Read The Neighbor's Son 2: Mind Games (The Forbidden Love Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Ella Ward

Tags: #love triangle, #young man fantasy, #handyman erotica, #younger man older woman erotica, #steamy adult erotica, #barely legal boy, #divorced woman young stud, #hot college boy sex, #hot laundry room sex

The Neighbor's Son 2: Mind Games (The Forbidden Love Series Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: The Neighbor's Son 2: Mind Games (The Forbidden Love Series Book 2)
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After undoing the
ties, I spread the robe open but didn't take it
off. Cade's lust-filled eyes raked over my naked body. I started
touching myself, smoothing my belly with one hand while gently
kneading and squeezing my breast with the other. Pleasuring myself
was the one thing I was good at. After spending fourteen years of
my adult life married to a man who was clueless and selfish in the
sack, I had no choice but to become an expert in the art of


was mesmerized watching every move my hands made. “Fuck. What
are you doing?” he muttered when the hand on my belly began to
slowly glide south. With his breath coming out in sharp gasps, he
gripped the edges of the tub and grinded his hips against the
bottom of the tub. His mouth fell open and something unintelligible
came out of it when my fingers reached my throbbing opening and
began rubbing against it. I kept my other hand on my breast and
gave my nipple an occasional gentle flick. “Do you like what you
see, Cade?”

Uh huh,” he replied, blood
rushing up his face.

Do you want me to keep
going?” I asked, my voice low and breathy.

Fuck yeah. Touch your
pussy for me, babe. Come on.”

I pushed two of my fingers
through the swollen walls of my pussy
drenching them with my arousal and drawing a loud groan from Cade.
I smirked at him, amused by how worked up he was already. He was
definitely enjoying the show and I was enjoying performing it for
him just as much. With eyes fluttering, I pulled my fingers out and
began drawing small circles over my swollen clit with them. Now I
was panting as loud as he was. “Is this what you wanted, Cade? Is
this turning you on?” I breathed out in between

At this
t, Cade could not form words anymore.
He just nodded while gulping down breath after breath. His eyes
couldn’t decide where to look. They kept bouncing from my face to
my breast to my pussy. The feral desire setting his baby blues on
fire and tightening up every muscle in his body was a sight to
behold. He looked like he was going to jump out of that tub at any
second and do unspeakable things to me. Discovering that I, a
sheltered, inexperienced, suburban housewife could turn a man on
that much was incredibly gratifying.


What? No…,” Cade
when I pulled my fingers out of my
slick folds and stopped flicking my nipple. The way he said it made
me want to giggle, but I kept my game face on. “Why are you doing
this to me? Why’d you stop, doll?”

It sucks to be
left hanging, doesn’t it?” I quipped, referring
to our encounter earlier in the laundry room. I pushed the robe
down my shoulders and let it pool around my ankles. There I stood
for a second, letting Cade’s eyes feast on my naked body a little
longer and basking in his frustration. It felt good to be the one
in control for a change.


Damn it. You’re so
hot…so fucking hot…” Cade said under his breath
as he watched me climb inside the tub and kneel between his legs.
He leaned forward, trying to seize my lips. I pushed him right back
by shoving two fingers, the ones damped with my own arousal, into
his mouth. Like a rabid, wild animal that hadn't eaten in days, he
licked and sucked them dry. I was the one flashing a smug smile
now. I had him exactly where I wanted him but I wasn’t done
torturing him yet.

Cade pulled my fingers out
of his mouth and
made another attempt to
kiss me, but I backed away before his lips could reach mine. I sat
back on the opposite side of the large tub and mimicked his
position. Cade tried to get on his knees and crawl to my side of
the tub, but I held my hand up and gestured for him to sit back
down. Cade was not pleased but heeded the command. “What are you
doing over there, doll? Why are you torturing me like this? Bring
that sexy little body of yours back here. There are a couple of
things I need to do to it.”

I shook my head at him,
biting down the smile I couldn’t wipe off my face. “What’s the
hurry, Cade? Is there some place else you need t
o be?”

Cade shook his head. “I’m all yours tonight,

Good. Relax. Enjoy the
bath. Talk to me. I want to get to know you a little
more first. There’s plenty of time for you to do
whatever it is you need to do to my body.”

Promise?” he asked

let out a big belly laugh. “Yes. I promise.”

, Ms. Sidney. What do you want to know?” He grabbed my foot,
laid it against his chest, and started massaging it with both


Oh. T
hat feels good,” I moaned, closing my eyes and throwing my
head back. Was there anything that man couldn’t do well with those
hands? When I opened my eyes, I found Cade staring at me with that
self-satisfied, smug look on his face that drove me crazy. I drew
in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “You’re a college student,
right?" I asked. He nodded. "What are you going to school

Cade shrugged. “Right now, I’m a business
administration major.”

You don’t sound too
thrilled about it. Why?”

I have no interest in
finance. As a matter of fact, I hate it.”

Why are you majoring in it

I don’t
. Before my dad died, I promised him
I’d go to school and study something I could make money from. So
when I enrolled in college, I picked the major I thought could get
me a good paying job after graduation.”

But you’re hating

Yes. Every second of


What do you really want to


I don’t know. When I was a
younger, I was always taking pictures of things, making little
movies on my phone. I think it’d be cool to go to filmmaking

So why don’t

I don’t know. What
if I suck at it? What if I can’t make a living
from it after I graduate?”

You need to
follow your heart, Cade and do what you love.
Otherwise, you’re going to be unhappy your whole life wondering
what might've been.”

