Read The Promise of Love Online

Authors: Billi Jean

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

The Promise of Love (8 page)

BOOK: The Promise of Love
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“I like every inch of you, baby,” he managed.

She shyly smoothed her hand down his chest to where his heavy cock was getting heavier. Just the light caress stroked down the length had him primed for her.

“I like every inch of you, too. Too much, I think,” she said in a whisper. “Because you are
big.” The way she said that indicated a great deal of pleasure and a bit of worry. He had a feeling Paris hadn’t had sex much in her life. If that was true, having to handle what he had must have left her pussy a bit bruised at the least. He hoped not, but he’d be finding out soon enough.

“Not too big, we’ll just take it nice and slow. And I’m never going to be too much, hell no, never too much.” He ducked down and picked her up. She squealed out a laugh and hugged his neck. “Just hold on, let’s get in the shower and see about taking care of business.”

“Business?” she asked when he set her down.

“Yeah, you,” he promised, stroking down her curvy hip to brush lightly over her bare mound. She was already breathing unsteadily, and when he gently slipped along her pussy she was wet to the touch. “You, princess, you. I promise we’ll get your business settled first before you have to tackle this again.” He squeezed her hand down his shaft to the thicker base and watched her color deepen but her eyes glow a lighter blue-gray.

“Oh, I like that,” she whispered, and used both her hands to explore him with a soft hum. She’d not had time to learn his cock by feel last night—he’d stayed inside her pussy and not backed down from the ground he’d gained. But this was just as amazing. Every hesitant touch thrilled him.

Not about to stop her, he reached back and turned on the water, adjusting it to just the perfect temperature, but then had to tease her. He thrust his hips through her warm hands and pulled her blonde hair back in a ponytail as he did. She gasped. He gently tugged until she tipped her head back then he stroked his tongue along the fullness of her bottom lip. Her warm, sweet breath teased him into diving in for a full kiss. He grinned into the kiss as mint exploded in his mouth. She’d brushed her teeth for him. She reached up and pulled his hair, making him laugh harder.

She seemed to know exactly why he was laughing, too.

“You used my toothbrush,” she accused, in a voice he recognized from last night. She was turned on.

He lifted her up and set her inside the shower, then joined her. “I did.”

Her laugh filled the shower and his heart.

“Mmmm, I wondered why it tasted so good.” She thrilled him even more by sliding against him. Her silky soft breasts brushed his chest, reminding him he’d still not gotten enough time with them.

taste good,” he assured her, sampling the top of her slightly bigger left breast.

“I hope you have something planned for this.” She slipped her hands along his erection, which made her jiggle in all the right places.

“I have millions of things planned,” he assured her, cupping both breasts in his hands for the thrill of seeing the mounds pressed into two lush curves. “Damn, I could use these as a pillow,” he added and slowly kissed his way down to her nipples.

“David.” The passion in that one word was permission enough. He took his time, though, licking and kissing every inch of her breasts. The water spilled over her and he sucked it off, adding tiny bites here and there along the soft flesh until she was squirming. She also managed to work him up into a harder erection than he’d ever had in his life. Only when she moaned did he press her back against the shower. She reluctantly let go of his cock, making him laugh.

“Don’t worry, you’re going to get every inch of that soon enough, but first we need to make sure you’re ready.”

“I think I’m ready. What—” She gasped, then grabbed for his head when he lifted her until she was high enough against the shower wall for him to settle between her silky thighs. Quickly, he positioned one slim leg over his shoulder. “Oh, God, what are you doing?”

“Don’t fall down, princess,” he warned and lifted the other leg and gripped her sweet ass in his hands to raise her up just a bit higher. Her pussy was spread and ready for him this way, and so damn pretty he wondered if he was going to climax just from tasting her orgasm. “I want to hear you scream this time.”

“Oh, David,” she whispered, already flushed with passion—for him. She gripped his head and tugged until he met her eyes. Her heavy breasts were a distraction like this, but he managed to focus on her face. She was a bit panicked.

“I’m not going to drop you,” he assured her. “I promise.”

At his words, she blinked and seemed to catch her breath. The quiver of her chest was fucking unreal, but he kept his attention mostly on her face.

