Read The Surrogate (Clearwater) Online

Authors: Marissa Dobson

The Surrogate (Clearwater) (4 page)

BOOK: The Surrogate (Clearwater)
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Chapter Six


The snow was coming down heavily
again and was forecasted to only get worse through the hours. Jessi’s nerves
were shot as she waited for Michael to get back from picking James up at the
airport. In Denver she had to deal with snow, but not like this. This was more
than just a snowstorm, it pounded the sleepy town with ice. The roads were a

“Ms. Macis, can I get you
anything?” Cathy asked from the doorway.

“I’m fine, thank you, Cathy.”
She pulled back the curtains to look out upon the driveway again. Even though
Michael had used the snow blower on the driveway before he left it was covered
again. The snow was at least three inches thick already, with the possibility
of four feet over the next few days.

“I know you’re worried, but
Mr. Johnson will be home soon. Maybe you should rest. I don’t want you going
into labor without him here. I don’t think we could make those roads in either
of our cars.”

“I’m not due for over a week.”
With her hand rested on her stomach she turned to face Cathy.

“I’ve been around long enough
to know that in multiple baby pregnancies the mother rarely make it to their
delivery date.” Cathy scooted one of the chairs closer to the window. “Humor me
and sit.”

Jessi nodded and obeyed. How
could she argue when the woman was looking after her?

“I’m just in the kitchen.
Holler if you need me.” With that Cathy returned to her duties leaving Jessi
alone with her worries.

Her cell phone vibrated on the
coffee table, tearing her gaze from the window. “Please don’t let that be bad
news.” She eased her hand toward it like it might bite.

“Hello.” There was a
hesitation to her voice as she tried to push the Pause button on her fears. She
didn’t remember to be this full of worry before the pregnancy, had this brought
out her motherly instincts, forcing her to worry more about those she loved.

“It’s me.” Michael’s voice
came through the phone.

“Oh Michael, is everything

“We’re fine, I didn’t mean to
worry you. We stopped to help a car that ran off the road just on the other
side of town. I didn’t realize how long it took us to get it out of the
snowbank. I just wanted to let you know we’ll be there soon.” She heard the
engine start up.

“I’m glad you’re both okay.
Drive carefully.” She didn’t care how long it took him to get home as long as
he made it safely.

“Will do. I love you.”

The first time he said it she
wasn’t sure how to respond but in that minute she knew she shared his feelings.
“I love you too.”

“I’ll see you soon.” By the
tone of his voice she knew she caught him off guard. He hadn’t expected her to
return the sentiment.

* * *

Most of the evening Michael
hung back giving Jessi time with her brother, biding his time until they were
alone. When James finally retired for the night, Jessi snuggled up on the

He rose from his chair,
wanting to be closer to her. “May I join you?” She moved her legs to give him
space to sit. “I was thinking the other side. I enjoyed when you snuggled
against the chest last night. Scoot down and let me sit behind you.” Last night
they sat in the light of the tree talking of Christmases past.

“With the weight of me and my
stomach against you I don’t know how you could have been comfortable.” She
moved enough for him the room to squeeze in beside her to cuddle.

“You’re light as a feather.
Now come here.”

After they were comfortable,
his arm around her body, he finally brought up the earlier call. “Did you truly
mean what you said before?”

“About my weight?” She leaned
back enough from his chest to look up at him.

“No. That you love me.” He
felt as nervous as a schoolboy waiting for her answer.

“Yes. I think part of me
always loved you, but you were always out of reach. Now well, we can finally
have what we wanted.” She yawned and he knew they should call it a night.

He ran his hand down the
length of her arm with the knowledge that he had everything he wanted right
there with her by his side. “Come upstairs to my room. Sleep beside me so I can
feel you next to me. Allow me to wake with you beside you to know none of this
was a dream.”

“Okay. I’ll change and meet
you in your room.” She rose from the couch headed toward the steps.

“I’ll be up after I check the
house.” Clearwater was a safe town, with very little crime, thanks to Sheriff
Ryder, but growing up in Denver instilled habits of locked doors. He moseyed
around the house checking the doors before making this way back to the living
room to unplug the tree.

He took a final look at the
tree before unplugged it. “If this Christmas goes well I’m going to have more
than I ever knew I wanted.” With only days left before Christmas he had a few
final things he needed to finalize to tie everything up in one big Christmas

Chapter Seven


Christmas morning Jessi woke
in Michael’s arms, his fingers gently gliding along her shoulder blade. “How
long have you been awake?”

