Read The Purrfect Stranger Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

The Purrfect Stranger (4 page)

BOOK: The Purrfect Stranger
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He moved closer once more, his hands going loosely to her waist, drawing her near. He knew he was grinning, but he couldn’t help himself.

“So tell me, does it affect you the same way? Those little tingles. Where do
feel them, kitten?” His voice dropped lower with each word until he was whispering near her lips.

A second later, his mouth captured hers and the magic rose between them again, zinging through his body and straight to his cock. He wondered if she felt the same tingling sensations in her erogenous zones, and if the feeling would intensify if there was no cloth between his fingers and her clit, or her nipples. He wanted more than anything to find out.

Breathing hard, he ended the kiss, unable to move more than a few inches away from her. She felt too damn good against him.

“Follow me.” She took the initiative, moving out of his embrace and toward the path that led to her front door.

The front door that had once been his. Such a strange coincidence. Yet Keith had always believed there was no such thing as coincidence. Perhaps this too was fate—or the Goddess Herself—bringing them together.

She unlocked the door and stepped through. Keith followed, noting the zap of something as he stepped over the threshold.

“Another magical shield?” Keith cocked his head as the feeling welled up, gentling and enveloping him for a moment longer, then released him all at once. He almost stumbled, but his reflexes caught him before he looked foolish. “What was that?”

Valerie’s smile touched his soul. “The house remembers you. It’s welcoming you back.” Her gaze shifted to the ceiling and back. “My dad put a basic shield on the door that won’t let anyone in that means me harm, so you passed the first test.” She winked at him with a mischievous grin.

Keith wasn’t sure what he thought about the idea of a house being welcoming, but the sensation of eyes on him drew his attention away from Valerie—as much as anything could claim his attention when she was nearby. He looked around, only to find a lineup of housecats sitting about five feet away. They were all sitting quietly, watching him with varying expressions in their eyes.

“Who’s this?” he asked, enchanted by the two squashed faced kittens sitting on either side of what had to be their mother.

“They would be the second test. Since you already know more about me than any man in recent history, I figured it was only fair to warn you that what little magic I possess centers around animals. Familiars, to be exact. Matilda is mine. She came to me a few years ago and has since been in baby making mode. This is her third litter and both kittens are already spoken for as soon as they’re old enough to go to their new homes. I pair them up with the most compatible mage who wants a familiar, then let them meet and see if the kitten chooses them. Most of the time, I’m right and they all live comfortably ever after.”

“Witches really have familiars? I thought that was just a Halloween myth. Black cats and all that.” Keith moved closer as Valerie did, keeping an even distance with the appraising eye of the mother cat.

“Some mages do. It depends on the flavor of their magic and whether or not the animal senses they need someone to ground them. It’s not always a cat, though that is the most common form of familiar. As you probably know, cats have a kind of observant intelligence and cool independence that makes them perfect companions for us. Dogs sometimes work, but they’re usually a little too friendly and indulgent to stop us when we’re going off the rails.”

“I had no idea.” Keith was learning all sorts of new things about mages and their world. “So if Matilda likes me, I’m in?” He shot her a teasing glance.

“Oh, you’re already in, Keith.” She blushed after she said it, but forged ahead. “But life will be easier for us both if you pass her inspection.”

“Luckily, housecats usually like werecougars. Either that or they’re afraid of us.” Keith crouched down to be closer to the familiar, holding her gaze. He allowed the cat inside him to show in his eyes for a moment, knowing that his pupils went from round human to slitted feline. The housecat held her ground though her fur stood on end for a moment. “I see Matilda isn’t a scaredy cat.” He chuckled and held out one hand toward the small feline.

It was the kittens who approached, pouncing on his hand with playful abandon under the watchful eyes of their mother. He petted them and cuddled the tiny balls of fur in his hand for a moment, realizing mama cat was checking out how he behaved with her babies before passing judgment. A few moments later, Matilda trotted over and licked his hand as he stroked the fur of one of the babies.

“I guess I pass inspection.” Keith looked up at Valerie, struck again by her beauty and grace. She was truly lovely and the smile that lit her face sent a little cupid arrow through his heart. Damn.

