Read The Pathway To Us Online

Authors: Elle Vassar

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

The Pathway To Us (10 page)

BOOK: The Pathway To Us
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Lily did her best to learn how to please him. Today she wanted to try something new. It was another ridiculously hot day, and they’d decided to cool off in the lagoon. Their tattered clothes had become an afterthought and easily discarded. As they stood naked in the center of the lagoon kissing and holding each other Lily pulled away. He reached for her, but she stood just out of his grasp.

He laughed. “Oh, so you want me to chase you. I can do that, but we both know how this is going to end—with you writhing underneath me and screaming my name.”

“You sound so sure of yourself, Mr. Tremont.” Even though she tried to sound sexy, Lily was a bundle of nerves. Her heart beat fast. What if she messed up or worse, he laughed? No, Logan wouldn’t do that. If his erection were any indication, she would have no problem with him laughing. “You don’t have to chase me.” She walked back over to him and pressed her cool lips against his hot skin. Logan pulled her so close there was no space between them. Only the thickness of his manhood. He whispered into her ear. “Wrap your legs around me.”

Her insides clinched, but somewhere she found the strength to say no. Slowly, Lily shook her head from side to side. She lay her hands on his broad shoulders then planted kisses on his rock hard chest. He inhaled sharply when she gently bit him on his nipple. Lily looked up into his eyes as she begin to nip and kiss her way down his body.

His breathing was choppy. When her face was level with the head of manhood, he wrapped her hair around his fist and closed his eyes in ecstasy. “You don’t have to do this.” He meant it but hoped she wouldn’t listen. Bree would never pleasure him this way. Logan felt guilty for even thinking about her and pushed those thoughts out of his mind.

Lily kissed him
. He growled.

Her voice was husky. “I want to. I’ve been dying to try this with you.” Logan was so thick and incredibly long that she wasn’t sure if her plan would work, but she was going to make every effort to succeed. Lily held him in a firm grip and stroked back and forth. Bits of pre-cum oozed out, and she couldn’t wait to taste it. Her tongue darted out for a sample, but that wasn’t enough, so she licked all of the milky substance away. His moans were getting louder as he pulled her hair a bit tighter. It was taking a superhuman effort not to push hard into the back of her throat and make love to her mouth. But, this was her experiment. Logan would let Lily move at her own pace, even if it was killing him.

When Lily gazed up into his face, the look of pure pleasure was worth that small bit of pain. So far, he seemed to be enjoying it.

She opened wide and slowly pulled him inch by agonizing inch into the incredibly wet cavern of her heated mouth. Her head began to move faster back and forth as she sucked the bulbous part of him. She swirled her tongue around the head and sucked at the opening. It was warm and salty but nothing she couldn’t enjoy.

Logan’s pleasure was so intense; his legs started to shake. He couldn’t stop himself from thrusting into the warmth of her sweet lips and scorching hot mouth. Surprisingly, Lily took all of him. To steady herself, she placed her hands on the sides of his hips as he rotated them.

Logan’s body had a mind of its own, and it took over. The pleasure was so intense he automatically thrust deeper and faster. Logan couldn’t believe Lily was sucking him off this way, and even though this was her first time, it didn’t seem like it. Maybe it wasn’t. The thought that she would do this with anyone else made him sick to his stomach. Before he let his thoughts get ahead of him, he reminded himself that she was still a virgin when they made love. Logan was pretty sure this was her first time going down too.
And, damn was she eager to please him and make his toes curl in the process.

His intensity picked up as he thrust uncontrollably almost hitting the back of her throat. He was going to erupt. His voice was strained. “I’m going to cum. I need to pull out.”

Lily tightened her grip and continued to feast upon him. She was going to finish the job. When the first bursts of liquid sprayed onto her tongue, Lily wasn’t sure she would be able to accept it. She took a deep breath through her nose and flattened her tongue.

When he released, Logan threw his head back and growled like a wild animal. “
….” He emptied himself completely, while Lily managed to swallow every single drop.

Logan had been with more experienced women in his life when he and Bree weren’t together, but none had made him feel like this. It took him a minute to catch his breath. Lily didn’t wait, she stood up on tip-toe and kissed him. With a twinkle in her eyes, she smiled. “I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.”

His eyes were still half closed. “I’m sure more than you.” He loved how uninhibited they were together. Even after that bout of lovemaking, he was ready to lose himself inside of her for round two. Logan returned her kisses as if they might be his last—hungrily and eagerly. His hands reached down to cup her sex. He let his fingers play where in moments he would be buried deep.

Lily moaned. “That feels so good.”

Logan whispered against her temple. “Not as good as it’s going to feel.”

Logan kissed her so thoroughly again that her knees went weak. “You are incredible. Now maybe you’ll wrap those long legs around me, and I can make love to you hard and fast then later slow and hard.”

Lily teased. “You think you can just make love to me whenever you want?”

He laughed too. “Yeah, I do.”

As much as she wanted him, Lily was going to drag out their need for each other as long as she could. The anticipation would make their love making later that much better.

Her voice was soft and strained with need when she pulled out of his arms. “Well, we’ve got work to do, and we can’t spend all afternoon in this lagoon.” She moved to get out of the water.

She had to be kidding. Logan couldn’t believe she was swimming away toward the water bank leaving him hard as a rock. “Are you serious?”

She winked then smiled cheekily. “Yes. Now, come on out of that water and let’s get some things done.”

Logan laughed to himself. His good girl knew how to be just naughty enough to make him crazy. He loved it, and he loved her. That realization hit him hard in the chest, and with that recognition came a fleeting feeling of guilt.


That evening, Lily sat between Logan’s thighs on the beach. He held her cradled in his arms, and her head rested on his chest. “Logan.”