“I, oh, God, you are so strong! Are you sure? I don’t think I can…uh, I can’t climax like this, I don’t think.”

Laughing, he lifted her higher and gently pressed a kiss to either slender thigh, knowing she was embarrassed but she was also getting hot all over again. He turned his head slightly and boldly pressed a kiss to the lips of her pussy.

“I am. I want this.” He kissed her again and held in a groan at the sweet flavor of her skin. “I want this as often as you’ll let me, Paris.”

Her eyes darkened and her breathing had her breasts rising and falling rapidly above his head, giving him one hell of a hard-on.

“Now, hold on and let’s see about that screaming, okay?”

She swallowed nervously, but when he kept pressing warm kisses to her mound and tiny clit, she nodded.

“Okay, but then I want to…you know…” She nodded, and he knew she meant get him off—possibly with her mouth, but more likely with her hands, or hell, from behind again, since she’d loved that last night.

Grinning, he settled her more comfortably and turned his focus on her pleasure.

“Paris, you can
you know
me anyway, anywhere, anytime you want.”


Chapter Four




Paris felt as if she was walking on air. David amazed her. Everything he did, he seemed to do so well. All her life she’d done one thing well—skating—while most everything else she got through by bumbling around. Maybe gardening, she admitted to herself, she was good at that. But being with David was exciting, but also comfortable.

Even though you slept with him and his friend. Not slept, either.

She should’ve felt horrible about that, embarrassed at the least. David didn’t allow that. He was just too consuming.

“You sure you want to ice skate? It’s cold outside, now we’re going in to be cold

She laughed at the dismay in his tone, knowing he was teasing her. They’d only known each other a day, but it seemed like longer. Maybe because she’d barely had one second to herself since she’d met him yesterday. She’d woken, missing his warmth in the hotel bed, and gotten up to find him.

“Well, if you aren’t sure you remember how—”

“Oh, ho! I remember how, I thought I’d pretty well covered how much I know, but if you need another lesson…” He edged his hand up her thigh.

She caught him and giggled when he sighed as if she was being mean. He’d let her stroke him off in the shower, amazing her with how quickly he’d turned frantic under her hands. He’d groaned loud enough that she’d gotten hot all over again thinking of the people in the neighboring rooms hearing him.

“No thank you, mister. I’ve had enough lessons to last until, oh”—she considered his handsome profile and couldn’t suppress her smile—“later today, maybe after lunch?”

“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.” He nodded eagerly and pulled her close by his grip on her hand and kissed her at the red light. He tasted like McDonald’s coffee and the six hash browns he’d consumed in less than ten minutes, but she loved it instantly. “How long is that?”

“David,” she whispered. “Green light.”

He turned his attention back to the road. His grin meant he was going to tease her again. “You know they have this red-light district? All the girls are behind glass, kinda hot, you know. Ever consider that?”

“What? Being a prostitute?”

“No, hell no, where’d that come from?” he demanded, sounding outraged and a bit jealous, she thought. “Sex, you know, where someone can see if they chanced by.”

Chanced by
. Considering she’d had an orgasm in the shower when she’d thought about the rooms near them knowing they were having sex, she had to think for a moment before she responded. “Are you suggesting we park?”

His grin grew and he settled his hand back on her leg and squeezed. “Maybe a bit more public than that.”

For some insane reason, her nipples ached at the thought. Her heart rate sped up and she just knew she was never going to be safe with this man—and didn’t want to be. As insane as it was, especially after only meeting him yesterday then falling into bed with not only him, but his friend, she liked David Jansen.
Like him way more than maybe is good for me, even.

Much more than I should. Where can this go? No one starts a relationship with a ménage à trois.

“Just an idea,” he murmured, giving her an arrogant, knowing smile.

The heat already simmering under her skin made her goosebump. No doubt about it, his suggestion turned her on. He’d been in the shower with her, after all, and she’d joined him when he’d come. The ‘oh yeah, princess’ he’d shouted had made that clear, so had his possessive hand on her pussy and the fingers he’d filled her with. The man was deadly, and so able to bring her to climax, she wondered why she’d never had one before, then she remembered she’d never had

David was just…David.