The kittens eased away from him as their mother prowled away. They followed her, taking three steps for every one of hers, their tails held high in the air. It was a cute little parade, but Keith only had eyes for Valerie.

He stood and faced her, the air between them heating with their attraction and the little zaps of magic that only they could see. Without a word, he lifted her in his arms, cradling her as he walked up the stairs in what used to be his house, toward the master bedroom. The time for talk was over.


Chapter Five

Valerie sensed that Keith probably didn’t realize how important Matilda’s approval was to her. She’d taken a chance bringing the man home with her. It had been a long time since she’d tried to bring any stranger into this house, much less a man she intended to sleep with.

She was a little appalled by her own behavior, but she wouldn’t let that stop her. Being with Keith felt right in a way she’d never expected or experienced. Her mother had always told her she’d know when she met that special man and Valerie was very much afraid she had finally stumbled across his path.

After all this time, she couldn’t quite trust it, but she had to see where this amazing attraction led. If she turned him away now, she’d regret it for the rest of her life. Things were going much faster than she’d ever let them progress before with other men, but there was something about Keith and the way her body—and her magic—reacted to him.

Matilda’s reaction was only icing on the cake. Her familiar wouldn’t have left them alone if she didn’t approve of the man. Matilda had been known to chase off friends and spy on enemies. She wasn’t quite an attack cat, but she made her displeasure with certain people known with occasional broad swipes of sharp-clawed paws.

Valerie’s friends had learned to gauge Matilda’s moods. She was very protective of her kittens—which she probably counted Valerie among. If Matilda thought Valerie should be left alone, it would take an army to get past the quick-striking cat. She was the best and truest friend Valerie had ever had and her approval meant more than it probably should have, but there it was.

Keith had charmed the cat and the babies too. Valerie had been about to warn him when the little ones scampered toward him. Matilda never let anyone she hadn’t personally inspected touch her kittens. But Matilda had surprised Valerie with the calm acceptance of Keith. His tender, tempered petting of the kittens made her heart go soft. He had a gentle side and a patience with the babies that touched her deeply.

Valerie guessed he could’ve used some kind of cat shifter dominance to get his way, but she’d seen no sign of it. She’d saw the reflection of his eyes when he let them go cat for a moment, but she read no malice in that action, only a subtle display of who and what he was. She’d ask him about it later.

Much later.

At the moment, he was whisking her up the curved staircase like something out of
Gone with the Wind
. His strength took her breath away and his knowledge of her home was downright weird. He said he had lived here. She believed him. He knew exactly where to take her—the master bedroom that was somewhat hidden from the rest of the big house. It faced the backyard and had a balcony that overlooked the woods. She loved the layout of the house though she imagined most non-magic folk would have thought it a little odd. It was perfect for her. And for him, obviously, since he’d had a hand in choosing the design.

“I like the colors you chose. This place is much more inviting than when I lived here.” He paused at the threshold of the master bedroom, Valerie still held securely in his arms.

He wasn’t even out of breath from carrying her up all those stairs. She could feel the muscles in his arms under her hands. He was fitter than fit. Perhaps the most deliciously muscled man she’d ever had the pleasure to touch.

“I’m glad you like it,” she whispered back. The moment was an intimate one. She’d never had a man carry her into her bedroom before. Hell, she’d never had a man
this bedroom before. Not one she intended to jump the moment he set her down.

Now that they were here, Keith seemed oddly hesitant. He walked slowly into the room, his gaze on hers, a question in his eyes as if he feared she would retreat from him. She had no intention of retreating. Not when she had him right where she wanted him. Well, almost. Ideally, she wanted him on the bed. Naked.

That would come next if she had anything to say about it. But he was taking so darn long to walk the few feet to the bed. She tried to hold back her impatience, but the fire in her veins kept burning hotter. Everywhere he touched, little sparks zinged along her skin, enticing, demanding…

Demanding satisfaction. Now. Or as close to now as she could manage.