“Only a few minutes.”

She twisted her head to look
up at him. She wasn’t sure what she would have said, but before she could he
kissed her. The unsaid words died on her tongue. His kiss was full of heat and
need. She opened her mouth, meeting his kisses with her own desire.

When the kiss ended she
snuggled tight against his body. Wishing her large stomach wasn’t in the way so
she could lay the length of his toned body, feeling him pressed against every
inch of her.

He stared at her so long she
started to feel nervous and had to ask, “What?”

“You’re beautiful.” His face
told her he wasn’t lying, he honestly found her beautiful. Her cheeks heated
with a blush she couldn’t restrain.

He reached under the covers
and pulled out a small ring box. “I asked you once before, but this time I want
to do it right.” He tried to slip out of bed, away from her.


“I haven’t asked yet.” He
smiled at her a twinkle in his eyes.

A light laugh escaped her
lips, taking a bit of her apprehension with it. “Stay here, ask me where you

“I wanted to get down on one
knee, but if you insist.” He opened the box, taking the beautiful diamond ring
from its bed. “Jessi Ann Macis, years ago when I was just a measly medical
intern I fell in love with you and over the years that love has only grown stronger.
Will you do me the honor of being my wife? Marry me and make me the happiest
man alive.”

“Yes. I love you and it would
be my pleasure to be Mrs. Johnson.” He slid the engagement ring on onto her
finger. “You have any connections that could see us married quickly? I’d love
to do it before the girls are born, to give them a proper family right from the

“Tomorrow I’ll see what I can
do. Until then, we have a Christmas to get to and you have to break the news to
James—preferably before we got to the Christmas party at the hospital.”

“I’ll deal with him.” She got
out of bed ready to get dressed and tell her brother. Hopefully he would be as
happy for her as she was.

* * *

Later that afternoon, the
gifts were opened, the news of their forthcoming marriage had been delivered to
James, and now they gathered in the family room. Michael was content with
Jessi’s head resting against his chest, while James took the chair cattycorner
to them, each relaxing before the night’s excitement was upon them.

“James, I know you have a
promising practice in the city but have you ever thought of settling for the
slower life?” Michael took a drink of his coffee.

“Sure, from time to time. To
get out of the city, away from it all. It sounds like Heaven but that means
starting all over, and positions like yours don’t come up often. Most small
towns want family doctors not pediatricians.”

“So if something came
available, would you be interested?”

“Michael, what’s this all
about?” Jessi inquired before her brother could answer.

“Let him answer and I’ll
explain. I promise.” He kissed the top of her forehead and looked back at

“Maybe if it was a good fit.”

“I want to offer you a job.
Now with twins due any day to have another doctor in the office to share the
workload and hospital duties would be a blessing. It would give me more time to
spend with Jes and the girls. It would also keep you close for Jes. You’ll be
able to play a bigger part in your nieces’ lives.” When James started to speak
Michael added. “Just think about it, that’s all I’m asking.”

James laughed. It was deep and
full of life. “I was going to say I’ll take it. I’ll need time to give notice
in Denver, but it would be perfect.” He rose from his seat and walked across
the room to stand by the window. “The other night when we were on our way back
from the airport and you stopped to pull that lady out of the snowbank. I
realized this was the type of place I wanted to be. No one would have done that
in Denver. More importantly, Jessi is here. We’ve always been close and to
think of her gone… Well, she’s all the family I have left.”

“Oh, James.” She tried to
rise, but didn’t have the momentum to get up. “Damn stomach always in the way.”
Finally able to get up, she went and hugged him.

“Last night, I looked to see if
there were any openings for a pediatrician in the area. I’d change my life, to
stick close to you and be a part of my nieces’ daily lives. I don’t want to be
the uncle they only see once or twice a year.”

“I’m sorry. I never meant for
this to change your life. I thought you loved your job,” Jessi told him.

“None of this is your fault. I
want you happy and Michael does that for you. He’s a good man. I couldn’t have
picked a better one for you.”

“Thank you. Jes is an amazing
woman, I’ll do my best to make sure she’s always happy.” Michael came up behind
her, placing his arms around her until they slid overtop hers on her stomach,
before steering the conversation back on track. “So when can you start?”

“If you’re serious I’ll call
tomorrow and give my notice. My contract says I need to give thirty days, so
I’ll need a month to close things up back in Denver before I could start.”

