Read The Club Online

Authors: Yvette Hines

Tags: #Paranormal/ Vampire/ Wereshifters

The Club (7 page)

BOOK: The Club
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When he parted his lips and her tongue brushed across his, wet and supple, his self-control broke. He couldn’t wait any longer. Deepening the kiss, he entered her mouth, tasting her and forcing her tongue to submit to his. He nipped the plump centre of her bottom lip, causing her to gasp and moan as he licked it, soothing the sting. Enjoying the sound of her shock and pleasure, he sealed his mouth to hers again and coaxed her tongue into his mouth. As he suckled her tongue, he slipped one of his hands beneath her shirt and into her bra, cupping her breast.

The warm weight filled his hand as the point of her nipple pressed against his palm. Squeezing and fondling her breast, he delighted in the shivers that ran through her. He lowered his other hand to her ass, pressing her against his aching cock. The scent of her arousal was permeating the air—with his canine sense of smell, the heady aroma became so intense he could almost taste it.

Olivia ground her pelvis against him as she caressed the sensitive spot behind his ear with her nails. The scrape sent an electric bolt of lust from his head to his balls and caused his dick to harden more, pressing painfully against his zip.

“On the floor,” he growled.

Pulling away from her, he could see the excitement and a little trepidation in her gaze. However, there was no longer time for tenderness or mellifluous words—his beast would push him until he was inside her. He’d heard about the intensity of the second marking, but never having experienced it before he was just as swept away in the maelstrom of desire as Olivia.

Despite her obvious apprehension, he felt a sense of peace that she still trusted him as she lowered herself to the ground. Joining her, he knelt before her as he snatched his shirt over his head. She removed her top, and her bra as well.

“Lovely.” He admired her breasts, enjoying the sight of her beautiful obsidian skin with the dark chocolate tips. Leaning down, he tasted them, licking and nipping at the peaks, then laving them, careful with her fragile, human flesh. Soon she would become used to the loving style of weres. They loved to nip and bite each other during loving and play, sometimes to the point of pain that intensified their coupling and their orgasms.

His kisses moved from her breasts to her neck, then he took her by the waist and turned her around. Once her back was to him, he admired the swollen, tender mark of his first bite. In the two days since he’d created it, it had slowly begun to heal and close up. Now his teeth marks were barely evident. After tonight, the mark would be vivid again, and once he’d marked her for the third time, the scar would be permanent—the only scar her body would ever carry.

Placing a hand in the centre of her shoulder blades, he pressed her towards the floor. Understanding what he desired, she positioned herself on her hands and knees. Moving between her parted legs, he made quick work of unfastening his slacks and shoving them down to his thighs. His cock jutted forward, insistent, a bead of pre-cum on the head.

In a flash, he yanked the hem of her skirt up to her waist and tore her thong and tossed it aside. His beast would have no hindrance to its claiming. Parting her ass and thighs wide, he witnessed her level of arousal in the wet evidence coating her pussy. Angling the crown of his shaft to her opening, he pushed forward. A growl rumbled deep in his chest at the slick, snug feel of her sex. Scarcely inside her, he paused, took a deep breath, allowing the sweet fragrance of his delectable rabbit to beguile him. Then he pushed forward, hard and sure as he forced space for his hard cock along her tight walls. He didn’t stop until her round, toned ass was cushioned against his hips.

She screamed and trembled as she threw her head back in ecstasy. Rotating her hips, she situated him deeper inside her. It was all he needed to know she was okay. On and on, he pounded into her as he squeezed her hips for purchase.

Lowering her shoulders to the ground, Olivia met his thrusts, bouncing her ass against him and calling his name. “Trae… Trae…”

Yes, Olivia. Take it, baby. Give yourself to me,
he transmitted to her, through mental waves. He was beyond physical speech—with his wolf in full force, he was incapable of anything other than growls and roars.

Her pussy clenched around him, allowing him to feel the frequent flutters of her sexual muscles as her orgasm built. His hold on her was so strong he knew she would have bruises on her ass and hips by morning.

