Read The Unseen Online

Authors: Sabrina Devonshire

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Science Fiction, #Suspense, #erotic romance

The Unseen (19 page)

BOOK: The Unseen
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Bunny crouched down to get a closer look, trying not to look at the dead man’s hand or the blood seeping through the sheet. “He must have been holding it when he fell. Do you think it’s a drug?”

“I’m not sure.” After scraping the powder into a pile, he picked it up between his fingers and dropped it into his palm. He instantly vanished.

“Holy crap!” Bunny shrieked. She reached for a wall to steady herself.

“What is it?” said Winston’s voice from the air.

“When you picked up that powder, you disappeared.”

“What are you talking about?” There was a long pause. “Bloody hell. That’s incredible. A formula that makes you disappear. So that’s how he got in the house. We couldn’t even see the bloody bastard.”

“Those gemstone smugglers who kidnapped me mentioned cave drawings of people demonstrating special powers. They must have found something that made them invisible somewhere in the cave. Oh, Winston, I’m so worried about Rebecca and Amanda. What if they don’t know these men can disappear into thin air like that? I wish there was some way I could warn them.”

“We’ll drive into town first thing in the morning and call.” Winston rolled the body up in the sheet and started dragging it toward the front door. He bounced the body down the steps and dumped it next to an outdoor shed.

Bunny crouched down, petting Tas’ soft head as she watched Winston from just inside the door.

Winston walked back toward the house and then stopped just in front of the steps, gazing toward the side of the house.

“What are you waiting for? Why don’t you come back inside?” Bunny asked.

“First I want to check the phone lines. Why don’t you come with me?”

Tas howled when she tried to close the door behind him. “Is it okay if I bring Tas along?”


Bunny slapped her hip to get the dog’s attention. “Come on boy—let’s see what he did to the phone lines.” The dog walked at her heels as she walked beside Winston around the perimeter of the house. He focused his flashlight on the cables. “The lines have been cut.” Winston fingered the jagged edges that appeared to have been sliced with a knife.

“What should we do now?”

“I say we hunker down for now.” Winston rested his hand on her back as they walked back inside. “In the morning, I’ll stop by the British Embassy and then go to the police department to report the body. We’ll call your friends from there, too.”

They stood facing each other just inside the house. They’d have the whole night alone together. Bunny’s heartbeat accelerated and her nerve endings tingled with anticipation as she visualized their bodies—naked, intertwined and frenzied. “What if they declare it a murder?”

Winston pressed his lips together, looking grim. “I thought of that already. Hopefully when we show the police the cut phone lines and the bullet holes in the walls, it will be clear we were only defending ourselves. But you really never know in this country.”

Bunny rubbed her hand over her bare arm, wishing it were Winston’s hand on her skin instead. As heat simmered and raged in her blood, her body begged her to give into her impulses before they boiled over. She didn’t know what would happen in the morning, but she was sure what she wanted tonight. She gazed at him through the veil of her eyelashes. “At least we’re safe here for now.” Grey-flecks of lust flickered in Winston’s green eyes. Molten heat raced from Bunny’s belly to her erogenous zones. Her nipples tightened and an ache pulsed between her thighs. She felt light-headed and her brain was so intoxicated with lust, her mind never had a chance to argue before she threw herself into his arms, almost knocking him over. “I want you to make love to me.”

Winston’s breathing grew ragged. “I think that can be arranged.” He brushed his lips over her face and found her mouth. He kissed her, gently at first, then more fervently. He flicked his tongue over the seam between her lips and then nibbled on her lower lip. She opened her mouth to invite him inside, feeling her panties dampen and desire pulse through her as his tongue made delicious circles inside her mouth. She met his tongue with hers, tasting it while she devoured the inside of his mouth. Their jousting tongues incited her desire to advance their intimacy to sweaty mating.

“Winston, I want you so bad. Not only because you’re the sexiest man in the world. But because something about you . . . brought me back.” Her devilish desire to have him make love to her in every position possible was co-mingled with an adoration she’d never felt for any man before. She felt so liberated, acting like herself again, not living the empty life of a weakling.

