The Games We Play Vol. 3 (Riley Grayson) (6 page)

BOOK: The Games We Play Vol. 3 (Riley Grayson)
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But how could he? How could he give her up? How could he give up the way she made him feel? Their conversations, her interest in his art, her friskiness and ability to dish back the same bullshit he fed her. It was all too much fun and entirely too good to be true.

“Riley?” Ali’s voice was low, her hand hesitant on his bare chest.

He took her hand and held it up, then laced his fingers with hers despite the feeling burning in his gut to just get up and run. Bringing her hand to his lips, he kissed it, his lips brushing across her knuckles. He knew she wanted more than he could ever give her. He didn’t know how to have long, meaningful relationships. He only knew the physical and Ali was certainly going to ask him for more than that at some point.

But then again, he was a selfish prick and refused to let her walk completely out of his life. Just the thought of her being with another guy made him sick. He could keep her as close as she’d allow, without allowing her to back away or get too clingy, fucking her as much as he could without ever fully committing.

“Everything’s fine,” he said after a moment. “Do you regret it?” That was the one thing he always prided himself on: making sure the women he was with were happy and satisfied.

“No, I don’t regret it.” Ali rested her head on his chest and he closed his eyes, sighing with happiness.

Riley kissed the top of her head. “I’m glad.” They fell silent for a while. He was lost in his thoughts, wondering what he was going to do about her. The right thing would be to leave this hotel and forget all about her. But just the thought of that had his heart constricting. He hated what she was doing to him, the effect her mere presence had on his mind and his body. Feeling conflicted had never been an issue before tonight.

He nudged her, urging her up his body until he found her lips. Rolling onto his side, forcing her onto hers, he kept her close, his lips never once leaving hers. He could give himself tonight, couldn’t he? There was something about her that made him feel safe, at ease, that she wasn’t going to do what past girls he’d slept with had done, that she wasn’t going to become just another girl he’d learn to hate. He could let his guard down for one night and just enjoy the feelings she brought out in him, right? There were no doubts in his mind that he could trust her. She wouldn’t run around telling everyone about this, about what they did tonight or the things he said to her. He didn’t know how he knew that, but he did. He could see it in her eyes, hear it in her stories. Everything was crystal clear.

Despite assuring himself over and over that Ali wasn’t another bimbo, Riley wanted to kick his own ass right now. He hated how he was so uncertain of himself when it came to her, and for making the mistake to fuck a girl who had only been with one other guy.

“I really like kissing you,” he said, trying to just focus on the now instead of what would come when they left the hotel.

Ali laughed and his heart soared. It was a great sound, her laughter. “I like kissing you, too.”

“Well, while we’re being honest,” he adjusted his hold on her and pulled her even closer, “I really like fucking you too.” He grinned from ear to ear. She was so close to him he could feel the way her heart jumped and raced. “I like it a lot.” He let his hand roam down her back and to her ass, cupping her cheek in his palm.

She inched closer and flung her leg over his waist. He could feel the warmth of her pussy, the dampness of her lips on his shaft. His cock jerked in response, perking up, getting ready for more action. He ran his hand over her tight, little ass, yanking her even closer.

“I like it, too,” she whispered.

“Fuck, Ali.” He groaned and moved his hips forward just enough to feel his cockhead pressing against her opening. “You’re so damn tempting.” He nipped at her bottom lip and she answered with a deep, erotic kiss. “I need you, baby. I need you so fucking bad.”

“Make love to me, Riley.” She rotated her hips, teasing him, handing him another condom.

Like he needed any convincing whatsoever. Although her word choice wasn’t lost on him. She wasn’t looking to be fucked again. She wanted something more, something else he’d never given anyone before. She wanted him to love her, and he guessed not just physically. For tonight, he’d let himself feel more than just the physical. He’d feel with his heart, too. To see if it was even possible.

Riley guided her onto her back and when she spread her legs, he entered her. Her warmth enveloped him, welcoming him back home—which was exactly how he thought of her right now. She was his home. And then he made love to her in a way he didn’t think he was capable of—gently and passionately.


Ali yawned and stretched her arms above her head. Then she smiled as the memory of last night settled over her. “Mmm . . .” She rolled over to reach for Riley but his side of the bed was empty. Her heart plummeted and she bolted upright in bed, both pissed and concerned.
Did he leave? He couldn’t have.
That was when she heard the sound of the shower running. Breathing a sigh of relief, she settled back down into the bed, pulling the covers up around her.

She couldn’t remember a time she’d had a night like that. Even after she and Pat first started having sex and everything was new and exciting for both them, they never had that kind of passion and raw desire. Last night she and Riley had accomplished something she doubted was possible. Nights like that were for the movies and story letters.

Ali laughed remembering all the times she talked shit about other girls talking about how great their sex was and blah, blah, blah. Now she knew, it
possible when you found a man like Riley. Ali busted up laughing and that was when she couldn’t deny she was a bit sore. Her body wasn’t used to that kind of activity. But being sore from sex was something she could get used to.

It was the very last time he’d entered her that was stuck on repeat in her mind. Riley had made love to her. He hadn’t fucked her. He’d been so soft and gentle and it was incredible. The way he’d looked at her while they were doing it. Just the mere thought sent shivers through her body . She’d never forget what he said to her. She could hear it so clearly, repeating itself again and again.

I was empty before I met you, Ali, searching for something I realize only you can give me

Ali smiled and bit her bottom lip to stop from squealing with delighted excitement. No matter what he said, she knew he liked her as more than just an occasional booty call. And she also knew, if he meant what he said, she could change him, show him it was okay to commit to one person, show him he could trust her and one day even love her. Because God help her, that was exactly where she was headed—straight toward that four letter L-word.