As his own climax neared, causing a golden haze of pleasure to cloud his vision, he leaned on his sense of smell and touch.

When Olivia climaxed, the perfume of her gratification erupted in the air and covered him like a blanket as her body quaked before him. Her sex gripped his steely length, but he continued to pump into her with single-minded determination. As his body began to release inside her, he lowered himself onto her, pressing his chest along her back. Wrapping an arm around her waist to keep himself locked deep inside her, he sank his teeth into her shoulder muscle as he’d done before.

She was his now, forever.

You are mine
, he declared as his transferred saliva entered her body.

I am yours
, she replied, still trembling as she moaned, climaxing once again.

Now no other male, human or otherwise, would be able to come near her with lustful intentions. That solved the problem if that damn vamp, Anton, decided to come flying around Olivia looking for seconds.


* * * *


Standing before her closet, Olivia attempted to decide what to wear. In her room, her closet was the only thing she had yet to pack up. Olivia had been shocked by how fast the week had rushed by. It was already Friday and they were just hours away from Trae’s induction. She had taken the day off to get herself pampered and prepped from head to toe. She had been buffed, fluffed and waxed bare everywhere from the neck down. Today would be a day of firsts. The first time she would meet her in-laws, the first time she would meet Trae’s pack family and the start of the transformation for her first shift as a wolf. The next full moon wasn’t expected for two weeks—the pink moon, also known as the seed moon. Trae had said it was a good sign, and many babies were conceived during that moon. She knew he was hoping that it would be true for them, as well.

Over the last week, she had seen Trae each night when he had stopped by after work to help her pack her things and explain more of his culture and origins to her. She loved the pack’s tie to the Cherokee Nation. For years she had wondered if there was Native blood in her family, especially since people always commented on her jet-black hair and her high cheekbones, but not knowing her parents and her lineage it would remain a mystery. Trae thought it might be true simply because she was his mate and matches didn’t form out of thin air, and he’d convinced her.

She didn’t care one way or the other, as long as he was in her life. All her fear had dissipated. It wasn’t that she was not anxious about tonight and the importance of everything that would take place, but it was all overshadowed by the fact that when she opened her eyes in the morning she would be part of a family. A big family. A family of two hundred, including distant relatives in Oklahoma.

During the week, every time she thought of it, she had gone from tears to giddy, excited laughter. Nothing—except for Trae—meant more to her than that.

On Monday, she had heard from Kelsey and had a chance to tell her best friend that Trae had come over and she was going to ‘marry’ him on Friday. She didn’t know how to explain to her friend the truth of what was going on. Hell, it was hard for her to comprehend, let alone transfer that information to someone else. Kelsey had been shocked, but had told her she was happy for her and would support her.

Despite all her friend’s theatrics, Kelsey was a romantic. Kelsey believed that Olivia and Trae had fallen madly in love and he had swept her up in a whirlwind affair, all the way to the altar. Olivia had allowed her friend to believe it. It was partly true. In the week she’d had to accept her destiny and get to know Trae—a man who was strong, dependable, considerate and a damn good, passionate lover—she’d given her heart to him as well as her body.

She didn’t think the same was true for him. He was an Alpha male, whose sole concern was leading his pack and providing a strong next generation. There was no doubt in her mind that he would protect her and care for her. As he’d explained, not only did his mark bind her to him, but him to her as well. So, she was okay with that and prayed he would grow to love her one day, too.

Perhaps one day she would also be able to tell Kelsey the whole truth. She thought that her friend, who knew how she had yearned for a family over the years, would understand.

She pulled out an off-the-shoulder tunic dress in forest green, the same deep colour as Trae’s eyes when they were intense and filled with desire. Early that morning, he had told her to make sure that she wore something that revealed his mark on her back. All the pack members would be looking to see whether she proudly displayed it, especially since she was human.

Laying the dress on the bed, she headed to the shower for the second time that day. Even though being at a spa was relaxing, she always felt icky after having so many hands on her. After her shower, she added a lightly-scented lotion to her body. There was an advantage to being able to hear her man’s thoughts. She knew that Trae enjoyed her scent, the natural musk of her own body. She didn’t want to mask that, especially not tonight. Even though sex wasn’t part of the third marking, she still wanted to be inviting to him.

