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Authors: Tabitha Levin

The Brute (7 page)

BOOK: The Brute
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I was frozen to the spot for an instant as The Brute yanked my arm, and pulled me into a nearby van.

Hell no, there was no way I was going to get into that van. I struggled and pushed and yelled. Passersby looked in our direction but not one person came over to help - what has the world come to?

“There’s a good girl. I’ve missed our
fucks. My cock really wants to say hello again.” He looked me up and down. “I see you are already dripping wet for me. Maybe we could do it right here, in the back. No need to wait. Not going to need foreplay are we?”

He pushed me in, following behind and slid the door shut. Even though he slammed it, it shut quietly, with just a tiny click.
A small pop. I don’t know why I was so focused on the door, when he was above me, a sickening smirk on his face as he ripped away his clothes.

As much as I struggled I couldn’t seem to get away from him. “That’s it, spread your legs,
show me your pussy. I’ve missed it. Come on Angel, fuck me. Fuck me. FUCK ME.”

There are moments in your life that either speed up or slow down. There are also times where both seem to happen at the same time. This was one of those times. Everything seemed to speed by, yet stay still at the same time, like time had become a void in which every second was intensified into bright
Technicolor, clear, still, but fast.

His words and his mouth seemed separate from one another. As he was yelling at me, it was
like I was not there, but watching from a distance at myself being forced and overwhelmed by some monster. It wasn’t me writhing and struggling on the floor anymore, but some other woman.

As my mind began to withdraw from reality, my body responded into action.

My knee slammed into his groin, and my elbow came down hard on the side of his face. I had become an animal, cornered, with strength I didn’t know I possessed.

I was free of his grasp. The heel of my foot came down hard on his cock. He buckled over, squealing in pain.

I looked at the door as it was reefed open, this time it made much more noise.

James stood in the doorway, his silhouette framed from the light outside. His face was a mask of shock and horror. Unbelieving of what he saw.

I lurched toward James, reaching out to him, while The Brute pulled me back in by my hair.

James responded by grabbing The Brute by the neck, pulling and squeezing until he let me go, then punched him so hard in the face it made a crack as loud as a gunshot. His eye swelled up, blood trickled from the side of his mouth.

James hit him again as I crawled out of the van, clinging to the scraps of clothing that I still wore.

The Brute crumbled into a little ball. “But you were mine. You promised. You were supposed to be mine.” He repeated that over and over.

“Fuck you,” I said.

The police arrived at that moment. Someone must have called them. My faith in humanity had been restored, sort of. Even if passersby weren’t willing to get involved directly, they still called. There had been eight calls the cops had told us afterward.

I was rushed to the hospital, but apart from a few cuts and scratches, I was okay. Scared, shaky, but physically fine.

They asked me if I wanted to press charges. Told me I didn’t have much of a case, but I did anyway. I’m glad I did. With the earlier photo’s we had a stronger case than they thought I would. It would show him that I couldn’t be controlled, I wasn’t going to be trifled with, and he couldn’t do this to anyone else.

He got put away for two years. I didn’t stay in the court room after that, didn’t really care. My life wasn’t the same anymore. That was for damn sure.

I realize now how naive I was at the start of this. I thought I was so strong, leaving to work in the big smoke and earning my own money, having my own apartment. It’s funny that now I have James, that being independent seems kind of pathetic.

It’s been six months. James’s business is doing splendidly well. He’s recently put on a manager so we can spend more time together.

I had to give up my job too. Because. Well. This next thing happened…



Yes I know you already know what I’m about to say. But I didn’t at the time. It was shock. Although a good one.

It wasn’t until I’d peed on that stick that I realized why I’d been feeling so awful. I just figured it was the stress of everything.
But nope. Two lines.

And yes, it was James’s baby. I’d been on birth control when I was with The Brute, which I kind of forgot once I’d left Charlotte the first time.

Sure, at first I was freaking out. Who wouldn’t be? James and I had only just got together and things were going so brilliantly.

We’d seen each other almost every day from the day The Brute attacked me, for the last six months, and while neither of us had given up our apartments yet, we’d never been apart. Most of the time we stayed at his place, since it was easier for both of us to get to work, even though my cottage was bigger. Economically, of course, it would have made more financial sense just to move in together, but I just wanted to have that buffer, you know.

But being pregnant meant things would have to change.

Now I’m glad I never gave up my little cottage, because we are going to need an extra room.

It was scary telling him. I was shaking when he came over.

“What’s wrong? Has something happened?” he asked. He started stalking through the house, looking for someone, something that had made me upset.

I just looked at him, the words stuck in my mouth, not coming out. So I held the stick up, with the two lines.

He looked at that, then at me.

You know those split seconds when your life can go in either direction. It can either explode in your face and be the worst moment in history, or it can be the best thing that ever happened to you.

James’s face lighted up in a huge grin, and he got down on one knee. (Oh yes he did).

So I’m there, all blubbery and freaking out, not knowing what to do and he reaches into his pocket.

“I’ve been waiting for the right time to do this,” he said.

He brings out a little case, and flips open the lid.

“Angel Parrish, will you do the honor of being my wife?”

Suddenly my voice comes back and I started screaming. “Yes, Yes, YES!”

I wrapped my arms around his neck so tight he started spluttering. But he was laughing too, and he kissed me, and I kissed him.

I couldn’t stop kissing him, and I almost forgot to put the ring on.

I wish I could share a photo with you. It’s gorgeous. It’s better than I could have ever imagined that I’d want.

The diamond is round, and the setting that holds it in place, makes it look like a little cupcake. Right there on my finger. My own sparkling sweetness.

We’ve decided to wait to have the wedding until after the baby arrives.

I’ve got it all planned in my head. I want it to be simple, elegant. I was thinking a beach at sunset. I don’t know why. I realize that sounds so clichéd but I don’t care.

My parents are thrilled of course. They did try and push for a wedding before bubs comes. But I don’t want to be pregnant in the photos. Besides, it would be kind of sweet for the wedding
pics to include our child too. One beautiful happy family on one perfect day.

I can’t wait.


~~ THE END ~~

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The Brute
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Happy reading,

Tabitha :)



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All my books
can be found at Amazon:






Novellas (under 25,000 words)

In His Sails

The Brute


Short Story Collection

Desperately Delicious: Seven Sexy Romance


Short Stories

Stranger Delight
| Perfect Amy | Betrayed By Love | Seducing Samantha | One Night Stand | Double Delight | All Tied Up




The Feathered Lover (Feathered #1)

Feathered Bliss (Feathered #2)



Short Story Collection

Urban Darkness: Seven Suspense Thriller Collection


Short Stories

Hunger for Truth | Blood Stain | Seeking Vengeance | Collar Bomb | Double Cross | Caged Mouse | Blown Away


BOOK: The Brute
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