The Kringle Girls - Collection (15 page)

BOOK: The Kringle Girls - Collection
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“That’s right, baby. So hot and sweet.”

Noelle’s entire body clenched as she felt his tongue
sliding into her tight sheath, and her body imploded, tossed on waves of
pleasure that had her screaming out his name as she came, and came, and came.
He hummed in approval, stroking her thighs as she came down.

Oh my God.

Noelle barely had time to catch her breath before Will
was turning her over and lifting her to her knees.

“Lean on your arms,” he commanded.

The position dragged her nipples along the blanket,
and sensation streaked along her nerve endings. Behind her, Will settled
between her legs, running caressing hands over her ass.

“Gorgeous,” he muttered, “Can I take you like this?”

 He rocked the length of his cock against her
pussy, which was still humming with satisfaction, but ready for more.

“Yes.” Noelle nearly added, “please,” but bit her lip
just in time.

Will gripped the soft flesh of her ass and spread her
cheeks further. One finger slid a spine-tingling path from her clit through
clinging, wet folds, to the sensitive pucker of her anus. He rubbed circles
that had her moaning, and fresh juices dampening her folds.

“Sweet. Has anyone taken you here?”

“Just…just my vibrator,” Noelle managed.

On nights when her fingers in her pussy and her
fantasies weren’t enough. When she needed a harder edge to find relief. She
felt him reaching for it, and opened her mouth to tell him that the vibrator
wasn’t necessary. He could make her come with a single look. Noelle glanced up
and froze at their reflection in the mirror – Will was carefully coating the
vibrator with lube, and the hunger in his face was unmistakable. He caught her
watching and grinned, rocking his hips to press his cock against her swollen
So fucking good.

“How naughty do you want to be, Noelle?”

This playful side of him was going to be her undoing,
because she found herself answering his grin and pressing back against him,
letting her nipples rub against the blanket. She loved watching his eyes darken
with lust.

“Keep your eyes on me.”

Setting the slick toy against her anus, Will pressed
until the head popped past the tight ring of muscle. Noelle gasped at the
initial burn, but already it was easing.

“Relax, baby. Nice and slow.”

Will reached down to stroke her clit as he pressed the
vibrator in, deeper than she had ever managed on her own. Noelle whimpered as sensation
shot through her. Her pussy wept, empty and aching.

“Need to come?”

She nodded, a little too eager.

Will flicked the vibrator on, and Noelle cried out as
fire streaked up her spine. It was too much, and she lurched forward to get
away, but he held her fast, gently fucking her with the buzzing toy before
lodging it deep in her ass.

“Oh God, I can’t – please – ”

Quickly sheathing himself in a condom, Will centered
the fat crown of his cock at her core and started working his way into her
tight channel, made tighter by the thick toy that stretched her.

“Do you want me to stop?”

She gulped, panting, the blend of pleasure and
pressure and the edge of pain making her dizzy. This was good. Better than
good. It was perfect.

“Don’t stop.”


WILL WANTED TO HOWL as pleasure ripped through him.
The buzz of the toy rippled up his dick as he worked into Noelle’s soaking
pussy in tiny, mind-altering pulses. He wanted to thrust, hard, but she was
fucking tight, and he was determined not to hurt her, this generous, incredible
woman who writhed below him. At last he was buried to the hilt, his balls
cushioned against the wet pad of her pussy. She was breathing hard, grinding
her face into the blanket, soft gasps escaping her lips.

“You have to move,” she begged.

Will gritted his teeth and did as she asked, slow and
careful at first, then harder, deeper, faster, struggling to hold back, wanting
her exploding around him when he took his release. He looked up to catch a
glimpse of her reflection in the mirror. Her face was contorted with pleasure
as he fucked her, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The tears did him in.

With one last thrust, he hilted in her blistering
heat, then nudged impossibly deeper and toppled them both over the edge into
orgasm. She cried out his name as she came, ripples of pleasure massaging his
dick as her pussy milked him, and he sent up a prayer of thanks and let the
ecstasy take them both.

