The Echoes of Destiny - the Beginning (2 page)

BOOK: The Echoes of Destiny - the Beginning
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“Are you
sure you are alright?” he asked as I felt awkwardly, a clumsy feeling sweeping
over me.

“Yeah, I’m
good, thanks.” I said as he handed me my coins.

I tossed
them into my bag and made for the elevator quickly, praying to god that he
would not recognize me. The feel of the warm New York air on my face was a
welcome relief to the sexual tensions that I felt reaping through my body. I
could not get him off my mind, and the gym looked like the perfect place for
that. I set off for the gym in a hurry, my mind a mixed jumble of emotions. I
wondered if Jason could even remember me, being that he had totally been
oblivious of me in Stanton University.

From my
first year when I had set eyes on him, Jason had the ‘I want you to fuck me’
effect on me, and although I had tried in many ways to make him to take note of
me, he never even looked at me. Back then my sole ambition was to pass my
exams, and not being the type to show off my family’s wealth, I probably passed
for just another woman trying to get laid. I had watched him shift from
relationship to relationship with many different women, and from what was said
by many of the girls in the corridors, he was well endowed. I had not cared for
the fact that he had fucked practically every good looking person with a pussy,
but had wanted to feel his cock inside of me.

from what had just happened in the
I still
felt the same way. Only this time, I was going to make him lust after me, if at
all he worked in the same building as I did, something I thought was possible
due to the fact that so many people had seemed to recognize him. Just thinking
of him brought the I’m ready to get fucked look onto my face, making me to slap
myself slightly,
myself back to reality.

I had spent
just a moment with Jason Donovan, and my body somehow felt energized, a feeling
that was hard to explain, and I could still feel the grip of his manly hands on
mine, the soft flesh sending ripples of pleasure through my body.

Now, this is getting out of hand Gina,
get a grip on yourself and move on!

The gym was
a welcome relief to me as I took to the treadmill, before doing some yoga to
get my mind back into control.
When I was done, the gym
instructor, a young looking handsome guy came up to me as I was wiping off my
sweat with a towel, his muscles cutting through his vest to reveal a fine

“You did
very well.”

He was dark
skinned and bald shaven, and he wielded me the biggest smile that I had ever
seen. I hoped that he was not coming to hit on me like many other instructors
had done in the past, and I noticed a ring on his finger just before I was
about to make my escape.

“Yeah it
pays to keep fit, body, mind and soul.”

Stewart,” he said stretching his hand.

Garcia.” He offered to take me to dinner sometime with one of his yoga
instructors so that I could learn more about yoga, and handing me his card, he
told me to call him when I got the chance.


The skyline
was lit up by electric lights from the buildings as I made my way out of the
building and into the New York outdoors, melting into the huge walking traffic
on the street, my mind settled again. The atmosphere in the city once again
occupied my mind as I made my way home, the now familiar noise and smell
flooding back. I could smell coffee as I walked into the apartment, and Shane
was in the kitchen bent over a kitchen table as music belted from the stereo in
the lounge.

“Hi Shane,”
I said as I walked into the kitchen, “smelling good, is that grilled beef I

“I ordered
your favorite my dear friend, was just heating it up a little.”

“Great, let
me take a shower and then come down to eat,” I said dashing upstairs. After the
shower, I made my way back to the kitchen, pulling out a kitchen stool and
sitting at the kitchen bar.

“Have fun?”
he asked putting a plate of chicken and pasta
of me as he settled on a stool opposite me.

“I actually
met the most handsome man on earth again today,” I replied, as Shane arched up
an eyebrow to look at me with interest.

“Really, I
thought that I was the most handsome guy in the world,” Shane said jokingly,
“did he ask you out?”

“No, it was
actually in a very awkward situation where I fell flat on my ass
of him after we bumped into one another.”

“Tell me
all about it, how does he look, come on, I’m curious!” he continued.

“I knew him
from before, but I do not know if he recognized me or not. We went to Stanton
together, but he never took notice of me there, probably because I was too busy
studying to take good
of my looks, unlike now,” I
said to him.


“He is
tall, dark haired and lean. Judging from his clothes, he is some senior
executive somewhere. He always had me sexually attracted to him in a crazy way,
and today when I saw him, I felt the feelings come flooding into my body,
making me lose complete control of my body. Had I been a man like you, my dick
would have burst through my pants in a huge erection.”

“You talk
of him with such a passion, a pity that he did not ask a gorgeous woman like
you out.”

talking of him made me relive the brief moment that I had spent with Jason in
and his voice as he asked me if I was okay.
I knew that my vibrator had work to do that night as I thought of Jason,
although I knew that he had probably forgotten about me. There was a renewed
feeling of lust for him, and I felt myself beginning to get wet.

happened next, did he flirt with
or you with
him?” he asked digging into his drumstick.

Jason is not the kind of person to flirt with, he is dangerous, and can hurt
you. Believe me, you have no idea!”

kidding me Dina, a flirt cannot harm a fly,
married people love it when you flirt with them.” Shane regarded her.

this guy just spells GREAT SEX and nothing more, I want more than just sex, and
flirting with him could just lead to sex.”


