The Dom with the Dragon Tattoo [Masters of Submission 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: The Dom with the Dragon Tattoo [Masters of Submission 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Just the sound of his name on her lips made her feel all warm and gooey inside. Rebecca felt an overwhelming pride in her achievements at Cerberus Technology. Her forthcoming announcement would make Tyler extremely happy and further justify his belief in her.

For the last month they’d been almost inseparable and as a result knew each other very well indeed.
Oh, the sex, dear God, the sex
. Her new Master had introduced a strong element of bondage into their love play, and she’d enjoyed every minute of being controlled by him. In some ways she acted like a love-struck teenager, rather than a mature woman of thirty-three, because every time they passed in the corridors of his impressive company, her pussy positively ached with the need for him to be inside her.

Tyler certainly cut an imposing figure in his Savile Row suits, which he had especially made, at exorbitant cost, each time he visited London on business. Whenever she saw him, she wanted to reach out and touch him, tell him how much he meant to her and how much she loved him, but they’d both decided that their careers were important, and it would be unprofessional for either of them to be openly affectionate at work.

She wondered how many people at Cerberus Technology knew of their relationship. Trusted friend Rob Ferino and a select few others certainly did, although even they had absolutely no idea what went on behind closed doors. Rebecca prided herself on being a professional, so she came to work each day wearing the appropriate attire necessary for the job at hand. She smiled to herself. Her work persona was conservative in the extreme and reeked of Middle America Bible-thumping piety.

If only they knew

She smiled again. What if the employees of Cerberus Technology knew the head of the company tied her up and flogged her bare ass until she begged him to stop? What if they knew he used sex toys, nipple clamps, and vibrators on her? What if they knew he kept their demure team leader naked and caged for his own sexual satisfaction? Of course, she enjoyed their sex games as much as Tyler did, and although she was undoubtedly her own woman at work, once outside the restrictions of Cerberus Technology, she was a willing sub. Jesus Christ, just thinking about their lovemaking made her pussy sopping wet, and she realized her headache had suddenly disappeared. Tyler liked taking their sex play to the very edge of her endurance, only quitting when she trembled so much, her words came out incoherent and garbled. There was always her safe word, and she knew Tyler would stop immediately should she use it. She hadn’t. She hadn’t wanted to. She’d fallen head over heels in love with Tyler Stone, and it was a great feeling.

Rebecca heard the door to the high-security Think Tank unlock before Claire Watson, a respected member of her team, rushed in. Her breathing was fast, and she looked a little flushed. “Rebecca, I’ve just seen Mr. Stone, and he told me you’re to report to his office. Like right now.”

“Right now? I’m busy at the moment.”

“That’s what he said, Rebecca. He looked pissed. Rather you than me.”

Rob joined in the conversation. “It’s the last Friday of the month. The day of the shareholders meeting.”

Claire sunk into a chair. “Well, I’m guessing it didn’t go well, because I’ve never seen Mr. Stone look so angry.”

Rebecca raised her head defiantly. “Well, it’s fortuitous that I have some good news for him. I was going to save it until Monday morning, but with what you’ve told me, Claire, perhaps now would be a better time.” Rebecca walked casually to the door, showing her team she was in no hurry. When she glanced behind, she saw their worried faces. “Cheer up, guys, this is my domain. I can handle Tyler. Everything will be just fine when I tell him we’re ready to go to type approval and validation.”

She felt angry herself. Tyler hadn’t asked her to drop by when she had a moment to spare. Instead, he’d summoned her like a naughty schoolgirl to the headmaster’s office. Now this sort of behavior was just fine away from Cerberus Technology, and in fact she actually enjoyed such a scenario, but she wasn’t pleased with him pulling rank on her in front of her team. He should have aired his views in private.

Making her way down the corridor, Rebecca finger combed her hair and then smoothed her skirt into place. Once she reached Tyler’s office, she took a moment to compose herself then rapped three times on the door.

“Come,” Tyler’s deep voice bellowed from inside the office.

Rebecca pushed open the door and smiled sweetly as she entered. “Hi, Ty, I think there’s been some misunderstanding.” When he didn’t smile back, she felt the first tingle of nervous energy running through her body. Claire had been right. Tyler seemed in a bad mood. Her brows drew together. “What’s the matter?”

Without answering, he motioned to the chair on the other side of his desk. “Sit.”

Even though his manner was unusually arrogant and totally unlike the man she knew at work, Rebecca did as he ordered and sat down opposite him. When he finally looked across the desk, her stomach somersaulted nervously. His eyes were ablaze with a frightening energy she hadn’t witnessed before.

He cleared his throat. “I’ve just had to justify your salary to the board. Two million bucks a year and a three hundred thousand-dollar Aston Martin are not easy to explain away, especially as you and your handpicked team for Operation Fire Wall have come up with exactly jack shit.”

Exasperated by his inflexible attitude, she decided to put him straight. “I have a great team, Tyler, and both they and I have worked our butts off to—”

Clearly angry, he thrust his hand toward her. “Enough. Let me remind you, I am your boss, both here and at home.”

If only he would let her speak. She tried again. “As I was about to say—”

He shook his head. “Oh, lady, I’d advise you very carefully not to push me any further.”


“You just don’t listen, do you? Come here and bow before your Master.” His uncompromising tone chilled the blood in her veins, but she wouldn’t give in that easily. If this were to become a test of wills, she’d stand her ground. She raised her chin defiantly and looked him straight in the eye.

“I will not.” She spat the words out with considerable venom. “And furthermore, may I remind you that we are both within a work environment, and as such, I’m well within my rights to disobey you.”

“I’m in charge here. I decide what goes, and don’t you forget it.” He didn’t look like he was about to back down anytime soon. Well, neither would she.

