Read The Omega and the Assassin Online

Authors: Stephani Hecht

Tags: #erotic Romance, #Paranormal, #GLBT, #Gay, #Shifter

The Omega and the Assassin (7 page)

BOOK: The Omega and the Assassin
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Giving Simon a sly smile, Finn said, “We’re doing some nighttime training exercises.”

“You little slut!” Kline exclaimed.

Finn had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep himself from laughing. Well, he had to give his twin credit. He wasn’t a naïve as Finn had believed him to be. It had taken him all of ten seconds to see through Finn’s story.

“Just cover for me with Tate, will you?” Finn said.

“You’re kidding me, right? Tell me this is all some big joke. Because there is no way you just asked me to make up some story to explain Tate why you’re going to be gone for the entire night,” Kline ranted.

“Come on, I would do it for you.”

“Ha! Like you would ever get the chance, since I’m stuck here.”

“Well, I did tell Tate that he needs to start letting us out more, so that’s something,” Finn pointed out.

When Kline was silent, Fin knew he’d scored a big point.

“Fine,” Kline said. “Just don’t make a habit out of it.”

Looking over at Simon and all his sexiness, Finn didn’t know if that was a promise he could keep, but he still said, “Deal. So, can I go now?”

“Yeah. Who is it? Wait? Let me guess. It’s the assassin isn’t it?”

Finn grinned. “How’d you know?”

“Besides the fact that you were salivating over him that day in the cafeteria? I’ve never seen anybody get you that pissed off before. So, you must have had some pretty strong emotions towards him to begin with.”

“I’m going to hang up now,” Finn said.

“Yeah, have fun. I’ll be watching a re-run of
,” Kline grumbled.

After Finn hung up, Simon cocked a brow at him, “
The assassin
? Is that what you guys have been calling me?”

“Well, we were going to go with the asshole, but we already call Devlin that,” Finn drawled.

Devlin was the pack jerk who had an ego bigger than Gwyneth Paltrow. He also happened to be better looking than Brad Pitt, and he knew it. So he had men and women always throwing themselves at him. Finn just thought the guy was a waste of space and wanted nothing to do with him, despite the fact Devlin had flirted with him on several occasions.

Simon gave him a wide smile. “I knew you were smart, and that just proves it. There was more than one occasion where I was tempted to kill the guy, just on principle alone. He is such an egomaniac.”

“Tell me about it. He asked me out the other day, and when I told him no, you would have thought I committed some sin or something.”

Simon let out a small growl. “If he comes near you again, I’ll rip his arms off.”

Finn was shocked by the sudden outburst. He’d never seen that kind of possessiveness coming from Simon before. He knew Simon was attracted to him, but…damn.

“I didn’t know we were going to exclusive,” Finn said.

“As long as we’re together, you belong to me, and I belong to you.”

“That’s fine with me. I like it better that way. It’s just I’ve always heard you were kind of a player is all,” Finn admitted.

“I may have been in the past, but not when it comes to you. So long as we’re together, I will always stay true to you.”

A heady thrill went through Finn. He couldn’t help but feel a little honored that he broke Simon on his slutty streak. He just hoped Simon didn’t regret his words once he got Finn into bed. Finn had nada in the way of experience. Okay, there had been the one time he and a Beta had fooled around a little bit, but that had just been some heavy petting. It had ended with both of them being mostly embarrassed more than anything.

Simon and Finn got out of the car and made their way to the pack dwelling. Since it was pretty late, they didn’t run into anybody, but it would seem Simon wasn’t taking any chances. He grabbed Finn by the hand and led him quickly to one side of the building that housed the newer and larger living quarters.

When they got there, it was quiet. The other members of the home must have already gone to bed or be out. Simon gave Finn a sexy smile then tugged on his arm, directing him to a bedroom. Finn followed like the happy puppy that he was.

Simon’s room was just as Finn had expected it to be. Nice, neat, and full of every kind of weapon one could think of. Finn let go of Simon’s hand and began to wander around, inspecting some of them. They were so interesting. Tate would have had a field day in here.

Simon came up behind Finn and began to kiss the back of his neck. “You like my collection? I’ve been working on it for a while now.”

“I can tell. Is all this stuff even legal to have?”

“Nope. But, I have my ways of getting what I want.”

