heart didn’t want to admit anything was wrong. I
held onto the desperation, but I knew it’d be better to let go, if only for a while.

“But I thought you wanted to stay with me?” he said.

I could see the tears welling up in his eyes.

“I did. I do. It’s just that … you play such a big part in this misery I’m feeling now, it just doesn’t feel right.”

He nodded, slowly. “Okay …”

I placed my hand on his cheek and brushed it softly, feeling his prickly skin. I knew it wasn’t going to make anything better, but staying here wasn’t either. Someone had broken in and entered this place, even with all the security Dominic has. I just don’t feel safe.

“I understand,” he said.

“Thank you.” I pulled him closer
and wrapped my arms around him.

He squeezed me tight, smelled my hair and then kissed my forehead. “If you’re really going to do this, could you please take a room at the ca
sino? I can protect you there.”

“Dominic …” I said, sighing.

“Please? I won’t bother you. I promise I’ll keep my distance. I just want you to be safe, and with all those guards around, you will be.”

He had a point. “Al
l right. If I can get my old room back.”

He smiled, his eyes still glazing with tears. “Good.” He stood up
, pulled his phone from his pocket and called his assistants.

They arrived in no time and started picking up and packing my stuff like buzzing bees. They swarmed the house and stacked up my things neatly, then used a cart to ride it out of the house. It almost felt as if I was being thrown out, albeit that I knew it was on my own request.

Still, it felt strange to leave him like this.

The tension between us was sharp as a knife during the drive to the casino.
He sat on the other end of the car, not moving an inch, barely blinking. If it weren’t for his loud breathing, I swear he could’ve been made of stone.

When we were in the elevator, I was struck with the sudden memory of us meeting here for the first time. It made my cheeks glow. Especially when I thought of how I ogled him and wanted to get my hands on him.

Oh, and would I!

If I had only known back then.

We’d arrived at my hotel room, and it felt like it was such a long time ago since I was last here. The entire trip here was so excruciatingly painful, I was practically swimming in sweat, so nervous.

I used the key to
unlock the door and opened it. The musty smell inside and the sight of that king size bed I would sleep in all alone made me cringe. Was I really doing this?

Yes, Julie, you have to. You need some time to think.

“Hey, um …” he began.

I turned around. Dominic h
ad his hand in his hair and pulled a strange face, like he didn’t know what to say.

“I’m here, if you need me. I’ll always be here, y
ou know.”

I chuckled. “I know.”

“If you need anything, give me a call, all right? I’ll do anything for you.” He placed his loose hand on the wall between my room and the door.

I smiled. “Thank you, Dom. I appreciate it.”

He pursed his lips and leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. “I meant it when I said I love you. I really do. I don’t want to be apart from you, but if that’s what you want-what you need-then I won’t stop you. I might be dominant, but I’m not keeping you in my house against you will.”

He came close, even closer, so close our li
ps were almost touching. It was longing I felt, wanting to be together with him. I needed him by my side, but at the same time I was terrified of what could happen. I could feel the spark between us, but my mind pulled me into reality again. The reality where he was the reason I was kidnapped.

I pulled back and took a deep breath. “Goodnight, Dom.” I closed my eyes and shut the door, closing the space between us.

I stared at the wood. The intricate lines carved into it. I knew he was still there, watching, hoping I’d open the door again. In my mind I could see him breathe like a bull, snorting and pissed, probably at himself. I heard a thump and knew he banged his head against the door.

turned around and leaned against it, trying to feel him through it, but knowing I couldn’t. I forbade myself to tear away the door between us. My heart screamed out for him, but my mind told me this was what I needed. I needed to be safe and clear my head for a few days. Being with him made that impossible.

Dominic roared like a beast. The sound made the tears burst out of my eyes.
It was the howl of a man who was separated from the one he cared about most.

I sank to my knees, my
back sliding against the wood.

“Please, leave,” I whispered.

I knew he couldn’t hear it. It was a faint wish into nothingness.

I heard a bang and looked up, but the door was still intact. It was the wall that had shook.
Did he just punch the wall?

Dominic bellowed again
, and I heard him stomp. The sound of his feet slowly disappeared into the distance, leaving me alone in the dark.




I spent days not thinking about anything. I didn’t want to be reminded of the cruel thing that was done to me. Whoever it had been behind that mask was after Dom’s money, and used me to get to him. I’d been in the midst of a war game and had chosen to flee the battlefield. My safety was more important, but it came at a price.

I could no longer write. For days I stared at my laptop, unable to type out even the slightest words. I was almost at the end of my latest book, and yet I couldn’t muster up the will to finish it.

My mind tried to ignore the voices in my head that told me it was because I missed Dominic.

and how I missed him, even when I tried not thinking about him, he still popped into my head. Under the shower, during dinner, before I went to sleep, and in my dreams, he visited me everywhere.

I hadn’t seen him for over a week. It was the most straining week I’d had in years.

I wanted to be with someone I loved, but at the same time I was terrified. I wanted to write and be an independent author, and yet I couldn’t do it without the inspiration Dominic gave me.

