Read The Venice Job Online

Authors: Deborah Abela

The Venice Job (8 page)

BOOK: The Venice Job
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‘He said our little chase is over.'

‘Oh yeah?' Max shot back in one of her less impressive comebacks.

The men smiled even wider.

But Max had other ideas. She dug into her backpack and pulled out the first thing she found: Plomb's silent bath bomb.

She hurled it at the door's lock which easily crumbled in a puff of silence, except for the sound of the metal clunking against the stone floor.

The two men looked on in surprise, not sure what had just happened.

Max and Luca gave each other a let's-get-out-of-here smile and turned to make their getaway. They stepped from the door, only to find that something was missing.

The ground.


The door opened directly onto a canal. Max and Luca sailed into the air and straight into the cold water.

Max held her breath and swam underwater, holding her hands in front of her, hoping to find something that would offer her a hiding place from her two pursuers.

Then she found it. She'd nudged into what felt like the bottom of a wooden boat. With the last of her strength, she held her breath long enough to swim to the end. When she'd carefully positioned herself out of sight, she gulped in a lungful of air and tried to work out where she was.

The canal they had jumped into was lined with quietly bobbing boats and tightly packed houses, speckled with the signs of age. Max poked her head around the side of the boat to see the two men give up their search in frustration and hurry back into the building.

Her shoulders sank in relief until she realised she couldn't see Luca.

‘Luca?' she whispered.

She shivered from the cold water and from a slowly rising fear. Her heart raced and her breath shortened.

‘Luca?' She looked around, hoping he'd emerge from behind one of the other boats. ‘Please don't let anything have happened to him.'

Her teeth began to chatter as the icy water swirled around her.

‘Luca, please come up. I know I've been acting strange around you but that didn't mean I didn't like you. In fact, I think it was only because …'

‘Because of what?' Luca swam up behind her.

Max stared back at him like a wide-mouthed fish. ‘Because …' she thought. ‘We need you for this mission. Who else is going to help me with my Italian?'

Luca gave her a knowing smile. ‘I'm glad to be needed.' He swam towards a set of steps and held out his hand. Max followed and reluctantly accepted his hand only to trip on the draping wet leg of her trousers and fall straight into his arms.

Aaaahhh! For a moment Max wasn't sure if she'd screamed out loud or not.

‘If I was a fisherman,' Luca said, ‘I'd talk about this for years as my best catch.'

Instead of feeling ridiculous, Max giggled. She pulled herself carefully out of his arms and squeezed water from her jacket and jumper. ‘I knew if I came to this city I'd spend a lot of time in the water.'

Luca laughed. ‘You have a wonderful sense of humour.'

Max's heart did a ridiculous flip. She wasn't
known for her sense of humour and no-one had ever said it was wonderful. She had to get out of there before Luca said anything else and she really did scream.

‘We'd better get on with it.'

‘Those guys were serious,' Luca frowned. ‘What do you think they wanted?'

‘Not sure, but I don't really want to stick around to find out.'

A man's voice singing in Italian came out of a nearby house.

‘In here,' Max whispered as they ducked around a corner.

The man walked over to a powerboat, lifted out a basket of tomatoes and walked back into the house.

‘Let's go.' But as Max stepped out, the two men who'd been chasing them appeared from around a corner only metres in front of them.

‘Don't you ever give up?' Max complained.

Luca saw keys in the ignition of the singing man's boat. ‘Jump in.'

‘We're going to steal a boat?'

‘You have another idea?'

Max didn't, especially as the two guys had started running towards them. She jumped in after Luca and he started the boat.

‘Can you drive this thing?' Max shouted over the engine.

‘No, but I will try.'

‘Hey!' The singing man came out of the house and ran towards them yelling and shaking his fists. Max knew they had no choice.

‘All right, but if you get me killed you're in big trouble.'

‘It's a deal.'

Luca pressed hard on the accelerator and the boat veered away from the side of the canal sending a spray of water into the air behind them.

‘Aaaah!' This time Max knew she'd screamed out loud as she crouched down low and clung onto the passenger seat. She turned back to see the two men lift a young guy out of his boat and throw him into the canal. Within seconds, they were in pursuit.

‘They're coming!'

Luca looked over his shoulder. ‘Looks like our little chase isn't over.'

He tore through the water of the narrow canal, swerving to avoid a bucket of water thrown by a young girl, and a house painter standing on a ladder in a boat. He swung into a smaller canal and turned sharply to dodge a remote-controlled yacht that was sailing in the middle.

But what he saw next wasn't so easy to avoid. A lavishly decorated gondola with reclining honeymooners had drifted across the canal.

‘We're going to die!' Max looked up, then quickly sank back down again, shutting her eyes tight.

‘Look out!' Luca shouted but it was too late, their boat crashed straight through the gondola, slicing it in two.

The honeymooners slipped into the water and only just managed to swim out of the way before the two goons tore into the canal, leaving the angry gondolier shouting to the sky as the two halves of his boat disappeared beneath the churned waters.