Finn turned his head so their lips were inches apart. “Somehow I don’t doubt that.”

Simon captured Finn’s mouth in a deep kiss. Soon it grew so intense that Finn was forced to move around so he was facing Simon, so they could get at each other better. It wasn’t until he felt Simon tugging at the hem of his shirt that Finn felt a jolt of nervousness. Pushing that down, because Finn really did want this, he lifted his arms and let Simon take off his top.

Tossing it to the side, Simon dipped his head and began to nuzzle Finn’s nipple. Just like that all of Finn’s nerves fizzled away as mind-blowing pleasure took over. Putting his hand on the back of Simon’s head, Finn urged the Tiger on. Before that moment, Finn had never realized that being touched there, much less sucked on, could feel so damn good. It looked like he had a lot to learn. It was a good thing he had such a good and eager teacher.

Simon turned and gave the other nipple the same attention, sending fresh fissures of pleasure through Finn’s body. Finn switched his hold so his hands were on Finn shoulders. It was either that or topple to the ground because his knees were about to give out.

Simon dropped to his knees and began to kiss his way down Finn’s torso, peppering kissing down Finn’s chest, stomach and navel. Once he got to Finn’s pants and began to undo them, some of Finn’s nerves kicked back in. But he told himself it was Simon who was doing this to him and he wanted this to happen, so he calmed down.

Undoing Finn’s pants, Simon lowered them, then pulled down Finn’s underwear, freeing his cock. Simon placed a kiss on the tip before saying, “You really do have one amazing cock.”

Finn felt a blush come over his face, which was stupid. Simon had just praised his cock, not his mad fighting skills or his great people skills. Still, it was nice to know he’d impressed his soon-to-be lover.

“Thank you,” Finn said, the last word coming out high-pitched because Simon had just taken Finn’s cock into his mouth.

Oh wow, Finn had never had a blow job before, and this was so much better than he’d ever imagined it to be. It was so hot, so wet, so tight whenever Simon sucked in his cheeks. Finn dug his nails into Simon’s shoulders for purchase as he hung on for dear life as wave after wave of pleasure washed over him.

Then Simon reached out blindly and grabbed for a bottle of lube from the nightstand. Never stopping the blowjob, he cracked the lid open and poured a liberal amount on his fingers. While Finn was slightly curious as to what Simon was up to, Finn was too caught up in the pleasure to care.

Then Finn felt a cold finger pushing at his entrance. At first, he stiffened. Then he willed himself to relax and concentrate on what Simon was doing to his cock. Simon very slowly pushed the finger inside.

Finn hissed. There was a bite of pain, but it also heightened the pleasure of what Simon was doing to his cock. So much so, that Finn let out a moan and tilted his head back.

After a few moments, Simon added a second finger. Strangely enough, this one didn’t hurt as much as the first one. Finn even found himself thrusting into Simon’s mouth, eager for more. A part of him worried that he would make Simon choke or something, but Simon took it all easily and didn’t seem to have any trouble.

When Simon added a third finger and twisted his wrist to touch a special spot inside Finn, Finn saw stars. “Oh, my God! What in Satan’s party hat did you just do?”

Simon just laughed, the sound making vibrations that shot up Finn’s cock. Finn couldn’t hold back anymore—he came, his orgasm hitting him so hard that he would have fallen had he not been holding onto Simon.

At first Finn was worried Simon would be upset that Finn filled his mouth with semen, but Simon didn’t appear to mind. In fact, he seemed to relish it. He swallowed every drop, even going so far as to lick Finn’s now flaccid cock clean.

Once Finn came down from his high, he felt bone-crushing disappointment. He’d come before the real fun had even started. Looking down at Simon, Finn said, “I’m so sorry.”

Simon stood and gave Finn as kiss. “What for?”

“I came before you could fuck me.”

Simon just laughed. “Don’t worry, shifters have amazing recovery time. I can get you hard again before five minutes are up.”

Finn was dubious, but he was willing to play along. “Okay, but I think we both need to be naked for the next part.”

Simon titled his head to the side and gave Finn a wicked grin. “See, you’re not so innocent after all.”

Finn gave Simon’s arm a playful swat. “I know how the basics work. I’m not that lost when it comes to sex.”

