Read The Vincent Brothers 2 Online

Authors: Abbi Glines

The Vincent Brothers 2 (5 page)

BOOK: The Vincent Brothers 2
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              “You’re right. I was a jackass. I’ll apologize to her next time I see her.”

              Beau seemed appeased. His eyes shifted back to her now lit bedroom window. She and Lana would be inside talking and I wondered if I’d have something else to apologize for the next time I saw her. Because if Lana told her about that kiss then Ash would be pissed. Not because I kissed Lana but because I’d been a complete dick afterwards.

              “Good,” Beau started to get into his truck and stopped. “Hey you, wanna go play some pool?”

              “Aunt Honey working?”


              That meant free beer. I nodded, “Lead the way.”




              I’d barely made it inside the door when Ashton had come racing inside squealing. She’d made quick work of getting us past her parents and their questions concerning my parents and up to her room. She closed the door and spun around smiling brightly at me.

              “I am so glad you’re here.”

              Her long blond hair was hanging loose down her back and her golden tan was already perfect. How did she do that? It had been summer for what now—a week? We shared the same green eyes. That was it. When I was younger, I’d hated her. Not because she was mean but because she looked like a Barbie doll. To retaliate, I’d been the one who was mean.

              “Me too,” I replied when she plunked down on the bed beside me. Getting away from my mother and her endless griping about my dad was a major relief. They’d been officially divorced now for three months but she still ranted about him daily.

              “We’re going to have so much fun. Kayla Jenkins’ birthday is tomorrow night and she’s having a huge party at her house. She throws one every year. You’ll love it and get to meet everyone. Then Beau and I have been talking about a camping trip. Maybe for a week up at Cheaha. We’re going to invite Sawyer, since hiking is his thing, and some other people. You, of course, are coming too. Then Leann is at the beach all summer at her grandmother’s beach house. So, I told her we’d come visit her one week.” Forcing a smile was hard but I somehow managed.

              Pushing Sawyer’s reaction to our kiss as far away from my mind as I could, I put all my focus into talking to Ashton.

              “That all sounds like fun. I’m game for whatever,” I assured her.

              Leaning forward she touched my hair and studied my face. Then her face broke into a huge grin, “You’re wearing makeup and your hair is darker and...,” she studied my skirt and top. “You have stylish clothes.”

              “I decided it was time for a change,” I replied, unable to suppress my smile.

              “Well, you look

              Ashton stood up and started pulling off the cowboy boots she’d been wearing with a black sundress that barely made it halfway to her knees. It was like God had decided to try his hand at making someone perfect and chose Ashton as his experiment.

              “Sawyer said he brought you home. How was he? I mean, was he in a good mood?”

              I wasn’t sure how I felt about Ashton still worrying about Sawyer. I hadn’t expected this when I’d planned to spend the summer here. It had been six months since the breakup. Normal people moved on in six months, didn’t they? I mean, she was with Beau now. Shouldn’t everything be water under the bridge at this point?

              “He, uh, was fine.” Okay, so that was a lie but I wanted to protect him from her. He wouldn’t want Ashton to know he was still affected by her and Beau.

              She let out a sigh and plopped back down on the bed folding her legs up underneath her and facing me. “Good. He and Beau kind of had some words at the field tonight. I had to jump in Beau’s arms to keep them from tearing it up. That’s why he left and ended up at Wings.”

              I hadn’t seen them fight since we were kids. Surely, they weren’t fighting over Ashton still. “What happened?” I asked, knowing I probably didn’t want to hear this.

              “Stupid stuff. Beau didn’t like the way Sawyer spoke to me. It wasn’t a big deal but Beau got real upset and went on the defensive. They still haven’t found a way to handle me being in the middle.”

              The last time I’d been sitting on her bed talking about the Vincent boys I had told her that she needed to let both of them go. Even then, I knew she wouldn’t be able to. They were so much a part of her life. Beau, especially.

              “Is Sawyer dating?” I asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.

              Ashton let out a short laugh, “I wish.”

