The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1)
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Damn! No wonder Knox had trouble trusting women. Of course, Knox had bigger reasons to not trust women than some bitch cheating on him after four fucking years. But still, he had the right idea. Daxton had never known emotional pain like he'd felt over the last six months. Not even when his mother had stopped talking when he was eight and started her descent into insanity. That had hurt, but it had been gradual, and besides she had still been around for years before she went into the home. Would still lift her hand and run it through his hair if he ran to her crying. Would still look at him with her big, soulful eyes and communicate without words.

Lost in memories, Daxton almost missed the couple on the bench that sat just off the path he was walking on. A low female moan made him turn his head, startled.

Knox sat there, entwined with a woman he'd pulled onto his lap, one hand on her breast, the other hand holding her wrists together at her waist. The woman's head was thrown back and her face filled with passion. Knox was kissing a trail down to the breast he was fondling through her clothing.

Daxton looked away quickly and stepped towards the house, trying not to make any noise. He didn't want to disturb them for anything. As far as he knew, it was the first time Knox had been intimate with a woman outside of the green room in years. Since Willa. His heart cheered for his big brother. He loved his brother and would do anything for him, including help him arrange his twisted trysts in the green room, but every time he had a woman sign a non-disclosure agreement and told her all the rules, he secretly hoped it would be the last time.

Daxton clenched his jaw and mentally yelled at himself. That wasn't entirely true. Sure, maybe he'd always hoped it was the last time for his brother's sake, but maybe he'd enjoyed it a little bit too. Maybe he and Knox were both as fucked up as their father, destined to be dirty, condemnable old men just like him. Rich people were fucking crazy, they were all living proof of that.

Daxton walked up the stairs to the porch and pondered what exactly was the truth about how he felt about Knox and his women in the green room. He wanted his brother to be healthy and happy, but he didn't think this behavior said anything but messed up and profoundly unhappy. How could a man have a healthy sex life when his partner always had to be bound and completely at his mercy? Of course, it was better than the two years after the...incident, when Knox hadn't been with any women at all. What a grumpy fucker he'd been during that time. Then something had happened. Something with a woman named Rachel while Knox was on an assignment for their father. Knox had come home, obsessed with finding Rachel. They never had been able to find her, but Knox had finally come out of his self-imposed exile. Started seeking out women again, albeit with some slightly messed-up requirements. Eventually, he'd bought his house and the green room had been born.

Daxton pushed himself to dig deeper, almost enjoying the new introspection he'd found ever since he'd left Darcy. Why exactly would he enjoy helping his brother with something so seemingly depraved? Maybe because every time he did he was able to say
, look, there goes someone even more fucked in the head than I am
? He shook his head in the dark. No. He didn't want to win at the expense of his brother. Maybe it was because he looked at it as helping his brother through a rough time? Just like Knox had always been there for him—even when he was a baby and Knox just a toddler, Knox had never teased or hit. He had always protected and helped Daxton, and then Bronx when he came along, and even baby Phoenix. It had been the four brothers against the world. Maybe that was it. This thing with the green room couldn't last forever, could it? No matter what horrible thing Knox had been through at seventeen, surely he'd get over it someday, wouldn't he? And until that day came, Daxton would be there for him if he could. He couldn't think of anything he wouldn't do for Knox.

Daxton smiled, thinking he had been right. Knox
getting over it. Daxton had seen it with his own eyes. Knox kissing a woman without her being bound. Knox spontaneously choosing romance over control.

Footsteps on the path behind him interrupted Daxton's musings. He looked back to see Knox and the woman, holding hands, and coming up the walk. Knox locked eyes with him and lifted his chin. In that instant, Daxton felt his confidence waver. He knew that look. Knox was taking her to the green room.

Fuck. So much for growth. So much for health and happiness.