“I know this situation isn’t ideal, but I’m glad we’re here together.”

He kissed the side of her head and joked. “Yeah, you’re not sorry I de-flowered you?”

She turned into his embrace. Serious eyes gazed into his. “I’m glad I waited for my first time to be with the man I love.”

Logan swallowed. “Are you saying you love me?”

Her voice came out barely a whisper. “Yes.”

“Lily, I . . .” He’d fallen in love with her too, but he didn’t know how to reconcile that with his feelings for Bree. But, wasn’t he also the one who said this was about here and now?

His silence was heartbreaking, and Lily saw the struggle within his eyes. Lily had no right, but she hated Bree. She hated her for meeting Logan first. At least here, she had him all to herself because it would break her if she ever had to give him up. She gave him a weak smile and turned back around gazing out over the ocean.

He saw the hurt on her face and felt like shit.


Chapter 13


Two days later, Lily was working on weaving thickets of brush together to cover the roof of their hut, and Logan was out fishing. Things between them had cooled off considerably since their night on the beach. Logan was very polite but hadn’t tried to make love to her since that day in the lagoon. She hated the distance between them.

He had freaked out about her confession, and she couldn’t help but think that maybe she should have kept her feelings to herself. It hurt knowing that even on a deserted island with literally the last man on earth, she couldn’t make him love her. She exhaled while chewing on her bottom lip. Her mind wouldn’t shut off as her thoughts continued to be about him.
It wasn’t his fault he didn’t feel the same way I do
. A single tear dropped onto her arm. She hadn’t even realized she’d been crying.

Lily heard Logan yelling her name. “Lily! Lily!” She wiped her tears and stuck her head out of their hut. He was running down the beach toward her. “It’s a boat! Get the flare! It’s a boat.”

! A boat?” It had been two months since they’d been stranded on the island. Both of them had given up on ever being rescued. Lily ran inside and grabbed the flare gun. By the time she came back Logan had made it to her.

There was a split second of hesitation when she’d looked at his face and gazed upon his long hair and beard wondering if this was going to be the beginning of the end for them. Her heart beat fast as she raised and pointed the gun into the air then released a shot.


It was a fishing boat that found them. It had been thrown off course by a storm. Lily was given a coat to wear since her white romper had been frayed to the point that it was indecent on a boat full of men.

There was a radio on the boat, and they radioed in for a rescue. It was all set for Lily and Logan to be dropped off at the next port.

There was so much commotion that they hadn’t had a minute to catch their breath. After they’d been shown their sleeping quarters and they were alone, Logan pulled Lily close. He held her tight as she sat within the crook of his arm in one of the small cabins below deck. This was the closest they’d been over the past couple of days.

She hadn’t really said much, and neither had he. They were content to just hold each other. Everything was going to change, and they both knew it.

Lily couldn’t keep the sadness from her voice. “How long do we have before we get to the next port?”

Logan exhaled. “Maybe a day.”

She turned to face him. “Will you make love to me?” Although she hoped he’d agree, she also knew it would probably be for the last time.

He caressed her cheek and pulled her lips to his. “I don’t want to hurt you, Lily.”

For now, she still had him all to herself. “Then make love to me.”

Logan kissed her desperately and pulled her down onto the bed with him. He made love to her with a fierce urgency and need as if it just might be their last time. As Lily was about to fall asleep, she’d thought she heard him say
I love you
. Surely, it was all in her head. She was only hearing what she wanted to hear.


Less than twenty-four hours later, when their ship came into port, they were met by Port Authority officials, tons of media, his parents, and Bree.

Only Logan’s father was allowed on board. After a few moments of being in Logan and Lily’s presence, it was obvious to Dr. Tremont that a lot had gone on between them on the island.

Lily was so embarrassed to meet Logan’s father the way she was dressed. Her hair was a mess, and she was barely covered in a coat that only came down to her thighs. “Dr. Tremont…” She stuttered. “I—It’s nice to meet you.”

“You, too Ms. Huntington. I’m happy you and my son are finally home and safe.”

She pushed her hair behind her ear. “Thank you, sir.”

“Lily, do you mind if I talk to Logan alone for a moment?”

She glanced at Logan then nodded. “No. Of course not. I’ll just be in our room.”

As soon as Lily left the room, Logan’s father turned to him with raised eyebrows. “
Our room?
That’s interesting.” He was the spitting image of Logan as he rubbed his eyebrow. “She seems like a sweet girl.”

Logan crossed his arms. He didn’t miss his father’s deeper meaning. “She is. I’m not sure how I would have survived without her.”

“How is Bree going to feel about that?”

“I’m sure she’s not going to be happy about it.”

“You’re right. But, I’m sure she’ll understand you did what you had to do just to get through this situation.”

Logan rubbed the back of his neck. “I think you can tell it’s a bit more than that.”

“Are you sure? Being stranded together for months may cause you to see things differently.”

Logan exhaled. He knew his father had a point but didn’t want to think about it now. “Dad, I can’t deal with all of that right now. One thing I learned from being on that island is to focus on what’s in front of me. You never know when any moment could be your last. I think that’s a good lesson to carry forward; and right now, what’s in front of me is being home, a hot shower, and a good meal.”

Dr. Tremont slapped his son on the back. “Fair enough.” Then he pulled him into a tight embrace. “I’m glad you’re back.” He choked up a little then cleared his voice. “I’m so damn glad.”

Logan hugged his father back. “Me too.” When he pulled away, he couldn’t help but ask what happened to his friends. “Did everyone else get back safely? When we separated from the others, we didn’t even know if they’d gotten their boat in the water.”

BOOK: The Pathway To Us
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