              That was odd. He was gorgeous, talented, athletic, polite, and funny—how did someone like him go six months without some girl managing to snag a date?

              “Not even one date?”

              Ashton shrugged and pulled her knees up to her chin wrapping her arms around the front of her legs. “I think maybe one or two dates. Not sure. I don’t ask, really. Sawyer still acts weird around me and Beau gets very territorial if I bring up Sawyer. He doesn’t like me talking about him much.”             

              How sad for Sawyer. Ashton had been a big part of his life since they were twelve. Now, he couldn’t really talk to her anymore without Beau standing over them. As much as I wanted Sawyer to be over Ashton, I didn’t like the picture in my head. Sawyer, alone, bothered me. He didn’t deserve that. He’d been so good to both of them.

Welcome to the Jungle
started blaring and Ashton reached for her cell phone on the table beside the bed. 

              “You cannot already be in bed,” Ashton purred into the phone. It had to be Beau.

              “Really? Oh, okay, well that’s good. I’m glad the two of you are out together.” My ears perked up and I studied my fingernails trying to appear as if I weren’t completely curious about this conversation.

              “I love you too. Be careful and remember he doesn’t drink much so get him home safe.” Was Sawyer drinking? With Beau?

              Ashton smiled, “No, I love you more.”

              Oh, please.

              “I’ll keep it beside my pillow. Call me as soon as you get home.”

              “Yes, we’re catching up,” she lifted her eyes to smile brightly at me.

              “Okay, love you, bye.”

              She dropped her phone in her lap and let out a happy sigh.

              “I know you don’t like how things went down and that Sawyer was hurt but I love Beau so much, Lana. I’d do it all over again if I had to. I hated hurting Sawyer, I really did. I’ve never been so happy. Beau is wonderful.” Her voice went all dreamy and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.


Chapter Five




I still couldn’t figure out why I was here. Sure, I’d been to Kayla’s birthday parties every year since seventh grade but that had been because Ash wanted to come. This year, what Ash wanted no longer mattered, so why the hell was I here?

              Spill Canvas blared through the speakers outside. The pool had several different colored strobe lights pointed at it from an upstairs balcony making the blue water appear pink, purple, green and yellow. Teak loungers surrounded the pool along with tiki torches. Last year, Jake had bumped into one of those and caught an umbrella on fire. Before it could get too out of hand, Beau had picked it up and chunked it into the pool. We’d laughed about it for weeks afterward.

              I made my way over to the self-serve makeshift bar right outside the pool house, which basically consisted of large metal tubs filled with ice and drinks. If I was going to endure tonight, I needed alcohol. Lots of it.

              “Sawyer! The man has arrived,” Ryan Mason slurred. He was already drunk. This was no surprise. The Mason boys were the owners of the land that we had our field parties on. Ryan’s older brother had started the field parties years back.

              I nodded his way and reached for a bottle of Corona that was hidden under ice cubes.

              “That’s it buddy, drink up. Ain’t got to impress the preacher’s daughter anymore, do ya?” Ryan called out from the middle of the pool. He was laying on a float with some girl I was pretty sure had gone to our school snuggled up beside him.

              I didn’t respond to his asinine comment. Like Ash cared about that. Hell, she’d left me for Beau. Twisting off the top and throwing it into the recycle bin beside the drinks, I took a long swig. The cold liquid didn’t make me feel better but at least it tasted good.

              Turning to walk back to the house and maybe find a television so I could turn on ESPN Sports Center, I took only a few steps before the glass doors opened and out stepped Ashton, Beau, and Lana.

              Ah hell, I should’ve stayed home. Ashton waved at Kayla and pulled Lana over to where Kayla was lounging with some of the other girls we’d graduated with. Beau’s eyes met mine and he sauntered over to stand beside me. Both his hands were tucked into the front pockets of his jeans.

              “Didn’t think you’d come to this,” Beau said in way of greeting.

              Shrugging, I held up the Corona in my hand, “Free beer.”

