The Madame of Gravestone (3 page)

BOOK: The Madame of Gravestone
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Chapter Five

She’s amazing
. His fingers stroked her long red hair as she slept on his shoulder. They had made love most of the night and her soft, nude body was now comfortably pressed against his side. Somewhere in their aggressive lovemaking, they had both lost all their clothes and tried almost every position he knew. And even though Tripp was aware their time together had been only for physical pleasure, he couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if he had the love of this gun-slinging woman too.
I’m just going to have to figure out how to keep her

He carefully slipped out from under her and pulled the blanket up over her sexy curves.
That farmer’s wife thought of everything. She gave us food, bedding and a nice warm barn
. He put on his clothes, snuck out, and headed for the nearby farmhouse.
Wonder if I can bother them for a little more hospitality

Emma awoke when he returned. “My, my. Don’t you look the gentleman?”

Tripp had borrowed a suit from the elderly farmer, one the man had worn in his younger days. It was typical Victorian style with a top hat and a coat with tales. “I aim to please.”

“That you do.” She wrapped the blanket around herself like a makeshift dress. “I’m afraid I have nothing to match.”

He winked and went back outside. She followed him out, into the early morning sunshine. “This might solve the problem,” he said as he handed her an elegant looking gown. “The old lady wanted the Madame of Gravestone to have it. She was a little embarrassed to learn you had spent the night in her barn.”

Emma gave him a withering look. “You shouldn’t have told her.”

“She’ll be all right.” He turned her around and gave her a slight nudge. “Now go in there and change before she announces it to the whole village. The farmer said he would give us a lift.”

Tripp waited as she went back into the barn. He no longer cared that he had fallen into steampunk hell. This place with its strange reality was quickly becoming his reality. And even though he wasn’t quite prepared to say it aloud, the Madame of Gravestone was rapidly becoming the center of his new world.

The barn door swung open and Emma appeared in a beautiful, green gown. It offered a glimpse of cleavage, trailed down to a tiny waist, then opened into a full length skirt that shimmered in the daylight. Her red hair was up in a dainty bun with sexy little curls already breaking free. “What do you think?”

“Exquisite. If only I had my camera.” He took her hand as the farmer’s wagon pulled up next to them. A mechanical horse was at the end of the reigns.

“Time to get going, kids,” the old man said with a toothless smile. “I’ve oiled and wound-up Bessie for our little adventure. It’ll take most of the day to get where we’re going.”

Tripp helped Emma into the back of the wagon. A bale of hay would be their chairs for the ride. “Why haven’t I seen any real horses?” He nodded toward the robotic animal that would pull them along.

Emma shrugged. “The East domesticated their horses and used them in the Civil War. Not many are left, I might add. The West never bothered with them. We built what we needed.”

“And Bessie’s better than any breathing animal, anyway,” the farmer yelled back to his passengers as they rolled down the bumpy dirt path.

* * *

The Sargent paced before the throne. His mechanical parts squeaked ever so slightly with every movement. “But I left her tied to the train tracks—”

“You left her alive and there are now reports coming in of her grand escape.” The portly king motioned for one of his servants to bring him another glass of wine. “The Madame of Gravestone is quickly becoming more and more of a nuisance.”

The Sargent dropped to one knee and ignored the twitch in his wounded shoulder. “Your majesty, I swear—”

“Stop it, you bundle of bolts,” the king growled in a drunken fit. “You messed everything up, made a laughing stock out of yourself and this kingdom. All I want you to do now is bring her here, so we can make an example out of the traitorous bitch.”

The Sargent tilted his neck from one side to the other. His king tested his patience. “Our spies say she is heading to the Queen Penelope. My men can intercept her there and you would no longer have to be bothered. I swear to you, she will die a painful death.”

The king sneered. “Let her have fun on my boat. It’ll be the last thing she does.” He stood, then looked down on his newest henchman. “Your opportunity to fix this problem has passed. She has proven you are a worthless adversary.” The arrogant leader leaned over and smacked his shoulder. “Her bullet still rattles inside you.”

