Read Their Master's Pleasure Online

Authors: B. A. Bradbury

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #historical, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #cp, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

Their Master's Pleasure (4 page)

BOOK: Their Master's Pleasure
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She did not hurry things, this marvellous woman, but teased me, speeding up then slowing down to make my pleasure last. I held back as best I could, but all good things come to an end. As the climax surged through me I squeezed her breasts, hard. Despite the pain she dutifully kept my cock in her mouth till I had emptied myself into her, swallowing my semen as I had taught her.


Chapter 4



A day or two after the trip to Oxford, in the middle of the afternoon, there came a faint tapping at the study door as though some tiny, anxious creature were trying to get in. I suspected that wasn't too far from the truth, in fact.

‘Enter,' I said.

The door opened and Alice, the housemaid, crept into the room. She was a timid thing, slightly built and not very tall. Though I wouldn't describe her as pretty, she was not without charms and mounting her was a surprisingly satisfying experience. Like Rose, she had been one of cousin Bertie's servants. When I took up residence and made plain what I required of female staff they were the only ones prepared to take a beating - prepared, maybe, but far from happy in the case of Alice, who I soon discovered had a morbid fear of the cane. As I kept such an implement on my desk at all times in case of urgent need, her nervousness was perhaps understandable.

Alice eyed the cane anxiously as she stood before me, quaking in her shoes, and told me I had a visitor. ‘A... a young gentleman, sir,' she stammered. ‘He said... he said his name is Frederick Patterson.'

‘Frederick?' I cried, jumping to my feet, which caused Alice to flinch mightily. ‘My dearest girl, show him in!'

Alice fled in dismay - I think it was the endearment that did it - and a few moments later my visitor entered. ‘Freddie!' I said. ‘Come in, my boy... come in.'

‘Hello, sir,' he said, grinning. ‘You're looking well. Country life obviously suits you.'

It was several years since I'd last seen this personable young fellow and only now did I realise how much I had missed him. I'd known Freddie since he was a babe in his nurse's arms, being a friend of the family. I was his godfather, in truth of fact, though I had neglected his spiritual guidance dreadfully over the years.

‘It suits me very well indeed,' I said. ‘And how are you, you young rascal?'

Not so young, in fact, for it was not the boy I remembered who stood before me now but a handsome young man, elegantly dressed in riding gear, almost as tall as I. He reminded me somewhat of myself at that age, when the world seemed full of possibilities and I couldn't wait to explore every one of them. I too was considered handsome in those days (and still am, if several ladies of my acquaintance are to be believed) but Freddie would have put me in the shade, with his father's elegant nose and his mother's crystal blue eyes that seemed to twinkle when he smiled.

He replied that he was well and we shook hands. ‘What are you doing here, Freddie? Not that you're not welcome at any time, you know that - but shouldn't you be at school? Or is it university now?'

‘Cambridge, actually; but I've been expelled. I had a dalliance with the vice-chancellor's daughter.'

‘His daughter? Is that all?' Had it come to this, that a promising lad could be expelled merely for tumbling some lass, even if she
the vice-chancellor's own daughter? The education system had gone to the dogs since I was at school, clearly.

‘Well, not quite all,' Frederick admitted. ‘His wife too, in fact, and both their maids, though for some reason Dr Greenaway seemed less concerned about them.'

‘Good God! Was there a female in the place you

‘Matron,' he said firmly. ‘But if you saw her, sir, you'd understand.'

Bemused, I shook my head. Freddie had always been something of a scallywag, but I never anticipated anything like this. Expelled - for fornication, no less! There was hope for the lad yet. ‘I expect your father had something to say about it?' I ventured.

Freddie nodded slowly. ‘Indeed, we had a word or two. I'm sure you can imagine the conversation.'

I had known Frederick's father for more years than I cared to remember. Though I hadn't seen him in some considerable time we still exchanged letters from time to time. Never the most tolerant of men, he wouldn't view his son's escapade with a kindly eye.

