The Demon's Deception (Demons Unleashed Erotic Novellas) (3 page)

BOOK: The Demon's Deception (Demons Unleashed Erotic Novellas)
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Around her the animals in the forest continued to chatter. The sound of the guards as they crashed through the woods in pursuit of the deer was like music. Sensation surrounded her, the raspy stubble on his head, the suction of his mouth against the tender skin behind her ear, and thick sweet scent of their arousal in the air.

A drop of cum pearled on the tip of his cock. And Aine wanted nothing more than to taste him. The thought was somewhat shocking. She'd seen it done before, of course. The Fae were a sensual lot without a modicum of modesty. At certain festivals during the sun cycle, orgies were not uncommon. While she had never been allowed to participate, she had caught glimpses from the room where she'd been locked away to 'keep her safe'.

She was done being safe. She squeezed his cock and felt a surge of triumph as he moaned into her mouth.

His lips devoured hers, shockingly intense, as light buzzed through her like a firefly. The heady, crazy feelings that zoomed through her body took her by surprise. As if the arousal she'd felt when watching others copulate was multiplied by a million degrees.

This was so much better than watching.

But the guards would be back soon. Aine hooked her ankle over the curve of his bare buttocks and rubbed her sex along his shaft. Instinctively she knew what to do with her body.

"Creative wench aren't you?" he growled against her throat. "Give me everything."

His words rumbled through her chest. There was a teasing element to the words that penetrated a place far more fragile than the barrier that protected her virginity. Her heart.

She would have stumbled if he hadn't been holding her up. That was ridiculous. And yet she had the distinct feeling that if she did this, there would be no going back.

"Don't tell anyone," she whispered harshly. For his own safety.

"Then we'd better get this done," he growled again. "Gods dammit, I am hard as an iron sword. You're a powerful aphrodisiac, sweetness."

Her heart stumbled again. She had never been able to tempt anyone enough to take her. That this stranger knew the guards were out there and still deigned to have sex with her filled her with an inexplicable joy.

She was worth the risk.

Barbas wondered if she was worth the risk. Something about this whole situation was a little odd. And if he'd been thinking with his big brain instead of his little one he'd have realized it sooner.

She had barely touched him and he was ready to go off like a rocket. She was a manipulator, a liar, and he wanted her with a fury that surprised him. "You lied to them." And as if his sanity restored for a moment, he had to know why.

She shrugged as she stroked his cock as if she'd never touched one before. "I want sex."

She hadn't said she wanted him. Her scent was stronger now and although she'd been across the clearing he would swear she had not been aroused before. "Me personally, or just a thick, throbbing cock." He circled the berry of her nipple with a callused fingertip as she inhaled as if to hold back a moan. "To fuck you to orgasm?"

She squeezed his cock to near pain, but her words were breathless. "You certainly are crude."

"Answer the question."

She turned the words around on him. "Your." Her finger rubbed a drop of pre-cum back and forth over the head of his erection. "Thick. Throbbing. Cock."

And it was his turn to hold his breath as she lifted her finger and sucked the pre-cum into her mouth.

"By Gods, I'd be happy to oblige." Barbas shucked his pants with haste. Perhaps it was that there was no ulterior reason behind this fuck. Perhaps it was that brown skin had always turned him hard. Perhaps it was the rounded globes her breasts that lulled him into a sense of rightness but he couldn't wait to fuck her. "Your word is my command."


He shoved aside his mission. His quest to find the traitor, to protect against the Fae, to conceal his secret could wait a few more hours. Right now he wanted to steal this time away and enjoy the pleasure of her body. Barbas plumped her breasts and brought the engorged peaks to his mouth. He sucked on both nipples at the same time and rocked his hips in a mimic of what they would do next. Her grip on his cock had loosened as if she couldn't make her body obey the command to hold on. One leg curled around his butt and the other braced her weight on the ground as she lifted up on her tiptoes to rub her sweet, wet mound along the rod of his cock.

"Oh my Goddess that feels good," she murmured as he arrowed his fingers down the length of her stomach and slid inside her slick wet channel. She was dripping with sex juices and primed for his cock.

