The Care and Feeding of an Alpha Male (26 page)

BOOK: The Care and Feeding of an Alpha Male
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“Leave it,” he said automatically, and rolled his fingers over one nipple, eliciting a responsive shiver from her.

“It’ll bother me until I see it,” she said with a smile. She slid out of his grasp and put her plate next to the small kitchenette sink before heading over to get her phone. “It might be Miranda. She said she was going to send me some pictures of how she wanted to do her hair for Halloween.”

“If she’s anything other than a sexy librarian, Dane’ll be disappointed.” He watched her pretty, plump ass sway as she moved to the sink. This was how it’d be if they lived together. Her, naked and wandering around his place, having a conversation about their day.

He’d be down with that.

Beth Ann snorted at his comment, and picked up her phone. She clicked on the phone, and then her mouth tensed.

“What is it?” The protective instinct welled up inside him, and he resisted the urge to take the phone out of her hand and smash it, just so she’d stop frowning so much.

She’d been frowning too much lately.

“It’s Allan,” she said in a flat voice. “And judging by the amount of typos, he’s drunk dialing me.” She stared at the small screen, tilted her head and recited, “‘Bethy-babe, I miss you, love you, and want you back. My life is incomplete’—he spelled incomplete wrong, by the way—‘without you. You deserve better than that asshole Colt. You don’t know him like I do. He’s not who you think’—oh, and then it cuts off. Idiot.”

Annoyance flared through him. “Why don’t you block his number?”

“It’s this new phone. I don’t know how to do it. Too many
menus.” She frowned and flipped through it, skimming a finger over the screen.

“I can do it,” he said, and she handed her phone over to him. She went to the sink and began to scrape her plate.

Another message came in. Colt clicked on it before the phone could buzz longer than an instant, and saw it was from Allan again.

I talked with the fire chief. Colt kept you in the woods all weekend just so he could fuck you. You want to be with an asshole like that? He thinks you’re just a hot pussy to stick his dick in. He thinks—

“Did you get it?”

Colt quickly deleted the message, anger and guilt flaring through him. So Allan had figured out that Colt had lied about that first weekend they’d spent together, and thought the worst of him? And now he wanted to tell Beth Ann and save her? Unease gnawed in his stomach. She needed to hear it from him, so he could explain.

He finished setting up the block on her phone and handed it back to her, saying nothing about the second message.

Beth Ann tossed the phone aside and crawled back into his lap, pressing her naked breasts against his chest. She tugged the towel off her hair and let the wet locks slither over her skin. “You’re frowning,” she said, running a thumb over his bottom lip.

“I just hate that asshole,” Colt said. It was the truth, even though it was more than that. The dick was trying to ruin what he had with Beth Ann. And he wasn’t about to let that happen.
He was going to see that jackass tomorrow and pound his face in if he had to, but the man was going to leave Beth Ann alone.

“Don’t worry about him,” she said, her voice soft. Her thumb kept brushing against his lower lip, and he wondered if she was imagining his mouth on her mouth, or perhaps lower. “I don’t trust a word he says. Being with you is nothing like being with him.”

“Good,” he said shortly.

That made a smile curve her mouth, and he was struck by how beautiful she was. “I brought you a present,” she said breathlessly, and leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth.

“Oh?” He parted his lips, felt her small tongue flick inside his mouth, felt his cock stir again. Fuck, he was still thinking about frosting. If he closed his eyes, he saw his cock shoved down her throat, frosting rimming her mouth, her gaze up at him as she swallowed his cum. His dick was hard just thinking about it.

She said the word so quietly he almost missed it. “What?” He wasn’t sure he’d heard her correctly.

Beth Ann smiled and leaned in to his ear, her tongue flicking against the shell of it. “Lube.”

Well damn. He could think of a lot of uses for lube, but one immediately sprang to mind. Fuck all if he was going to suggest that to her, though. He wasn’t about to suggest something like that to the woman he cared for. “And what did you have in mind, darlin’?”

Her blue eyes stared up at him, and he felt a tremor race through her body.

“I’ve never tried anal,” she said breathlessly. “I wanted to try it with you.”