“You did that all on your own.” Intermittently kissing her, he skimmed his hands up her shirt and massaged her bare back. “You had that strength inside of you the whole time.”

His voice sounded so sincere. Bunny’s eyes flooded with tears. Winston was the only one who had ever spoken like he understood her, like he really saw inside her. To Jason, she’d just been a butt and boobs he considered his personal property.
If only this night would never end. If only my time with Winston would never end.

“What is it, baby?” Winston kissed away a tear from the corner of one eye.

“Nothing. I’m just so happy, that’s all.” She smiled at him and then looked away, embarrassed he might see how much she cared for him. It was all happening too fast. People didn’t meet one morning and then decide to stay together forever that night.

Winston wove his fingers through her hair and pulled it back from her face. His green eyes transformed to a deeper shade. “Don’t try to hide yourself from me.”

Bunny’s voice caught in her throat. Standing in his comforting embrace felt even better than playing the piano or reading her all-time favorite book again.
I’m in love with him.
“But I’m feeling so much.”

“I know, Bunny. Me, too.” He scooped her up in his arms and walked her toward the stairs. His eyes fluttered shut as he leaned to kiss her.

“You better watch your step, there. I don’t want you to drop me.”

His face, flushed with exertion and desire, intensified the naughty glitter in his eyes. “Don’t worry, I have no intention of delaying our arrival to the bedroom.”

Bunny smiled and traced her fingers over his face. As her body thrummed with excitement over the lovemaking to come, her mind emptied of other thoughts.

Winston carried her up to the third level and kicked his room door open with his foot. His back slouching from fatigue, he hustled her across the floor toward the bed. Hiking her up on his shoulders, he used one hand to pull the covers back before dropping her down onto the bed.

Winston knelt down beside her and straddled her shoulders with his arms, planting another kiss on her lips. “I think it’s time for that shirt to come off.” He undid the line of buttons from her chest to her belly, pulling the fabric open to expose her breasts.

He raised her back to peel her top off. “You look like a goddess naked,” he said, his voice husky with need. He kissed her again, more urgently this time, possessing her mouth while his hands slid over her breasts, raising a line of excited goose pimples. His fingers circled her breasts and then tormented their tips until her nipples stood on high, needy alert. More moisture pulsed between her thighs. She opened her legs, eager to make herself more vulnerable.

She wanted to feel the most intimate part of him pressing her center apart, bringing them as close as a man and woman could be. Winston’s lips and tongue wandered over her neck and down to her breasts. He pulled a nipple into his mouth, alternately sucking on it and flicking it with his tongue.

All inhibitions left her. She threw her head back, let her mouth fall open and licked her lips. She opened her legs a little wider, raising her hips toward his hand. He responded by hiking her skirt up.

“Wicked, no underwear. We can spend less time undressing and more time . . .” Winston slid his hand toward the apex between her legs and slowly stirred up the wetness between her thighs.

Bunny groaned and arched her back. “I’m officially turning my body over to you.” Her speech came out in ragged gasps.

“You like that, don’t you?” Winston let out a wanton laugh. “And I’m just getting started.” He flicked her nipple again and again with his tongue, all the while driving his fingers in and out of her opening. “I love how wet you are. It’s going to be amazing to slide myself inside your tight, moist channel.”

“Mmm.” Bunny was too turned on to answer intelligibly as another shockwave of excitement rippled through her. If she had been able to speak, she would have begged him to plunge inside her. The excitement building up in her pussy almost hurt. She ached to be penetrated completely.

“You look even more beautiful turned on.” He skimmed his hands down to the waist of her cotton skirt. “Time for this to go.” He raised her hips and tugged the skirt down and off.

His moist lips traced a path down her stomach and toward the apex of her thighs.

Bunny moaned and twined her fingers through his blond curls as his tongue played over her pussy. The man seriously knew how to make her insane.

He flicked at her clitoris and then moved his tongue around just inside her opening. At the same time, his hands massaged her thighs, loving her while he made her feel so good. Intoxicating warmth consumed her and her head dropped back on the pillow as she turned herself over to lust. She’d never experienced sexual pleasure like this. Jason never gave her oral sex. Hell, he’d never even given her an orgasm. The only climaxes she’d ever experienced, she’d given herself. And masturbation had felt too solitary.

