Read The Night the Sky Fell Online

Authors: Stephen Levy

The Night the Sky Fell (8 page)

BOOK: The Night the Sky Fell
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Julie moved slowly to Banks, she smiled at him and took his hand. Julie uttered one word warmly, “Family.” And in that instant, Banks felt her glow.

Yes, Banks Blackhorse was admitted to this well healed white family. He questioned whether or not he really deserved this. He decided that he did when he fondled his tattoo. He worked hard for it. Sacrificed for it. Why question success?

After a ‘family’ dinner at the Powers’ house, Julie guided Peyton to the upstairs bathroom for his bath. She inserted eye drops into Peyton despite his complaining. Tricia cleared the table and rinsed and stacked dishes in the dishwasher. Stan had a moment with Banks. “Julie, Tricia and I would really appreciate you’re moving in permanently. You’re great with Peyton and Julie deserves a break. We’ll give you room, board and a small salary. Please say yes, Banks.”

Tricia turned around, “Please stay with us, Banks.”

Later, Tricia looked out her bedroom window and waved to Ann in her bedroom window. Banks also had a view of Ann from his window and waved too. Peyton slept in his room. Julie stepped out of her shower and approached Stan with her new and improved body. Every move she took welcomed Stan to enjoy.

Julie sashayed nude to Stan who said, “You haven’t had a drink in almost two days.”

Julie smiled at Stan, “Who needs to have drinks when I can have you?”

Stan enjoyed the best sex of his life. Who needed Evelyn Sands when Stan can have Julie Powers?


In a Jewish Orthodox synagogue, men sat separate from the women. Traditionally, the women sat upstairs and the men sat downstairs. At this instant at Juneau-Douglas High School cafeteria, all girls sat on west side and all boys sat on the east side. The girls discouraged the boys to sit with them. The girls wanted to talk about their shared experience and seemed to be of one mind. The boys shook their heads and whispered amongst themselves. Besides, they could be free to talk about more important things like sports, cars and sex.

Tricia and Ann sat together in large group.Chastised by some of the seniors, Johnny gave in and approached Tricia. He said, “Hey, babe come join me.” The buzzing of the bevy came to a halt.

Tricia responded politely, “Oh, Johnny. Got to do the girl thing. We’ve got Thanksgiving together, remember?” Try to understand, we need this time together.” Johnny got it, but he realized his friends would not.

He walked back to his table. “Everything is fine. They’re talking boring smack anyway.” The guys mocked him for his failure.

At the Tlingit Compound, Banks Blackhorse packed his clothes as if he were going on a very long trip. In his apartment, Banks decided that he would install two padlocks.

He opened the refrigerator door and noted how much space all his vials took up. He thought that it would be rude to occupy that much refrigerator space at the Powers’ house and additionally thought it would be forward if he purchased a small fridge for his room. So he concluded that a month’s medicine for Peyton and him would not occupy much room in Powers’ refrigerator. He didn’t want his uncle to start counting vials and taking notes of monthly visits since it would occur to the Chief that either Banks was using too much or that he was sharing his gift. Sharing the gift would be considered as a violation of his agreement. And that would make Banks, in the eyes of his tribe, a traitor, a liar and dishonorable to the Spirit above. Banks installed the first padlock to his refrigerator. After he completed that installation, he decided to install another padlock to his front door. The noise he created caused some attention from the other tribesmen on the second floor.

Banks explained to others that he thought this would be a temporary move to see how he would face isolation which was a necessary step in becoming a Chief. Of course this was a lie to his tribe, but then, what difference would one more lie make?

An hour later, Marilyn came over with Carol Rainwater and they wanted to help him. Banks carried clothes down the stairs and Marilyn and Carol followed with his toiletries. Chief Dan with hands on his hips observed the activities. Marilyn whispered to Banks not to worry about Chief, by telling Banks that Chief would come around. She continued, “I believe in the near future, Banks, you’ll no longer be a virgin.” She chuckled.

