The Billionaire's Bodyguard Bride (6 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Bodyguard Bride
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“Better?” he queried after a few minutes, feeling the tension in the seized muscle ebb away beneath his fingertips.

“I’m fine now, thanks. I shouldn’t have stopped running so suddenly.”

The massage may have helped her, but it hadn’t done him any favors. Lauren was toned and muscular, with the long legs of a dancer. Remembering how those legs had felt wrapped around him as they’d made love, Rafe had to employ every ounce of his self-control not to take her in the sun-warmed sand.

Instead of relinquishing his hold on her leg, he continued to knead a pattern of light circles on her silky skin, alternating the pressure until she uttered another moan, this time one of pleasure, not pain.

And then he put those hands to far better use, slipping his fingers beneath her shorts and stroking boldly upwards.

“No, Rafe,” she protested with a shocked gasp.

“Oh yes,
agapi mou
. I know you haven’t forgotten how good it used to be between us. Tell me you don’t want me and I’ll stop,” he purred, continuing the sensual onslaught he’d begun.

“I don’t,” she groaned, clutching at his shirt to steady herself.

“Liar,” he breathed, his fingers trespassing into forbidden territory. “Your body betrays you. There’s passion in your voice when you call out my name. Passion in the way you look at me. Passion in the heat from your body. You can deny it all you want, but you know you can’t ignore this chemistry between us indefinitely. Why not give in to it? There’s no reason our agreement has to remain platonic.”

Lauren’s fingers wrapped around his wrist, and she pulled his hand away. “A physical relationship isn’t enough for me. I want someone who loves me. I thought you were that someone, but I was wrong. I’m not about to make the same mistake twice. I’ll go along with your plan, but only on my terms. The choice is up to you. Deal or no deal?”

“We have a deal,” he affirmed, confident she wouldn’t be able to resist him for long. “Just understand that I’m more than willing to modify the terms of our agreement anytime you want to renegotiate. Let me know when you change your mind.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

“If you say so,” he murmured indolently. “There is one more thing you should know. One of the men bidding for Chuck Fullerton’s magazine is Milton Payne. He and his wife will be guests at the Fullertons’ estate while we’re there.”

“And this is important because?”

“Milton and I were business associates once upon a time, until he made the mistake of deceiving me. Now we’re rivals.” Rafe knew he should tell her everything, but he decided it would be prudent to save the rest of the sordid details for when he was certain Lauren would hold up her end of the deal. “We’ll be leading him to believe you’re my wife, so he’ll see you as fair game. I thought it best if you knew, up front, you’ll be a target.”

“Forewarned is forearmed? Gee. If I didn’t know better, I’d almost think you cared about me.”

He tipped his head, pinning her with an all-business glare. “What I care about is winning. That and integrity, a trait Milton Payne has proven he doesn’t possess. And you know, better than anyone, that I don’t tolerate deceitfulness.”

Yes. She knew. She was still living with the consequences of her supposed faux pas. And now she was about to deceive him for real. She hated the idea of having to lie to him, but sometimes deception was necessary.

Chapter Four

Watching the taillights on Rafe’s car disappear around the bend, Lauren launched into a cerebral happy dance. Her relief at his departure was tempered by the sobering realization that he would be back all too soon. At least the brief reprieve would give her a chance to regroup before she had to deal with him again.

And that
would be at dinner
He’d only left because she’d agreed to meet with him tonight to finalize the plans for their wedding and their subsequent visit to the Fullertons’ estate.

It was evident from the way she’d handled this morning’s encounter with him . . . or not handled it, more aptly . . . that her defenses needed work. She needed to fortify the barrier she’d erected between him and her heart before he returned.

It shouldn’t be so difficult to remain unaffected by him, but it was.
You’ll just have to try harder
, she mentally chastised herself, picking up the phone to fill her brother in on the turn of events and her change in plans. He wouldn’t be happy about the new development, but he deserved a heads-up about what she was planning to do all the same.

