Read The Dom on the Naughty List Online

Authors: Leia Shaw,Cari Silverwood,Sorcha Black

The Dom on the Naughty List (5 page)

BOOK: The Dom on the Naughty List
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seven thirty, right after he...” Q stopped, scrubbing the table a little more viciously than was necessary.

I thought I heard something.” Sabrina winced. “What happened?”

“I was awake reading when he got out of the shower. He decided it was time for a blowjob and I disagreed. I don’t think you have to guess who won.”
Bastard. Heat coursed through her at the thought of it. One hand had forced her mouth open, the other fisted tightly in her hair, controlling her movements. She shook the thought from her head and shifted, rubbing her thighs together.

“And now you’re horny.
Great. You’re always bossier with me when he leaves you like this.” Sabrina put her mug in the dishwater. “Let’s get you taken care of before you turn into a tyrant.”

I’m not allowed to come until he says so. Punishment for giving him a hard time for his ‘reasonable request.’” Q rolled her eyes and led Sabrina to the living room where they sat on the couch. She flipped on the TV and chose a random channel before cuddling close.

He knows how you get with me when he leaves you needy. Do you think he’s still mad about the tree and this is extra revenge?” Sabrina ran her lips along Q’s jaw, giving Q the shivers.


“That jerk!” Sabrina laughed.

Q’s gaze drifted to their massive tree, slightly askew in the stand, where it twinkled madly.
It looked like it was trying to prove something. Maybe something subtle would have been easier for Jude to handle. Oh well, too late now. It was going to be an in-your-face Christmas.

“I have to mail off the presents for my brothers and their families today,” Q mumbled.
“I have to finish wrapping first, though.”

Sabrina sighed, running her fingers through Q’s hair.
“They’re still not planning to get together?”

“Nah, they’re going to be with their wives’ families.
They figure we see each other often enough.” Q twisted her lips together and willed back more tears. They’d been close, once upon a time, but her brothers just didn’t seem to want to keep in touch. Jude thought it was a guy thing, but Q wondered if it was because they were ashamed of how she’d turned out. Did they get together without her?

“We’ve only seen Blaine once, and Jude and I have never met Gavin and Carter.
When was the last time you saw those two?”

Q shrugged.
“Three years ago? What can I say? They’re busy. I also don’t fit in with their normal family lives. Their wives try to be nice to me when I call, but we have nothing in common. I have no husband, no babies and two significant others. There’s only so much to talk about before things get awkward. Maybe I shouldn’t have told them about the three of us. I know you’re hell bent on telling your family about us when we visit next week, but maybe you should reconsider. You’re closer to your family, so you actually have more to lose.”

Arching an elegant brow, her tiny blonde goddess eyed her stonily.
“I’m telling them next week. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to witness the drama but I’m tired of hiding our real life from them. They’re convinced that Jude is my boyfriend and you’re just an awkward roommate that won’t take a hint. If they invite you to our family stuff it’s out of pity, then we have to pretend not to be too close the whole time we’re there. You deserve better than to have my old aunties trying to set you up with their grandsons.” Her lips twisted like she was remembering something terrible. “It makes me crazy! And don’t think I haven’t seen how my cousin, Cameron, flirts with you every time we visit. I want to punch him in the face!”

Sabrina had worked herself up – her face red and breasts heaving.
She was so sexy when she was pissed. Q narrowed her eyes and gave her a once-over.

Q! Are you listening? I’m trying to have a serious conversation here and you’re leering at me.”

Q sighed.
“Yes, Sabrina. I don’t know why you want to rock the boat so much. I don’t care if your little aunties try to find me a man. And your cousin is kinda hot.”

abrina swatted her leg with that cute, grumpy look on her face. “If you so much as let him kiss you, I’ll make you Lysol your face.”

“I didn’t say I wanted to screw him, gorgeous.
Settle down.” Q ran her finger under Sabrina’s collar, making her shiver even while she pouted. “I bet those cookies have cooled down enough to decorate.” Q untangled herself from Sabrina and stood, then pulled Sabrina to her feet. She led her into the kitchen.

“There’s no reason to disappoint your parents because of me.
I’m okay with things the way they are.” She pulled Sabrina close and kissed her gently.

“I’m not.” Sabrina kissed her back, all sweetness and love.

“But what if they hate me after this? I like your mom, even if she thinks I’m a pathetic charity case. She’s kind to my face. And your dad is so nice! We talk photography and hang out sometimes. I don’t want to ruin that.”

“If they can’t accept us, they don’t deserve our time,” Sabrina said firmly.

“It’s your family. Don’t write them off so quickly. They love you. This might blow their minds though. You have to take it easy on them.”

“I’ll try to be tactful and I won’t mention kink.”

Sometimes there was just no reasoning with her.

The light coming through the kitchen window was beginning to gain some strength, shining off the thin layer of snow in the tree
right outside. Robins nested there in the spring, and Q loved watching the babies as they went through their fast-forwarded version of birdy childhood. Right now, though, the nest was snow-lined and empty.

She grabbed the icing off of the counter and fished in a bag for the jars of sprinkles, then dumped the lot of it on the table next to the cookies.

“How many cookies did you plan to ice?” Sabrina laughed, checking out the huge mound of frosting-filled bags.

“I wasn’t sure how much we needed of
each color, so I made lots. Besides, I plan to eat some of it – right out of the bag.”

Sabrina laughed and rolled her eyes.
“For a big, bad Domme, you can be such a child.”

The warning look Q threw her was lost when it connected with the top of Sabrina’s blonde head.
She was already decorating.