‘He's well, I hope?' I said.

‘Very well, thank you. Mother also. She sends her best wishes.'

I felt a pang, even after all these years. There was a time... but that was ancient history. Colette had made her choice and we both had little option but to live with it. ‘So,' I said breezily, deliberately lightening the mood, ‘do you have any plans? Anything I can do to help?'

‘I'd like to stay a few weeks, sir, if that's all right. Once father has calmed down a bit I'll talk to him. Knowing my luck, it will be the army.' His mouth turned down and I gathered he was far from thrilled at the prospect of military life.

‘Stay just as long as you like, my boy,' I said. ‘We're delighted to have you.'

I said ‘we', but then I did wonder. What would the females of the household make of this godson of mine? And, more to the point, what would he make of them? I felt fairly sure I knew what he would try to
to them, given his recent escapades. So... how did I feel about that? I found I wasn't jealous, to my credit; they weren't my private property after all. Freddie was welcome to try his hand, just so long as he didn't force his attentions on anyone who wasn't willing. That was one thing I certainly

Some, of course, were perfectly able to take care of themselves: Elizabeth, Irene Hammond, Victoria - indeed, where my red-headed ward was concerned, I thought it more likely she would molest Freddie than the other way round. Cathy might be a problem, for she was still a virgin and I was uncomfortable with the idea of Freddie deflowering the girl. He and I would need to come to an understanding about that. The maids also were a mixed bunch: I felt sure Rose could look after herself, as could twins Molly and Mary, Bleekston Hall's most recent acquisitions. Alice was a different matter, being easily intimidated - again, I would have to make things plain in her regard. Our cook, Mrs Smith, was probably safe from his lecherous advances, for she was a large lady and I imagined Freddie, like most young men his age, preferred youthful slenderness.

‘Freddie,' I said soberly, ‘we need to have a serious chat.'

He took it well, I have to say, nodding gravely as I outlined the ground rules and afterwards promising solemnly to behave as a gentleman. Specifically he would not attempt to coerce any female against her will, being especially considerate of meek little Alice. Cathy, he agreed, was totally out of bounds.

‘Please understand,' I said, ‘I am in no way asking you to remain celibate during your stay here. You're clearly a healthy young man, with a young man's appetites. There are certain females in this house, I'm sure, who will be more than happy to enjoy a romp with a handsome fellow such as yourself. Just so long as they truly are “happy”, you have my blessing.'

‘I appreciate that, sir,' he said. ‘I won't let you down.'

‘Good. That's good, my boy. I do want you to enjoy your stay - I see little enough of my only godson, heaven knows!'

‘How long has it been, sir - four years? That was at your old house, of course, in the days when you had just one servant. Poppy, wasn't it?'

‘Polly; my maid-of-all-work.'

‘Polly, of course. Very pretty, as I recall. Pert little bottom, too.'

‘Her bottom?' I said in surprise. ‘I wasn't aware you'd even seen it.'

‘I did, sir,' he said with a rueful grin. ‘I'm ashamed to admit I spied on the pair of you. I heard someone cry out late in the evening and crept downstairs to see what was happening. The parlour door was closed, but I peeped through the keyhole. You were strapping her on her bare behind.'

‘Was I?' I chuckled. ‘That must have come as something of a shock.'

‘Part of me was shocked, I suppose, but part of me was excited too. Everything seemed suddenly clear, if you take my meaning. It was as if I'd discovered in that instant my true calling.'

I knew precisely what he meant. His experience mirrored my own exactly, the first time I happened upon my grandfather punishing one of the maids. Something changed inside me too that day and I've never looked back. But was I understanding this right? Was my godson
claiming to be a fellow devotee of the noble art?

‘Are you trying to tell me you're a spanker, Freddie?' I asked.

‘Every opportunity I get, sir - which isn't as often as I would like, I have to say. The last occasion was some two months ago, in fact.'