Chapter 4




Daxton led the woman into the green room in his brother's large Edwardian home in Presidio Heights, San Francisco. He smiled at her over his shoulder to try to put her at ease. He never understood why more of them didn't just bolt when he explained this part of it. A few had taken off over the years, backing out of the room slowly when they saw the colossal bed with its custom restraint system. But so many more had stayed, seemingly normal women, who had eyed the bed with curiosity and naked excitement.

Over the years, he could think of only three women who had left. Dozens had stayed, many of them trying to put on a good girl act, their eyes darting about the room as they feigned nervousness. Some had actually been nervous of course, and Daxton thought he could always tell the difference, with all the deception detection training courses he had taken over the years. Others owned their desires, and walked in with flat, hard eyes that sparkled with eagerness for what was to come. The ones who had been in the room before always bubbled over with eagerness. Daxton tried not to listen to rumors about his brother, or think too hard about what went on in the green room, but whatever it was made women want to return again and again.

Daxton motioned to the woman to sit on the couch at the far end of the large room. He retrieved a piece of paper and a pen out of a cubby on the wall and took it to her, studying her. She was the epitome of his brother's type. Long, flowing brown hair. Swept cheekbones and defined, warm eyes. Generous mouth. Gentle manner and soft voice. A look his brother loved, and a look most of the women who made it in here wore. Daxton eyed her and wondered if Knox was looking for something specific. If these trysts had any purpose other than relief, than pleasure. No woman who had ever entered this room had ever been more than an occasional sexual partner for Knox, Daxton was sure of it.

Willa had never been in this room as far as Daxton knew, and she was the only woman Knox had dated in the last ... Daxton thought back to when the incident had been. The major fuck up that had broken something inside his brother. That had been thirteen years ago now, when Knox had been seventeen, almost eighteen. Had Knox really only had one relationship in thirteen years?

The young woman looked at him with expectant eyes and Daxton pushed his thoughts away. He would dwell on this later. Or not. It was Knox's life, Knox's choice, and Daxton had no business trying to avoid thinking about his own fucked-up life by focusing on his brother's. Knox was a grown man. A powerful and successful man. If this was how he wanted his sex life, that was his choice.

Except it wasn't exactly a choice Knox wanted to be making, Daxton suspected. Knox had become something of a legend with his kinky ways and his quest for perfect secrecy, making women who were into that practically throw themselves at him. There had been a time when Daxton had thought Knox was a genius for creating this persona, this mystery, this room and everything that went with it. He had thought Knox had done it deliberately, with that outcome in mind. But he knew his brother's heart, and over the years he had to admit that his brother was seeking something he never found in the green room. A dull ache speared his chest. Sympathy for his brother? He ordered it aside and focused on the task at hand.

"Miss, what is your name?" he asked.

"Darby Jackson," she said.

Daxton jumped slightly, his blood pounding in his ears at the woman's name. So close to Darcy. So close to the name of the only woman he had ever loved. Daxton pressed his lips together and pushed the thought away. He was over Darcy. Had to be. He didn't want to be affected like this anymore. He didn't want his heart to leap into his throat and strangle him every time something reminded him of her.

Daxton pulled a small tray over to Darby and sat on the bench next to her. He wrote out her name on the top of the sheet, then turned to her.

"Miss Jackson, this is, ah, a little awkward, but I'm just going to get it all out there in the open and then you can make your decisions about what you want to do. Has Knox explained anything to you?"

She shook her head no, and her hair bounced around her face, her wide eyes, making her look incredibly gorgeous. Daxton sighed. He wished Knox would at least tell them something, but no, he left all of that awkwardness to Daxton. Daxton knew Knox was probably up in his office right now, sipping a drink, looking over contracts, waiting to see if the lady would stay or go. Knox had very little room in his life for small talk, or casual encounters. When he was interested in someone, he didn't beat around the bush, or pretend any sort of an ongoing relationship was going to evolve from it. He brought her home, called Daxton on the way, and Daxton showed up to do all the dirty work. Bronx had done it for Knox a few times too, when Daxton wasn't available, but Daxton knew Knox preferred him. Bronx gave him shit about it, Daxton didn't. Daxton knew Knox would never hire someone who wasn't part of the family to do this ... screening for him. Knox didn't trust people for shit. Just his brothers.