Luca was horrified and called back apologies, but when he turned back, he had other things to worry about as he sped towards an overloaded barge stacked high with boxes and crates. ‘Uh oh.'

He spotted a ramp that was being used for loading the boxes.

‘Hold on!' he called to Max.

‘No kidding.' Max gripped even tighter.

Luca pressed harder on the accelerator and steered the boat onto the ramp so that it lifted into air for whole seconds before splashing in a canal-soaking shower.

‘Woah! That was great.' Luca flicked his
dripping hair out of his eyes and turned the boat into a hard spin. It rose on the wash and then settled on a wave just in time for Max and Luca to see their pursuers slam into the barge, sending a volcano of boxes and crates into the air before raining down all over them.

‘This boat thing is pretty easy. You can let go of that now.' Luca pointed to Max's white knuckles clutching onto the seat.

‘Sure. I knew that.' Max stood up.

‘And now it's time to get back.' Luca took the controls and manoeuvred the boat into a smaller canal. ‘Are you okay?'

‘Remind me not to put my life in your hands again.' Max shivered from the cold and the thought that her life had nearly ended.

‘Yes, but after a little practice I could be a speedboat champion?'

‘Maybe.' Max admitted. ‘That boat ramp was good thinking.'

‘Thank you.' Luca smiled. ‘But I can do better.'

Max laughed as her watch vibrated on her wrist.

‘Hello, Linden, and before you ask, yes, we finally lost those two guys, with a lot of help from Luca's crazy boat driving. You should have seen …'

Max was quiet and her smile drained from her
face. ‘Okay, we'll be there straight away.'

She lowered her wrist.

‘What's wrong?' Luca didn't like the concern in Max's voice.

‘We have to go back to your house. Steinberger has something urgent he needs to tell us.' Max wasn't sure why, but she had a bad feeling about the message. ‘Let's go.'

Luca didn't ask any more questions, and as a crack of thunder pounded overhead, the rain that had been threatening finally began to fall. Luca grabbed a raincoat that was at his feet and draped it around Max's shoulders.

In the narrow surrounding streets, parents grabbed small children, swung them into their arms or covered their heads with handbags as they ran to their homes. The few remaining tourists scrambled into restaurants and churches, or, if they were close enough, scurried back to their hotels.

Sirens began to wail throughout the city.

‘There will be a high tide. We must get back quickly.'

Max braced herself against the rain as Luca steered the boat carefully through the many winding canals towards his home.

‘You were in a boat chase?' Toby asked Max.

‘Yes, and you should have seen Luca, he handled the boat like he was a racing champion.' Max felt better now that she was warm and dry.

Toby frowned. He was used to being the centre of attention, the one the girls all chased and whispered about in giggles at school. Being overlooked for someone else was new to him and he didn't like it.

‘But …'

‘It's time to talk to Steinberger.'

The agents sat on the lounge in Max's room. Linden activated the Shush Zone and Max turned on her palm computer so that Steinberger appeared immediately before them.

‘Agent 31 has been hurt.'

The news washed over Max like a cold wind. ‘Hurt?'

‘He was to meet two other agents we have on the ground in Venice, but he failed to turn up. They used the locator on their palm computers to find him dumped in the grounds of a fish yard. He was knocked unconscious.' Steinberger spoke carefully. ‘He has a broken arm and a knife wound to the side.'

‘Is it serious?' Linden asked.

‘He'll be okay. He's being taken care of in hospital.'

Max was having trouble believing Steinberger's news. ‘But how was his cover blown?'

‘We're not sure. Agent 31 is one of the best in the business when it comes to being discreet. But we do feel this is a warning that the people behind the threat are very clever, and very dangerous.'

Steinberger fell into a heavy silence.

‘Don't worry, Steinberger.' Max wanted to reassure him. ‘We'll complete our mission.'

‘Yes, the mission,' Steinberger reluctantly continued. ‘I've spoken to Mr Harrison who wants you to abort the minute you think you're being followed.'

‘Abort?' Max had never heard Steinberger suggest aborting a mission before, no matter how dangerous it was becoming. ‘But sir, what about Venice?'

‘We have other agents briefed who can take over within an hour. Once your cover is blown, your lives will be in great danger and it will be vital that we get you out of there as soon as we can.'

Luca went to speak. ‘Actually sir, we are …'

‘Being very careful,' Toby interrupted. ‘If we think we're being followed, we'll let you know.'

Luca frowned at Toby who gave him a warning look in return.

‘That makes me feel better,' Steinberger mustered a half smile. ‘I'll be in touch as soon as I know more. Oh, and those two men you asked me to I.D., all we found was small-time crime, but nothing to get too worried about. Why did you want them checked?'

‘We happened to spot them behaving suspiciously in the Piazza San Marco,' Toby jumped in. ‘But if they're petty criminals that probably explains it.'