‘The vice-chancellor's daughter?' I ventured.

He shook his head. ‘I tried, but she wasn't having any of it.
Greenaway was more sporting, though.'

I have to say, I couldn't have been more pleased if he'd announced he'd been awarded a life peerage. For my godson to take up spanking felt like continuing the family tradition, almost, Freddie being the nearest thing I had to a son.

He had fallen silent and sat watching me thoughtfully. Though good manners prevented him from asking outright, the plea was unmistakable.

‘Well,' I said, ‘I'd be surprised if an opportunity to warm a bottom or two didn't present itself during your stay. I have a comprehensive collection of implements you're more than welcome to borrow. Should any of the servants give cause for complaint or fail to perform to your satisfaction, I'm sure you won't be tardy in taking her to task.'

‘Sir, you're far too kind.'

‘Not at all,' I said. ‘After all, what are godfathers for?'

I rang for Alice and told her to ask my wards and Irene Hammond to attend me here in the study. The four arrived shortly, whereupon I introduced Frederick and explained that he would be staying with us for a few weeks. ‘I know you'll all do your best to make my godson feel at home,' I said. ‘It must surely be a little overwhelming for any young man to find himself surrounded by so much beauty.'

There were modest murmurs and nods at that and Freddie gave them his most winning smile in return. From the look in Victoria's eye I had no doubts she would soon be giving him a special welcome all her own. I allowed the ladies to depart and then fetched in the staff and repeated the introductions, with a slight variation at the end.

‘Mr Frederick is to be treated as an honoured guest,' I said in conclusion. ‘His instructions are to be obeyed as if they are my own, is that clear? He has my full confidence and my permission to dispense justice should the need arise. I'm sure you'll all work hard to ensure that it

They might try, but I doubted they would succeed, for Freddie was a man after my own heart. It was only a matter of time before some maid found herself bending over a chair, skirts up and drawers down, of that I was positive.

I dismissed the lot of them and they went back to their duties. ‘That's settled, then,' I said to Freddie. ‘Let's take a stroll about the grounds. I'm keen to hear more about this Mrs Greenaway of yours.'


I would have wagered fifty guineas Victoria would be the first to bed our guest, so it was fortunate there was no one on hand to take the bet, for it was the terrible twins Molly and Mary who had that honour. Nor did my godson waste any time - it was early that same evening when I saw the pair of them emerge from his room, red-faced, clothing in disarray and giggling like a couple of schoolgirls who've just seen Michelangelo's
in all his naked glory.

‘Beg pardon, sir, but we have to do the dining room...' Molly said, as they went past me on the landing.

‘...or Mrs Hammond will have our hides,' Mary continued, nudging her sister hard in the ribs with her elbow.

This back-and-forth style of speaking was the norm with this pair - and most odd it was too till one grew accustomed to it. Then again, everything about them was odd, not least their willingness to thrash each other mercilessly to spare their master the effort.

They disappeared, still giggling, and I waited there on the landing. Sure enough, Freddie himself came out a minute later, looking somewhat dishevelled and not a little put out. ‘I see you've been getting acquainted with the Tavistock sisters,' I said. ‘Unusual young women, wouldn't you say?'

‘Very,' he said faintly. ‘Where in heaven's name did you find them?'

‘It's a long story,' I said. ‘So tell me, Freddie, did you have cause to punish them?'

‘I did, sir. A minor matter only - they entered my room without knocking, then stood around gossiping as though I wasn't there. Normally I would have simply told them off and sent them packing, but the notion of thrashing a pair of identical twins simultaneously quite tickled my fancy, so I ordered them to hike up their skirts and drop their drawers. I'm ashamed to say, I couldn't go through with it. Once we got started their behaviour was so strange - so outrageous in fact - I gave them each a token six-of-the-best and told them they could go.'

BOOK: Their Master's Pleasure
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