Michael nodded, excited about
the possibility of working with his former medical school roommate and best
friend. Back before they went their separate ways that had been an unstoppable
team. His father always told him work to live not live to work and that was
exactly what he what he wanted to do.

“You’re really going to move
here?” Jessi asked, her voice holding a touch of surprise.

“Why little sister, the way
you ask that, someone might think you wouldn’t want me intruding on your
happiness,” James teased.

“It’s not that. I mean I’d
love you close. I’m just surprised. You’ve worked so hard to establish your own
clients and now you’re willing to give it up?”

Michael spoke up. “Sometimes
it’s more about living your life, than working it away. James was a mess when
you were studying abroad. If it weren’t for medical school and the long hours,
he wouldn’t have known what to do with himself. Now he’s back in almost the
same position and he doesn’t want to miles to separate you both.”

“He’s right,” James agreed.
“Thank you, Michael. I truly appreciate this opportunity.”

“We’ll finalize the paperwork
and get you hospital privileges before you leave. In the meantime, we have a
party to attend. You’ll get to meet some of your future co-workers.” He ran his
hand on Jes’s stomach. “You still up for the party? We don’t have to stay long
but I promised I’d stop in.”

“Who doesn’t love a good
Christmas party? I’m fine, but are you sure the weather’s okay?”

He kissed her neck. “It will
be fine. The plows were busy getting the roads cleared this afternoon, and I
doubt we’ll be there long enough for this to do any real accumulation. We’ll
keep an eye on the weather. If it gets too bad we can leave. The hospital isn’t
that far.”

“If you say so.” She didn’t
seem convinced.

“For a woman who lived in
Denver all her life you sure don’t like to go out in the snow, do you?”

“It’s not the going out in it.
I’d gladly go win a snowball fight against both of you again. I just don’t
particularly like driving in it. I guess working from home all these years has
spoiled me.”

Michael and James laughed,
until James finally gained enough control to speak. “Dear sister, next year
I’ll challenge you to a rematch for you cheated on that particular snowball
fight you’re remembering.”

“I’ll take you on now and
still win.” She tried to slip out of Michael’s embrace as if to go to the door.

Michael pulled her back
against his body. “Oh no you don’t. You’re pregnant and so not having a
snowball fight this year.”

“Party-pooper.” She nestled
her head against his shoulder.

He might be just that but he
wouldn’t let his fiancée run around in the snow with only a week before she was
due. He hoped the girls would wait another few days to give them a chance to
get married before they came into the world.

* * *

The hospital Christmas party
flew by without a hitch. Jessi met Michael’s co-workers and James mingled
easily with his future co-workers. Everyone welcomed him on board with eager
enthusiasm. Things were coming together for Jessi better and faster than she
ever imaged. Taking a seat at one of the tables, she arched her back trying
with all her might to take the strain away, but nothing seemed to work.

“Maybe a backrub would help?”
Michael came up behind her, laying his hands on her shoulders, gently rubbed
her shoulders before he worked down the back that wasn’t pressed against the
chair. “How is tomorrow evening for us to get married?”

She laid her hand on his.
“Tomorrow? How did you manage that?”

“Father Donavan does rounds
most night to see his parishioners and anyone else who might like a visit. I
caught him as he was leaving. Does that work for you? I know you wanted to do
it before the twins were born, and who knows when they might decide to make
their arrival. Hopefully they’ll hold off another day.”

“Tomorrow’s perfect. I’d marry
you now if I could.”

“Don’t think I didn’t think of
that. But we can’t get our marriage license until in the morning, and Father
Donavan has other commitments, he’s squeezing us in tomorrow as a favor.”

She rose from the chair to
stand before him, her hands in his. “Tomorrow will be soon enough. I can’t wait
to be your wife. I love you.”

“I love you too.” He wrapped
his arms around her.

The girls kicked as if they
could feel her excitement, and she wondered if the inside of her body was one
large bruise from her active daughters.

“I’ll love when they kick. 
It’s almost as if they’re telling me to get away from their mother,” he teased,
his hand glided along her stomach to feel their kicks.

“They’re excited about their
daddy.” She placed her hand over his, and moved it to the other side to feel
their other daughter, the one with a seriously powerful kick. “Our girls are
excited we’ve worked things out.” They weren’t the only ones excited about the
way things were turning out. In under two weeks she’d have the family of her
dreams and she couldn’t wait.

BOOK: The Surrogate (Clearwater)
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