Read The Secret Crush Online

Authors: Tina Wells

The Secret Crush (8 page)

BOOK: The Secret Crush
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“What's that?” Mrs. Carmichael asked, pointing.

“My English quiz,” Zee said meekly. “It was really hard.”

“Did you study for it?”

“Yes, but I had a lot of other stuff to do that night,” Zee explained.

“Maybe you just need help organizing your priorities,” Mrs. Carmichael said as she handed Zee the paper.

But Zee knew that her mother would never understand what was really important to her. It was Zee's dream to be a star, and the musical was her opportunity to shine.

People Who Don't Get It



Mom (and probably Dad
since they're usually a team)

People Who Get It

Mr. P




Even though Zee knew her mother would probably give birth to a cow if she caught her, Zee decided to check out the Beans' blog. She was working so hard on her parts of the musical, she wanted to see what progress everyone else had made.

Marcus and Conrad had posted a song they'd mixed for the soundtrack! Zee clicked on the clip. An amazing sound streamed through the computer's speakers. “Cool beans!” Zee read Conrad's description of how the boys had gone to the mall and recorded the sounds there. Then they put it all together in the school's music studio.

But as Zee logged off, her excitement faded away. She remembered what Landon had said about how much time Marcus was spending with Conrad. The music was incredible, but would Landon feel left out that Marcus and Conrad had recorded it without him? Zee felt bad for Landon.

Mother's Helper

ow was your afternoon, Zee?” Mr. Carmichael asked at dinner that night.

Zee put a forkful of salmon in her mouth and looked at her mother. “Fine?” she said suspiciously, certain her parents had already talked.

“What did you do?”

“I worked really hard on my homework.” Zee spoke fast. “For all my subjects—except music. I even did extra credit for English.”

“I'm glad that you did your schoolwork,” Zee's dad continued. “But I think we need to have a talk.”

“About what?” Zee asked.

“Yeah, about what?” Adam chimed in.

Mrs. Carmichael looked at Adam with her this-doesn't-concern-you face, then turned back to Zee.

“It's not a good idea to give all of your attention to one thing.”

“You mean, like English?” Zee asked hopefully.

“No, I mean like the musical.”

“But I know I want to be a singer. And a songwriter,” Zee added. “And Mr. P thinks I'm really good.”

“Your dad and I think you're really good, too,” Mrs. Carmichael said.

Adam held up his finger, then gulped down a mouthful of barley salad. “For the record, I think you're really good, too.”

“Awww…thanks!” Zee said, turning to her brother.

Adam pointed back to their parents. “Pay attention.”

“You're only twelve,” Mrs. Carmichael continued.

“You've got your whole life to become a singer,” Zee's dad added.

“Is this about the D plus?” Zee protested. “I
it won't happen again. I can handle all my classes
the musical. I can get back on track.”

“We're worried about Landon, too,” Mrs. Carmichael said.

“What about him?” Zee asked.

“You might be a little too focused on him as well.”

“He's my costar!”

“Is that the only reason?”

Adam started making kissing noises, so Zee kicked him under the table.

“Owww!” her brother cried out. “That's the last time I compliment you.”

“If you're going to rehearse with Landon,” Mrs. Carmichael continued, “it has to be in Mr. P's classroom or here.”

Zee's cheeks started to burn. “But—” Zee began.

“We've talked about it and believe it's the best solution,” Mr. Carmichael said. “We do realize there's a lot to get done before the show—”

Zee thought,
they get it.

“So I'll be helping out in the classroom,” Mrs. Carmichael said.

“What?” Zee shouted.

“Sweet!” Adam said. “I should have popped some popcorn for this.”

“What do you mean
the classroom?” Zee asked.

“You know.” Mrs. Carmichael stabbed her salad with her fork. “I'll come and work with the students on
whatever needs to be done—building, painting, recording, anything. Even costumes!”

“While I'm there?”

“Yes, of course.”

“I don't know if Mr. P will like that.” Zee scrambled for an excuse. “He probably doesn't want parents interfering with his class.”

“Oh, he loves the idea,” Mrs. Carmichael said. “I talked to him about an hour ago.”

“You did?”

Mrs. Carmichael nodded enthusiastically, and Zee forced a smile. “Great.” She couldn't even look at Adam, who was quietly snickering.

E-ZEE: Pls tell me I am dreaming.

SPARKLEGRRL: Ur not. Unless u r sleepwalking. Or sleeptyping.

E-ZEE: I ws afraid of that.


E-ZEE: My parents r torturing me.


E-ZEE: Mom wants 2 help w the musical!!! In the classroom!!!


E-ZEE: I wish.

SPARKLEGRRL: I'm glad mine travel a lot.

E-ZEE: Now L will never want 2 date me. That'll make my parents happy.


E-ZEE: They don't want me near L. They think he's 2 old.

SPARKLEGRRL: I'm lucky my parents let me c my b/f when I want. 2morrow we r going 2 the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa. J says I remind him of her.

