The Billionaire's Brother: BBW Billionaire Boss Erotic Romance (Vivian's Desire) (2 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Brother: BBW Billionaire Boss Erotic Romance (Vivian's Desire)
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“I see you’ll be in a new office,” she said with a smile as Vivian walked up. Vivian returned her smile weakly.


“Yes, just temporarily though, thankfully,” she replied as Anita slid a key over.


“I’m sure you’re going to do great! Here’s the key to his office.”


“He’s not in yet?”


“Oh, I don’t think so. I haven’t seen him, but he said it was alright to let yourself in.”


Vivian picked up the key and thanked her friend. Her heels clicked on the polished black marble floors as she headed towards Ben's office. She inserted the key into the towering dark wooden door and turned it with a satisfying click. His scent was the first thing she smelled as she pushed against the door. She felt the same shivers from yesterday racing up her arm, pausing to take a deep breath. She could do this. She knew she could.


His office was a mirror image of Alex’s with windowed walls on one side to cast a glow of early morning light across the black and white leather furniture. She set her purse down on one of the plush armchairs placed in front of the long desk which her new boss was conspicuously absent from. On the glossy oak surface was an impressively tall stack of papers and a small note with her name, she realized with another shiver, on top. She ran her finger over the elegant handwriting. It seemed very unfair that even his handwriting was sexy.


She lifted the folded, thick card-stock to read a simple, scrawled message: “Please have this done by today.” Her eyes narrowed as she looked back from the note to the stack of paper over again. Cheeky bastard strikes again!


It was noon before she even looked up from a manila file folder to see that only a miserable third of the stack was finished. She would definitely be eating lunch at the desk today. She glanced at the empty chair. Was he ever going to show up? Whatever. She tossed her soft curls and called the deli downstairs on the ground floor to send a meal up. As she hung up with the deli, a door opened on the opposite end of the room, one which led to the same style of executive bathroom that Alex had in his own office. She hurriedly put her phone back into her purse and averted her eyes back to her work.


“Morning, love!” Ben’s playful voice boomed through the spacious office. She didn’t raise her head.


“It’s noon,” she cooly replied.


She heard him step out into the office. There was a distinct sound of water dripping onto the tile. She picked up her pen to mark something on the file in front of her. She heard the sound of fabric rustling and then his footsteps padding slowly towards her.


“You’ve gotten through a good bit, I’m impressed,” his voice was coming in closer now. She continued writing on the file.


“Oh, gee, thanks. You left me quite a lot of work-“ her agitated reply caught in her throat as she picked up her head to look at him. Her eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. “What are you doing?!”


He was naked with just a towel around his waist. Part of her mind wished that he would casually drop the fluffy white towel, but she reeled her desire in and tried to avert her eyes from his well-muscled torso.


“Mark my words. I will sue you for sexual harassment,” she warned sternly and gripped her pen tighter in her hand. He cocked an eyebrow and leaned against the couch several feet from where she sat. His towel opened to show one beautiful muscled thigh. She felt sweat spring up on her neck.


“You’ve never seen a naked man before?” His voice was teasing. “I could show you if you’re curious.”


“I could get a lot of money in a lawsuit,” she replied, trying to steady her shaking voice, but it ended up sounding nearly lustful. His towel moved a bit further open and her eyes fell on his groin.


‘Drop the towel!’ She cursed whatever neurons were firing lustfully away. ‘Oh, for the love of god, please. Drop. The. Damn. Towel.’


He seemed perfectly calm as he looked out the expansive windows. “Beautiful day,” he remarked calmly, as if he was not about to flash every sweet inch of his body. She could feel the hunger radiating from her own eyes. She saw the faintest hint of a smirk appear across his face. His dark hair looked even better wet, sending teasing droplets of water down his neck.


‘We could definitely lick that off for him,’ her mind reminded her. She heaved a sigh and pressed two fingers against her temple.


“Ben, please cover yourself or I will scream.”


He turned to her with a suddenly wicked look. “I’d like to hear you scream, Vivian.”


She felt her cheeks on fire in an instant and he chuckled darkly. She tucked her chin down and pointed to the bathroom. “Put clothes on, please. This is the last time I will ask you.”


Just then a knock sounded on the door. Oh, shit. Her heart dropped as her new boss casually called out, “Door’s open!”


A delivery boy trotted in, eyes focused down on a yellow sheet of paper. “I’ve got a delivery for a Miss Vivian?” He brought his eyes upward finally and nearly dropped the bag at seeing Ben. “Oh, um, I’m sorry.”


She buried her face in her hands while Ben casually strode over and picked up the parcel from his hands. “You can put it on my tab with a twenty dollar tip if you keep quiet about this,” she heard him say too cheerfully. The delivery boy mumbled something affirmative in reply before nearly sprinting out of the room and shutting the door quickly behind him.


“Your food,” he said as he leaned on the desk in front of her, setting the bag down between them. She could smell his scent, that same musky, alluring fragrance, and it invaded her mind. Dirty thoughts started rushing through her mind. Thoughts of what they could do to each other on this desk, in the bathroom, against the walls, in front of the windows…


She sighed. “You are a very trying person, Ben.”


“Oh, yeah, so I’ve heard,” he mused and peeked in the brown paper bag. “Can I steal your chips? I’m starved.”


“Eat it. I’m not even hungry anymore,” she muttered and turned away from him. He scoffed.


“Liar. I can see it in your eyes.”