“Well,” I
said deciding that I’d had enough of the topic on Jason, “it has been a long
night and I am longing for my bed.” I got up, cleared the table counter.

“By the
way, your daddy passed by this evening, he brought me a Rolex, while he brought
you a diamond studded necklace and matching earrings,” Shane said in a matter
of fact way.

“Why do my
parents have to do that, and yet they know that I can’t even wear such
to work, I would look out of place
more expensive than my superiors?” I
replied, dismayed.

“I guess it
is because they love you and want you to have the best of everything,” Shane
replied as if he knew that I would get mad. “I guess that is why they sent me
to stay with you, to cool you off when you get mad.”

Shane had
grown to be like a brother to her ever since her father had discovered him and
offered to pay his education for him. He had been in junior high by then, and
Dina having no other siblings to hang around with had embraced the opportunity
for him to live with them with open arms. As such, they had grown fond of one
another, and they understood each other more than anyone else understood them.
She had watched Shane perform well in school, and after school he struggled to
pay her father back, despite his protests, and Dina really admired his qualities.
That was one of the reasons that she had rebelled against the thought of
getting to the top on a silver platter, and opted to work hard through college
and up the ranks of a company that was not even her parents.

“I guess
you are right Shane, but I still do not agree to all these expensive free gifts
you know,” I said looking at him solemnly.

created all of that wealth for you D.”

not mean that I have to show off like my mother though.”


I walked
through the doors of David & Strauss just before 8 in the morning, minutes
early before the official working hours began. The guards by the reception were
dressed in sharp looking black suits, and they waved me off when I flashed my
ID at them, and made my way to the elevators. I made my way up to the 30
floor, where I was greeted by a blonde haired receptionist who was dressed in a
short skirted suit.

Miss Garcia, please have a sit there, Sean will be over to welcome you
shortly,” she smiled at me, showing me to white leather seats to one side.

The room
was spacious, and through a glass wall, Dina could make out an office that had
a ground to ceiling window with a breathtaking view over New York, the Statue
of Liberty visible in the distance. As I was still absorbing the grandeur
beauty of the place, the blonde walked up to me.

“May I
offer you something to drink, coffee, tea or water

“Water will
do just fine,” I said relaxing in the seat as she fixed up some iced water and
brought it to me. Before I had the chance to even sip the water, another door
opened and another blonde lady walked into the room.

has Dina come in yet?” she asked, before spinning
around and seeing me seated there. “Ah there you are, you may now come in,
will be with you in a moment. In the meantime, this
will be your office.”

I got up
forgetting about the water that I had not even tasted, and she ushered me into
a room with another door on the far end. She turned around and went to join
Terry at the reception counter. I went into the room and set my hand bag on the
desk. I pulled out a few things to personalize my work station, placing a
photograph of me and my parents onto one corner of the desk, and some teddy
bears that Shane had given me to make me feel at home, which I placed on a
table in one corner of the room. I then started up my computer, and just as I
was starting to run some applications, Sean walked into the room, his usual
smile beaming when he saw me.

“Dina, what
I pleasure to have you in New York, please come into my office, will you,” he

“Indeed it
has been a long time since we met, how have you been,” I said getting up and
walking into his office after him. I liked Sean, and had known him ever since I
joined the company. He was kind and outgoing, and whenever we had met in
Chicago, he had always been friendly and willing to help. He was one of my
favorite directors, and I loved the fact that I was going to be working under
him. From what I had heard in the Chicago offices, he was gay, and I was also
curious to know how he went about his relationship.

take a seat, I have been great. You came just in the nick of time, because
tomorrow I will be going out of the office for a day or two, and I could do
with someone able to take control while I am away.”

“You know
that you can always count on me Sean.”

“I know,
have you settled in to your new place yet?” he asked looking at me with his
grey eyes.

much yes, just a few boxes left here and there, nothing that I can’t handle
later on,” I replied, settling into my seat more comfortably.

“Great, now
we have a lot to cover today, as I would like to hand some assignments over to
you. I hope working late will not be too bad for you today.”

“I am at
your service monsieur.”

come on here, and I can begin showing you the important accounts that I need
you to handle. It nothing that you can’t handle with ease, based on your
performance in Chicago.”

We had a
working lunch in the office, and before long, the day had passed us by. I sat
exhausted in my chair breathing a sigh of relief just as my cell phone began
ringing. It was Shane.

“What are
you still doing at the office, get your ass home, and
we have a date
.” I smiled just listening to him pretending to be
ordering me around, and I logged out of my computer. “I am on my way.”

I grabbed
my purse and made for the elevator. I had my phone in my hand and was going
through my messages as I got to the elevator, hitting a button on the wall for
the next elevator going down. I was still shifting through my cell phones
messages when the elevator car reached, a beep sounding as the doors slid open.
I walked in without looking up, and as I looked up, my eyes met the deep blue
eyes making me to freeze in my steps. I caught my breath as the blue eyes
locked with mine. Yes him. The sex charm of my life was alone in the carriage,
neatly dressed in a sharp grey designer suit that was accompanied by a black
shirt and grey tie. He looked even more alluring than I could remember, his
cologne hitting my nostrils as a million and one different
ran through my body.

BOOK: The Echoes of Destiny - the Beginning
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