E-ZEE: Have fun. MUSM.



The next day in first period, Zee's mother held up two paint samples—one red, one blue. “Which color do you think will look better for the mall sign?” she asked, stepping into the space between Zee and Landon.

“I think the red one,” Zee said halfheartedly.

“What about you, Landon?” Mrs. Carmichael asked.

Landon studied the two colors carefully. “I kinda like the blue one.”

Kathi looked up from where she and Jasper were working on their own scene nearby. “I agree with Zee,” she put in. “The audience will be able to see red better.”

“That's true,” Mrs. Carmichael said. “Now that that's decided, maybe I can help you and Zee study your lines, Landon.”

“Uh…I guess,” Landon said.

Zee looked from her mother to Kathi and had a horrible realization. Ever since Mr. P had cast the musical, Kathi had been really nice to her. She hadn't acted jealous of her and Landon, or tried to keep them apart, like she
usually did. Instead it was Zee's own mom keeping her and Landon apart!


“Where's Marcus?” Chloe asked, looking at the empty seat next to Landon at the lunch table that afternoon.

“He's in the recording studio with Conrad,” Jen said in a singsong know-it-all voice.

Landon sank down in his seat a little. Then Missy came over with her lunch tray. “May I sit here?” she asked, pointing to the blank space.

Landon straightened up. “Sure.”

Missy sat down and turned to Zee. “You and your mom must be really great friends,” she said as she opened her carton of milk.

“Why?” Zee wondered out loud.
Because she practically glued herself to me today?

“Well, my dad said he wanted to come help out in the classroom, but I told him, ‘No way,'” Missy explained. “I'd feel like such a geek having him around.”

Chloe jumped in. “Well, Zee's mom is really, really awesome.”

“Oh, yeah,” Zee agreed. “She's the best.”

“So I know you guys really like music. That's pretty obvious. What else do you like to do?” Missy asked, changing
the subject. As she spoke, she twisted her long, dark hair around her fingers.

Chloe swallowed a bite of an energy bar. “I play soccer. And Jasper and I are in charge of the campus planting project.”

Jasper looked up from his tomato-and-cucumber salad and smiled.

“I like to surf!” Landon joined in.

“That must be why you're so tan,” Missy said to him.

“Yeah, you can definitely tell the bennies from the surfers,” Landon told her.


“Oh, sorry. The tourists. Actually, they even have a name for young surfers—groms.”

“Well, I'm not exactly a benny or a grom, but it would be cool to come watch you sometime.”

“Awesome!” Landon didn't take his eyes off her.

Missy looked around at the others at the table. “The Beans could have a beach party after.”

“I have the perfect new bikini for it,” Kathi put in.

That's it?
Zee silently asked Kathi.
Aren't you going to give Missy a
hands-off Landon
For once, Zee wanted Kathi's claws to come out, but it was like she didn't even care!

If Kathi wasn't going to do anything, Zee would have to. She had no choice but to get Landon away from Missy.

“Ummmm…Landon?” Zee said. “I just remembered, I want to talk to you about your costumes. I cut out a bunch of pictures from magazines and catalogs, but I left them in my locker. Do you want to come with me and look at them?”

“Do you want me to come, too?” Kathi asked.

Kathi wanted to get involved? “No, I can handle it,” Zee said.

“But Kathi is working on costumes with you,” Jasper pointed out. “I think she should go.”

Zee pointed to Kathi's half-eaten lunch. “She shouldn't have to interrupt her lunch.”

“No prob,” Kathi said. “I'd rather hang out here. I didn't want you to think I was slacking off.”

“Your mother would spontaneously combust if she found out you were going off with Landon alone,” Chloe whispered.

Zee looked around. “We're not going to be alone. There are a ton of people here.”

“You know that's not what she meant,” Chloe said.

“You're one of my best friends,” Zee whispered. “Aren't you rooting for me and Landon?”

“I'm looking out for you,” Chloe said. “And if my best friend is grounded, I won't get to hang out with her.”

“I won't get grounded if no one tells my parents.” Zee turned away from Chloe. “Come on, Landon,” she said.

Zee and Landon headed toward the cafeteria door. Just as she was about to exit, a large body blocked her path. Adam!

“I don't believe this!” Zee slumped forward.

Zee's brother gave her a sly smile. “Nice try,” he said.

Zee turned to Landon. “On second thought, I'll show you the costumes in music class tomorrow.”


E-ZEE: Do ur parents act crazy b/c u have a b/f?

SPARKLEGRRL: Not really.

E-ZEE: I wish mine traveled like urs.

SPARKLEGRRL: No, u don't.

E-ZEE: U r right, I guess. But I do wish mine didn't have so many rules.

SPARKLEGRRL: Mine have rules. My nanny is the enforcer. LOL! But she's French, and it's not such a big deal here.

E-ZEE: I wish I ws French.


E-ZEE: <33

BOOK: The Secret Crush
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