Read The Hourglass Online

Authors: K. S. Smith,Megan C. Smith

The Hourglass (8 page)

BOOK: The Hourglass
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I tossed the empty ice cream carton to the side and flipped on the TV, scrolling through the guide. Of course there was nothing on. I leaned over the side of the couch and pulled my laptop back out, promising myself I wouldn’t open Facebook. Instead I took to Google, searching flights to New York City. I glanced at the time on the cable box and picked up my cell to dial Kat, a good friend and fellow Hourglass photographer at our New York office. It was almost midnight in New York, but it was also a Friday night and knowing Kat, she’d be wide awake.

“Hello!” her voice roared over the loud music seeping through the speaker of my phone.

“Kat, I’m coming to New York, I heard you all could use a few extra photographers for the spring shoots.”

She squealed with excitement, “Yes! I’ve been dying to get behind a camera with you again. Text me your flight information and I’ll send a car to the airport, you can stay with me while you’re here.”

I hung up and continued searching flights until I found a roundtrip leaving the next day at six in the morning. “Perfect.” I plugged in my credit card information and sent my boarding pass to the printer in my office. Then I took off to my bedroom where I pulled out my largest suitcase and filled it with anything and everything I could possibly find.



I wasn’t particularly fond of New York City, but after three days of bad sex and two gallons of ice cream, I needed a change of scenery. Kat spent the weekend dragging me around the city trying to keep my mind off Luke. I’d spilled the beans to her as soon as my plane landed, and she’d spent the next forty eight hours trying to build my spirits and walk off my two gallons of ice cream. Sunday evening Kat was preparing for our shoot tomorrow morning and I was emailing back and forth with my assistant when my phone chimed, alerting me of an incoming text message from Brooke.

Lucas and I are grabbing breakfast
before work. Want to join us?

Rolling my eyes I wanted to chuck my phone across the room, but instead I responded, kindly.

Thanks, but I’m in NYC working on a few spring shoots with Kat.

Brooke didn’t even bother texting back, rather, my phone began ringing loudly. “Hello,” I answered.

“New York City! What are you doing in New York?” Trying to sound convincing, I conjured up a believable answer. “Our east coast branch was short photographers, so Kat called and asked if I would come help out. I haven’t been out here in almost a year, so I decided to pack up and catch the first available flight.”

Brooke sighed into the phone. “When will you be back?”

Not knowing how long I actually needed, I lied. “Friday, I’m just here for a week.”

The worry in her voice eased up. “Great, I’ll pick you up from the airport, and we’ll go to dinner. You can tell me all about New York and the bitchy models.”

“Sounds good, see you Friday.”

I went to press the end button when I heard Brooke yell into the phone. “Sav!”


“Love you.”

“Love you too. See you soon.”

I hung up and glanced over at Kat, who was grinning from ear to ear. “Best friends. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them.” Throwing my iPhone across the room toward her, I thanked the good lord above for my
case as it sailed past her head, bouncing across the hardwood floor.

New York was just what the doctor ordered. Taking my mind entirely off Luke, Brooke and their budding relationship. Not to mention the photo shoots Kat and I collaborated on turned out amazing. As Friday rolled around, I was ready to get back home, but not ready for dinner with Brooke.

“I think I may stay through the weekend. That way I can just go straight into the office on Monday. Bad idea?” I asked glancing over at Kat, who was sitting across from me at Starbucks chugging her seventh latte of the day.

Her smile grew wide. “Great idea, we’ve been working the entire time you’ve been here. Let’s go out this weekend and get crazy. Maybe you’ll find a man in NYC to sweep you off your feet.”

Laughing at her idea I nodded. “Sounds perfect, I could go for a good roll in the sheets with a sexy New Yorker.” Kat and I picked out outfits and then freshened up our makeup. We each slipped into a pair of stilettos and took the elevator downstairs, hailing a cab as we reached the curb.



Upon landing in Denver, I checked my watch.
Only an hour late, not too bad for a
I scooped my luggage off of the conveyor belt and shot off an email to my assistant letting her know I landed and was ready to be picked up. Struggling with my bags, I made it to the curbside pick up area and sat down glancing through the cars in search of my assistant’s Explorer when a black Range Rover pulled up right in front of me. The driver’s door swung open and much to my surprise, Luke stepped out of the car. He rushed over to me and grabbed my things, tossing them into the back. I stood there in shock, staring at him, watching as he opened the passenger door. “Do you plan on staying here all day or are you going to get in the car?”

Blinking rapidly, physically unable to move beyond my fingers clenched tightly around my iPhone; I glared at him in disbelief. Impatient as ever, he hooked an arm around my waist pulling my body toward his car, my body still resisting slightly as he lifted me in and pulled the seatbelt out for me. “Buckle up, we need to talk.”

Numb, I struggled for words but none seemed appropriate. I grabbed the seatbelt and buckled it as Luke made his way in front of the car and into the driver’s seat. His arm swept over the center console and grabbed my hand, pulling it to his lips as he placed a kiss on my skin, which tingled under his lips. “Damn I’ve missed you, Savannah.”




a red light staring at my phone, trying to figure out what was going on with my best friend. Each mile I drove closer to work, the more pissed off at Savannah I became. She’d sent a text Friday saying she extended her trip for the weekend to enjoy some night life with Kat and would be at work today. When I stepped into my office, the sight of the lilies that had arrived from Lucas last Friday made me smile. Setting my bags down, I could practically recite the sweet sentiment he had handwritten.