He let go of her nipples with a pop and dragged his tongue roughly up the side of her neck. She panted in quick little bursts of air while she tossed her head back and writhed beneath the unforgiving attention of his greedy fingers.

"Gods, I want my cock in you."

"Yes," she groaned and rocked into his hand.

Barbas curved his palms beneath her buttocks and lifted her, poised to impale her. "You want this?"

He didn't even know why he hesitated. She had said so, hadn't she?

"Do it." And Gods knew why, but those words really did sound like a command. And he hardened even further.

Barbas rubbed the hard knob of his erection against the folds of her sex. And wanted her to beg for it the way he would beg if she asked.

"Do what?" he ground out, tormenting them both. She gripped his biceps with callused palms and curved her fingernails into his skin.

"Fuck me."

With those words, he settled his cock at her entrance and slammed her down on his body.


. Goddess that hurt.

Aine squirmed and tried to get away. The naked stranger held ominously still. After that first raw thrust, he hadn't moved. And things had been going so well up until that moment. The good news was she wasn't a virgin any longer.

The bad news was she didn't care. She just wanted to stop the hurt. Why had she ever thought she wanted to be touched?

"Let me down," she said breathlessly.

Her breasts ached, her pussy was engorged, and her body still shook but she just wanted to get away. She knew other Fae enjoyed sex, reveled in it. But right now she had no idea why. It

"Not a chance, Princess," he whispered harshly.

She stiffened. Did he know she was the Princess?

"Are you, did I...." He blew out a breath. "I'm sorry I hurt you."

She refused to lie. "Just let me down."

She should be nonchalant. Bored. Full of ennui. But she couldn't quite pull it off. And suddenly this erotic little encounter, in her rush to divest herself of her virginity, had turned sour. He hadn't moved.

"Let me down," she said a little more forcefully. There was almost a plea in the words.

"Not on your life."

He kept her there, pressed against the wide circumference of the old oak tree. The painful invasion had, at the least, subsided to a dull throb. The sharp sting was gone. But so was any sensation of arousal or well-being.

"You promised me sex," he ground out.

"Ah yes, but one should never quite trust the words of the Fae," she taunted and hoped he would put her down.

Her words seemed to inflame him. He scooped his arms beneath her thighs and hoisted her up so that the pressure on her inner walls lessened. Some relief. "Quite true," he snarled. "However I am holding you to your word and you promised to let me fuck you. That has not been accomplished. "

With his hands keeping her weight aloft and his chest pressed against her breasts, he was defenseless. She could disable and kill him momentarily. But it wasn't his fault that she didn't like this.

Hah, an understatement.

He began to pull out of her body and she sighed in relief. He swiped his tongue along the shell of her ear and the earlier weakness returned. On her sigh, he slid back into her body slowly. The thick rod seemed to glide more easily this time and the sensation was more discomfort than pain. He sucked her earlobe into his mouth and nipped at the tender flesh with his teeth, the sharp bite distracted her as he pulled back out of her body. His fingers skimmed the backs of her thighs and odd places tingled, including deep within her core. And then he slid forward again, this time his pubic bone bumped the little nub of flesh she sometimes played with in the middle of the night, deep beneath her lavish covers. "Oh," she sighed again.

With each soft stroke, the pain lessened and the pleasure grew.

"You liked that."

"Hmmm?" Her eyelids drifted shut. He began a slow, easy rhythm, sliding his cock in and out of her slick channel.

One of his hands skimmed further up her leg until his fingers bracketed her sex. With each slide out, he trilled the little nub. Swells of sensation waterfalled through her. Her body tingled and her nipples hardened with each brush of his muscled chest.

As her body softened and accepted his invasion, he increased his pace. No longer sweet and slow, each time he impaled her, deep inside he bumped a hidden bundle of nerves. Her head was light as a hot air balloon as his cock became impossibly harder. With a muffled groan, he emptied his seed into her body and pumped in earnest.

The act was physical and brutal and yet somehow not painful anymore. His need overwhelmed her. Happiness bubbled through her like the water in the brook as he continued to pump and pump and his body lost it's hardness slowly.