“I’m my own woman here at work. We agreed, remember?” Huh, and to think she was just about to give him the good news that she and her team were ready to start the validation process of Operation Fire Wall. Well, she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction now. She’d let him stew in his own juices.

He looked incredulous, with a little anger mixed in. “Your own woman? We’ll see about that. You’re only your own woman because I allow you to be.” He stood so abruptly, the executive leather chair toppled over behind him as he strode menacingly to the office door. After locking it with a resounding click, he turned to her, his still-beautiful amber eyes blazing with rage.

“You agreed to become my sub, so by default I am therefore your Master.”

He frightened her a little now. “Yes, but—”

“A simple yes or no will suffice. No embellishment is necessary.”

She figured things were starting to get out of hand, and rather than try and face down the all-powerful man before her, she attempted to appeal to his better nature. At this precise moment in time she wasn’t sure he had one. She spread her arms wide, her hands palm up in a nonthreatening manner. “Tyler, please allow me to say that I believe you’re playing with semantics. Yes, you are my Master, but not here.”

He was having none of it. “Stand up.”

“Please, Tyler, be reasonable.”

“Stand up, I say.”


“One last chance.”

“No, no, no.” She almost felt compelled to submit to his mighty will, but something inside stopped her. She wouldn’t make it easy for him. Although the powerful, angry man standing in front of her frightened her, she was also sexually aroused, too, and intrigued to see just how far he would run with this. Tyler’s eyes were alight with authority, and she figured he would take it all the way.

“You continue to disobey me.”

“Yes.” Aware that he wouldn’t let it lie, her panties moistened at the uncompromising look in his eyes. She didn’t want him to overpower her in his office, but then again, she did.

Without warning he pulled her from the chair with alarming force. Tyler was trying to set a precedent by taking charge of her at work. Something they’d agreed wouldn’t happen. He stared down into her eyes. “You have your safe word. Use it.”

“Tyler, this has gone too far.” Dear God, she figured he was going to discipline her right here and now in his office.

Gripping the top of her arm so tightly it actually hurt, he kicked away her chair. Its castors screeched noisily across the carpet before stopping abruptly when it crashed against the office wall. Clearly still angry, he strode around to his side of the desk and opened a drawer. Rebecca felt her libido heighten further as she watched him lean in and remove something. When he placed a leather ball gag on the desk, she couldn’t stop a sexual moan escaping her lips.

Chapter Twelve


“No, Tyler. Not in the office. We agreed.” Her will to fight him was almost gone now.

He eyed her with a sense of triumph in his eyes. “As I said before, you have your safe word.”

“Please don’t. I’m begging—” Her final words were lost as he forced the ball gag in her mouth then secured it behind her head with the leather strap. Even though the ball stretched her lips uncomfortably wide, she couldn’t stop herself from feeling sexually excited, too, especially when she stared into Tyler’s glowing amber eyes.

“That’s better. You’ve been a disobedient sub, so your time for speaking is over. As you no longer possess the ability to say your safe word, knock three times on the desk if you become distressed.”

Without a word Tyler gripped the back of her neck with his left hand and forced her down so her upper body lay compliant and horizontal across his desk. With her cheek pressed flat against the mahogany surface, she stared almost shell-shocked at the exquisitely carved pen holder right in front of her, its elegant wave of solid gold holding Tyler’s Omas fountain pen firmly in its grasp.

“That’s better. So much more respectful.”

Using his right hand, he lifted her skirt high above her waist and laid it across her back before yanking her panties down to her trembling knees.

“Mmm, such a dull gray skirt you hide behind at work. Your team would be surprised to know they harbor such a wanton, wicked woman in their midst.”

The cool air feathered over her exposed ass, followed by the palm of Tyler’s large hand. With her pinned to the desk, he gently massaged her butt cheeks before roughly forcing his hand between her legs and dipping his fingers deep inside her.

Not wishing to fight back, her sexual desire went off the scale, and she whimpered submissively against the ball gag. Being totally dominated by Tyler in his office turned her on, just as much as when he subdued her in the privacy of his home. The way his fingers slid effortlessly inside her left her in no doubt her pussy was soaking wet.

“Becca, your cunt gives you away. You protest too much, but you love being disciplined by me, wherever we are.”

Without warning the flat of his right hand connected with her bare butt four times in quick succession.
It hurts. It hurts like hell on earth
. She scrunched her eyes tightly shut, trying to control her breathing, but found it difficult because of the ball gag filling her mouth. All she could do was meekly moan against it, waiting for the next inevitable slap. Such was the force he used her knees buckled, and she felt as though she may collapse at any moment. Still, she could always tap on the table if things got too bad. That was her safe word for now.

His tone of voice was uncompromising. “You and that so-called team of yours have been working for me for two months. And what have you got to show for it? I’ll tell you what, zilch, zero. What the hell are you doing in the Think Tank all day? Drinking coffee and polishing your nails?”

He spanked her naked ass once more, even harder this time, the almost unbearable stinging pain shooting through her body. She clenched her hands into tight fists, seriously considering whether to tap out her safe word on his desk.

I can handle this

Controlling her breathing was all but impossible now, and her nostrils flared wide as she fought for life-giving air, her eyes watering with as-yet-unshed tears. Tyler was totally in control of her, and although it hurt like hell, it turned her on big-time, too.

“Results, Becca. I demand results. Nothing less is acceptable.”

When another stinging slap impacted her traumatized ass, her legs finally gave way. However, a calm, steadying hand to her back stabilized her, making her realize he cared deeply for her and would never harm her. Tyler knew exactly how far he could push her.

“I think that’s enough discipline for now. I hope you’ve learned your lesson and trust the results from you and your team will improve.”

BOOK: The Dom with the Dragon Tattoo [Masters of Submission 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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