Feeling Winston’s tongue and hands connecting with all the intimate parts of her body felt so off-the-charts amazing, she would have been willing to do almost anything to prolong the sensation even a second or two. Her vagina clenched as an ecstasy like she’d never experienced before built up inside of her. She groaned and thrashed around the bed, clawing her fingers through Winston’s blond curls. Whatever she was experiencing didn’t seem to be over—it seemed to be intensifying.

Winston looked up at her, thrusting two fingers inside of her as he spoke. “That’s it, baby. Come. Let it all out.” He went back to work, intensifying the thrust of his fingers while he zeroed in on her clitoris. It was too much. Bunny felt her whole lower body shatter in orgasm and she screamed out his name.

After the intense orgasm, she felt like a boneless rag doll lying on the bed. “That was amazing.” Her voice came out sounding slow and drugged.

“I’m glad you liked it.” Winston gave her a lusty smile.

“But I’m still not satisfied.”

Winston smiled and licked his lips. “Really? And why is that?”

“I want to feel every inch of you inside of me.”

“Really? I had that in mind as well.” Winston stood up from the bed, pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it. Then he unzipped his pants, removing them and the briefs he wore beneath them.

Bunny temporarily stopped breathing as she studied his beautifully defined muscles and aroused penis.

He leaned over the bed, his cock standing up tall against his tightly muscled abdomen. “Open your legs.”

Once she did what he commanded, he kneeled between her legs and bent her knees in toward her chest, gradually bringing his penis closer to her exposed opening. “That’s my beauty.” His face close to hers, he gazed into her eyes and touched her breasts, massaging them as he gradually pushed himself inside of her.

The sensation of his penis pressing apart her opening sent her arousal level off the charts all over again. “Oh, Winston, this feels so good,” she moaned.

“Baby, tell me if I’m going in too deep. It feels so damn amazing sinking inside you like this, I might get carried away,” Winston groaned.

“Oh, no, I want more of you.” As he slid in and out of her drenched opening, she opened her legs wider to him, urging him deeper inside. He rocked against her, pushing her knees further in toward her chest with each plunge. “Winston, the way you make love to me—it feels amazing.” His hips mashed up against her clitoris each time he thrust inside of her, intensifying her pleasure with each thrust.

“It’s only going to get better, baby.” He pushed in with his thighs to thrust in deeper, all the while watching her face. His lips were tight with lust, a vein pulsed on his forehead and his eyes flashed different shades of green.

Bunny fell off another cliff of ecstasy. Her walls clenched around him as her orgasm took overtook her. “Oh, Winston,” she shouted.

And then he pounded into her with one last hard thrust, groaning, “Oh, yes, baby,” as his seed spilled inside of her.

They lay on the bed, their bodies entangled in each other’s arms. Instead of falling instantly asleep, Winston skimmed his fingers over her shoulders, her back, and the side of her hip. In addition to being the most sexually titillating experience of her life, making love with Winston felt loving, nurturing, and comforting. She hoped he’d hold her in his arms all night. He raised her chin so her gaze met his. His eyelids drooped and he raised his hand to mask a yawn. “Are you ready to go to sleep?”

“Sure,” said Bunny, smiling. The post-coital haze of exhaustion made sleep sound tempting, but Winston’s masculine proximity kept lusty undercurrents in motion. She craved more.
Maybe he’ll initiate another round of lovemaking during the night

“Let me turn off the light then.” He reached over her and clicked off the light on the nightstand. “Sweet dreams, beautiful. Thank you for making my night perfect.”

“Sweet dreams to you, too. And it’s you who made my night perfect.” She nuzzled in closer, molding the side of her face to the contours of his chest and neck.


* * * *


Winston awoke to thump, thumping at the front door and Tas barking. He leaped from the bed, grabbing the Glock he’d left on the nightstand.

“What’s going on?” Bunny opened one eye and raised her head.

Winston thought she looked more beautiful than ever, her naked body creamy smooth, her eyes swollen from sleep. He reached over and touched her cheek. “Baby, I’m not sure. You stay here while I go down and find out. And lock the door behind you.”

BOOK: The Unseen
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