This has been an amazing week,

I don’t know what you are doing to me Brooke

but I can’t wait to spend a million more together.

Yours, Lucas

My heart picked up as I thought about our time together. Lucas spent every second he could with me. Devoted to me, and each day I fell a little more for him. He had even respected my wishes to not be intimate again until I could trust him. Even when moments got filled with lustful tension, as soon as I asked him to stop, he would. My core already gearing up with desire for him, fantasizing about having him on top of me again. I was punishing myself just as much, and over nothing. I felt around in my purse and pulled out my phone, typing out a quick text Savannah would be proud of, I pressed send so that I could go find my missing friend.

My intercom buzzed. “Ms. Reid, Monica would like to see you immediately regarding the spring layout.” Before I could say I was on my way the assistant had hung up. A shiver ran through my body at the thought of being Monica’s assistant. That job would require steel armor. Grabbing my files for the Spring Issue on the run, I hustled to Monica’s office before I was beheaded.

My knuckles made contact just barely with her heavy door when I heard her beckon for me. “Brooke – come in. Stop putzing around by the door; I have no time to waste. Have you seen these photos?”

Nodding, I was a bit confused. Kat had emailed me the shoot from New York, and I thought everything had looked exceptional, but I couldn’t get a reading on Monica’s thoughts. As I opened my mouth to speak, she glared and held a hand up to stop me.

“These are brilliant; I want this to be the focus. Thank God our Savannah took an impromptu trip to New York and is such a workaholic.” Seeing my confused expression Monica paused and put her hand on her hip, irritation written all over her face.

“I’m sorry Monica, I’m confused. I was under the impression Kat had called Savannah to come help out.”

Monica’s lip curled up as she snarled at me. “Heavens no, Savannah went on her own accord. She better not think I’m covering that last minute airfare price!”

“My mistake, Monica, I probably misread something when I saw that Savannah had helped Kat. I was thinking something like this,” I quickly pulled out some display boards hoping to appease the cross woman standing in front of me.

“Yes, Yes. Exactly. Make it happen Brooke,” Monica demanded, before dismissing me with a flick of her wrist.

“That damn woman,” I grumbled stomping to Savannah’s office and seeing the lights off. Spinning around to her assistant I pinned her to her chair with my glare. “Where is she?” I demanded.

“Umm, Ma’am,” she stammered. “She texted me saying she no longer needed a ride, that she had handled it.”

I flipped back around and made my way to my office, quickly snatching up my purse and keys. Pulling into Savannah’s lot I just missed a black Range Rover pulling out of the garage. No way! Fuming I bypassed Carl with a halfhearted wave, and stormed the elevator, jamming the button a hundred times for her floor.

Standing in front of my best friend’s door, I attempted to take a few calming breaths, but they did nothing to quash my anger and paranoia. Forget knocking, I beat on the door with my fist. “Savannah Prescott, open this door immediately!” I yelled though the wood separating us.

I heard heavy foot falls as she came to the door, and then watched as it opened to a shocked Savannah. Pushing past her, I barreled into the condo and spun around to watch her shut the door behind me. I let my eyes scan her from head to toe, looking for any signs of my best friend. Sadly I saw none, only a guilt ridden face of a person I thought I knew.

“Would you like to explain the lie about New York? Or maybe why you told your assistant you didn’t need a ride, because you handled it? Or
, why I just saw my boyfriend leaving?” I wasn’t positive it was Lucas’s Range Rover, but I was pretty sure when I saw her expression falter as I made the accusation.

“Brooke,” she pleaded stepping toward me, “let me explain.”

My jaw dropped, and I saw red. The betrayal of my best friend was making me physically sick. “No!” I said horror struck, taking a few steps back.

“Brooke, you don’t understand, I like him too. I tried to stay away, but Luke… I mean—” She started scrambling for words as I shook my head forcefully.

Snarling, I could feel my claws retract. “Spare me the bullshit pouring out of your mouth right now! You like him? Oh Savannah, please! You knew he and I were together, but that just didn’t matter to you because you were missing out on a good lay. Apparently being honest with your best friend just isn’t in your skill set, right? Lucas was just one in a long line of men you slept with, one more
piece of ass
as you so eloquently put it.”

Savannah’s face went from shock, to hurt, and finally settled on rage as I verbally assaulted her. “Fuck you, Brooke,” she growled.

“No Savannah, fuck
You just couldn’t keep your hands to yourself, had to keep playing the game. You were bored after a week with the bar scene and picking up men, so you decided to try to seduce my boyfriend.”

A maniacal laugh erupted from Savannah. “Right! Apparently, there is no way a man could actually want a relationship with me. No way could Savannah Prescott want a meaningful relationship, not like I have feelings because we all know I’m just a whore.”

“Well if the
fits!” I shoved past her and walked out the door, slamming it shut behind me with a heavy thud.

I sank into my leather seat and cranked the motor, flooring the gas pedal before the engine was even warm. All I knew at this point was I needed to get to Lucas. Whipping my jeep into a visitor space, I spotted Lucas’s SUV parked in his designated spot. Quickly, I made my way to his front door, fighting back the tears welling in my eyes. When he opened the door his face instantly fell. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” he asked pulling me into his warm embrace.

BOOK: The Hourglass
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