The Billionaire's Impulsive Lover (The Sisterhood) (15 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Impulsive Lover (The Sisterhood)
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“Darcy, is Fred okay?”


Darcy stopped fiddling with her napkin and smiled brightly. “Fred’s doing great. Why do you ask?”


Claire shrugged and took another sip of her chardonnay. “I don’t know.” She observed for another long moment. “Is Ginger still healing?”


“Yep, she’s doing great. She’s running around with the pack, nipping at Fred when he gets out of line. They’re very cute together.”


“What’s wrong?”


Darcy shrugged as if everything were okay. “Nothing. We got some kittens dropped off last week. They follow me around like little tiny shadows but they’re adorable.”


“Do the dogs not like the kittens?” she asked, still trying to determine what was lurking behind Darcy’s beautiful sage eyes.


Darcy immediately shook her head, stuffing her long, brown tresses back under her disguise. “No, the opposite in fact. The dogs are extra careful around the tiny little guys. It’s actually funny how they wait for the kittens to follow them, except when they’re running around the farm. It’s all or nothing when they’re set free for their romps through the fields chasing the other animals.”


Claire sat back and crossed her arms over her chest. “So if all the animals are okay, and I’m guessing Dave and Matt are still okay or you would have said something, you haven’t shown up at some nightclub in a few weeks so the paparazzi isn’t driving you crazy with their silly rumors and assumptions, then it must be something personal.”


Darcy glanced at her friend and Claire knew by the way Darcy’s eyes slid away, unable to look at her, that she’d hit on something.


“You’re imagining things,” Darcy scoffed, about to down her last gulp of lemonade but Claire put a hand to Darcy’s forearm, stopping her from rushing out. “What’s going on?” Claire asked softly, as gently as possible so Darcy didn’t feel caged in. With Darcy’s upbringing, she hated being trapped or coerced and Claire knew she needed help but was too proud to ask for it.


Darcy fiddled with the linen napkin, obviously thinking and considering how much to tell. Finally, she came to a decision, put the napkin down and laid her hands flat on the table as if bracing herself. “I wasn’t completely up front about Marco’s intentions.” She sighed and her shoulders drooped. “He’s actually a bit closer to finding me than I’m comfortable with. I might have to do something a bit more drastic than simply hiding out on the farm.”


Claire’s mind worked frantically, trying to figure out how much Darcy might be omitting. It difficult to realize since Darcy was her friend and had seemed very fragile when it came to her family, but Claire finally grasped that, if Darcy were admitting this much, there was a great deal more that she wasn’t confessing. Possibly even to herself. “Why do you think your brother is trying so hard after so many years?”


Darcy nodded, grimacing herself. “I wish I knew. It seems very strange, even to me. ”


“Any ideas on he wants?”


“I have no idea, nor do I want to find out. When my father wanted to find me, it was usually pretty bad news.”


Claire nodded. “I remember. He always had a groom in mind when he’d show up at our dorms in college.”


Darcy shuddered. “Ugh. I can’t imagine what you and Emma thought about those visits,” she said and pushed her hair back under her hat when it slipped out of her disguise.


Claire considered her options. “I’ll find out what’s going on for you,” she said decisively.


Darcy started shaking her head even before Claire had finished talking. “Claire, you’ll stay out of this. I don’t want you hurt.”


“And I don’t want you married off to some thug who will make your life miserable for the rest of your days. I’ll be very careful and subtle.”


“Just like you were subtle when you broke into Mitch’s house?”


“That was different,” Claire said, instantly dismissing that debacle, and the heated, passionate kiss that happened that night, starting off the fire that had ended last weekend, in bed. And everywhere else in Mitch’s house, for that matter. Not that she was going to tell her friend that though.


“Claire, you’re going to let me handle this.”


“And exactly what are you going to do to handle it?” she challenged her friend. “Hide away in a different place than what you’ve been doing since college?”


“Maybe. It’s worked so far, hasn’t it?”


“No!” Claire argued. “It definitely hasn’t worked. Look at you! You can’t even sit in a restaurant without a disguise because you can’t keep a job that your father doesn’t get you fired from. You can’t go out in public now because he’s reduced you down to a night club guru wearing outfits you hate, being with men who…”


“Okay, so it isn’t the best solution, but its working. I’m doing exactly what I love, which is keeping animals safe. So what’s the harm? My father actually did me a favor by pushing me into hiding like this.”


Claire considered her friend for a long moment, not willing to concede the issue. It would be better if Darcy could go back to school and get her veterinarian degree, become a real vet instead of a side lined vet.


“I’ll leave it alone for a while, but promise me you’ll keep me informed if something happens.”


Darcy looked more determined than Claire had ever seen her at any other time in their friendship. “Before something happens, I’m going to disappear for a little while. So if you don’t hear from me, just assume that I’ve gone into hiding and you’ll know the reason. Okay?”


Claire considered her friend, fighting against her instincts to tuck Darcy under her arm and keep her safe somehow. She wasn’t sure how she was going to do that since Darcy was a few inches taller, but Claire had probably another ten pounds on Darcy, mostly in the boob area, though, which in the end, didn’t count. “I don’t like it,” she said finally.


Darcy reached out and hugged Claire. “I know. And it really helps to know that you’re there for me.”


“So is Em, you know.”


“I definitely do. And Emma’s place would be the best possible hiding spot if my brother ever gets too close, don’t you think?”


Claire laughed, delighted by the idea. “I think it would be perfect! I wish I’d thought of that! What better place to hide from a mafia father or brother than a best friend’s new palace, complete with a whole army to guard you?”


“It certainly fits the bill,” she said as both of them gathered up their purses and started to pay the bill. The waiter appeared out of nowhere and shook his head. “Your bill has already been paid, ladies,” he said quietly.