Will collapsed over her, rolling to the side to avoid
crushing her. He switched the vibrator off and slowly eased it out of her
clenching passage. Then he kissed her wet cheeks and stroked her shuddering

“Don’t cry, baby.”

“I’m not crying. Normal people don’t cry over great

The irritation in her voice had him smiling, but he
didn’t stop stroking, burying his face in the nape of her neck. When his heart
stopped racing, he carefully separated their bodies and moved away to deal with
the condom, returning with a bowl of hot water and a hand towel. Noelle blushed
as he cleaned her intimately, moaning as he pressed the hot cloth against her
swollen folds. It was a new experience for him, getting to care for a lover
like this, and he tucked her into his body, pulling the blanket around them so
that they were held together in a warm cocoon.

Noelle squirmed around until they were face to face.

“Are your parents going to freak that you’re dating
the help?” Will asked, slightly concerned.

“Nah. I think my mother set us up.”

Will frowned, but before he could question the odd
statement, she had tugged him down to kiss him until he forgot what he was
going to say. It was a strange beginning to a relationship, but Will had never
felt anything so
before, and for the first time in a long time, he
could see a bright future ahead – days of good, honest work on the ranch, and
then hot nights with Noelle, for as long as he could convince her to make it

“Just in case you were wondering,” she murmured, her
fingers tangled in his hair, “I think you’re my Christmas present.”

“Does that mean you’re keeping me?”

“Count on it.”


NOELLE HAD TO LAUGH at the sight of Will surrounded by
elves. They clambered all over him the moment the two of them had stepped
through the North Portal, and the look on his face was one of confusion,
childlike wonder, and complete disbelief. For someone who didn’t believe in
Santa, had been drowning in bitterness and anger, and had sworn off women, he
had come a long way in a short twenty-four hours. There was still a long way to
go, but they’d made a great start. For once, she couldn’t imagine ever getting
bored, no matter where the future the led them.

Still giggling, she hurried forward to free Will from
the grasping little hands. The horde scampered off to inform the village of
their arrival.

“You okay?”

Dazed, he nodded, and she kissed him.

“You look really nervous. Do I need to fuck you before
you meet my parents?”

He paled.

“Don’t say things like that up here!”

Noelle laughed.

“You’re not scared of them, are you?”

“Your father is
Santa Claus
, Noelle.” He sounded

Feeling naughty, Noelle stroked his cock through his
jeans, pleased when he let out a helpless groan.

“If I wind up meeting Santa with a hard-on, you’re
going to owe me.”

Noelle snuggled close.

“Are you going to spank me?”

Will squeezed her until she squeaked.

“I’m going to keep a list of all your bad behavior and
you can show me how eager you are to make up for being so incredibly naughty.”

“Oh good,” Noelle cooed, holding him even tighter, “We





THE SLEIGH LAUNCH WAS a thing of beauty, and Merry
Kringle never failed to get choked up as she waved Santa off into the night,
his bag piled high with toys, the flying reindeer eager to break the bonds of
Earth. She and her mother watched until the red sleigh was lost to sight while
the elves danced around in victorious glee. This was the highlight of yet
another year of hard work, and the entire North Pole community was ready to let
their hair down and party for a solid twenty-four hours straight. By morning on
the day after Christmas, the elves would have had enough and would be going
into work withdrawal and raring to get started on next year’s holiday toys.

Mrs. Claus beamed at her youngest daughter, her eyes

“Very nicely done, Merry. I knew Santa made the right
decision when he put you in charge. This was our best year yet.”

Merry blushed, pleased. After years of clamoring to be
given something to do,
all, Santa had finally relented and offered to let her manage Toy Production,
admitting that elves were a little too excitable for the job. Everything was
always either a huge success or a total catastrophe. Merry had been eager to
take on the responsibility and prove that she could be professional, efficient,
and productive. This was a big moment for her, and she practically wriggled in
excitement as the elves swarmed to give her hugs of congratulations, pressing
celebratory gumdrops into her hands and pockets.

