The Blood Bride (Blood Secrets) (10 page)

BOOK: The Blood Bride (Blood Secrets)
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She rose and made her way back to the main room. The door was just closing and she made to call out, but thought better of it. She knew Lisi wouldn’t be allowed to enter, and the guards would be taciturn at this time of the day—they still struggled with the daylight hours, as the night was the time they were active.

A new tray sat on the table, and she wandered over, before lifting the dome and smiling. A burger and fries. She goggled when she saw the drink was her favourite soft drink and another bottle of water. Obviously, someone on staff remembered her predilection for junk food. She snickered. It was probably Lisi again.

Lisi wasn’t that much older than herself, yet she had already carved out her own place in the world, coming into the household as a junior maid. Because they got along so well, she had been given the role of looking after Hope’s needs. Over the years they had become close, and even during her time in college they had corresponded. The memories made Hope feel a little homesick, which she reflected was silly, because here she was, at home.

Hope snatched up the food and retreated to the bedroom as the tears burnt her eyes once more. There was no benefit in feeling sorry for herself. But even her internal thoughts couldn’t raise her mood. She popped the food and drinks on a bedside table, and opened the doors where Xavier had indicated the multimedia unit was housed.

The first opened into a large dressing area, and she gasped at the space that lay mostly empty, with only some clothes gracing hangers in the centre of the small room.

The second door she opened concealed a large television, DVD unit and speakers. Grabbing the remote, she headed to the bed and crawled onto it, crossing her legs as she reached for the food.

Flicking through the channels didn’t really fill her with interest, and with a full stomach and boredom setting in, she dozed.

* * * *

Xavier woke, unused to the sensation of instant awareness. The darkness around him was silent, and he remembered that Hope was supposed to be here. But why couldn’t he hear her? He could tell she wasn’t in the living area, as he could hear nothing coming from that direction. Sitting up, he lifted the covers off himself. He straightened the sleeping pants he had worn to bed, where they had twisted and crawled up around his body in an uncomfortable fashion. He usually slept naked, but with her staying in the suite he had considered wearing them to be something that he couldn’t avoid. He didn’t want to scare her if she wandered in by accident.

The orders he had given before retiring that morning had meant there were no refreshments waiting beside the bed. He brushed his tousled hair back as hunger pulled at him. He padded through the room towards the living area. On the table sat a tray. Obviously her evening meal, and his goblet of refreshment.

He frowned seeing the meal untouched.

She hadn’t come out for dinner, and that concerned him. Xavier glanced around. The office door was slightly ajar and he wandered in. She had been in here. He could smell her scent, light and subtle, but it was slightly stale, as if from several hours ago. He walked back to the living area and considered whether she would’ve tried to leave, so he moved to the door and knocked. It was opened by one of the guards on duty. “Has Miss Hope left the suite?”

“No, Master. Her meal was delivered about fifteen minutes ago by the maid, and I brought it straight in as you requested. Is something amiss?” The guard cocked his head.

“I don’t think so.” He moved back into the room, closing the door. Observing her door was shut, he considered whether he should invade her privacy. It was something that made him quite uneasy. She could be asleep or in the bathroom, not that he could hear any water moving, or something could be wrong.

After considering the food on the table, he had a lightning thought of poison, and shook his head at the fanciful notion and the quick hint of rage and panic that rose in him. The food looked to be untouched, so that wasn’t anything to consider.

Only one way to find out where she was. He knocked on the door and heard movement beyond. He knocked again, a little louder, hoping for an answer. A muffled movement met his ears, and this time he decided her safety overrode her privacy.

Slowly he pushed the door open. “Hope?” He moved into the room, scanning as he went. She was asleep, curled on the bed, and the sight entranced him. He moved towards her, stepping lightly so he didn’t surprise her. He was mesmerised by her ivory skin, and the dark hair that tumbled around her beautiful face. Her hair looked like silk, and his body urged him to reach out, to touch it once more. He dimly noticed her robe was bunched around her waist, and a small amount of silky flesh peeked out as if daring him to see how soft her skin was.
Touch her while she sleeps. You are Master, and she is yours for the taking if you desire her.