"Knox has a few, uh, requirements if you want to be, ah, intimate with him."

Miss Jackson's eyes widened even more (Daxton couldn't bring himself to think of her as Darby) and Daxton bit back a smirk. She liked to play the innocent one, but something in her manner told him she knew exactly what she was there for.

"Have you heard any, ah, let's say rumors, about Knox and what he does in this room?" he asked suddenly.

Her eyes narrowed for just a moment, and then the wide-eyed look was back, the rabbit caught in the snare, deer caught in the headlights look that said she was completely innocent. Just a fair maiden tricked into doing something she wasn't sure she would enjoy. Daxton saw differently though. He saw calculation behind those eyes. Calculation and racing thoughts.

Finally she shook her head no again. Daxton figured she was lying, but he didn't blame her for it. He certainly wasn't going to sugar-coat anything for her anymore, though. She knew exactly what she was doing there. She might have even planned it, intentionally putting herself in Knox's path and hoping he chose her.

He stood and motioned towards the bed, putting emphasis on his words. "That's where he's going to tie you up and fuck you. You will wear a blindfold the entire time. He will stop if you say the word stop or no or don't, so don't say them even in jest or because you weren't paying attention, unless you really want it to be over."

Daxton watched her for a reaction and felt oddly satisfied when hot blood flooded her cheeks. She hadn't expected him to be so blunt. He'd long ago lost his own embarrassment at the role he was playing for his brother. Not pimp or hustler, but more like ... butler. Get everything ready and then get out of there.

He motioned to the piece of paper on the tray next to her. "That is a non-disclosure agreement. If you agree to stay here, you will have to sign it. It basically says you can't tell anyone about what you and Knox do in this room together. Not your mother, not your best friend. If you do, Knox has a legal basis to sue you for damages."

Daxton watched her closely as he said this, gauging her reaction. The NDA was silly, he knew his brother was never going to sue any woman for talking about the night they spent together, but it did give him leverage against slander, and that was important. Knox trusted no one, especially not women, and as the head of a multi-billion dollar company, he knew how to protect himself. She nodded, the wide-eyed look still firmly in place.

Daxton motioned to the corners of the room, and the area directly over the bed. "There are five cameras in this room. They will record everything that goes on, including the sound. No one will ever see the video, but it will be kept in a locked vault until forty years after Knox's death. At that time it will be destroyed. I will have Knox sign a form for you that says that. You may not have a copy of the video."

Again, Daxton paused and waited for a reaction. He always thought he would lose them there. That the prospect of video would be too much for them. He was always wrong. Miss Jackson nodded slightly and he noticed a flush climb to her breasts over the top of her black dress. She was turned on. His brother was a genius. Not only because the videos protected him from allegations of rape, but because the women loved it. All the dirty stuff they never had the guts to do outside of this room, suddenly they were getting it all in one night.

"Do you agree to the terms that I have laid out here?"

She watched him for a long moment and then nodded her head slowly, like she was still trying to pretend she didn't really want to be there.

Daxton nodded his head at the closest corner. "You have to say it out loud, for the camera."

"I agree," she said in a soft voice, and the blush returned to her cheeks.

"Sign the paper then please."

She bent to sign the paper. Daxton took it from her as soon as she was done.

"One more thing. When your business is finished, you can stay if Knox invites you to. But you will almost certainly not be spending the night. When Knox says the words,
it's getting late
, that's your cue to gather your things and leave. Knox will have someone drive you anywhere you want to go. Do not ignore your cue. If you do, someone will come and tell you it's time to go. If you refuse, you will be thrown out. He's not asking you to date or be his girlfriend. This is nothing but a few hours of sex."

BOOK: The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1)
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