They both got undressed. Once Simon was nude, Finn looked at the Tiger and took his time assessing Simon’s body. Dear God, but Simon was perfect. Even his cock was perfect. Long and thick, it was made to be worshiped.

As Finn studied Simon he could feel his own cock begin to fill again, proving Simon right. Shifters did have an astounding recovery time. Finn almost did a happy dance. He hadn’t blown things after all.

“Get on the bed and go on all fours. It will be easier for you that way for your first time,” Simon advised.

Finn did as ordered and waited, his whole body trembling with anticipation. Just when he didn’t think anything was going to happen he felt the blunt head of Simon’s cock pressing against his hole.

Taking a deep breath, Finn pushed out as Simon thrust inside him. It burned, but the pain wasn’t anything that Finn couldn’t take, and soon Simon was seated all the way in.

Simon paused only a second, before he began to move, setting a slow but steady rhythm. Knowing he wasn’t going to last long this second time around, Finn purposely didn’t reach up and stroke himself. As it was, Simon kept pegging that special spot inside him, sending jolts of pleasure through Finn’s body.

All too soon, Finn felt his balls tighten up, signaling that his orgasm was coming. Finn tried to fight it to no avail. Screaming out Simon’s name, Finn came, hot streams of come covering the comforter below him.

Simon thrust several more times before he finally came too, his cock emptying into Finn’s ass. Finn had to brace himself as Simon all but collapsed on top of him.

They both stayed that way, panting for breath. After a few moments, Simon said, “I’ll give you ten minutes this time, and then we’re going for another round. I’m not even close to being done with you yet.”

Finn smiled to himself. He liked the sounds of that. He liked it a lot.

Chapter Eight



Finn was just finishing breakfast and getting ready to leave for the day when Tate came out of the bedroom. Barely giving his older brother a glance, Finn headed for the door, saying, “I’m going to be really late again. We have a late mission again tonight.”

“Halt!” Tate ordered.

Finn froze his hand on the door handle. His heart skipped a beat as he realized he’d finally been busted. Actually, he’d been expecting it to happen sooner. He’d been going out on his
late night
missions for almost two weeks straight. Plus, there had been gossip starting to mill around that Finn and Simon were more than just work buddies. It was only a matter of time for it to get back to Tate.

“You wanted to talk about something with me?” Finn asked innocently.

“Yeah, it has to do with these late night missions of yours.”

“What about them?” Finn continued play the dumb card.

Tate crossed his arms over his chest and gave a look at Finn that could have peeled the steel from the bomb shelter. Oh yeah, he was good and pissed, and that didn’t bode very well for Finn.

Surprisingly, for the first time ever, Finn didn’t care. If Tate had an issue with him seeing Simon, then that was Tate’s problem. Finn had grown to really care for the Tiger, and he wasn’t about to give him up without a fight.

“You must think I’m really stupid if you think I’m still buying that story,” Tate said, a tic developing on his left temple.

“No, I don’t think you’re stupid at all. I realized you would figure it out sooner or later,” Finn said calmly.

“I want you to cut things off with the assassin. He’s not good for you.”

“I thought we already had this conversation. You’re not the boss of me anymore. I’m not some little child that you can push around anymore.”

“I can when I see that you’re making one of the biggest mistakes of your life.”

Finn could feel his blood begin to boil. How dare Tate sit there in judgment of Simon when he had never spent more than five minutes in the other man’s presence?

“You don’t know Simon at all,” Finn bit out angrily

“I know what he does for a living. That’s enough.”

“So, what? He does it for the good of the pack,” Finn defended Simon.

“That still doesn’t make him any less of a murderer.”

“What about you? You get into battles every day. I’m sure you’ve killed the enemy then.”

Tate’s face grew red with rage. “That’s different.”

“How so? It looks the same from my point of view.”

“Because it’s war. I don’t go out with the specific purpose to kill a mark.”

“You don’t know Simon like I do.” Finn turned and faced his brother head on. “He’s got the kindest heart I’ve ever met, despite going through some really bad shit in the past. I’ve grown to know a lot about him these past two weeks, and you should hear some of the things that happened to him when he was just a child. It would make you want to vomit. Yet, Simon came through it all and he still is a caring person that would do anything for this pack.”

“Including killing for them,” Tate said coldly.

BOOK: The Omega and the Assassin
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