As Marilyn and Carol packed the pickup truck, Chief marched over to Banks, “You need to live here.”

Banks hugged his uncle, “I need to live life.”

These parting words to his Uncle Dan resulted in the Chief’s held back tears that would be released once he was in the privacy of his room.

Banks smiled to his uncle and left the compound. During his ride to ‘the top of the world,’ Banks thought about his belongings in the car. He had amassed many books once his eyesight improved but still, Gatsby was at the top of the pile. He thought about a non-fiction book he read on how to become successful. One of the key components was to create an aura of indispensability. Banks thought if he could become indispensable with Peyton through his caring/mentoring Peyton, then Julie would become happy thus insuring his long stay with the family. Banks could see that Julie was unhappy and he intuited correctly that it was because of some guilt she had regarding Peyton’s blindness. Banks also knew that Peyton never had sight and therefore he didn’t realize what he was missing. Acknowledging that fact left Peyton a very happy child. Julie could only interpret his condition as if it happened to her and how much he was missing in life.

To continue Banks’ line of thought was to conclude if Julie were to be happier, more vibrant and creative, then he supposed that this new condition would create more harmony between Julie and Stan and also Julie and Tricia. Yes Banks’ care for Peyton would result in a win/win scenario. He would become indispensable.

Then there was Ann Abrams. He could not quite define his feelings for her since these feeling were new. What he did know is that he liked the way she took his hand. He liked the way she looked at him. He liked being in her company. And he really liked the way she kissed him on the cheek. This was a bonus to his initial goal and he wanted to explore it further. He decided he would not be calculating with Ann. She would see right through it. He would be open and honest with her as long as it did not jeopardize his standing in the Powers’ family.

At the Powers’ house, Banks began to unload. Peyton wanted to help and carry something. Banks gave Peyton a small box of toiletries. “Here you go, Sport.”

“What color is the box, Banks?”


“What’s brown, Banks?” And the drill and grill continued all the way up to Banks’ room.

Banks unpacked as Peyton grilled. And then in an appreciated moment of silence, Banks looked out his window and saw Ann waving at him.

Peyton beamed, “I’m so happy that you’re here, Banks.”

Banks smiled to Ann and continued to lock eyes with her, “Me too, Sport.

Me, too.”


Banks and Peyton held hands as they strolled down Skyline Boulevard. Banks learned some of the neighbors’ names as they sauntered over to greet Peyton and wish him the best for Thanksgiving. Peyton informed Banks, “That’s Mrs. Bundy. She’s real smart. And the man yelling is Mr. Kadet.”

Suddenly, Peyton caught a whiff and announced, “Oh, hello Mrs. McGruder. You’ve been eating yams and cranberries. Did your daughter enjoy Jerusalem?”

Mrs. McGruder was taken aback and simply said, “Happy
Thanksgiving, boys.”

Peyton giggled and told Banks that he was a boy; and that she put Banks in the same classification as he.

In the Power’s kitchen, Julie and Tricia prepared traditional Thanksgiving dishes. Recently, Tricia had given up gum and Julie had given up gin. “What time did you tell Johnny, Trish? Two?”

Tricia responded, “Yes, mom, but how did you know?” You just answered me as I asked…didn’t you?” Tricia scratched her head with a confused look as Julie peered in the oven with a turkey thermometer. “The turkey is doing well…all—”

Interrupting her mom, “All twenty two pounds.”

Julie acknowledged, “Yes, twenty two pounds.”

Julie and Tricia had a moment of epiphany. Julie grabbed a pen and pad and wrote down the number seventeen. “Trish, write down a number—”

“Seventeen, mom. Try another. Six hundred forty eight.”

Julie cheered, “Right, now let me try.”

Minutes later, Ann walked in amidst Tricia and Julie’s exhilarations. Ann carried a covered tray and said “I missed all the fun. Mom just made—”

Simultaneously, Julie and Tricia yelled, “Three dozen deviled eggs!”

Ann blurted, “Oh, you talked to mom.” And slowly, Julie and Tricia shake their heads no.