My enthusiasm and fun had completely dried up, putting a shriveled smile on my face.

I gulped down the last bit of my wine as I usually did whenever I felt miserable.

Each time I looked around the room, I caught a glimpse of the masked face of the man who’d kidnapped me. Of course it wasn’t real, but his presence still haunted me. Sometimes I’d have a nightmare and wake up in tears, soaked in sweat. I’d cuddle up against a second pillow, my surrogate Dominic.

Being alone in this hotel room was supposed to make me feel safe, away from all the threats, but in reality it made me feel more insecure. Anyone could storm in at any moment, and catch me by surprise. There was no alarm installed, no personal guards to protect me, no Dominic to save me.

Hell, this room might’ve even made
me claustrophobic, just thinking about being holed up in here.

dammit, Julie. Get yourself together.

I snorted and stood up. My book was going nowhere, and wallowing in self-pity wasn’t going to do anything for me either. I needed to get out and do something.

I got out of my room and went downstairs with the elevator that always reminded me of the first time we met. I quickly told myself that I should move on, and stepped out of the elevator. I got some chips and sat down at a roulette table, enjoying the company I had around me. It was fun being with people who were laughing. Much better than sulking by myself, and it provided me with safety in numbers.

After a few times rolling and losing, I quit and got a tequila at the bar. It was then that I noticed music
played in the ballroom up ahead. I looked up and peeked through the narrow gap, seeing people dance elegantly in long dresses.

My curiosity overtook control of my body and guided me to the room.
The music was soft and slow, there were tables and chairs to the side accompanied by buffets, couples danced in the centre, people were watching from the side. It was beautiful to see such romance at this casino.

I sighed and just stood there, amazed at the sweetness.

Suddenly, a hand touched my shoulder.

I cocked my head and stared straight into Dominic’s bright blue eyes. Those shimmering, beautiful eyes, so full of love, which captured my attention instantly.

He walked around me, wearing a sleek black suit. His finger gently trailed my arm, down to my hand as he stopped in front of me. “Hi, Julie.”

“Dominic?” I stammered. I couldn’t believe he was here. Not seeing him for a week almost made me believe he wasn’t real anymore, as if he’d only been a figment of my imagination. But he was actually here.

“Care for a dance?” He lifted my hand and left a tingling peck.

“I … uh …
What are you doing here?”

“Shh,” he said, placing his index finger on his lips. “No questions. Just a dance. Nothing more.”

He grabbed the tequila from my hand and placed it on a table. He gently tugged my hand, coaxing me to come with him. My feet let go of the floor and my legs started walking on their own. He walked backward, keeping his eyes on me, as he guided me across the dance floor.

When we were in the middle, he placed my hand on top of his shoulder and grabbed my other hand.

“Dominic, I can’t,” I muttered.

My face was already getting red, just from seeing him. Being so close to him after a week of not seeing him at all made me extremely sensitive to
his touch.

“It’s only a dance … Please?” He raised his eyebrows
, and the look in his eyes lured me in. It was so enchanting, the way he just swooped me off my feet, I couldn’t resist.

He took my silence as a yes.

Carefully, he started moving across the floor, his feet making the perfect slow dance steps. He was alluring to look at in his neat suit, with his hair swished back, his predatory eyes on my face. His warm hand squeezed mine as we swooshed across the floor, and he placed his other hand on my lower back.

My mind went crazy, thinking about his hands on me. I could feel every one of his fingers, and my senses were making over hours just feeling his hand move from time to time. Oh, what I’d give for him to touch my naked body again.

I swallowed.
Don’t think about that Julie.

A smile crept onto his face as he watched me. My cheeks were probably glowing.

I tried to ignore his touch and focused on his eyes, but they were mesmerizing me. I looked at his thin lips, those delicious lips that I wanted to kiss, which could drive me insane.

I quickly closed my eyes and breathed in and out a couple of times.
Keep it together.

He chuck
led. “You seem anxious, Julie.”

Yeah, well, I’m rather stunned that you just happened to be here where I was. How exactly did you know I was here? Have your men been spying on me?” My eyes narrowed.

frowned. “No, of course not. If I wanted to keep tabs on you, I’d hang a couple of video cameras in your room.”

My eyes widened.

He laughed. “Relax, I’m joking. I would never invade your privacy … unless you want me to.”

The wink that followed made my insides broil.

I turned my head away, trying to keep my cool. I spotted a woman in the back, walking past the entrance, gawking at us. Her silky brown hair was knotted in a bun on top of her head, and her stern oval face was plastered with make-up.

I scrunched my nose and turned my head back to Dominic again. “That woman over there is staring at us,” I whispered, and I cocked my head a little to point him in the right direction.

He glanced at her and then sent her a quick nod.

I peeked and saw she’d left again. “Who was that?”


My mouth dropped open. “That was your private detective? The woman y
ou’ve been so secretive about?”

BOOK: The Billionaire's Bet #4: A Final Game (Erotic Romance with alpha male)
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