Because she trusts you
. Hot need flared through him. Need…and guilt. He took her hand, slipped it between their bodies and placed it on his already rigid cock. “I’m not a small man, Beth Ann. You sure this is something you want to do? It won’t bother me if you say no.”

He knew his girth intimidated most women. They were fine with it in bed, but only a few kinky ones had ever wanted to even attempt anal with him. And he got that. But still, the thought of burying his cock deep in Beth Ann’s ass made him turn hard as a rock.

She leaned in and nibbled at his lip, her hand flexing on his cock. “I’d like to try it. Will it hurt?”

“Not if we go real slow,” he admitted. He’d go fucking glacially slow if that’s what it took to give her pleasure.

She kissed him sweetly. “Slow and intense sounds good to me.”

Good God, but she was an amazing woman. He felt an odd swell of emotion that he clamped down. No sense in gushing emotions like a fucking sissy just because a hot woman told him she wanted his dick in her ass.

So he just said, “Slow and intense,” and kissed her. “But first we need to get you soft and ready, darlin’.”

She gave a little shiver of delight and smiled at him. Her hand squeezed on his dick again. “Feels like one of us is already ready.”

“I’m ready as soon as you walk into the room,” he whispered, and liked the blush that pinked her cheeks. His hand moved from his dick to her pussy and touched her. She gasped in response. Wet, but not as soaked as he wanted her to be. He needed her writhing in his lap before he’d attempt anything.

He slid his fingers deep into her, felt her breath catch as he stroked deep into her core. She gasped and clenched her thighs around his hand, her hips rocking against his fingers. He loved the way she responded to his touch. Anything he wanted to do to her body, and she wanted it just as badly as him. He watched her eyes get sleepy with need, her eyes half closed with desire.

She licked her lips, and he watched those little nipples tighten. And all the while, her gaze was on him, watching him, trusting him. Needing him.

Colt leaned in and kissed her again, then murmured, “Feed one of those sweet little breasts to me.”

A shiver rocked through her and her hand cupped one of her breasts. She lifted the small mound to his mouth even as he continued to slowly thrust his fingers in and out of her pussy, finger fucking her.

She whimpered softly, as if frustrated that she couldn’t raise her breast to his mouth. Beth Ann arched her body, pushing forward against him until he felt her nipple brush against his mouth. Her hips had arched up, so his hand followed her movements, continuing to thrust into her with his fingers even as he bit down on her nipple. She moaned his name, rocking down against him. His free hand cupped her bottom, and he ran his fingers along the seam of her ass, brushing against the tight opening there. Beth Ann inhaled sharply at the sensation, but then she rocked against him again.

He licked her nipple and pressed his finger against the pucker of her ass. When his finger pushed a little deeper, her breath caught in her throat. He bit down on her nipple again, rolling it against his tongue, and she moaned, bucking her hips hard. He
could feel her slick and wet under his fingers now, her hips working harder against him. He rubbed his finger inside her ass—she was tight, but she wasn’t pushing him away. That was good.

Her hips pushing against his hands became more urgent, and he sucked at her nipple harder, as her moans became more frequent, his name a breathless pant on her lips. His cock was hard as a rock under her gyrating body. Her eyes had closed and she bit her lip, the pleasure intense on her face.

He rolled her nipple against his tongue again, thrust even harder with his fingers. He could feel the quivers moving up her legs, a sign that she was close to the edge.

Very carefully, he slid his fingers out of her lovely body. She gave a whimper of distress, rocking her hips even though there was nothing to buck them against now.

She kissed him then, hard, desperate. He picked her up and took her to the bed across the room, laid her down.

She leaned up and kissed him as he did. “It’s in my purse.”

“I’ll get a condom, too.”

She kissed him again. “I’m on the pill.”

He stopped. Stared. “You sure?”

“I’m sure.”

He kissed her hard, unable to describe what he was feeling. That she trusted him so much. Wanted him so badly that she wanted him bare…it did strange things to his insides.

He wasn’t going to think about that right now, though. He moved across the room to find her purse, stripping off his briefs. A moment later, he returned with the lube. She’d rolled onto her stomach already, anticipating his return. Her knees rested on the edge of the bed, slightly spread, her cheek pressed to the mattress.
Her beautiful ass was up in the air, her pussy parted and spread wide. He watched her fingers twitch, as if she was dying to touch herself and wouldn’t until she had his permission.