“But sire—” The Sargent hated to grovel.

“Enough. I’m going to behead her in Kingstown square. Arrest her when she docks.”

Chapter Six

The sun faded when their wagon pulled up into a line of various other mechanically drawn carriages. Men and women—all dressed in prim and proper attire—made their way into a large cave opening. Emma glanced at her companion and watched with amusement as curiosity crept over his otherwise handsome face. “Maybe I should have mentioned the steamboat is underground?”

Tripp was just about to comment when the farmer pointed to an official looking gentlemen who headed their way. “Madame, I believe he’s checking for tickets.”

“We will go ahead and leave you here.” Emma stood and placed a gentle hand on the old man’s shoulder. “I wouldn’t want you to get in any trouble on our account.”

“Save our beloved Westland,” he whispered as Tripp and Emma got out of the wagon. “Godspeed.”

They watched him turn around and drive off just as the gentleman approached and held out a gloved hand. “Your invitation to the Queen Penelope?”

Emma laced her arm through Tripp’s and acted as if the man before them was only a nuisance. “Dear, please show him our coin. Guests of the king shouldn’t be harassed in this manner.”

Tripp looked down at her with a moment of confusion and then took out his silver coin. “I’m sure this man is only doing is job … darling.”

The gentleman snapped to attention when he spotted the coin. “My apologizes. Please, I will escort you to the front of the line myself.” They followed him around the growing masses of people and directly into the mouth of the cave.

The walls were lit with well-placed lanterns and rusty pipes snaked along the rock ceiling. It was cool and damp. Tripp removed his dress coat and draped it over her shoulders. “So I’m guessing there is an underground river somewhere?”

Their guide took a passageway off to the left and promptly answered before Emma had a chance. “Of course, sir.” The gentleman used his arm to usher them farther along one of the cave paths. “Down this corridor there will be the registration table for his majesty’s special guests.”

“Thank you.” Emma tilted her head in acknowledgement. “We can continue on our own then.”

“As you wish.” He bowed slightly and wasted no time in leaving.

“Emma.” Tripp turned her toward him and whispered, “When were you going to tell me our ticket on the gambling boat was for some kind of royalty? Don’t you think this is a little dangerous? You’re a traitor to the king, not his honored guest.”

“Actually, I’m his daughter…
a traitor.” She pulled herself free from his hold and walked down the corridor.

“What?” Irritation could be heard in his voice as he jogged up next to her. “
Oh hell no
. This isn’t some spoiled-daughter-wants–to-ruin-her-daddy scenario is it? ‘Cause I’m not going to be a part of that game.”

Emma let the anger roll through her. She had heard all of this before. “I really don’t care what you think. And if you aren’t going to help, then I’ll find someone else to read the tinker’s plans. This is much too important.”

They reached the registration table in silence. A prim and proper woman took their coin and explained they would be lowered through a hole in the cave floor. The Queen Penelope steamboat waited on the level below.

“We’re not done talking about this,” he whispered as Emma stepped forward.

Handing him back his dress coat and locking herself into the makeshift swing, she gave him a cold stare. “There’s nothing more to say.” She pulled on the lever and the swing took her down.

The royal steamboat was a beautiful sight. It sat majestically on a wide river in an expansive cavern. Twinkling lights were everywhere and fun dance music echoed off the walls. Guests took turns climbing the planks to their all-night evening of gambling and alcohol. All compliments of their king.

People are starving and my greedy father only wants to conquer more land, so he can fund more of these rich events … for his select
. The thought ate at her like a cold chill.

She waited for Tripp. He was her ticket in, whether she liked it or not. “If you’ll slip me the plans once we’re aboard, we can go our separate way.”

“I don’t think so.” He took her elbow and moved her onto the plank beside him. “Madame of Gravestone, you’re hot and amazing in bed. I’ll admit you had me believing your every word.” His accusations made her sick. “But now I’m wondering what part of this plan is for the good of the people or—”

“Shut up.” They stepped onto the boat and she slapped him across the face. “You have no idea what I’ve lived through. You have no concept of what is good for the people of Westland—”

“That’s right, I don’t. And the problem is you’re happy with leaving me in the dark.” He stared into her eyes and she could almost feel the emotion in his words. “Emma, if I’m going to be a part of this, then you’re going to have to let me in on a few of the bigger things … like the fact that you’re the king’s daughter.