She filled her hair with curls, then piled it high on the crown of her head, ensuring it did not obstruct the view of her shoulder. After slipping on a matching thong, she put the dress on, making sure it sagged over her right shoulder. Turning, she checked her back—the mark could be clearly seen, even though it was now faint, appearing to be an old bruise. She had to admit to herself that she was looking forward to having his mark on her permanently.

The final touches to her outfit were gold, dangly, leaf-shaped earrings and gold, high-heeled sandals. Lip gloss was her only facial enhancement.

Hello my delicious, rabbit

Shivers of heat danced along her spine at Trae’s voice. She still wasn’t sure how she felt about being referred to as something her mate might consider a meal.

She heard him chuckle in her head as she moved through her apartment to the front door. Would this man never use a doorbell?

Opening the door, she saw him standing there in a black suit and a tie that matched his eyes and her dress. He was so sexy and appealing she wanted to rip the suit off him and beg him to take her, right there and then.

Eyeing his green tie, she said, “Did you read my mind?”

“Just luck. Damn, you look good, Olivia. I don’t know if I’m going to make it through the night.” Rushing across the threshold, he swept her up in his arms and kissed her.

Sighing with satisfaction, she submitted fully to the kiss. Trae encircled her waist with his hands and slipped them down to the slope of her ass, cupping each cheek. The dress might have been loose at the top, but it was snug around her hips to mid-thigh, where it ended. She was glad the material was light, because she could feel every caress and squeeze of his hands.

Unable to help herself, she ground her sex against his hardening cock.

Fuck, I wish I had time to make love to you and that we were alone.

We are alo—

Before she could finish her thought, someone cleared his throat. Since Trae’s tongue was in her mouth it couldn’t be him.

Moving her mouth away from Trae’s, she stared at him.

“Olivia, I’m sure you remember Diego,” Trae said.

Stepping back from Trae’s embrace, she looked past him to the other man who had entered her apartment. She was astonished how her mind and body became completely captivated and solely focused on Trae, disregarding everything and everyone around her. She wondered if it would always be like that.

It will ease up after the third marking and not be so all-consuming. But it will never go away.

That’s good to know.

“Diego, it’s good to see you again.” A little embarrassed, she smiled at him, feeling the heat in her cheeks.

“A grand pleasure, Olivia.” He glanced over at Trae with a sly smile. “I’d hug you, but I think even that would be too much for the Alpha dog to handle.”

Trae growled.

She gave Diego a conspiratorial wink.

Trae growled again, louder this time.

Olivia laughed.
Don’t worry, it will get better after the third marking,
she joked, mentally giving him his own words back.

“If you give me your car keys, Olivia, I’ll get it to the house and meet you guys at the ceremony grounds,” Diego said.

“Are these the suitcases you’re taking with you?” Trae pointed to the luggage in the hallway.

Crossing to her purse on the coffee table, she pulled out her car keys. “That’s it. There are a few more things that I need to move to the house, but they can wait until next week when I come out to meet the charity truck for the furniture and dishes.” Anything that wasn’t a personal item to her, like her clothes, her old college memorabilia or anything work-related, she was donating to a shelter for battered women in town.

“Perfect.” Diego took the keys from her, then went and picked up her suitcases and headed towards the door. “I’ll see you two in an hour or so.”

“Thanks, Diego.” Trae patted the man on the shoulder as he passed.

“No problem.” Diego left the apartment.

Staring at her from across the room, Trae appeared to be warring with himself about what to do. When his hazel eyes trailed along her body, she knew what was on his mind. The same thing that was on hers. Sex. But they had to go—she didn’t want to show up late on the first night she would meet his parents and his pack.

“I don’t want to go, but we have to.”

“I know.” She agreed, taking in deep breaths to keep her pulse down.

“Are you ready, Olivia?”

BOOK: The Club
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