It was tough being Santa’s youngest. Holly, the eldest,
had firmly stepped away from the family business to live a “normal” life in the
human world, though Mrs. Claus and the elves excelled at pulling her back into
North Pole drama at regular intervals. Ivy was born to be a CEO and had taken
charge of Santa’s External Relations Department, helping the ancient
organization keep up with the times. Social media was big.
. Noelle was the troublemaker, but although she and Santa often
squabbled over nothing and everything, Merry knew that her father was immensely
proud of his daughter’s fierce independence and complete lack of fear, and he
trusted her enough to give her Kringle Ranch to manage, where the reindeer
lived year-round.

Merry was the quiet one. The predictable one. Like all
Kringle Girls, she loved lists, but it was more than that. She loved putting
things in their proper place, keeping their little world running efficiently
and as calmly as possible, given that she was surrounded by bouncing little
magical creatures on a perpetual sugar high. She’d tried to go to college in
the human world, but
was a
complete disaster, and she’d given up after a semester and completed her
studies online instead. Humans were too hard to read. They were loud and
aggressive and
Elves were
cheery and hyper, but consistent. Merry was relieved when her parents accepted
her back home without a word, even letting her build a cute little house just
outside the village so that she could live as an adult with her own space.

It was a good
place to hide.

Merry would often retreat to her little house when
friends of the family or visiting dignitaries stopped by. She didn’t want the
stares, the puzzled looks, or the questions. She knew she looked
Not quite human, not quite
elf. Her hair was a shiny silver with streaks of pink, and her eyes often
changed color, from green to blue to purple, depending on her mood. Slightly
pointed ears were definitely elven, but though she wasn’t as voluptuous as
Noelle, she had a nice little figure, she had always privately thought – curvy
where it mattered.

Not that it

Lately, Merry had been feeling restless. She knew that
Mrs. Claus was anxious to start filling the halls of Kringle Castle with
grandchildren, and Merry knew her sisters wouldn’t stand a chance against her
mother’s Machiavellian plans. It was just a matter of time, and Glitzy, her
mother’s helper elf, was more than happy to spill the beans in exchange for
candy bribes. Merry had spent the last few weeks plying the bouncy elf with
sugar and listening, fascinated, to her mother’s plan to pair her daughters
off. Glitzy was more than happy to get into the gory details.

About everyone
except Merry.

No matter how much Merry begged and pleaded and bribed
and threatened, Glitzy stubbornly refused to give up even the slightest shred
of information about what Mrs. Claus had in store for her. For weeks, Merry had
been on edge, watching every male arrival at the North Pole with great
suspicion – the stress was killing her, and the thought of her mother serving
her up to some stranger like a romantic hors d’oeuvre filled her veins with ice.
The North Pole wasn’t exactly overflowing with eligible bachelors. In fact, the
only human male who lived in the community that Merry had any regular contact
with was…

Ben Wilks.
was no way in hell Mrs. Claus would ever set Merry up with Ben Wilks. It wasn’t
that she had anything against Santa’s new handyman/stable master/groundskeeper.
He was polite and capable and remarkably unfazed by the unending magic that
swirled through the North Pole, occasionally opening up butterscotch sinkholes
along Main Street or bringing all the tree ornaments to life to wreak havoc on
the village until they could be captured with magically reinforced butterfly
nets. In a pinch, supernatural or otherwise, Ben was your man.

But not my man,
Merry assured herself, sneaking a glance across the square to where Ben was
letting a pile of tiny elf children clamber over him, playing King of the
Mountain. He was too big, for one thing, tall and muscled, with perpetually
tousled black hair and ice blue eyes fringed with ridiculous lashes that didn’t
belong on such a prime specimen of manhood. Merry envied how comfortable he
looked in his skin, and marveled at the confidence that wrapped around him like
a warm coat. When Ben had stepped through the North Portal a couple of months
ago, Merry had taken one look at him and fled. He was too
, and Merry knew she would always feel out of her league.
Their brief conversations left her feeling awkward and self-conscious.

BOOK: The Kringle Girls - Collection
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