“Don’t make me wait, Keith.” She couldn’t help the whispered plea. She saw his eyes glow with a pulse of power as her words hit home and once again she realized their differences. He was a shapeshifter. She didn’t know much about them, and most of what she’d heard had been uncomplimentary. Yet she couldn’t find any fault with Keith. Not in the slightest way.

True, they were relative strangers, but there was something about him that spoke to her on an unconscious, soul-deep level. Something about the way their magics meshed, the way he’d treated her all night. The way he spoke his mind. His bluntness and the way he seemed incapable of polite subterfuge. He was an all or nothing kind of man. She knew it in her bones. He wouldn’t lie to weasel his way into a woman’s bed.

Heck, a man who looked like him didn’t need to bamboozle any woman for sex. All he had to do was smile and crook his finger and a half dozen females would be fighting for the right to be with him.

Okay. Maybe she was exaggerating a bit. But he was scrumptious to look at. And he did have a good mind behind that handsome face. She’d enjoyed talking with him and matching wits occasionally during dinner. She wanted to know more about him, including what he was like in bed. She’d bet he was fabulous.

Of course, there was no time like the present to find out for certain.

“Are you sure?” He paused at the side of her queen-size, four-poster bed. The intensity of his gaze matched her own feelings.

“Positive.” She licked her lips. “Make love to me, Keith.”

He grinned and bent to place her gently on the bed. He’d already impressed her with his strength. She wondered if it meant he would be displaying other feats of stamina. The thought made her cheeks heat as he stood at the side of the bed, undressing.

One by one, the buttons on his shirt came undone. She watched in appreciation as a muscular chest was revealed, clothed in a tight-fitting bright white T-shirt. He pulled the tails of his shirt out of his pants and shed the button-down dress shirt. It landed on the floor in a pose of hopeless abandon. The T-shirt slid up his sculpted abdomen to follow.

He was magnificent. Lean muscle and tanned skin. Perfect proportions on his tall body. He moved with the grace of the mountain lion that shared his soul and the way his eyes flickered from human to cat and back made her want to pet him all over. It wasn’t frightening. Instead, she took it as a sign of his arousal and the strength of his magic, so different from what she was used to.

The flavor of it tingled on her tongue, tantalizing her. She wanted to lick him all over, as she’d imagined him doing to her ever since that comment in the restaurant. She wanted to experience all that he would show her, all the pleasure he could bring her. And she wanted to give her all in return.

“Let me,” she whispered, reaching up to stop him when his hands went to his waistband.

She fumbled at first, but eventually got the hang of what she was doing. The belt, then the button and zipper. And then she pushed out and downward, over firm buttocks and more cotton. Boxers. Oh, she liked that. To her it meant he might have a bit of an old-fashioned streak.

He kicked off his shoes and stepped out of the pants, kicking them away as well. Only socks and a pair of tented white boxers stood in her way. And the socks could be dealt with after the fact, even if they did make her want to giggle. She’d always thought men wearing nothing but socks was a funny image, but there was nothing laughable about the size of the bulge that strained against the white cotton.

Licking her lips, she attempted to reach for his waistband, but he stopped her.

“Not so fast.” He maneuvered them both until she was lying on the bed, him sitting at her side.

She giggled as he did away with his socks with little fanfare. One golden eyebrow rose as he watched her, but he didn’t ask. Maybe he understood. They’d seemed so in tune with each other up to this point, it wouldn’t be stretching her imagination to think he might intuitively get why she’d laughed.

“One of us is definitely overdressed.” His words were a teasing growl that rubbed over her senses, making her shiver.

“So what are you going to do about it?” she challenged him, loving the way his magic flared. She was beginning to be able to read his mood by the flares of his animal magic. It was so different from what she was used to—and so much easier to deal with. At least for her. It seemed natural. Perfect.

“How about this?” His hands dropped to the buttons on her blouse as his lips claimed hers.

His big body bracketed hers on the bed as he undressed her. The buttons flew apart under his hands and he broke the kiss, only to follow the progress of his clever fingers, kissing his way down her body. The bra had a front closure and he undid it with his teeth. A growl and a nip later and her aching breasts were bared to his gaze, and his hungry mouth.

BOOK: The Purrfect Stranger
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