Julie hands the pen and pad to Ann, “Write down a big number, any number.” And as Ann wrote 5,823, the other girls yelled the correct numbers. The pad circulated around the table with numbers going into the millions. Ann discovered that she also had the ability.

Interrupting the fun, Stan walked in with a grocery bag. As Stan was about to greet Ann, Julie begged, “Write down a number, Stan.” He looked at the women curiously but obeyed. The threesome looked at one another and shook their heads. “Nothing.” “Me neither.” “Nope.”

Stan mocked, “Well, that was fun.”

As Julie, Tricia and Ann explored their new talents, they attempted to communicate to one another in words; their success was taken a step further: Tricia ran upstairs to her bedroom and thought about Johnny. She was able to receive questions about Johnny from both her mother and Ann. She responded to both. Then, she skipped down the stairs to review the conversations without speech. This resulted in a mix of sounds of jubilation and tears from each woman.

Peyton could hear sounds of odd happiness from his bedroom while he and Banks played cards. “Why are women so weird, Banks?”

Banks thought about this question and he thought the best response was, “They are just different, Peyton. Let’s go down stairs and see if your mom wants us to set the table.”

Later, a long rectangular table was filled with Thanksgiving delicacies. Stan carved the turkey at the head of the table. Present were the Powers and Abrams’ family and Banks and Johnny. As most watched Stan’s slicing, Julie, Tricia and Ann were otherwise engaged: Julie and Tricia stared at each other and Ann joined in as the trio giggled girlishly. Murray recited, “I’ll have what they’re having…remember that line, Dassi?”

Dassi nodded as Julie jumped in, “Sorry. I haven’t had a drink for days but right now I feel drunk…better than drunk. Giddy with a guiltless mental high.” Julie laughed again as so did Tricia and Ann.

Peyton inquired, “What’s so funny, mom?”

Julie snickered, “Oh, we’re just acting silly.” Banks interrupted with a Christian prayer as all bowed their heads. The trio tried hard not to laugh.

Later, nine satiated diners finished their pumpkin pie. Tricia rested her hand on Johnny’s lap. “Come on upstairs, Johnny…I downloaded a new tune.”

Ann fondled Banks’ arm as his eyes questioned for Julie’s permission. “Yes go. Everything is under control here. More pie, Peyton?”

Peyton smiled, “I love Thanksgiving. Everyone is so happy.” Dassi and Murray watched the four teens ascend the stairs. They eyed one another with panicky smirks.

Julie assuaged their angst, “They’re just going to listen to music, besides, if it gets out of hand, I’ll know. At any rate, Banks is a perfect gentleman. On the other hand, Johnny seems…seasoned.” Stan coughed.

Upstairs, Tricia swayed to slow music as Johnny looked on. He thought she was performing for him and this was what came before sex. This foreplay seemed so animalistic and natural. Johnny’s heart raced with anticipation.

Ann knew Tricia’s intentions, but wasn’t sure how Banks would react to the inevitable act. Ann thought that this was pushing Banks too quickly. She slowly took Banks’ hands as the two danced. She positioned herself so that Tricia and Johnny would be unseen by Banks. But Tricia and Johnny were not on his mind. Banks’ emotions went into a swirl. He felt a giddiness of excitement which led to a sense of light headedness. He once looked up the word swoon so that he could further understand certain feelings that characters felt in some of their romantic scenes. He decided he was swooning. This was the first time that he was in such close physical contact with someone he liked. They locked eyes as they enjoyed the moment. Banks used all his energy to enjoy the moment and not give in to his light headedness.

Tricia’s dance became more seductive. She tossed off her shoes and asked Johnny to unzip her dress. She slid out of it. Banks’ breathing increased as their dance continued. But when Tricia removed her brassiere and Johnny’s shirt was unbuttoned by Tricia; Banks’ breathing decreased and the swirl slowed down. He survived the swirling swoon but now he had become uncomfortable.

BOOK: The Night the Sky Fell
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