Luke answered on the first ring. Since it was easier to jump right in, she chose to forgo the small talk and cut to the chase. “There’s something I have to tell you.”

“You’re too late. I heard.” Luke’s grumble of displeasure made it clear he wasn’t at all thrilled with the news. “Liz called me in to the office to brief me on my new charge, and the subject came up. I can’t believe you’re even considering this. For the record, I think it’s a terrible idea. Your plan isn’t safe. Or sane.”

“I can’t argue the sane part, but as far as my safety goes, I’ll be as secure on this assignment as anyone else on our team would be. I may be petite, but do I have to remind you who made you cry uncle the last time we practiced takedown techniques?”

“It’s not your physical safety I’m concerned about. I know you can handle yourself. I’m worried Dimitriou’s going to get under your skin again. The bastard’s charming, and you’re going to be with him practically twenty-four/seven. I’m afraid the lines will get blurred.”

“That’s not going to happen, Luke. I was naïve where Rafe was concerned two years ago, but I know what he’s all about now. I can do this and keep my heart intact. I promise.”

“I think you’re underestimating your opponent. Dimitriou makes it his business to get what he wants.”

Rafe was not the type of man you underestimated. She knew what she was up against. There was no arguing that he always prevailed when he set his sights on something, but his tenaciousness wasn’t going to be a problem in this instance. He didn’t want her. He’d made his feelings—or rather lack of them—perfectly clear when he’d walked away from her in Greece. Mere days after he’d cast her aside, he’d replaced her. The tabloids had featured him with a seemingly endless stream of arm candy ever since.

“You’re confusing ‘want’ with ‘need.’ The only reason he sought me out is because he needs my help to secure a deal.”

“I hope you’re right. For his sake. If he messes with you again, I guarantee Liz is going to have more than one threat against Dimitriou to worry about.”

“I appreciate the thought, but you’re one of the good guys, remember? It’s your duty to protect, not to pulverize.” She decided it was time to turn the conversation to a different topic. “So what’s your new assignment?”

Luke breathed a resigned sigh. “Guarding Rafe’s sister.”

Surprise rendered Lauren temporarily speechless. “Wow,” she murmured once the enormity of her brother’s announcement sunk in. “Now that’s a news flash. I thought Rafe was an only child.”

“The revelation came as quite a shock to the Dimitriou family, too. They only learned of the woman’s existence a few weeks ago. Rafe’s father, Philip, had had an affair. Twenty-three years ago the mistress disappeared from his life without a trace. He never got over her, and when his wife passed away, he set out to locate his former lover. When the investigator was finally able to track her down, it was too late. She’d died a year prior. But he found that the woman had a daughter. Philip’s daughter.”


“Yeah, and from what I’ve been able to gather from our intel, she’s quite a handful. Her dossier paints her as strong-willed, sharp as a whip, and a free spirit who wants nothing at all to do with her newly discovered family.”

As covert bodyguards, Lauren and Luke generally remained invisible to the people they were tasked to protect, but certain situations called for closer interaction. She had a feeling if Luke had to make contact with Rafe’s sister, things could get interesting. The stubborn, independent side of Luke’s new charge would mix with her brother’s personality like oil and water. “Sounds like a challenge.”

“I’m always up for a challenge,” her brother assured her. “And despite my giving you a hard time, I know you are, too. Just promise me you’ll be careful.”

“I will be,” she assured him. “Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.”

“I hope so,” he sighed. “Good luck, sis.”

Opening her door to Rafe’s knock a few hours later, she knew she was going to need all the luck she could get to make it through the evening unscathed. Sexiness personified stood in her doorway. She wasn’t sure her newly fortified defenses were up to the challenge of deflecting Rafe in full pursuit mode. She was in trouble. He was trouble.

His gaze raked over the black denim jeans and violet polo shirt she wore. “Gorgeous.” You do casual well.”