“I thought you said I didn’t have to tell you anything until I trusted you.”

Tripp paused. Emma watched as her words took effect. She had hurt him.
How dare he think one night of sex means I have to trust him completely?
She was about to say more when a rogue from her past came bursting out of the crowd.

“Is that my Emma?”

“George.” She was swept into his arms and twirled around in reckless abandon. “George, put me down.”

The man dropped her to her feet and offered Tripp his hand. “Well, hello there. Are you her escort for the evening?”

“It does look that way.” Tripp once again took his place beside Emma and the three of them went into a large poker hall.

“Why don’t you go and play a round of cards?” Emma motioned toward the tables and hoped Tripp would take the hint.

“Wonderful idea.” George tossed a poker chip in Tripp’s direction. “I’ll take the lady dancing while you go play.”

Chapter Seven

Tripp watched as George and Emma melted away into a bustling group of dancing couples. He hadn’t felt this jealous and hurt since his college days. I’m losing it, he thought as he sat at one of the card tables.
This one has really done a number on me

It wasn’t until a few good rounds of cards had passed through his hands and a stack of chips was in front of him, that he began to relax. “Women,” he mumbled aloud. “Can’t live with them—”

“Can’t live without them.” Professor Greggor’s voice rang in his ears. The man in his staple safari gear handed the dealer a few chips. “Cash my friend out, please.”

“Shit. Is that really you?”

“Take your money, son. You can buy me a drink at the bar.”

The two men got their liquor and found two empty stools in the corner of the large room. It was a good place to talk privately, but still watch everything going on. “Can I assume you came back for me?”

“You sound disappointed.” The professor chuckled. “Does it have anything to do with the lovely princess? I couldn’t help but notice you arrived with her.”

Tripp shook his head in frustration. “Am I the only one who didn’t know the Madame of Gravestone was also the king’s daughter?”

The professor gave him a quizzical look. “If it makes you feel any better, I know nothing of the Gravestone part. When I arrived here the first time, I landed right in the middle of the palace gardens. I met the royal family then.”

“Apparently a lot has happened since.” Tripp tipped back his drink and emptied his glass.

“That’s true. From the gossip I’ve already heard, there is a group of traitors trying to sabotage this monarchy. It seems the king has gotten a little arrogant and greedy with his poorer citizens.”

Tripp removed his top hat and ran his fingers through his hair. “Princess Emma is leading that group of traitors and I’m deep in the middle of it.”

“I see.” Professor Greggor finished off his drink and stared at the glass bottom. “You in love with her too?”

Ignoring the last question, Tripp scanned the room. It had filled considerably since their arrival. Westland’s upper class were happily gambling, dancing or drinking. “Professor, did you happen to see where my date has run off to?”

The boat whistled its departure as both men walked around the main room. Tripp watched the dancers with growing anxiety while the professor scanned the gambling tables. “Isn’t that the fellow she was dancing with?”

Tripp turned to see George leaning against a wall chatting playfully with a group of young women. None of them were Emma. “I believe it is.”

He pushed through the crowd and joined the little sideshow. Tripp watched as George made a coin appear behind a woman’s ear.

The impromptu magician gave him a curt nod. “Is there something I can do for you?”

“Excuse us, ladies.” Tripp stepped up into George’s face and spotted Emma’s necklace dangling around his neck. “If you’re so good at magic tricks, make Emma appear.”

“That I can’t do.” George laughed nervously and stepped back a pace. “We danced and then went our separate way. She’s a grown woman, you know.”

Tripp grabbed Emma’s chain and broke it free. “Then why do you have this?”

“Gentlemen.” The professor arrived with a man in uniform. “This is one of the king’s constables.

