The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1) (19 page)

BOOK: The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1)
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Closing the space between them, he forcefully grabbed her chin and pulled her lips to his mouth, kissing her deeply. Her arms fell to her sides in a submissive state. “Not tonight, baby. We need sleep.”

“What I need is to know how you feel,” she whined.

“I agree with what you said, and I also care about you deeply,”
he murmured.

She wrapped herself around him and hung on for dear life.

“I need to ask you something, and I’ve never been in this position before.” Jake’s body stiffened.

“What is it?” She pulled away and her brow furrowed.

He hesitated for a moment. “Can I spend the night? I feel silly, but I need to be held.” Those words were probably the hardest he ever had to say, but looking in her eyes made him relax. She never made him feel worthless or stupid before, and he didn’t think she ever would.

She giggled. “That’s all? You had me worried. I expected you to stay anyway after the evening we had.”

“I called in sick to the club tonight. I had appointments and to be fair I passed them off to Frank. I wouldn’t be of any use to anyone right now.”

“Oh, shit! The club.” She pushed away from him, walked to the couch, and plopped down pressing her face into her hands. He followed and knelt down before her.

“What’s wrong baby?” You can tell me. I mean I just bared my soul to you tonight, and you saw me at my most vulnerable state, you can tell me anything. Trust me.” He stroked his hand over her hair. “I promise.”

“I hadn’t figured the club into our future.” She grumbled.

“And?” He lifted her face so he could see her.

“I was going to quit the club and hoped you would too, but that’s asking too much of you isn’t it?” She looked on with wide eyes.

“Yes, baby. Right now, it is asking too much. Maybe down the road, but right now I don’t think I can walk away from it. I have three months of booked appointments to keep, and I enjoy it.”

“Oh.” Her shoulders slumped.

“What is it that you have a problem with exactly?”

She looked at him exasperated. “How would you feel if I continued going to the club for sessions with other men? Wouldn’t you feel like I’m cheating on you? Didn’t you feel that way when I was with your friend? We said we want a future together. I just thought—”

“I understand. Yes, I would be jealous, but we didn’t say anything about being exclusive in the club. If you continued to go, I would be hurt, but it’s your choice.” His words were soft and gentle but he could tell the words hit her with a blow.

She shot up and headed to the bedroom.

Running after her, he said, “What did I say wrong?”

“I assumed in talking about “us” that we would be exclusive across the board. That’s the kind of relationship I want. Isn’t that what you want?”

“Well, I’m not going to have sex with anyone else, but I will be performing scenes and live demonstrations. Is it going to be a problem?”

“I don’t know, Jake.” She shook her head and went in the bathroom to ready for bed.

Jake went home to do the same. When he returned, Kristy was already in bed. “Is it still okay that I spend the night?” he asked.

“Sure.” She patted the bed next to her, and he crawled in. She pressed up against his back so she could spoon him. It would have been laughable to the outsider because she was so petite, but neither of them cared. They were right where they needed to be.

Chapter Eighteen


A week had gone by and Kristy and Jake managed to have a close-to-normal courtship with no encounters in the playroom or at the club. But the issue of Jake still taking clients loomed over their heads. Kristy figured she needed to bring it up again soon.

Her cell phone vibrated. It was Sherry. She hadn’t talked to her in a while and they hadn’t seen each other at the gym in over a week. She sighed and answered the call. “Hi Sherry.”

“Sorry, it’s been so long. School has been busy this week with testing. I had to grade hundreds of tests. This is the only thing I hate about my job.” She growled.

Kristy laughed at her friend. “Sorry, I hated school back when I attended, I can’t imagine what made you go back even as a teacher.” Kristy picked up a pen and doodled on a piece of paper.

“So, what have you been up to?” Kristy wasn’t sure where to start and in the moment of silence Sherry obviously knew better. “Kris, what’s going on?”

Her pen froze on the paper, and she sighed. “Jake.”



“Spill it honey before I come over! And don’t think I won’t.”

Putting the pen down, she said, “We’re sort of together now.” Guilty feelings swept through her because she hadn’t called her friend sooner.

“Sort of? Do tell! Did you guys do the dirty?” Sherry didn’t sound mad and that was encouraging.

“Oh, I’m so sorry I haven’t talked to you sooner. I wish we could have met in person for this conversation, but Jake and I have a date tonight. We decided we would give a relationship a try. We both know we want to be with each other, but it’s going to take work on both of our parts. We know that. And yes, we did the dirty, and it was amazing.” Kristy let out a carefree giggle.

“So you’re going to try to be his sub?” She sounded as if she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Not exactly. Maybe sometimes. Look I don’t even know how to explain it to you. I’m not even sure how to label us.”

There was a loud knock at the door. “Jake is here. I’ll call you tomorrow. Love you!”

“Love you too, girl. Have fun, and don’t forget to call me!” She disconnected the call.

To her dismay, when she greeted Jake at her door, he had Jonathan and Roxi in tow. A small sad smile played across his lips. “They’d like to talk to us.”

“Sure, come in.” Everyone sat in the living room area with the two couples across from one another. “So what do you guys want to talk about?”

At first nobody said anything, then Roxi’s usual demeanor kicked in and she spoke. “Jonathan and I want what you guys have. Something’s happened for you two to be together. We’d like to ask what that is. You don’t have to tell us. But we love each other and have both been miserable this past year. We want to make it work, and we don’t know how. We need help.”

Kristy looked up at Jake who sat rigid. His gazed pulled from his sister to her. He said, “I can’t talk about it, but you can if you want.” He got up and headed to the kitchen.

Jumping up, she ran after him. “Are you all right?” She cupped his face in her hands trying to gauge his emotions.