Heaven help her, so did he. She hadn’t counted on the hormonal damage Rafe could wreak in faded blue jeans that hugged his muscled thighs like a second skin. She drew in a breath as he sauntered past her. Ditto to his perfectly sculpted rear view. He was even more devastating than he’d been in the tuxedo.

“I’ll just get my purse and we can go,” she hurriedly relayed, eager to be anywhere else but here in the intimate seclusion of her home with him. A crowded restaurant would be far safer.

Instead of driving into the city as she thought he would, Rafe chose a scenic route that snaked along the ocean and away from all the popular dining spots.

“You said to dress casually, but you didn’t mention where we were going,” she probed, curious as to where they were headed.

“I’ve chosen someplace quiet and secluded so we can iron out the details of our arrangement in privacy.” Parking by a picturesque outlook with a view of the water, he cut the engine and turned to face her. “Don’t worry
agapi mou
. I don’t plan on letting you go hungry.”

Her pulse leapt at his thinly veiled double entendre. “I’m not worried.” She shrugged, shooting for unaffected but failing miserably. “I’m just curious.”

“Since it’s such a perfect evening, I thought we could dine alfresco.”

Watching him collect a picnic basket and blanket from the trunk of his car, Lauren’s heart stuttered. They were alone in an intimate setting, exactly what she’d hoped to avoid. On the other hand, his safety wouldn’t be as pressing a concern here. She’d been vigilant for any indication of suspicious activity since he’d picked her up, and there’d been no sign of a threat. That didn’t mean she could let her guard down, though, and it would be easier to hone in on anything amiss on this secluded stretch of beach than in a bustling, crowded restaurant.

Nerves made the thought of eating about as appealing as taking a stroll across a bed of hot coals, but at least the act of forking food to her mouth would take her mind off the shimmering undercurrent of sensual awareness humming between them.

“Dinner awaits,” Rafe pronounced, stretching out a tanned hand towards the blanket he’d spread at the water’s edge.

He’d packed a mouthwatering array of potato and pasta salads, crispy fried chicken, fresh baguettes, deviled eggs, and assorted cheeses. Despite her nerves, her stomach grumbled in anticipation.

It was the perfect setting for a picnic. Waves lapped peacefully against the shore, and a soft breeze carried the scent of the wild roses that grew in glorious tangles along the ledges. Lauren slipped her sandals off and took a seat on the blanket, sinking her toes into the blissfully warm sand.

“Dig in,” he encouraged.

The setting sun transformed the pre-dusk sky into a delightful watercolor wash of pinks, mauves, and purples. Rafe directed the conversation to innocuous topics while they ate, and Lauren found she was actually enjoying herself. It wasn’t long before a flock of seagulls, lured by the tempting fare, winged in to join them. The birds’ excited vocals communicated their eagerness to share the meal.

“They think they’ve hit the jackpot,” she laughed, delighted by their aerial antics as they competed for the morsels of baguette Rafe threw to them.

“I hate to break it to them,” he drawled, “but we’re not sharing our dessert. I hope you saved room. It’s chocolate cheesecake.”

Remembering what had transpired the last time they’d enjoyed that particular confection, her thoughts took a detour into dangerous territory. His skillful chocolate-laced kisses had shattered her.

Don’t go there
, she admonished herself.
This is a business deal, plain and simple. Don’t go getting all fanciful because he remembered you love cheesecake. Focus on why you’re here.

Rafe handed her a plate with a generous slice of the decadent cake. She forked a mouthful and savored it while trying to block out all thoughts of the mind-numbing kiss they’d shared. “So what’s our next step?”

We’ll meet with my attorney tomorrow to review the prenuptial agreement and sign the necessary paperwork. From there I’ll travel to London to wrap up an acquisition. I return Wednesday, and I’ll need you to free up the entire day to finalize our plans.”

Lauren rolled her eyes. “Really? We’re preparing for a low-key, private ceremony. What could we possibly have to do that requires a whole day?”

BOOK: The Billionaire's Bodyguard Bride
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