“This is beautiful,” he said, running a hand up her soft thigh. “Everything about you, so fucking gorgeous.”

She gave a small sigh of pleasure, as if utterly content.

He didn’t want her content. He wanted her wild with need. He flipped the cap off the lube with one hand, and slid his fingers back to her pussy again. He searched for her clit in the slick wetness, found it, and rubbed.

Instantly, her body tightened and she moaned. Her hands fisted in the sheets. “Colt,” she whimpered. “Oh God. I need you. Need your cock deep inside me.”

Nothing was hotter than his proper Beth Ann dirty talking back to him. He leaned over the cleft of her ass, and, still stroking her clit as she moaned, dribbled lube down the cleft. When he felt the tremor in her thighs again, he pulled his hand away, hearing her disappointed groan. He put a bit of lube on his hand, and stroked his cock. Fuck, he was hard. Hard and she was going to be incredibly tight. He had to go slow. Make it good for her.

He pulled her hips back against him. The head of his cock, now slick with pre-cum and lube, brushed against her ass. He pushed the head there, getting her used to the feel of him there. When she bucked back against him with a moan, he pulled away and spread her ass cheeks. With a finger, he circled through the slick lube, rubbing against the small opening. She cried out his name again, and butted against his finger, as if trying to take him deep. He pushed it inside her, felt her sharp intake of breath. She
stilled on the bed, and then rolled her hips under him again a moment later. “More.”

That softly breathed word was all the encouragement he needed. He stroked his finger deep into her ass once, twice, flexing his fingers as he thrust. She shuddered with every stroke, her fingers flexing and clenching in the sheets. Then, slowly, he added a second lubed finger, and she whimpered, but began to flex her hips up to meet his strokes. He stretched his fingers wide, stretching her slowly. His cock was so hard with need he could feel the pre-cum beading on the head. Any moment now, he was going to throw her down on this bed, ram his cock deep inside her, and fuck her until he came. But he couldn’t do that. Had to make this good for her. Needed to.

With a ragged breath, he added a third finger, and began to stroke deep inside her. She whimpered with every press, her eyes squeezed shut. But when he stopped, she moaned. “More. Please Colt. I need you.”

“You ready, darlin’? It might feel a little intense at first. You tell me if you want to stop.”

She nodded, bit her lip, and her hips flexed under him. He slid his fingers out of her ass, placed the head of his cock at that perfect, tight spot. He was so hard with need.

And he pushed, just a little. Pushed a little more. His hands, slick with lube, pinned her hips in place. He butted his cock against her tight opening, and when she bucked back, he surged forward. Just a little, forcing his way into her tight channel.

The moment he pushed the head of his cock into her ass, he heard her breath suck in sharply.

He froze. Stroked a hand over her ass. Didn’t move an inch. “Beth Ann?”

“Tight,” she whimpered. “Very tight.”

And he’d only shoved the tip in. Need poured through him, and sweat beaded on his brow. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He couldn’t move until she gave the okay.

She flexed her hips a little. Gasped. “You’re so big.”

“I know, darlin’,” he whispered. “You want me to stop?”

“No,” she said, but her breath was ragged, her body tense.

Goddamn it, he was getting all tense. Push deeper, or pull out? He had to make it good for her again. He pushed a little deeper, testing her.

Another sharply inhaled breath, but no indications of pain. Good. He pushed in a little deeper, then a little more, his teeth gritted. God, she was tight as a fist, clenching around him. Her ass was gripping him like a vise, and it felt exquisite. But judging from her silence under him, it wasn’t feeling exquisite for her.

He pushed in a little more—more than halfway now—and reached under her hips, searching for her clit. Found it, and rubbed gently.

Her sucked in breath told him that she liked that. He rubbed a little more, patient, even though his cock was throbbing, and he wanted nothing more than to sink deep and start fucking the hell out of her.

But patiently, he rubbed. And felt the slightest little shift of her hips. Felt her inhale, heard her whimper.

A good whimper.

Still rubbing that little bud, he pushed in a bit more, and this time her strangled gasp made him stop. “Bad?”

“Good,” she said tightly. “Really good.”

BOOK: The Care and Feeding of an Alpha Male
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