Are you speaking from


ort of. I love teaching. I don’t regret becoming a teacher.
What I regret is all the time I wasted before I could actually
become one.” I let out a soft moan. His hands were doing some
magical things to the bottom of my foot.

at do you mean?” Cade asked.

When my ex and I got
married, I was still in college. After I graduated, he said he
didn’t want me to work. He wanted me to be his little trophy wife
and stay home. For fourteen years, I did everything he told me to
do, dressed like he wanted me to dress, associated only with the
e he wanted me to associate with. He
didn’t care about my dreams or aspirations. I was nothing but a
possession to him. To this date, I still don’t understand why I let
him control my life and disrespect me so much. That’s my big
regret, Cade. The fact that I waited fourteen years to wake up and
start my teaching career. I chose safety and comfort over pursuing
my dreams. Don’t make the same mistake I made.”

I’m so sorry, Sidney. I
had no idea just how much of a piece of garbage your ex

A bitter chuckle
fell from my lips. “Oh Cade. You don’t know the
half of it.”

Has he been back? Has he
bothered you again
? If he has, I’m going
to go find him and kick his ass.”


Don’t worry about him. He
hasn’t bothered me since that night.” I could see it in Cade’s face
that he was serious. The thought of Cade getting in trouble over me
filled me with worry and I didn’t want to feel worry or dread that
night. I wanted to enjoy the moment and not think about Peter. “You
know what? I don’t want to talk about him anymore. Can we talk
about something else?”

Okay. Let’s not talk about
that coked up asshole anymore. What about the other

Kevin? What about

Are you going to break up
with him?”

I am. I just haven’t had a
chance to do it yet.”

Good. The sooner you do it
the better. The thought of him touching you, kissing
, turns my stomach and makes me want to
punch him in the face.”

I know. By the way, what
you did at your mother’s party was not funny.”

What did I
" he smirked with his tongue firmly
planted in his cheek. "I don't know what you're talking

I shook my head
and narrowed my eyes at him. “Don’t play dumb,
Cade. You know exactly what I’m talking about. The whole talking to
him and pretending to be his friend after what you and I did in the
laundry room. That was wrong and mean and dangerous.”

He breathed an insincere “I’m sorry” while
trying to stifle a laugh.

I gently banged the
of my foot against his chest. “It’s
not funny, Cade. I almost had a heart attack when I saw you talking
to him.”

Cade stopped laughing and
gripped my foot to stop me from kicking him. “I’m sorry. You’re
right. I shouldn’t have done that. I let my
y get the better of me.” He fell
quiet for a second and went back to massaging the arch of my foot.
“I need to ask you something, though.”


His gaze flickered
to my toes for a bit before bouncing back to my
face. “Did you sleep with him?”


I stared at him for a
moment without answering. The question took me by surprise.
After taking a deep breath and letting it out
slowly, I answered him. “Kevin? No. I didn’t sleep with him, Cade.
Why? Would it make a difference to you if I had?”

Cade also took a moment to form his
response. “No. I don’t think so. No. But the fact that you didn’t
makes me feel very happy and relieved.”

I wiggled my foot free from his grip and
skimmed his inner thigh with my big toe. “Is that so?”

Cade gulped down a large
breath when my toe got dangerously close to his fun area. He
reached out and grabbed my hand. The look in his eyes told me chat
time was over. With no desire to play any
more games, I got on my knees and crawled until I was
kneeling in front of him. His eyes raked over my naked body almost
as if he was seeing it for the first time. “Yes, Sidney. You’re
mine. You belong to me now.” His hands closed around my waist and
he buried his face between my breasts. “This body belongs to me
now, all of it. It is mine and no one else’s. And I don’t care what
anyone says or thinks about us. I won’t let you push me away again.
I’m going to make you see that we belong together.”


Lifting his head, he
reached up and stroke
d my lower lip with
the pad of his thumb. “These lips were made to kiss mine.” His hand
traveled down to my breast, closed around it and gave it a gentle
stroke. “These breasts were made for my hands and no one else’s.
And this…” We gasped in unison as he slid two fingers inside me.
“This tight little pussy right here was made for me. No man can
love you like I can, Sidney.”


My breath was now
out in sharp gasps. I began rolling
my hips against his hand, trying desperately to quench the fire
exploding inside me, but his fingers relentlessly spearing deeper
inside me just made my desire for him grow stronger. “Give yourself
to me,” he said, his glassy eyes boring into me from under heavily
hooded eyes, his labored breathing making his voice sound sexier
than ever. “Let me take care of you. Let me love you the way you’re
supposed to be loved. The way you deserve to be loved.”

I couldn’t wait any longer.
The ache within me was just too overwhelming to bear, too
monumental to control and too magnificent to understand. I scooped
his face in my hands, seizing his lips with frenzied hunger. No
matter how many times I kissed those pretty lips, it always felt as
if I was doing it for the first time. I couldn’t get over how good
a kisser he was. It didn’t mat
ter what
type of kiss we shared: tender, soft, frantic. They were all
perfection and all unforgettable.


While our tongues wrestled
each other, Cade slid his fingers out of me and drew my hips
towards him. His lips abandoned mine and began to toy with
my nipples now smashed against his face. With
insatiable hunger, his mouth devoured my breasts while his hands
wandered furiously over my thighs, ass and back. As good as his hot
mouth felt around my tits, that was not what I craved. His huge
cock pumping inside me was what I desperately needed. I had reached
my breaking point. If I didn’t get every inch of him inside me
soon, somebody was going to get hurt.


BOOK: The Neighbor's Son 2: Mind Games (The Forbidden Love Series Book 2)
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