              Beau grinned and nodded. Free beer was definitely something he understood. His eyes didn’t leave Ash as she chatted happily with the other girls. The tiny cover-up she was wearing over her bikini left little to the imagination. She’d never dressed like that when we’d dated. Probably another one of her attempts at being perfect for me. What bullshit.

              “Better be Lana you’re checking out,” Beau warned.

              I shifted my eyes to Lana and was surprised to see her in a pair of really tiny shorts. Her legs weren’t tanned like Ash’s but they were long and shaped exactly like Ashton’s. The pale creamy color was delicate looking. I ran my gaze up her body and took in the way her hips flared just below a very small waist completely visible in the halter-top she wore over her bikini. It was odd that she had so many freckles on her face. The rest of her body looked so perfectly smooth she appeared almost airbrushed.

              “I think she likes you,” Beau’s words broke into my thoughts and I tore my gaze off Lana’s head of dark copper curls and looked at my brother.


              “Lana, she asked about you this evening. Wondered if you’d be here,” Beau smirked. “I think she might have a crush on the quarterback.”

              I shifted my attention back to Lana at the same time she peered over her shoulder and our eyes met. She froze, as if in shock I’d been looking her way. Ashton’s cousin wasn’t hard on the eyes and she was really sweet. I took another drink of my Corona while playing around with the idea of getting my mind off Ash with Lana.

              “Told ya,” Beau said in an amused tone.

              Maybe he was right. Lana’s mouth lifted in a small smile and I remembered how soft her lips had felt under mine. It’d been one helluva kiss.

              “Come on, let’s go get you something a little stronger than a beer. It’s time you moved on from Ash before we end up beating the shit out of each other again.”

              Beau headed for the pool house and I reluctantly broke the lingering gaze we’d held longer than I expected, to follow my brother.




Beau pressed his hand on the lower part of Ashton’s back in a territorial way as he led her toward the stairs. I watched as she fought between the desire to go with her boyfriend and her duty to stay with me.

              “I can’t leave Lana,” Ashton whispered.

              Beau grabbed her waist and tugged her up against his chest. His eyes never once left Ashton’s face. “Lana is a big girl and won’t mind if I steal you away for a few minutes... or more,” he lifted his hazel eyes and grinned at me. “You don’t mind, do you Lana?”

              Like I was going to piss off Beau Vincent by admitting that I really didn’t want to be left alone. Shaking my head, I forced a smile, “Um, no that’s fine. Y’all, uh, go do whatever.”

              Beau turned his gaze back to Ashton, “Please come with me.” His voice had dropped and his eyes went all dark and pleading. No way Ashton was going to turn him down now.

              “Okay,” she whispered without giving me a second glance. I watched as Beau led her up the stairs. Surely, she wasn’t going to have
with him in Kayla’s house. Shaking my head, I turned to head back outside. Maybe Sawyer would be alone and I could work up the nerve to go talk to him.

              Before I reached the door, Sawyer walked inside. His eyes seemed a little glassy and his normally perfectly styled hair was messy. I stopped and watched him as he scanned the room until his eyes found me and stopped. A slow grin spread across his lips and he sauntered toward me. Or was he staggering a little?

              “Hey Lana, what you doin’ all alone?”

              I swallowed the nervous knot in my throat, as he stood so close my arm was touching his. “Uh, well, Ash and Beau went,” I pointed toward the stairs unable to tell him what they’d gone to do.

              His amused smile became an angry snarl as he shifted his focus to the steps leading upstairs like they were repugnant. Great, I’d got him all worked up over Beau and Ashton again.

              A warm hand closed around mine and I squeaked in surprise. Sawyer chuckled and slipped his fingers between mine, “Come on, sweet little Lana. You can come entertain me since you’ve been left stranded. Besides, I’ve been looking at those long sexy legs all night. You make them shorts look real good.”

              I gaped at him as he pulled me over to an empty couch. Had Sawyer just said my legs were sexy? I didn’t have time to think about his statement before he was pulling me down to sit in his lap.

BOOK: The Vincent Brothers 2
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