Unfortunately, they’d have to leave this room soon and go their separate ways. Ali didn’t want to leave, though. In fact, the idea was enough to depress her. She wondered how much longer they could stay in their private sanctuary as she twisted to the side to glance at the clock. She grabbed Riley’s cell phone to move it out of the way when she saw the screen light up with a text message.

Put the phone down, Ali. It’s none of your business.

But her curiosity got the better of her and she looked at the message. Her heart sank and her stomach rolled over on itself. She shouldn’t have looked. On the screen was a picture of another girl—completely naked with the caption:
Can’t wait until we’re together again
What are you doing tonight?

Ali swallowed the bile rising in the back of her throat. She was going to be sick. She looked at the picture again and wanted to slam the phone into the girl’s happy-go-lucky face. What a slut!

Jealousy clouded her mind and her blood boiled with anger despite the fact she knew she and Riley were not a couple. They’d made no promises or commitments to one another. The only official thing they had was being each other’s current booty call. But God it hurt to know he’d been fucking other girls when, like a fool, she’d been waiting around for him, for their date.

She wanted to text the slut back and tell her to go fuck herself but she didn’t have it in her. It wasn’t who she was. No, Riley would pay for his mistake, not that bimbo. Ali studied the picture. The girl was drop dead gorgeous.
Why would he be with someone like me when he has her?
The thought tore at Ali’s gut.

Could no man be faithful? Pat couldn’t. Riley obviously couldn’t. And even her father. “Oh God,” she muttered, reality seeping back into her brain. She’d seen her dad last night out with someone who wasn’t her mom. “I need to get out of here.”

Ali flung the blankets off of her and gathered her clothes, throwing them on as quickly as possible. She snatched her purse, cell phone and shoes and tip toed out of the room, closing the door softly. Not that Riley would hear her. He was still in the shower, but she needed to be long gone before he got out. She was in the elevator and halfway down to the lobby before she bothered to put her shoes on. And by the time she stepped outside the hotel and asked the bellhop for a cab, tears were streaming down her face.



Riley washed the last of the soap from his hair and shut off the water. When he’d first gotten up this morning, he’d spent a good half hour chastising himself for how he’d acted last night, for the things he’d said to Ali. But now who gave a shit? The past was the past.

So he took a little extra pleasure from her. Big deal. Wasn’t he entitled to that once in a while, knowing he always gave to whatever woman he was with? Besides, he was confident that what happened between them last night would stay between them. Ali was so different from anyone else he’d ever been with. She was smart with a solid head on her shoulders. He really felt like he could trust her. There was nothing to worry about.

He stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. God he hoped she was awake. Although, if she was still asleep he could have fun finding a creative way to wake her up. He could caress her body until she started to stir, and then he could surprise her with his hard cock sliding up into her pussy. Or he could shower her with kisses, let her wake up to his tongue on her clit. His dick twitched and swelled. Then when they were done, he’d drag her in here and shower with her, pin her to the wall and give it to her good and hard.

Damn he wanted her again. Badly. Needed was a better word. He needed to feel her again, to experience what it was like to be inside of her while letting his heart be in it as well. It was a new experience for him, but it was one he was quickly becoming accustomed to. He loved the feel of her. Craved it. And not just the sex, he realized. He craved all of her. Her touch, her kiss, her laughter, even just talking to her.

Man, I have it bad for this chick. This so isn’t good

Sighing, he left the bathroom and stepped into the bedroom. “Ali, baby,” he said softly, letting his towel fall to the floor, his hard cock proudly sticking out in front of him. But then he realized the bed was empty.

“What the hell?” he muttered, looking around. All of her clothes were gone. Her shoes. Purse. His eyes widened and his heart thundered in his chest.

She’d left? Snuck out on him? His hands curled into fists. Why in the fuck would she do that? He went to grab his cell phone, intent on calling her, finding out where she was, and bringing her back here.

Of course this happened today. Just as he was learning to let his guard down and show her his true emotions, she left. She fucking left. This was the reason he never allowed himself to get close to any other woman. Emotions. Raw emotions always ruined relationships. He’s seen it happen with his dad’s relationships and learned it early on in his own. Unveiling his heart was never a good thing and now look what happened. Ali ran out on him. He would have known this was going to happen if he’d kept his head on straight.

He brought his cell phone to life and was answered with a picture of some naked girl.
Who the hell is that?
Not too bad looking.
He brought the phone closer to study the girl’s face, but he had no idea who the hell she was. How did she even get his number? And that was when he realized his cell phone was on the bed and not on the night stand where he’d left it.

“Fuck!” He angrily threw his phone back on the bed and sat on the edge of the mattress, rubbing his hands over his face. This had to be the reason Ali took off. She saw that picture. He let out an incredulous laugh.

This was just his luck. He finally meets a girl he likes, a girl he wants to see again and again, and she has a brain, set goals, standards that he knows he can never live up to but could perhaps one day learn from and incorporate into his own life. He shook his head and stood. First, he needed to get dressed. He grabbed his pants and pulled them on. What should he do?

He glanced back at the phone, thinking of the girl who’d sexted him.
If Ali doesn’t want to be with me, maybe I could call her?
He chuckled at the thought.

His gut told him to run after Ali, to find her and apologize, and even beg her to come back here with him if that was what it took. But there was this nagging voice in the back of his mind: is Ali worth it? Is she worth the chase? Riley didn’t need her and he certainly shouldn’t be the one to beg for her to come back. That would just be plain pathetic. He could have any girl he wanted. And he was pretty certain any other girl wouldn’t give him this much damn trouble.

BOOK: The Games We Play Vol. 3 (Riley Grayson)
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