Claire and Darcy both looked at each other, their wallets frozen mid way out of their respective purses as they smiled and shook their heads. “Emma,” they both said in unison and laughed. Emma had always been the one with no money after college, since she’d spent all of her money trying to help the inner city kids she worked with. The woman was now trying to make up for old times when they’d snuck away and paid the bill so she wouldn’t have to scrape her change together to pay her portion of the bill.


Claire and Darcy walked out of the restaurant arm in arm, both of them smiling and Claire felt carefree for a few moments until she hugged her friend goodbye.


And then she got into her car, started the engine, and her sad, lonely life came crashing back to face her in the dark night.




Chapter 10


Claire woke the next morning with a headache. Cursing the sunshine that streamed through her window, she sat up and glared at the clock. Even wishing she could blink and the clock would shift back in time so she could fall back to sleep, bury herself under the covers and forget about the day didn’t work.


Pulling her legs over the side of the bed, she forced her feet to carry the rest of her body into the shower. It was a painful process but once the water started to warm up, and her body was a bit more rejuvenated, she worked on her “game face”.


Obviously Mitch had gotten what he wanted from her and had now moved on to someone else, so she needed to do that as well. He had the option of not showing up for work, since the bastard owned the company. She thought about changing jobs, but she didn’t think it would be a wise career move to change again, only a few weeks after she’d started with this one. Which meant she had to tough it out at Titus Securities for another eleven months. She could do it, she just needed to figure out a good reaction to Mitch if, or more likely, when she ran into him. Since she’d run into him occasionally prior to their weekend away, she knew it would be impossible to avoid him completely.


She could still park on the other side of the building, which would give her the added benefit of not knowing when he was actually in the office. She could also take the stairs, which would be good for her anyway since she exercised only when Emma or Darcy dragged her out to the mountains for a hike. Getting her heartbeat up and working out a bit more would be an added benefit to the rejection. She could do it though. And maybe joining an exercise class or a gym would be a good thing, she told herself. Mitch was in amazing shape and he worked out twice a day, although he was definitely the exception to the workout rule. She knew that Darcy and Emma worked out once a day, most days, so she’d try it as well.


She shut off the water and dried herself off, considering the options to possible exercise routines. She liked this process, she thought as she pulled on a pair of black slacks and a black turtleneck sweater. A bit depressing, she thought as she slipped her feet into a pair of black boots, but she felt more than a bit depressed so the color was appropriate.


She glanced at the clock and knew she’d have to hurry if she was going to make it to work before Mitch’s usual arrival of eight o’clock. She wanted to be there bright and early just in case he showed up today. She didn’t want to come in after him, she needed to show him that she wasn’t impacted by his desertion, that she could take this relationship all in stride, just as he appeared to be doing.


The phone in her purse started ringing but, glancing at the phone number, she ignored it because she didn’t recognize the caller. Dropping it back into her purse, she poured herself a glass of milk for breakfast, then headed back to her bedroom to put on makeup and do her hair.


As she picked up her hair dryer, she looked at her face in the mirror and was shocked. Her eyes were red rimmed and even now there were tears streaming down her face. She hadn’t realized she was crying, but as soon as she saw them, making small trails down her lightly freckled face, she broke down and let it all out.


She cried for her lost hope in men, in the fact that Mitch hadn’t been as moved about their weekend together as she’d been. She cried because she was alone, in her apartment, in a black outfit that she hated, but didn’t have the energy to change. She cried because she loved that man so desperately, admired him for what he’d built, for how he lived his life, and for his gentle touch. Even now, knowing about his rejection, she still wanted to feel his strong hands as they skimmed down her body, the way they tickled her in certain spots, and made her moan in desperate need when he touched other places. And he’d found them all last weekend. He’d been relentless as he’d explored her body, and let her explore his.


She threw her brush across the room, and was even more furious when it landed against her unmade bed, landing with a soft thud instead of the sharp crack she needed to hear when it hit something more solid. Although nothing would ease her frustration, or the painful sadness she was feeling deep in her bones, a little violence would be nice, she thought to the now inert hairbrush.


Anger was good though. Anger helped propel her forward. With a harsh wipe against her eyes, she pushed herself up off the floor and stood up again in front of her mirror. Makeup was her specialty, she told her reflection. With a heavy hand, she dabbed concealor under her eyes, hiding the red rims and dark circles that would certainly tip off anyone who noticed her walking down the office hallways.


She normally didn’t wear foundation during the day, but her pale complexion demanded it today. Powder, mascara, liquid eye liner, and dark red lipstick finished off her face. Looking back at herself, she knew that she looked a bit paler than normal, but her appearance would probably past muster from her co-workers. Her hair was another problem. She dried it, curled it and fluffed it up, but no matter what she did, the pale tresses defied control.


“My hairbrush is just rebelling against me because I threw it earlier,” she told her reflection.


Deciding she’d talked to herself a bit too much for the morning, she walked out of the bedroom, flipping the light switch so she wouldn’t immediately see the unmade bed when she walked into the apartment tonight.


Her stomach really didn’t want any food right now, so instead of making a sandwich or something for lunch, she simply tossed some fruit into her bag, intending to grab something at the company cafeteria, or maybe she could go out for lunch with the rest of the team.


As she was about to leave her apartment, she leaned her head against the front door, giving herself a pep talk. “You can do this, Claire. Be fun, be breezy, be nice and laugh. You can fake it for a few hours.” She told herself that over and over again on the drive into the office, and as she walked down the side parking area to the loading area. From there, she walked up the stairs, avoiding the main lobby area where most of the staff entered the building.

BOOK: The Billionaire's Impulsive Lover (The Sisterhood)
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