With a shrug, Q looked over her baking experiment, trying to decide which one to start with.
Maybe if she piled on the frosting, it would cover the burned taste in the last batch. The Santa cookie had escaped with only a slightly charred section by his hat’s pompom.  Q set to work, trying to master the art of getting the icing to come out of the bag without air pockets ruining the texture. When Santa was done – only looking slightly wonky – she moved onto a reindeer. 

Sabrina was totally lapping her though, if the term could apply to baking as well as car racing.
She must have been on her eighth one, already.

“Oh my God.
Your tongue is actually sticking out. You are so cute!” Sabrina chuckled from across the table, where she’d paused while icing a star.

“I’m not
. I’m terrifying.”

“Yes, Q,” Sabrina said in her best sarcastically obedient submissive

“Do I need to prove it?” Q glared.
“Take off your t-shirt. Now.”

Sabrina’s mouth opened and closed a few times.
Q could tell she wanted to argue, but knew that being mouthy over something so trivial might make her funishment less pleasant. With a dramatic sigh, she stood and pulled her shirt off over her head. Even having been in a relationship for over a year, the sight of Sabrina mostly naked froze Q in place for a moment. With her cheeks and neck a little pink, Sabrina stood in the middle of the room – her little thong panties making her seem more than naked.

Q got up from the table and strolled to her.
“Hands behind your head and turn for me.”

She complied. Q let her gaze slide over her like an extra pair of hands. The best
part of making her do this, other than getting to admire her woman, was that Sabrina hated it but did it anyway. For Q. To please her. Fucking hot.

Careful to be quiet, Q snaked her hands out
from behind her. As soon as Sabrina made it all the way around, she let loose. Pink and purple icing squirted out of the bags, hitting Sabrina square in the chest. Sabrina squealed and back-pedaled, frosting sliding down her breasts. Q was on her in an instant. With a chuckle, she backed Sabrina against the counter, smearing a handful of purple icing over her tits and belly.

What’d you do that for?” Sabrina broke away from her and ran back to the table, grabbing up the turquoise blue bag. “Stay back! I’m not afraid to use this.”

With a grin, Q whipped off her shirt and charged.
Several more tubes of frosting flew from the table, some grabbed and some knocked over. Q wrestled her girlfriend to the ground, squishing copious amounts of the sugared stickiness into the existing mess. Sabrina’s reasoning gave way to complaining and whining, but failed to have any effect on Q. When she squirmed and got up on her knees, Q grabbed her by the ankle and hauled her back. Then she pushed her down and bit her ass for good measure. Squeals and icing mixed together made for one hot girlfriend.

With surprising force, Sabrina flipped over and fought back.

Chuckling, Q paused with her legs straddling the girl. She eyed her while she caught her breath. Everywhere looked tasty.

“Wait!” Sabrina gasped.

“Uh-uh. Game on!”

At one point
, she took Sabrina’s mouth hungrily, and the game became more sensual. Q wasn’t quite sure when she lost her own PJ bottoms, but she vividly recalled stealing Sabrina’s tiny panties. Sliding them down, seeing her mound bared – revealing that last secret place of her body was so good, she wished she could make the moment happen over and over. 

She kissed her way through the original pinks and purples, down farther to blues and reds.
Slipping between Sabrina’s blue thighs, she hunted through some smeared purple and found her clit – still shockingly free of icing and waiting for Q’s attention. She hooked her arms around Sabrina’s legs, holding her still while she spread her labia apart and flicked her clit very lightly with the tip of her tongue. Sabrina wriggled and squealed, trying to shake her loose.

With a purple hand, Q smacked her thigh
. “Behave!” she growled.

The teasing continued for quite some time
. Q alternated between gentle licks and harder sucks. Her fingers stayed busy either making Sabrina beg or smearing icing onto her like a freaky tie-dye.

When Sabrina was begging to come, Q pinned her down and
rubbed icing over the places she’d licked clean. “You’re like art. I should take pictures of you like this. So beautiful.”

Sabrina whimpered and tried to get up.

“Did I say you could move? Stay still.” Q glared pointedly at her before letting her go. She finger painted the letter “Q” on Sabrina’s hip and swirled the purple on her nipples – making the girl thrust out her breasts for more attention – stopping only when the pattern was just right.

“Please, Q?

Q looked down at Sabrina, whose deep brown eyes were wide and beseeching. “Are you thinking about how much you love me, or how much you love orgasms?”

“B-both?” Sabrina tried hesitantly.

With a crazy laugh, Q leaned down and kissed her.
Their lips danced together and soon she was wrapped in Sabrina’s arms, and they simply lay together, exploring each other’s mouths.

A deep chuckle rumbled through the room.
Q’s gaze flew to the doorway. It wasn’t Jude.

Cross was leaning against the archway, arms folded, looking more amused than Q had ever seen him.

“Is this a performance art piece, Q?”

She and Sabrina stared back at him for a moment, stunned.

“Um, Cross. Uh...” Q’s internal encyclopedia of snappy comebacks was strangely silent. “Please excuse the mess.”

The giant man’s booming laugh shook the house.

Jude’s patronizing voice came from down the hall, “Q, did you try baking on your own? I told you to wait for Sa –” He appeared in the doorway and stopped mid-sentence, his big blue eyes as round as dessert plates.

With a start
, Q scrambled to her knees, and Sabrina followed suit. They didn’t stand on protocol in their relationship, but considering how annoyed he’d been about the mess they’d made with the tree, kneeling seemed prudent. Knees together, gaze down, she hoped like hell that Cross couldn’t see much through the frosting.

“What did you
do!” Jude sounded so irritated that, for a giddy moment, Q thought he was going to rub their noses in it.
Bad dogs

“Hey man, I’m
gonna go. Talk to you about those renovations tomorrow.”

stood in the kitchen archway, speechless.

Godfrey continued to chuckle as he let himself out.

BOOK: The Dom on the Naughty List
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