Read The Sheik's Sensuous Trap Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

The Sheik's Sensuous Trap (10 page)

BOOK: The Sheik's Sensuous Trap
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Rashid could already read her expression and almost smiled at her enthusiasm.  “Yes, we’re going shopping, in a manner of speaking,” he said.  With a nod of his head, he indicated to someone standing behind her to proceed.  “Perhaps you could sit down.”


“Sit down?” she asked blankly. 


“Yes.  My PA has arranged for several designers to give you a fashion show.  Decide which ones you like and the correct size will be delivered here with someone to make any adjustments.”  He looked at his watch then bent down low over her.  “Be good this afternoon.  Do not inconvenience me anymore by chasing after you.  I have grown weary of the chase over the past week.”  With that, he chucked her under the chin and turned to leave. “Wear something elegant tonight.  We’re having dinner with the Prime Minister
and his wife.  I don’t know about his cabinet but I don’t think they will be there


“Tonight?” she asked, immediately feeling deflated. 


He didn’t bother to respond but addressed the security detail left behind.  “Don’t lose her again!” he ordered.  His tone indicated that the penalty would be extremely bad if she were
to escape


Alea spun around at the sound of another woman’s voice.  “Are you ready?” a woman in her mid fifties asked politely.


Alea sat down on the sofa and nodded her head, uncaring about the dizzying array of clothes that were paraded in front of her.  Initially, she decided that she would belligerently not select any of the clothes.  She knew she was a prisoner so why should she comply?  The man was a boor and she refused to give in to his commands anymore.  It was unfortunate that the memory
flooded her
of just how quickly she had complied with his commands less than an hour earlier. 


But after only five minutes of the wonderful show, she changed her mind.  She would order anything she wanted, dumping the expense of an
wardrobe on Rashid.  So anything that even remotely pricked her fancy, she nodded her ascent, providing the various designers with glee. 


She smiled with relish as she anticipated Rashid’s horror at
the amount of money she’d spent
.  Within two hours, she calculated that she’d spent more than two hundred thousand dollars on clothes.  When he walked back into the room, the designers were packing up and his PA was handing him a note, obviously the sum total of her expenses for the evening. 


Alea had to grit her teeth when he simply initialed the sales receipt with barely a glance at it before walking over to inspect her selections.  “Wear this tonight,” he said, pulling out a soft green chiffon dress with a halter top that flared out at her hips to fall gracefully to the floor.  “Did you select undergarments for everything as well?” he asked when he was standing over her.


“Aren’t you mad at how much I just spent?” she asked, her hands on her hips.  “I mean, it must be at least two hundred thousand.”


“Closer to four, I believe,” he said.  “And the undergarments?” he asked again?


Alea gasped
, horrified at how much she’d spent.  She had seriously miscalculated
.  “I’m sorry!  I truly didn’t mean to spend so much.  I don’t need any of this,” she said and turned back around to start sorting through the dresses.


Rashid pulled her back before she’d gone one step.  “You’ll need probably twice that so don’t worry about the cost.  Just answer my question.  Or I’ll assume you’ll be wearing the same thing you’re wearing now underneath everything.”


Alea jumped back, her hands pushing down her skirt as she was reminded that she was wearing nothing under the fabric.  “No!  I didn’t.”


“I like it,” he said.  “But it might shock the Prime Minister.”  Turning back to the designers he said, “
everything and have it here in one hour,” he commanded. 


The women hurried out, eager to please this man. 


“What’s the point?” Alea asked, irritated that those women wanted to
him so completely. 


He tossed the green chiffon dress onto the back of the sofa and faced her. 

he point is, I have things to discuss with the Prime Minister and I don’t want to be thinking about the idea of you without anything on underneath this lovely dress.”  He turned away, again dismissing her.  “A makeup artist and hair dresser are on their way.  I’ll see you at seven o’clock,” he said and disappeared out the door.


A moment later, there was a knock on the door and instantly, Alea was surrounded by people.  One was setting about to fix her hair, another her makeup and two more for her hands and feet. 


By ten minutes to seven she was so pampered and made up, she wanted to scream.  Didn’t anyone ignore this man’s commands?  Did she have to be the first? 


his way,
your highness
,” one of the security guards said.  “His
is waiting for you downstairs,” he explained.


Alea was about to shrug her shoulders and ignore his direction, but then thought better of it.  If there was a chance to escape, she had to take it.  Even if it was slim, she would need to try.  It was her honor at stake her
.  She thought about how happy her father would be once she called him to tell her that she was safe, no longer being held a hostage to whatever demands Rashid was making of him for her release. 


Walking elegantly across the room, she followed the man’s directions down in the lift, smiling
as he handed her a beaded purse that matched her gown perfectly. 
Of course, the ridiculous purse contained nothing except possibly the powder and lipstick from the makeup artist.  It was completely useless, with no money, credit cards or even a cell phone.  That thought daunted her slightly, but she persevered, knowing she would have to make due with whatever she could find.  Even a pay phone would allow her to make a collect call.  She knew her father, he would have money transferred directly to wherever she was as quickly as possible. 