He curled his fists along with his lips, and self-derision reminded him of his honour.
I am not an animal. I am not one of the Brethren. She is worthy of honour, and to defile her would be to discard everything I fight to uphold.

“Hope?” He called the words quietly. No need to frighten her. Worried thoughts trickled through his mind as he called once more. “Hope?”

He watched as she murmured and moved on the bed, baring more of her midriff. His gut tightened, as he felt the heat of desire fill him, pooling once more in his groin. More skin bared, and her top lifted a little more while she stretched in the act of waking.

“Hope?” A little louder this time, and he recognised a strangled quality in his voice. He cleared his throat and her eyes fluttered once, twice then again before they opened slowly, it was, to him, like shades lifting off the most beautiful image in the world. Violet eyes blinked owlishly as she moved.

“Xavier? What are you doing awake?” The sensual tones of her voice had his body tightening, while he fought for control. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, but her scent invaded his mind.

“It is past six in the evening and you have been asleep.” He wanted to wince at the banality of his answer. He inwardly shrugged it off. What else could he do right now, anyway?

“What? Oh, I didn’t mean to…” Her voice trailed off and she looked at him. “There just wasn’t a lot to do… Urgh! I feel woolly. I hate sleeping in the afternoon,” she said, her voice soft and redolent with the remnants of sleep. A stray strand of hair flopped over her face. She brushed it aside, one finger hooking the stray tress behind her ear. His heart thudded hard against his ribs.

“Your meal awaits, sleeping princess.”
If I don’t get out of here soon, I am going to touch her.
The thought shocked him. He’d never felt this level of neediness before, and he shied away from what that meant.

“Oh, right. Can you just give me a minute?” She scrambled off the bed, nearly falling in her haste. The robe tangled with her long legs. He reached out a hand to help her, but she moved quickly towards the bathroom, ignoring it, so he retreated back to the living room, giving her the privacy she needed.

Moments later, she joined him in the lounge area, and she lifted the domed lid. Her face wrinkled with distaste for just an instant, before, with a barely audible sigh, she picked up the meal and the cutlery.

“The meal doesn’t tempt you?”

“What? Oh no, it’s just I am not the biggest fan of heavily dressed salads and cold meats for dinner.” She glanced at him where he stood, reaching for the phone.

“Miss Hope would prefer something else for her evening meal. Prepare it and deliver it as soon as possible.” He turned to see her shocked look on her face. He enjoyed it for just an instant, before moving back to her.

“Have I done something wrong, Hope? I mean, you are not pleased with the meal, therefore something else should be prepared.” As he finished talking, the phone trilled and he idly lifted the receiver.

“There was no need. It was fine, truly.” Her face was pale, and for an instant anger flashed through his mind, then he turned back to the phone in his hands.
Something isn’t right here. I will need to talk to her about this after I see who is calling.

“Master? James has said that is all that is available.” The words were forcefully delivered by the housekeeper, Mrs Atkins.

Caustic anger rose in his gut. He had demanded a better meal for Hope, and it wasn’t up to James to determine otherwise, or to countermand his orders. He opened his mouth to demand that James attend him when he continued…

“Councillor Cressida’s assistant has called. She wishes you to come to her home tonight, to discuss the situation. She has instructed you to bring Miss Hope with you.”

He looked back at her. She sat, slowly eating a piece of carrot coated in some white fluid, nibbling on the end, but even to his eyes it looked less than appetising. He strode over, his belly churning with anger, while he listened to the message blaring from the speaker. He gripped his goblet, quickly downed the blooded wine, then he put the cup down with a crash. Hope lifted her head, and looked directly at him.

“Come. Leave that. We have to meet with Cressida, so we can find you something better on the drive.” He grabbed her arm, marvelling at the warmth and softness of her skin as he always seemed to.