The pain was gone. Her head swirled with the progression of physical sensations from the initial burst of pain to this whirling sense of looseness. It was lovely. So maybe, just maybe, she understood now.

He brushed a gentle kiss across her lips and her body buzzed as he pulled his softening cock from her body. She couldn't hold back a little moan of disappointment as he slid along her hypersensitive folds.

She didn't know what to say. Thank you seemed...inadequate. And while she had been eager to rid herself of her virginity, she had no desire to repeat this experience anytime soon. Even though the sensation of his skin against hers, the skim of his hands along her body felt wonderful, another two hundred years would be soon enough for her to engage in the sex act again.

Barbas could feel her lack of arousal like a dagger in his heart. He cradled her close and wished that he'd known ahead of time that she'd been a virgin. He would have done things differently. "You should have had a soft goosedown bed and silken sheets, but this is all I could give you," he said tenderly.

He had a flash of vision, her laid out on his bed, her bronzed body lush against his black silk sheets. He would take his time and learn each inch of her body with his teeth and tongue. With his large palms full of her round gorgeous ass, he squeezed. "I want this again." He ached for the chance to take her once more and make it good.

But suddenly, they could hear the guards as they tromped back towards the clearing. "Sorry, sweetness." He snatched up her rough dress and tossed it to her. Her Fae guards had almost returned. She was Fae. Even though that had not been uppermost in his mind mere minutes ago, now he realized that perhaps he'd just found his entree into the murky and devious world of the Fae.

But he couldn't ask outright for an invitation. He couldn't seem too eager. For everyone knew the Fae were the most suspicious and devious creatures to haunt the daylight.

"You want more? Meet me here again tomorrow." He rubbed his fingers along her swollen and damp flesh and her hips rocked in response. Yes! His gaze flicked to the sun then to the shadows in the grove. "Same time, tomorrow. And ditch the guards."


Aine paced her ornate bedchamber as jittery as a sacrificial virgin on a festival night. Scratch that. It no longer applied. The place between her thighs was tender and slightly swollen. Each step reminded her of yesterday's encounter. And his parting command. She wasn't going. But she couldn't seem to forget about the sensations that he'd aroused, the glorious pleasure of being touched by another, before the pain.

She'd relived the short interlude in the glade with a mixture of longing and disgust. Why would she even think of going back there again? He'd hurt her. But oh, before the pain had been a pleasure she'd only imagined. And after the pain, the tantalizing sensation of a greater bliss shimmered just out of reach.

What if there were more?

The door to her chamber banged open and her father marched in.

The Ladies all tittered and cooed at him as he strode to her. Aine curtsied low and dipped her head as a measure of respect. The gesture had the added bonus of hiding her eyes from his piercing gaze.

Goddess, he couldn't know what had happened. Could he? She was a virgin no longer.

There was nothing her father could do about her condition, or lack thereof, however he could punish her impromptu lover. Which was another reason not to go back to the clearing. Her heart thudded and her palms slicked with sweat as she waited for him to speak.

"Rise." He flicked his hand impatiently as she rose gracefully out of the deep bow.

"Father." She modulated her voice and envisioned a calm, placid lake.

"Leave us," he barked at her Ladies.

Useless ninnies all of them. She wished for the millionth time that she did not have to endure the trappings of being the princess. But wishing away her status was illogical. And she was nothing if not practical.

The room was aflutter as the women rushed toward the doorway.

"Aine," he began. "I have need of your insight." A frown marred his beautiful features.

"Of course." She swallowed and fear skittered along her spine. "What can I do?"

"You know of the rumor that a human is in the village, trying to gather information about the Fae Realm. About me. I am convinced he is working with the Demons." He spat the word, Demon. "I believe they have already made contact to infiltrate our realm."

Her father had hated the Demons for a millennium. He'd been the one to suggest the trickery that had imprisoned them. And it had worked. But he'd severely miscalculated what would happen to the Fae once the Demons were banished. The Fae had slowly lost their power. And as the world industrialized Humans began to forget about magick and the Fae. Fewer and fewer Humans had believed in the Fae and most of the Fae power had come from the sun.

BOOK: The Demon's Deception (Demons Unleashed Erotic Novellas)
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