“Excuse me?” she snapped back to glare at him as he innocently popped a chip into his mouth.


“Vivian, I’m extremely good at reading people. Especially women.”


“So I’ve heard,” she replied in a hostile tone. His mouth distorted into a small scowl. She grinned at her new advantage. “Alex told me you got into a bit of trouble with royalty. That’s the only reason I’m baby-sitting you.”


He turned away with a pained look and let the bag of chips fall to his side. She sat up straighter and felt a sting of regret course through her chest.


“I’m sorry,” she said quickly, but he merely raised a hand to wave her off.


“It’s true, though. I’m a screw-up.”


Oh, what had she done? She bit her lip. So, he was a sensitive cheeky bastard.


‘But, one with feelings,’  her mind sternly reminded her and then quickly added, ‘And abs. Really great abs.’


“I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have said that, Ben,” she said softly, looking down at her hands in shame.


“It’s true though,” he repeated softly and let out a sigh. “I don’t know what Alex told you, but…that woman I got into trouble with…It was more than the pictures, that was just a part of it. I don’t know how they leaked, but it didn’t matter. We were already over by then. She left me for a friend that I had introduced her to at a party.”


She felt her heart break for him. “Oh, Alex,” she whispered softly. She  reached out to put a consoling hand on his arm. She felt him tense slightly. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea. I was really rude to you.”


“It’s OK, I can be an ass, sometimes.”


“But, still…I’m sorry that happened to you. People can be very cruel.”


“Yes, Vivian,” he said her name tenderly, still looking away from her, “But, I’m still a massive fuck-up.”


“Ben!” She stood quickly and in front of him. The silly and pleasing sight of him in a towel had easily been overridden by her overflowing pity for his pain. She’d felt like a screw-up many times in her life and to know how devastating the feeling was on the human heart…It pushed her smart sarcasm aside. It was times like this that she thanked her mother and father for being two kind psychologists who always urged compassion for even the most frustrating of people. He turned slowly to her, but still looked down at the floor. “It’s OK to make mistakes. We’ll be able to work together and get you back into fighting shape, you know? I’ll do anything I can for you!”


She felt something in the air suddenly shift, as if the room’s temperature had suddenly increased five degrees, and she watched a wicked grin flash over her new boss’s face.


“Anything?” he breathed heavily as he quickly looked up at her with his green eyes dancing. Her stomach flipped and she gasped.


“You faker! You really are a bastard!” She cried, but her sigh of disgust that was to follow was silenced as he pulled her suddenly towards him and crushed his lips onto hers.


Oh, yes! Her body was screaming in pleasure and the lust-driven half of her brain was cheering in ecstasy. She melted into his arms as their lips melded together in a flurry of passion. His mouth was soft and demanding all at the same. She felt his tongue explore her mouth, devouring the instinctive protests that were rising in her throat, but dying in frequency as he pushed her body harder into his chest. Her hands flew to his stomach and she raked her fingers over his muscled chest and down to his lower stomach, earning a sudden, deep moan of pleasure from his throat.


She shivered in his grip, sweeping her hands upwards against to grasp his face as one of his hands closed in on the back of her neck. He pushed her mouth further against him as she gripped his face to take more control, earning another shiver of pleasure from his body when her nails raked against the dewy skin beneath his jawline. He shifted to allow her pelvis to meet his against the desk and groaned as her shapely thigh brushed against the the gradually hardening bulge underneath his towel. She felt a telling wetness soak through the lace underwear beneath her pencil skirt. Oh, yes. She had needed this, wanted it. Her fingers wound through his tousled hair as she pressed her breasts against his naked chest.


“Vivian, Vivian, Vivian,” he whispered hoarsely between the parting of their lips before they met again. Her blood surged with heat. She wanted to make him say her name over and over, wanted to hear the demi-god that was pressed against her groan for more. She felt strangely powerful and sucked his bottom lip, nipping it gently before she felt his hands on her sides. His fingers greedily took in her strong curves. He pressed her further against him. She opened her mouth to gasp as his thumb brushed over the thin cup of her bra underneath her shirt.


“Oh, Ben,” she moaned as his lips fervently left hers, traveling down to her neck as he toyed with her breast in one hand. How could she ever think this assignment was going to be a bad idea? Her mind was hazy with pleasure as she felt his tongue trace the edge of her deep neckline, so close to her breasts, that begged to be touched and caressed. Why was she still wearing a shirt? She let out a pleasured gasp as he lightly pinched her nipple through the fabric. Yes, yes, yes.


Suddenly, the phone rang. Like a terrible downpour of cold water, her mind suddenly cleared. No, no, no! She ripped herself away, chest heaving as she desperately tried to regain her breath. He held his arms still outward, pouting at the absence of her body between them. He opened his mouth, but she thrust a hand upward and in front of his face, leaning her weight against the armchair for support.


“This,” she said sternly, “This was a mistake, Ben.”


“But, Vivian-“


She grabbed her purse while shaking her head wildly. “No, Ben, no. You’re my boss,” she muttered hurriedly and then straightened her back to glare at him, “And you’re also a jerk!” She added the last part as if to remind herself, mind still reeling bitterly at the lack of his skin against hers.


“Viv,” he pleaded, but she was already running for the door. She ripped open the door, but turned back suddenly, the cold handle resting between her fingers.

BOOK: The Billionaire's Brother: BBW Billionaire Boss Erotic Romance (Vivian's Desire)
8.22Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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