It had been many years since he’d had a human lover. Maybe that was why he was so drawn to her? But something in him rebelled at the thought that it was because she was human, beautiful and young. No, he didn’t want to know what the reality of this feeling was, yet he wouldn’t label it as something so empty.

“But I’m not dressed or anything.” Her words drew him back.

“Then change, but be quick. We leave in ten minutes.” She stood, and he watched as she disappeared through the bedroom door.

* * * *

They exited the stairs to the corridor. Her father stood there, waiting. He was as immaculate as ever, with the black suit teamed with a bright white shirt and conservative tie. His salt and pepper hair was cut close to his head, his face having undergone a transformation over the years. The lines around his eyes and mouth highlighted his chiselled jaw line, now shaded darkly with five o’clock shadow. Through the years, he had slimmed to a streamlined shape, but he still exuded a power many men only achieved through bulk, she idly thought. His pale blue eyes were cold, and she shivered in reaction as they left her face and continued on to Xavier.

“Master, a moment of your time? I have prepared the statements for your perusal. The Iversten accounts have risen by fifteen per cent…”

Hope noted Xavier’s hand flashed at her father. “James. I am displeased with you, but we have no time to discuss this. Hope and I have an appointment that cannot wait. I will attend you tomorrow evening. Give the portfolio information to Javed, and he will go over it tonight with me when we return.” The words were tight and controlled, but something glinted in Xavier’s eyes.

Her father looked at her. “Hope, your mother wishes to see you…” It was as if Xavier had never spoken. She watched Xavier’s mouth flatten in anger. A tic at the side of his jaw started, and she would have stepped back, but Xavier held a firm grip on her arm.

“I have already told you, James, we have an appointment.” This time the words were terse, and her father gazed intently at her, as if telling her of his displeasure with her. Confusion reigned. What had she done now?

“Father, tell Mother I will contact her in the morning. Right now, we have to go.” She tried to soften the words with a smile, but the look her father gave her became a sneer. It hit her like a blow, and for just an instant she wanted to step forward and have him hold her, as he used to when she was a child.

He turned and walked away from her, the thudding of footsteps growing fainter as she watched him retreat. The action cut her. She gasped for breath at the physical pain it caused, shafting through her heart.

Xavier interrupted her thoughts. “Hope? Are you well?” The hand that had held his shook slightly, and she gripped onto him, seeking assurance that this was a bad dream, yet it wasn’t. She could feel the tensile strength in his grasp. A sob fought to escape, but she controlled it.

“Ahh, yes. Let’s go.” She tried to smile, but somehow she knew the failed attempt was noted, just as he gazed at her moist eyes.

Xavier didn’t speak, and she was grateful for that small mercy, as he steered her out of the door of the house, down the block steps. She was aware they crunched their way across the gravel of the drive to the car that sat waiting in the driveway. It was a monster, sleek and black, that sat waiting for them. The windows were darkly tinted for safety reasons, and she noted that several other cars waited. Their guard filed out behind them, flanking them in a formidable show of strength.

The air was still and heavy and she lifted her head, allowing her eyes to close against the burn of unshed tears. The sweetness of the scent of roses and jasmine filled her senses, and for just an instant a cool breeze filtered through the air, and then was gone, but the fresh feeling it brought helped to clear her mind. She allowed it to sweep away any trace of sadness or regret, before climbing into the vehicle.

Xavier climbed in beside her, after tossing the file onto the back seat, while his personal guard and second, Javed, moved to the front with the driver, leaving them alone once more.

The first of the guardian cars pulled out. A boxy black people mover took up position in front of their vehicle, and, in her mind, memories of details flittered. Each of the vehicles was heavy and built to the specifications of the nest purchasing them. The glass and bodies were bulletproof, and the engines had been replaced with fast heavy motors, allowing them to travel at speeds most humans were unable to handle. The tinting on the windows was reinforced and carefully darkened, allowing the vampires within to seek shelter during the daylight hours if the situation or need arose. But they could still see out, allowing them a view of the world as they moved.

BOOK: The Blood Bride (Blood Secrets)
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