‘Oh, okay then,' Steinberger replied. ‘I don't want any of you to take unnecessary risks.'

‘Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. Goodbye,' said Max as she closed the connection.

‘We should have told him.' Luca was annoyed that Toby had lied.

‘So he could take us off the mission?'

‘He is the boss, we must trust what he says.'

‘Do you do everything you're told?' Toby was beginning to lose patience with Signore Charming.

Luca said proudly, ‘Yes, I do.'

‘Then life must be very boring for you,' Toby muttered. ‘And why are we being followed, Luca? The only people who know we are here are some
high-ranking Italian police, Spyforce … and your family.'

Luca looked away. ‘I don't know what to say.'

‘We all heard what Steinberger said,' Linden reasoned. ‘The people behind this are very dangerous and are probably following anyone with even the slightest connection to the mayor or the city authorities.'

Toby frowned. Linden made sense, but that didn't mean Luca was in the clear.

‘From now on, we all have to be extra cautious about who we talk to,' finished Linden.

There was a knock at the door. Linden deactivated the Shush Zone and Luca opened the door to face one of the house staff who handed him a note. There was an exchange of Italian before Luca closed the door and turned to the others. ‘Another note.'

‘We can see that,' Toby responded pointedly.

‘The housekeeper found it under the front door. It is addressed to Maxine.'

Max unfolded it. ‘It says, “I have news about the threat against Venice. Meet me at the Rialto Bridge at one p.m.” That's in less than an hour!'

‘Who is it from?' Toby asked.

Max turned over the note. ‘It doesn't say.' She looked at Luca. ‘How long will it take to walk there?'

‘Almost half an hour, but you can't go,' Luca decided.

‘I have to. What if it's information we need to save Venice?'

‘And what if it is one of those guys who was following us?'

Max paused before she decided. ‘We can't ignore it and we don't have time to talk about it.'

‘But look at the weather. This storm is going to be big.'

‘I'll take an umbrella.' Max wanted to take the frown off Luca's serious face. ‘I'll be okay.'

‘Luca's right, Max,' Linden cautioned. ‘This note could be from anyone. Toby and I will follow at a safe distance and keep track of you with our locators. Luca will stay here by the computer in case we need backup.' Max started to object but he cut her off. ‘That's the only way we're going to do this.'

With their palm computers out, they studied their maps of Venice while Luca showed them the most direct route to the city's most famous bridge. Linden, Max and Toby grabbed their backpacks and put on jackets and raincoats. Max stood at the front door ready to leave.

‘The second you need our help, press the
emergency button on your watch and we'll be there,' Linden instructed.

‘Okay.' Max smiled a little nervously.

‘And take this.' Luca handed Max an umbrella. ‘That way you'll be okay, yes?'

‘Yes.' Max gave him a reassuring smile. Luca opened the door for her and she left.

Toby and Linden waited a few minutes then followed closely behind.

The rain fell heavily on the city in a blanket of grey. Max held the umbrella close to her head and wound her way through the rain-clogged streets. The water rose quickly and swirled around her feet like grasping hands, before spilling into the canals.

Charcoal-coloured clouds poured a foggy darkness on the city. Max squinted through the wind, rain and blurred streetlights, trying to make sure she was going the right way. Finally, she found herself at the edge of the Grand Canal, whose water slapped over the sides and onto the path in great slabs. Max guided herself by staying close to the buildings, inching her way forward until she reached the Rialto Bridge.

She wiped her hair out of her eyes and tried to steady the umbrella against the wind. The ground beneath her feet was consumed by a rising flood of
water. She wriggled her toes in her sodden shoes, trying to create some warmth, telling herself she wouldn't be here for long.

And she was right.

From the shadows behind her, a hooded figure leapt out, arms outstretched, coming straight for her. Max caught a glimpse of a smile but before she could defend herself, he rammed into her and she was forced to the edge of the canal.

Max clung to the figure, trying to avoid being pushed into the thrashing waters. She wriggled in his grasp, struggling to break free.

‘Max!' Linden called through the storm as he and Toby ran towards her.

Her attacker was momentarily distracted and Max took her chance. She lifted her knee and slammed her foot down onto his. He screamed a pained wail and loosened his grip, but as Max went to make her move, she tripped on an uneven stone and fell backwards into the water.

‘Not another canal!' she thought as she found herself surrounded by a dark world of water. She was dragged down by the charging current. It tumbled and threw her about so she had no idea where the surface was. She waved her arms, hoping to find her bearings and reach the surface. Her lungs ached and
she knew she had to breathe in the next few seconds or she wouldn't be able to hold on.

Without warning, she was pushed to the surface by a jostling frenzy of waves. She heaved in a deep gasp of air but was quickly submerged as another powerful wall of water crashed over her.

She fought against the current but it was no good. Max felt a rising nausea take over. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't see. She felt her limbs weaken and give up. She took in another gulp of water and then everything turned black.

BOOK: The Venice Job
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