Alea looked around when the elevator doors opened and groaned.  They were in the garage, not even out in front of the apartment building.  But why would they be?  She knew the situation, having done this so many times at home.  The less risk to open air, the less chance of kidnapping or
.  Rashid was a political figure, hence the heavy security team. 


As she waited for Rashid to join her in the long, probably bullet proof car, she wondered why she hadn’t made the connection before.  She’d seen pictures of Rashid.  Why hadn’t her mind connected the two?  He’d been younger in the pictures.  Maybe that was the reason.  And probably he wasn’t so hard when the official photos had been taken.  She’d been out of circulation for so long, ignoring the news briefings and newspapers in favor of studying, but she shouldn’t have let things go so long.  It was unsafe. 


Rashid joined her but his cell phone rang as soon as they were underway. 
Alea gritted her teeth as he discussed an issue in French, a language she was fluent in but didn’t listen to as she sat next to the obnoxious man
feeling put out by his indifference. 


The limousine pulled up right outside the Prime Minister’s house, surrounded by heavy guards and even press.  Alea panicked and sat up straight.  “I can’t go into the house,” she said, looking behind her at the throng of paparazzi being held back by the guards. 


“Why not?” he asked, closing his cell phone and turning to survey her features.  “What’s wrong?” he demanded.


“The press.  They can’t take my picture with you.  My father will see the pictures and so will millions of other people.”




Alea glared at him.  “I know you’ve already gotten this set up in your mind but perhaps you should consider the issue of the millions of people in my own country who have yet to hear that you’ve gotten this mess under control.  Don’t you think they would take it better if the news came from my father versus you?  If we’re seen together, everyone will think I’m your prisoner.  Which, of course would be the truth,” she said sarcastically.


Rashid knew she had a good point.  He nodded quickly.  “Fine.  I’ll get out here and
will escort you through the garage entrance,” he said.  Without another word, he exited the vehicle.  She watched, impressed, as he turned to wave at the press, speaking briefly to a select few, making the others green with envy that some of their comrades might get a better scoop the following day.  Rashid played the press perfectly.  He was the ultimate diplomat, she thought. 


The car pulled away amid the flashing lights of the press popping their pictures.  Within minutes, the car pulled into an underground parking garage that was secured by yet more police officers.  Alea watched in frustration as a steel door closed behind the limousine, eliminating her only escape route.  Once she was inside the Prime Minister’s house, there would be no escape, the building too heavily guarded. 


Dinner was wonderful and Alea enjoyed the witty conversation between the Prime Minister and Rashid.  They were dancing around subjects that she could only guess at but Al
ea was impressed with both men’s
diplomatic skills. 


It wasn’t until dessert was served that Alea’s anger over Rashid’s high handedness
.  And it was all a tribute to his superior social skills, damn the man!  They were discussing the current price of oil, Rashid’s country being one of the largest suppliers to the
United Kingdom
.  “What do you think?” Rashid asked Alea. 


Alea hadn’t been paying much attention, as her mind worked to figure out a way out of the current mess without anyone else being the wiser.  So when she looked up and saw three pairs of eyes looking at her expectantly, she was surprised.  “I’m sorry, my mind drifted,” she said apologetically.  “What was the question?”


The Prime Minister smiled
.  “I was wondering what your opinion was about the current price of gasoline,” he explained and waited patiently.


Alea considered her words carefully, knowing that anything she said would be taken as political words to be picked apart in the morning.  “I think that both the consumers and suppliers should be wary of the current situation.  The suppliers are astutely raising the prices so that their countries benefit more directly from the conspicuous consumption world wide.  But if the prices rise much higher, the consumers are going to demand alternative sources, which would mean that the governments would have to subsidize the researc
h into those alternatives.  It’
s a pretty dance both are currently playing, is it not?
” she smiled, trying to ease the impact of her words in case someone was offended.  “
The governments on the West are enjoying easy, relatively inexpensive energy sources and don’t want to invest in alternatives.  The East is enjoying higher prices and therefore more investment opportunities, but if they go much higher, they push the political pressure of the consumers to change their perception on the ease of oil.  Interesting
, wouldn’t you say?” she asked.


Alea blushed when she looked into Rashid’s eyes and saw the admiration apparent on his features.  The Prime Minister also nodded, agreeing with her completely.  “Yes. 
an ongoing, interesting dance.  Very well put, your highness,” he said. 

Chapter 5


Not again!  Alea rolled over and sure enough, there was an indentation on the pillow beside her.  Another night in his arms, bowing to his superior sexual skills, putty in his arms as her body took over, her mind unable to function when he was touching her. 


She buried her head in her
and listened
.  There was no noise.  She had to get away.  Tossing the covers off, she hurried into the bathroom and turned on the shower.  She bit her lip, wondering how she was going to do this, escape tantamount in her mind. 


She quickly showered, scrubbing herself, almost punishing herself as she tried to rub the memories out of her mind.  Why could he make her laugh so easily?  How could he control her, mind, body and soul?  It was humiliating.
  And infuriating!  Did she have no spine?  Was she so pathetic that a simple touch from the man would send her will power to the winds? 

BOOK: The Sheik's Sensuous Trap
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