“It’s Roxi. I love my sister and want the two of them to be happy, but I can’t talk about it, about us.” He jerked his head toward the couch. “You go ahead. I’ll be fine.” She hesitated but kissed him gently on the lips feeling him relax. She walked away looking over her shoulder one last time to see the anxiety on his face.

Jonathan and Roxi looked at her expectantly when she joined them again. “If this is going to cause a problem between you and Jake, you don’t have to talk to us about it.” Jonathan slid to the edge of his seat and reached for Kristy’s hand and held it tight. “We all care a great deal for you; you’re one of us now.” His face gleamed in adoration.

“It’s not me I’m worried about. Jake’s had an emotional journey this week. I feel he is still vulnerable.” She turned to look over her shoulder and saw Jake leaning on the wall by the kitchen listening in. “Jake and I spent an experimental week together with me strictly as his submissive in the playroom, and I had…um,
outside of that. I enjoyed it, but want more out of a relationship. So I proposed we try a vanilla week hoping we could meet in the middle somewhere after.”

“And the result was?” Roxi coaxed.

“We never made it through the vanilla week. We both realized we needed each other on a deeper level.” She sighed.

“And how did you come to that conclusion?” Jonathan tilted his head.

She laughed a dry laugh. “Boy, you guys are relentless.” They both snorted at her and she thought she heard Jake chuckle softly in the background. That gave her courage to move on. “One vanilla night I decided I wanted to play. I dug out handcuffs and a blindfold, vanilla meets kink.”

“I sense there is more, get to the good stuff, Kristy.” Roxi flailed her hand in the air.

“Against his better judgment, Jake let me blindfold him and handcuff him to my bed.”

Both of them gasped.

“I know. He told me about his aversion to both items, but I asked him to go through with it for me anyway, and he did.” She couldn’t help but remember him in her bed, a vision not to be forgotten. A slow grin spread across her face. “Persistence and orgasm denial pushed Jake into subspace. He needed aftercare.” She looked down after her cheeks warmed.

Silence settled around them, and then Jonathan let out a small laugh. “Somehow I’m not surprised you have a dominant streak, Kristy, but Jake as a sub? Never saw that one coming. Not in a million years. See how you got under his skin, woman?” He patted her leg and stood up.

Jonathan headed over to Jake, and clapped him on the back. “So a sub, huh?”

“Not entirely, I’ll never stop being a Dom. It’s in my blood, but I can’t help it around Kristy. She’s the only one I will ever submit to.” He shrugged.

“Dude, do you kneel to her?” He smirked. “I can’t picture it.”

“We haven’t played like that since, but I suppose when the time comes I will.”

It warmed her heart and turned her on at the same time to hear him say he would.

“Don’t look so glum. I’m happy for you, man.” They gripped and shook hands bringing it into a man hug patting one another on the back.

“Really?” Jake didn’t hide the shock on his face.

“Really. You could’ve told me you were a cross dresser and I’d still love you, bro.” He play punched him on the upper arm.

“Not a cross dresser, but I’m changing my status at the club to a switch, as is Kristy.” He nodded in her direction and she smiled.

“That’s awesome you two made it into each other’s lives. Jake, I’ve never seen you so happy.” His face lit up sincerely happy for his best friend.

“I need to talk to you about your subspace session with Kristy,” Jake said. He didn’t look upset. A little anxious sure, but not mad anymore.

Kristy stopped listening in and turned her attention to Roxi, who had moved onto the couch next to her. Roxi reached over and patted Kristy on the arm.

“I don’t know how you do it, but you complete my brother. Whatever the case, I’ve never seen him so out of sorts, but he’s completely in his own skin at the same time. Don’t let him get away. I know he can be stubborn, just give him a chance to make you happy.”

“He already does.” Kristy looked up and caught Jake's gaze on her. Even though he looked to be in a deep conversation with his friend, it seemed he couldn’t keep his eyes off her.

Roxi leaned in, and quietly asked, “I know it’s soon, but…do you think you could ever love him?”

Kristy didn’t hesitate a second. “I already do.” She looked up at Roxi and saw huge eyes looking back at her.

“Have you told him yet?”

“No. I’m not sure if he loves me back.” Her shoulders slumped.

Roxi chuckled. “Girl, he’s loved you since the moment you walked into his gym. He doesn’t have to say it, just look at him.”

And she did. His gaze smoldered and she saw pure raw emotion directed at her.

“When the time is right, I’ll tell him.”

Chapter Nineteen


Jake decided it was time to get things straight with his schedule at Underground Decadence, and he wanted Kristy there when he did it. She met him at the bar for lunch, and when they finished eating, he took her to a room downstairs she’d never been to before, Grand Master Kyle’s room, the owner of the bar and the club. He was also a renowned Master whose experience and training surpassed everyone in the area. He had been a mentor and Dom to many.

Kristy tugged on Jake’s shirtsleeve to get his attention. “What are we doing here?”

“I’m going to introduce you to my boss and owner of the bar,” he explained.

“Shit, you mean the Grand Master?” She jerked him to a stop. Her eyes were wide and she looked frightened. “I don’t know about this. Why are we here?”

“I have some things I need to discuss and I want you here when I do it.”

“With what, Jake? I’m not taking a step farther until you tell me.” She put her hands on her hips in the most adorable way, and it awoke something primal in him.

With his dick stirring, he shoved her and pinned her to the wall. “Oh, God woman, what you do to me.” His mouth crashed down on hers in need. She wrapped a leg around his and rubbed her body against him. He moaned into her mouth and cupped her breast.

“Get a room!” Master Kyle chided.

Jake cleared his throat and chuckled. “Kristy, this is Master Kyle.”

Kristy took a minute to get herself together and when she looked at Master Kyle, a myriad of expressions played across her face; first shock, then maybe anger, surprise, and finally amusement.

BOOK: The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1)
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