“Thank god.” It was clear George was relieved. “Officer, this man just assaulted me.”

“That’s ridiculous.” Tripp pocketed the necklace and punched George square in the face. “Now I’ve assaulted you.”

Professor Greggor grabbed Tripp and pretended to hold him at bay. “They’re going to arrest him,” he whispered as the constable moved past them and took hold of George’s arm.

“We have witnesses that say you have a girl hostage in your room.” The officer motioned toward the door and two other men assisted him in escorting George out. “This will not be tolerated on the Queen Penelope.”

Tripp wasted no time finding George’s room. And with the help of his skeleton key, he was inside shortly after that. Unfortunately though, Emma was nowhere to be seen. Tripp felt anger and worry rising in his chest as he focused on the few pieces of furniture within the small cabin space. There was only a bed, a reading chair and an antique wardrobe.

“Emma?” He gave a quick look under the bed before his attention moved to the wardrobe’s padlocked doors. “I swear, woman.” He rattled the doors before giving it a hard kick with his boot. In one quick snap, the padlock broke and the wardrobe doors splintered open. The Madame of Gravestone sat tied and gagged in the empty closet. “How many times am I going to have to save you?” He pulled the cloth out of her mouth and picked her up. “I think it’s high time you start trusting me.”

Her eyes brimmed with tears and he couldn’t resist kissing her quivering lips. There was so much more to her than the hardened woman she pretended to be. Tripp laid her on the bed and untied her. “Thank you,” she whispered as their eyes met. “George was going to turn me in for the bounty on my head …”

“Shhh. There is something I need to say.” Tripp kissed her again. “I’m sorry about before. Tell me what you want, when you want. All that really matters to me is … you.”

She reached out and stroked the stubble on his cheek. Her hands slipped his suspenders off his shoulders and then worked the buttons on his shirt. “No more secrets, I promise.”

“Then tell me,” he stood and stripped for her, “tell me your deepest, darkest desire.”

Tripp watched as she unlatched her gown as it fell in a puddle around her. “Secretly?” She reached for his hand and pulled him toward her. “I want to let my guard down. I want to let you love me. Completely. Tonight.”

He kissed her hand and turned her around on the bed. Emma’s red curls fell down her back as the sexy corset conformed to her hourglass figure, and opened back up to her hips and luscious heart-shaped ass. He cupped both of her nude cheeks with his hands and chuckled softly. “I’m so glad I tore your under things last night.”

She turned her head and they kissed with a slow, building passion. Then he used the palm of his hand to gently push her down on all fours. Emma moaned in anticipation as he leaned over and kissed the small of her back. The edge of the corset stopped him from going higher. “Take it off,” she whispered.

“I plan to.” With one hand on the string of her corset, the other roamed down between her legs and found the already wet folds of her sex. Two fingers dipped inside and Emma shook with pleasure. “That’s it.” The hand on her corset pulled the string out of a few loops. “More,” he commanded, as his agile fingers moved within her.

“Oh god.”

Tripp felt her muscles tighten and knew she had climaxed again. He undid a few more loops and licked the exposed skin on her back. Her arms gave way and she found support on her elbows, giving him an even greater view of her round ass. “Mmm.” His hard cock tapped her leg. “More,” he growled. His fingers found her sweet spot and tormented it relentlessly. The corset fell off moments later.

He turned her around and pinned her on the bed. Moving between her legs, but not placing himself inside her, he kissed, bit, and sucked a path from one breast to the other. Her mountains of soft skin only made his erection hurt more. The pounding in his cock wanted release as it hovered only inches above her already dripping wet opening.

“Tripp.” Her voice was heavenly.

He looked into her liquid blue eyes and kissed her again on the mouth. A wave of molten lava surged through him as her hands ran up and down his back. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her hips lifted into his.

His dick slid into her hard and fast. It filled her full with their first joining and rattled them both. The lovemaking took over and all boundaries were lost as the pair moved with an ever increasing beat. It swept them away until ecstasy and exhaustion ended the night.

BOOK: The Madame of Gravestone
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