His hard body, wicked smile and ten inch erection combined in the man to create a truly heady impact. When he directed all that maleness at her she was helpless, and absolutely loved it.

She smiled at her thoughts, wondering if his erection really was that long. It felt like it.

“You’re giving it some thought, huh?”

“God, you should be illegal,” she whispered, feeling hot and achy along her pussy.

He laughed lightly and kissed her again at the next red light. Her lips were tender, but she didn’t mind, not a bit, especially when he seemed to know and gently coaxed her tongue into his mouth for the briefest second.

A horn behind them had him pulling up and paying attention to the road again. She did, too, so turned on she had to breathe deeply just to get her silly heart rate under control. He really was lethal—and fun.

“There!” she cried, suddenly seeing the ice rink.

“Damn,” he grumbled, and she guessed she had surprised him because he quickly turned into the parking lot and gave her a raised eyebrow. “You really like skating, huh?”

“Love it,” she whispered, and dragged his blond head down to kiss him once more. Screw the tender lips, she wanted more of him and wondered why she’d been insane enough to take him out of the bedroom. He didn’t let her run the show for long, but when he took over and dragged her closer and smoothed a hand down to cup her breast, she broke away with a laugh.

“Oh no, skating, lunch, then…maybe.”

“I like maybe,” he said, sounding hoarse.

She couldn’t help but glance at his lap, and bit her lip at the size of his bulge.

“But let me have a second here since you just shoved my soldier into full attention,” he added with a wink when she met his eyes.

Oh, God, that was sexy.
She’d never met a man who named his…well, penis.

“Like that, do you?” he asked, brushing his knuckles along her cheek. “You don’t have to salute, just remember to give him the same attention you’ve been and he’ll be fine.”

“David!” she whispered, and covered her face with her hands, laughing at his teasing.

He tugged her braid and pressed a kiss to her fingers. “Come on, show me how hot you are ice skating and we’ll try to keep your mind off sex, okay?” he said, tugging the truck door open and getting out to turn and pull her with him.

She grabbed their McDonald’s sack full of empty wrappers and hugged him around the neck when he picked her up.

“My mind, huh?” she asked.

“Well, hell yeah, you give me that kinda kiss and hot look and I know for sure what you need, baby. I’m the man to give it to you anytime, too. Here, back at the hotel, Applebee’s, you name the place.”

“Are you…? Do you like…? I mean, do you usually have sex with women in public?”

“What? No, I just thought of it,” he said, guiding her to the rink. “It just kinda popped into my head, thinking of you getting all wild in the shower when I was waking the neighbors.”

She stumbled and he caught her.

“David!” she whispered, checking that no one was near enough to hear. She wasn’t a fool. She knew a man who could make love like David was sexually active, probably a lot. He wasn’t dating anyone, she hoped, then immediately knew he wasn’t. David had an honorable side to him, she thought, that wouldn’t allow that. Oh, he might leave her broken-hearted and move on to the next, but he was here, with her, and that meant there wasn’t anyone else.

“You’re not buying that, huh?”

“Well,” she stalled and let him open the door for her. “I know you’re very good at what you do,” she said, then whispered, “in bed. So I think you’ve done a ton of things that probably include public sex.”

“Man,” he sighed. “You have me pegged, huh?”

She blushed and felt bad immediately. “I didn’t mean, I mean, that’s
, I know most people, I mean everyone has tried things—”

“Slow down,” he said gently and turned her to face him. “I’m here, now, and not going anywhere soon. I know we pushed you, I know I did, and yeah”—he leaned in to brush a kiss to her lips—“I might have been wild in my younger days, but relax, I’m not about to toss you down right here and do the dirty.”

She thumped his chest, but he laughed and caught her hand, kissing her knuckles.

“Come on,” he said again, tugging her along to the skates. “I need to rent some skates.”

She tucked her hand into the back of his jeans pocket as he settled his arm over her shoulders, feeling a thrill at how easily he fit her. Even as tall as he was, he simply
right. His grin grew and he squeezed her shoulder.

BOOK: The Promise of Love
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